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单词 Anticipation
1. She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.
2. We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
3. A pleasure is sometimes greatest in anticipation.
4. The dog drooled in anticipation of his dinner.
5. There is growing anticipation that the prime minister will have to resign.
6. A tennis player shows good anticipation by moving quickly into position.
7. There's been an atmosphere of anticipation around here for a few days now.
8. Meg was in a state of fevered anticipation.
9. Scottish rugby fans are licking their lips in anticipation.
10. He was in a lather of anticipation.
11. He smiled in anticipation of her imminent arrival.
12. An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd.
13. We waited in tremulous anticipation.
14. She tried to suppress a shiver of anticipation.
15. They waited, breathless with anticipation.
16. They licked their lips in anticipation.
17. Her eyes grew wide in anticipation.
18. The courtroom was filled with anticipation.
19. Her eyes flickered nervously in anticipation.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited.
21. The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.
22. People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year.
23. We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.
24. People are buying extra groceries in anticipation of heavy snowstorms.
25. The workers have called off their strike in anticipation of a pay offer.
26. Westminster was buzzing with anticipation today as MPs gathered for tonight's crucial vote.
27. We are full of anticipation, and can't wait to visit you.
28. Taylor was excited and full of anticipation at the prospect of the trip.
29. Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.
30. The postponement of the film's sequel has held cinema-goers in eager anticipation for several months.
1. She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.
2. We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
3. A pleasure is sometimes greatest in anticipation.
4. The dog drooled in anticipation of his dinner.
5. There is growing anticipation that the prime minister will have to resign.
6. There's been an atmosphere of anticipation around here for a few days now.
7. Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.
8. We waited in tremulous anticipation.
9. Her eyes flickered nervously in anticipation.
10. The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.
11. People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of a famine year.
31. As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.
32. Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.
33. She's even decorated the spare room in anticipation of your visit.
34. The unexpected news sent a thrill of anticipation through the group.
35. In anticipation of bad weather they took plenty of warm clothes.
36. He went towards the front door with pleasurable anticipation.
37. His hard little grey eyes were moist with anticipation.
38. The crowd's mood was one of anticipation.
39. He waited in delicious anticipation.
40. They were fearless, giddy with excitement and anticipation.
41. In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own.
42. There was feeling of anticipation within her.
43. She wanted to savour, to prolong, her anticipation.
44. I froze, mouth trout-like, agape in anticipation, heart racing.
45. We sit in a circle in anxious anticipation.
46. The bottom lip protrudes in sullen, worried anticipation.
47. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement and anticipation.
48. Sometimes we take holidays, full of meaning and anticipation.
49. In anticipation, many thanks for your assistance.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. A strange anticipation held her completely immobile.
51. The plant was squirming in delighted anticipation.
52. As in the latter case, the horse may be in eager anticipation of what is to come!
53. Audible gasps rose here and there together with short, whispered words and the murmur of anticipation.
54. Personally, I didn't think she had a chance. In anticipation and retrospect, holidays come into their own.
55. The bulldozers are getting their teeth sharpened in anticipation of devouring this 90-acre morsel, too.
56. Exultation coursed through him in anticipation of an easy kill.
57. Whether only the codon 129 genotype contributes to the molecular basis of this anticipation phenomenon is still unknown.
58. Were those somehow frightening sensations of pleasure followed by an instinctive guilt and terrible anticipation?
59. Fenton moved his big prison rig closer too, in anticipation of a fresh intake of captives.
60. Again he ran his left hand through his hair, but this time he felt a tingle of anticipation.
61. When your words are likely to push his buttons, use anticipation.
62. So my birth, as I was told, was awaited with great anticipation.
63. Everyone was in a fairly constant state of edgy anticipation and nervousness throughout the tour.
64. For weeks, Schwarzenegger has been meeting with other agencies, including William Morris, in anticipation of changing representation.
