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单词 inside
释义  Related topics: Companies, Organizations, Jail & punishmentin·side1 /ɪnˈsaɪd/ ●●● S2 W2 adverb, preposition  1  container 容器IN/INSIDE in or into a container or other closed space so as to be completely covered or surrounded 在〔容器或其他封闭的空间〕里面;往里面 OPP outside The jewels were locked away inside the safe. 珠宝锁入了保险箱。 I sent the money inside an envelope addressed to Ann. 我把钱装在写有安的名字和地址的信封内寄出。 Carl picked up the book and stuffed it inside his jacket. 卡尔把书捡起来塞进自己的夹克里。 Her car was locked and the keys were inside. 她的车锁上了,钥匙在车里。2  building/room 建筑物/房间IN/INSIDE in or into a building or room 在〔建筑物、房间〕内;往里面 OPP outside It’s raining. We’ll have to go inside. 外面在下雨,我们不得不进屋去。 She could hear voices inside, but no one came to the door. 她能听到里面有说话声,但没人应门。 Mail was piled up just inside the doorway. 在入口处堆满了信件。 The sound was coming from inside the house. 声音是从房子里面传出来的。inside ofAmerican English American English There were 20 people packed inside of her dorm room. 她的寝室里挤了20个人。3  country/area 国家/地区THERE in a country or area – used when you want to emphasize that something is happening there and not in other places 在〔国家、地区〕内部〔用于强调某事只在那里发生〕 OPP outside Very little is known of events inside this mysterious country. 人们对这个神秘国家内部发生的事情知之甚少。 The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the war zone. 据说游击队员是从战区内的基地出来活动的。4  organization 组织BBCSSO if someone is inside a group or organization, they are part of it 在〔团体或组织〕内部 OPP outside women’s influence inside the party 妇女在党内的影响力 The information comes from sources inside the company. 消息来自公司内部。 Discussions should involve local people both inside and outside the school. 参加讨论的人应该包括校内校外的当地民众。5  head/mind 头脑/心灵PRIVATE/PERSONAL if something happens inside you, or inside your head or mind, it is part of what you think and feel, especially when you do not express it 在…脑海中,在…心里 You just don’t understand how I feel inside! 你真不理解我内心的感受! Steve’s a strange guy – you never know what’s going on inside his head. 史蒂夫是个奇怪的人——你永远都不知道他脑子里在想些什么。 Anger bubbled up deep inside her. 她满腔怒火。inside ofAmerican English American English Something inside of me told me not to trust him. 我的内心深处告诉我不要相信他。6  body 身体IN/INSIDE in your body 在…体内 She could feel the baby kicking inside her. 她感到胎儿在腹内踢蹬。 You’ll feel better once you’ve got a good meal inside you (=after you have eaten something). 只要好好吃一顿,你就会感觉好一些。7  time 时间 a) PERIOD OF TIMEin less than a particular amount of time 〔时间〕在…内 A full report is expected inside three months. 完整的报告要在三个月内完成。inside the hour/month etc (=before an hour, month etc has passed) 一个小时/一个月等之内 We’ll be back inside the hour. 我们一小时内回来。inside ofespecially American English especially American English Our aim is to get the whole job finished inside of a week. 我们的目标是一周内完成全部工作。 b) less than a particular amount of time 〔时间〕少于 OPP outside Jonson’s time of 9.3 seconds was just inside the world record. 琼森9.3秒的成绩刚好破了世界纪录。8  prison 监狱 informalSCJPRISON in prison 在监狱里 My boyfriend’s been inside for a year. 我的男友已经在监狱里服刑一年了。Examples from the Corpusinside• When we got to the window, we saw that there were already people inside.• I'm getting cold. Let's go inside.• I desperately needed some way to vent all the anger and frustration I felt inside.• I wish I knew what he was feeling inside.• The box has some letters inside.• Free inside! A monthly horoscope guide!• Kate tried to make jokes but inside she was furious.• Inside there are lots of handy hints to help you take better pictures.• These kids seem so aggressive, but inside they're terrified.• Gabby cringed a little inside when Peter showed up drunk.inside of• There were more than 20 people packed inside of her dorm room.inside the hour/month etc• I want you off my land inside the·side2 /ɪnˈsaɪd, ˈɪnsaɪd/ ●●● S3 noun  1  the inside IN/INSIDEthe inner part of something, which is surrounded or hidden by the outer part 里面,内部 OPP the outsideon the inside The apple’s rotten on the inside. 