65. He felt a sense of anticipation as he set off towards the house.
66. A more marginal case is where the defendant is seen to be raising his fists in anticipation of the fight.
67. For, as his master opened the kitchen door, there, in eager anticipation, stood Azor.
68. Just as the dying person will make preparation in anticipation, so will the people around.
69. The musclebound horseflies retreat and return; they rest, rubbing their hands together in anticipation and spite.
70. The parents march off, clutching little hands with authority, anticipation and expectation.
71. By rights, she knew she ought to be feeling extra anticipation now.
72. Within it the structural goal is known as an arrival, a movement towards it an anticipation.
73. The baby robins, scrub jays, finches, sparrows and starlings opened their mouths wide in anticipation.
74. The first period seemed to suggest that this game would not live up to the anticipation.
75. The anticipation drained from her and for a moment she stood irresolute.
76. Then they slipped under the blanket, wrapped into each other, their eyes locked in wonder and anticipation.
77. His own tightened in anticipation, and he swore softly under his breath.
78. When she was taken for further interrogation the following day, it was with mixed feelings of anticipation and dread.
79. Prime Minister Alberto Pandolfi said that police were securing the area in anticipation of eventual talks between the government and the rebels.
80. He called to the workmen,(http:///anticipation.html) and they put their shoulders to the raft in anticipation.
81. The valley seemed to be waiting, holding its breath in anticipation of some terrible event.
82. Luke the hunter ... Folly felt a thrill of anticipation, mingled with fear.
83. So when the company makes money, its junk soars, in anticipation of the windfall.
84. The first major teen icon whose work is grounded not in anticipation and impatience, but vacillation, resignation and looking back.
85. At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade, the hatchet.
86. Was he relishing this moment, deliberately prolonging it in anticipation out of bile at the cadet's blasphemy?
87. We looked out the windows goggle-eyed in anticipation of fiery death.
88. She waited outside in the street, shaking in anticipation of the telephone call.
89. Meg felt a bubble of anticipation somewhere beneath her diaphragm.
90. Futility and anticipation of poor quality of life were the reasons most frequently cited by medical staff.
91. The capitalist world drummed its fingers in anticipation of the revolution's demise.
92. The person who recruited Nowak, or who had been recruited by him, would be trembling with anticipation.
93. People will be more inclined to hold speculative balances of money in anticipation of a rise in interest rates.
94. Then came the great awakening and the anticipation of federal intervention to come.
95. My heart was beating fast, partly with anxiety, more with excitement and anticipation.
96. There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it. Alfred Hitchcock 
97. Poppies perhaps at the ready, fields of crosses under contract in anticipation of battle with the booze boche from the west.
98. Nothing looked familiar, and yet he'd gone around the block again and again in anticipation of something like this.
99. He calmed down but continued to shiver with anticipation as I slipped on my shoes.
100. There is a growing, often unstated, anticipation that the private sector will pick up the bill for public services.
101. In a striking anticipation of some modern theories, he claimed that humans have intelligence because they have hands.
102. Almost immediately, the fretting, niggling worries and the sense of fearful anticipation began to return.
103. You could feel the excitement, hear the buzz of anticipation.
104. As the person gets nearer and nearer to the supermarket so their level of anxiety may be gradually rising in anticipation of difficulty.
105. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation and unbreathable with cigar smoke.
106. She wakes up shaking in anticipation of being eaten alive.
107. If a pattern of anticipation is to be disrupted, it must first be established.
108. We suffer more in anticipation than in actuality, and this came true for me.
109. Excitement rose in them,(http:///anticipation.html) hardening muscles and quivering their sleek flanks in anticipation of the hunt.
110. Much laughter, jollity, and anticipation of a successful 12 months ahead with a government on the run.
111. She coasted through it as if dreaming buoyed by a strange mixture of anticipation and dread.
112. Seldom will you encounter a character who will make your fingers tingle so much in anticipation of closing them around his neck.
113. The environmental policy has progressed from its initial remedial approach to one of prevention and anticipation.
114. She was aware of her body, realising that it was taut as a lute string with anticipation.
115. The rich, mouthwatering aroma of freshly cooked food made her stomach gurgle in anticipation.
116. Michael watched Joe's eyes and a thrill of anticipation went through him.
117. I and my friend Lenny met up with excited anticipation.
118. There was a sensual anticipation about, an assurance of marvels shortly to be, manifest.
119. I lived it twice now, once in anticipation, once in actuality.
120. Knowing the subject talked about knowing the context using language sense, anticipation and aural memory are strong foundations for speechreading skills.
121. You will use your powers of anticipation and imagination to read between the lines, to understand message and meaning.
122. My baby-blue portable Smith-Corona typewriter has been a gift from my parents a year before, in anticipation of my attending college.
123. In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans.
124. The noise, which had been post-prandial in its intensity, rose in anticipation.
125. Her knees touched his and the tiny contact sent a quiver of anticipation up her spine.
126. Still, half the fun of this run is the anticipation.
127. The Chalice Quilt was made by slaves on a Texas plantation in 1860 in anticipation of a visit from an itinerant bishop.
128. There has been a rapid and spontaneous growth of ideas and an anticipation of things to come.
129. Also to early Christians the story may have been seen as an anticipation of the Last Supper.
130. It made me shiver with a mixture of awe and anticipation.
131. Companies find it cheaper to lay extra strands in anticipation of future business.
132. On this heady diet we move from intoxicating anticipation to deep despair.
133. However, it now plans to draw in its horns in anticipation of declining demand for farm machinery by cutting back production.
134. Shuddering with fear and anticipation at the prospect of the weekend ahead, she risked opening her eyes again.
135. Battle is joined and lawyers are rubbing their hands in anticipation.
136. Yanto, full of excited anticipation, had raced around to Bert's garage as soon as work finished on Friday.
137. With the premature end of apprenticeship came abolitionist anticipation of a new era of orderly progress in liberty.
138. Such payments would come within para 10 of the Statement as compensation for loss of office rather than in anticipation of retirement.
139. The house gives the impression of having been abandoned suddenly,(http:///anticipation.html) in anticipation of some great disaster.
140. The king extended the period of the trial in anticipation of objections from the Harrisons' enemies.
141. The anticipation of future employment by women may bring births forward.
142. Then a bomb blast devastated the theatre and wiped away her smile of anticipation.
143. Belinda waited in growing anticipation, then as the carousel began to move she squealed with excitement and began laughing loudly.
144. Discussing how to do this and preparing plans for alternative comforting will help her gain confidence and anticipation of the problems.
145. A week of anticipation and preparation for the dinner engagement was now marred by ugly weather.
146. Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring: The anticipation of maintenance problems is significant in terms of aircraft airworthiness and economic considerations.
147. With eager anticipation, though her clear golden-brown eyes held a hint of sadness, Luce Weston descended the steps.
148. She lived in miserable anticipation of the day when Camille fell in love with some nightmare youth.
149. The locals, apparently, looked with gleeful anticipation to the coming of city folks with fat wallets.
150. Christina was struck by the contrast between Colette's delighted anticipation and her own bewilderment and apprehension all those years ago.
151. Expectations for waning inflation coincide with the anticipation of slower economic growth.
152. Those broken windows were miraculously replaced in sunny May in anticipation of a visit from the first lady of the country.
153. B.. Develop more effective international surveillance networks for the anticipation, recognition, control, and prevention of emerging infectious diseases.
154. During Period 4, the infant shows clear signs of event anticipation.
155. Mr Bruce says the fund bought the zeros several years ago in anticipation of an economic recession.
156. To achieve this a user can reference the next approved version of a module in anticipation of that module's approval.
157. Perhaps Gladys would join the group of Leicester ladies who were fluttering with anticipation in the back corner.
158. His critics even smile in anticipation of a rhetorical question meeting with a devastating reply.
159. The fight was broken up by the housemaster, whose ears had been open in anticipation for some days.
160. But now they're going back to their roots with a new Z car and I am moist with anticipation.
161. Thus speculative balances will be held in anticipation of the purchase of non-monetary assets at some future date.
162. In winter, rice fields were bare and brown, but there was the anticipation of spring planting just around the corner.
163. The will or settlement may impose the restraint on anticipation.
164. At times 25,000-plus onlookers were struck dumb by tension and anticipation, a hiccup resounding like a roar.
165. Anticipation is an essential ingredient in good business practice; it is one of the mainsprings that drives a successful business on.
166. After so long eating recycled meals on Belial, her salivary glands sprang into life with sharp little pangs of anticipation.
167. We budgeted an improvement to 1991's poor results in anticipation of a recovery in the economy which never materialised.