苹果里面已经腐烂。the inside of condensation on the inside of the window 窗户内壁的水珠 The door had been locked from the inside. 门从里面锁上了。2  inside out with the usual outside parts on the inside 里面朝外地 You’ve got that jumper inside out. 你把套头毛衣里外穿反了。 Her umbrella blew inside out. 她的伞被吹翻了。 I always turn my jeans inside out to wash them. 我总是把牛仔裤翻过来洗。3  turn a room/building etc inside out to search a place very thoroughly by moving everything that is in it 对房间/建筑物等进行彻底搜查 The drug squad turned the apartment inside out. 缉毒队把公寓翻了个底朝天。4  know something inside out British English, know something inside and out American EnglishKNOW something to know something in great detail 对某事物知道得一清二楚 She knows her subject inside out. 她对她的课题了如指掌。5  on the inside someone who is on the inside is a member of a group or an organization 〔团体或组织的〕内部人员 Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery. 一定有内应为这次抢劫提供了帮助。6. on the inside British English if a car passes another car on the inside, it passes on the side that is away from the driver 〔汽车超车时〕从内侧,从里道,从内圈7  somebody’s inside/insides informalHBHDF someone’s stomach 某人的肠胃[肚子] My insides are beginning to complain about the lack of food. 我的肚子开始饿的咕咕叫了。Examples from the Corpusinside• The neon lights outside were barely visible through the sheen of condensation coating the inside of the cafe window.• Cozy is a generous description of the inside of the sphere.• The signatures were to appear on the inside of every Macintosh computer.• She opened the bag and got out a powder compact that had a small round mirror on the inside of the·side3 /ˈɪnsaɪd/ ●●● S3 adjective  1  IN/INSIDEin or facing the inner part of something 里面的,内部的;朝里的 the inside pages of the newspaper 报纸的内页 the inside pocket of his jacket 他的夹克的内袋2  inside information/the inside story etc SSOINFORMATIONinformation that is available only to people who are part of a particular group or organization 内部消息/内幕等 Police believe the robbers may have had inside information. 警方认为劫匪可能得到了内部消息。3. the inside lane British English the lane that is furthest away from the middle of the road 〔靠近路边的〕内车道,慢车道 OPP outside laneExamples from the Corpusinside• Nelson, who scored five points during the run, closed the Gators' scoring spree with an inside basket.• According to inside information, many members of the security forces are concerned about this problem.• If those with inside knowledge of the facts didn't speak up for Britain, who the hell would?• Despite such inside knowledge, the opening passages were racked with nervousness and blighted by a series of up-and-unders.• A single-decker yellow-and-black bus was travelling fast in the inside lane, its headlights dipped and no traffic immediately in front of it.• A minute later, on an inside pass from Sandie, Jess sinks one.• Once the men are seated in the living room off the inside patio, they try to lure the children into conversation.• The tulip's inside petals are canary yellow on ivory white.• Kirov stooped over his crumpled form, retrieving the photograph from between his fingers and tucking it safely into his inside pocket.From Longman Business Dictionaryinsidein‧side1 /ɪnˈsaɪd, ˈɪnsaɪd/ preposition someone inside a company or organization works for it and is part of itHe had obviously been helped by someone inside the company.She made enemies both inside and outside the industry.insideinside2 adjective [only before a noun]1inside knowledge, information etc is possessed by or comes from someone working for the company or organization it relates tosomeone who trades on an inside stock tip2already employed by a companyThe leading inside candidate for the post is Robert A.·side1 adverbin·side2 nounin·side3 adjectiveChineseSyllable   Business Corpus a container or closed or other in into space




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