168. Slowly, as quietly as he could, Jack pushed through the undergrowth, trembling slightly in anticipation of what might happen.
169. In the anticipation of reduced demand, it is very easy to adjust production to avoid holding excessive stocks.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
170. There was a general atmosphere of bawdy fun and anticipation.
171. By 9.30am the campsite was buzzing with anticipation as everyone made sure that their equipment was working.
172. This study showed that the anticipation and the worry had as much effect as the actual admission procedure.
173. Kovacs said, managing even to find enjoyment in the anticipation of fun ended.
174. The right hon. Gentleman is smiling in anticipation of his forthcoming visit to the Committee.
175. But for the true enthusiasts that simply heightened the sense of anticipation.
176. I was not going to let Mala spoil the anticipation.
177. Whenever I play the big cities now, the anticipation of coming home to the land is overwhelming.
178. The management at South Forks raised the rent in anticipation of downtown businesses relocating.
179. We were tingling with anticipation and at one with our surroundings.
180. The dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation.
181. I look forward to mealtime with anticipation.
182. We were breathless with anticipation.
183. China's incipient rebound relies on a timeworn stimulus formula: upping the ante on infrastructure spending to support growth in anticipation of a return of global demand for Chinese-made goods.
184. I feel very privileged to be part of this spiritual work and look forward to many years of joyous anticipation of new messages from Ariana and the other members of Cloverleaf.
185. The endonuclease digestion map of pWTA was consistent with the fragment length in anticipation.
186. He will be attending next week's American Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.
187. Anticipation of future surface faulting involves questions of whether, where, how much, what kind, and when.
188. People Bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.
189. Each people make ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!
190. The difference is that accounts payable are for bills the company receives from other businesses. And accrued expenses are accounting entries a company makes in anticipation of being billed.
191. Going over in anticipation what he would say to him, Rastoptchin wrathfully turned from side to side in the carriage, and angrily looked about him.
192. Nelson , his whiskers bristling with anticipation, leads his trainer across a field.
193. We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation.
194. After only one or two trials, many bees learned to stick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.
195. Thank you in anticipation.
196. This day began with a flurry of uncertainty and worried anticipation on the part of Aileen.
197. It is this energetic feedback and element of anticipation that gives jazz its incredible dynamism.
198. Young Michael Morrison, Jan Paschal's wheelchair-bound student, woke in anticipation of working a polling place for me.
199. We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival.
199. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
200. Load dump anticipation(LDA) function are one of the important steps to ensure the success of the steam turbine load dump test, and this circumstance is vary rare.
201. Church calls it compensation, but you and I might know it as the lip-licking anticipation of perfectly salted, golden-brown French fries after a hard trip to the gym.
202. Although Le Pen, the France ultra-rightist, failing in voting was under people's anticipation, his defeating left-wing and going into the second voting round made European and the whole world amazed.
203. Commie role is an external expression of position and status of this certain group of the commies , it has specific deportment mode, and it embodies as acting anticipation for the people.
204. This Pavlovian technique resulted in the rats freezing up in nervous anticipation of the shocks every time they heard either sound.
205. In this phase, judgment can be susceptible to a toxic combination of recession fatigue, enthusiastic anticipation and uncertainty.
206. Someone's future blurs and goes blank as anticipation fades into nothingness.
207. Dealers note that open interest (active positions) has risen strongly as capital flows into the market in anticipation of further price gains.
208. People bought in stocks of tinned goods in anticipation of food rationing.
209. I have take my coat and umbrella in anticipation of rain.
210. Intense market competition request business accounting transforms the function, reflected promptly the administration center needed in anticipation, in matter's financial information.
211. The technical term for preliminaries of this kind in literary study is "prolepsis"--that is to say, the form of anticipation which, in a certain sense, covers what will be talked about later.
212. The anticipation with yours communication, thanks you to support the table model machine channel.
213. The anticipation of future demand, normally to supply the independent portion of demand such as customer or interplant orders, based on past history and known market changes.
214. Other prospective home buyers, including genuine home seekers, are likely to adopt wait-and-see approach in anticipation of lower home prices.
215. Swears brotherhood the ceremony and the final return has the vital significance regarding the leading character, is also under the populace subjective anticipation psychological product.




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