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单词 Flawed
1) The plan was fatally flawed from the start.
2) The material is flawed throughout.
3) The film is flawed by slightly treacly sentiment.
4) Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.
5) His reasoning can't be flawed.
6) His argument is deeply flawed.
7) A tiny mark flawed the otherwise perfect silk shirt.
8) The research behind this report is seriously flawed.
9) Bolton's idea was fatally flawed.
10) Diamonds are still valuable,[http:///flawed.html] even when they are flawed.
11) The study was methodologically flawed.
12) It's a pity that the scar flawed her skin.
13) Although the new environmental regulations are flawed, they represent a move in the right direction .
14) These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.
15) Domesday was an attractive but deeply flawed concept.
16) The system of publicly owned monopoly is flawed.
17) Birch's analysis of the situation was deeply flawed.
18) But this kind of observation is flawed.
19) That was Oregon's real if flawed achievement.
20) There was a connection between these flawed perceptions.
21) It was of course also deeply flawed.
22) The jury accepted that the DNA evidence was flawed.
23) And again by a badly flawed system of handling complaints.
24) Morrison said Apple had recently discovered flawed chips on the computers' main circuit boards could make them freeze up.
25) Inside this flawed, and somehow centre-less, one-man show are some poignant questions.
26) The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.
27) Although the Bill in its present form is a significant improvement on its first form, it remains seriously flawed.
28) We wonder if any of the other signers are similarly being misrepresented as supporting this seriously flawed proposal.
29) This is an assumption that we believe to be fatally flawed, for the reasons we have outlined earlier.
30) Rather the most telling achievements that turned this match were human, flawed, comical, and earthy.
1) The material is flawed throughout.
2) The study was methodologically flawed.
31) His written language was far more flawed than hers had been at the outset; his thoughts were very simple and cliched.
32) To say in the hindsight of 1997 that they were flawed and ultimately failures is less than half right.
33) For this reason alone the judge's order is fatally flawed.
34) As if saying you want to spend the rest of your life with the same person somehow makes you a flawed bore.
35) Some political scientists think it is an overused and seriously flawed conceptual framework for political analysis.
36) Each party rejected the other's approach, saying it was flawed.
37) The film is flawed by moments of melodrama and sentimentality.
38) Nelson began an extended housecleaning that by 1991 gave them the look of an intriguing if flawed contender.
39) Could it be that the bourgeois educational system was flawed?
40) The children who had suffered a trauma would survive the experience, scarred by it and a little flawed by it.
41) Fortunately, even flawed loaves are usually delicious and can often be consumed with great joy.
42) Fixing the market through fresh legislation would be seen as a signal that the privatisation of the electricity industry was flawed.
43) The flawed Geneva accommodation had postponed rather than achieved a settlement.
44) The second year went up in the flames of a deeply flawed health-care reform.
45) So, the history of the portrayal of disabled people is that disabled people are portrayed as flawed able-bodied people.
46) The report condemns recent changes in countryside protection policies, which it says were based on severely flawed statistics.
47) But he failed to allay fears that he will be a fatally flawed candidate when pitted against President Bush next autumn.
48) The results are based on flawed interpretations of the data.
49) Research has suggested that the two linear models of innovation - technology push and market pull - are seriously flawed.
50) The strategy of encouraging, supporting and protecting deliberate non-payers is deeply flawed, as it will rebound on the most vulnerable.
51) A report by the Royal College of Physicians of London concluded that studies of clinical ecologists were seriously flawed.
52) And many studies are flawed by the tendency of researchers to look for information that confirms their own beliefs.
53) Rather than accusing him of anachronism, academic critics tended to concentrate their fire on internal contradictions or flawed assumptions in his policy.
54) But apart from these largely empirical objections, the argument is flawed theoretically.
55) The research which has been conducted on their parenting and its outcomes for their children has often been flawed and equivocal.
56) That included a $ 475 million pretax charge to cover the costs of replacing flawed Pentium chips.
57) The result is a deeply flawed book in many ways, though useful, to a limited extent, in others.
58) This flawed titan bestrides the history of his age like a colossus.
59) Rebuilding is a corrective measure, required because the clustering process is flawed.
60) To be sure, what travels on the electronic highways is limited, often flawed, and occasionally deceptive.
61) They said Mr Wicks's decision was based on the flawed findings that the delay was justifiable and there was no prejudice.
62) But looking back on his tribute to the miners, it is a flawed masterpiece.
63) Whatever nature may objectively be, it is reflected in the flawed mirror of the mind.
64) The Kyoto protocol on global warming, the abandonment of which has brought Mr Bush so much reproach, was indeed flawed.
65) After all, flawed basic concepts should not form the starting point for rigorous analytical investigation.
66) It was fatally flawed at its inception in 1946, and has never functioned as it was intended to.
67) Many early studies, for example, were seriously flawed by their exclusive use of incarcerated offenders as samples of criminals.
68) Both events revealed not only deep divisions among Member States, but also fundamentally flawed policies.
69) Redstone had signed off on the plan to make more movies, but he later came to see the strategy as flawed.
70) There is a theory that even if drug testing is flawed, it at least deters drug use.
71) It was therefore of some symbolic importance, but it was badly flawed.
72) The film is flawed, although it has a certain nostalgic appeal.
73) Finally, and fatally, it rests on a flawed understanding of the relevant medical facts.
74) But although this is at first appealing, on closer examination the concept is somewhat flawed.
75) Like the poll tax, this property tax is deeply flawed.
76) If the primary log file is flawed then the software performing the rebuild operation will switch to the reserve log.
77) The judge's order was a nullity and no effective variation was made of the earlier flawed order of the justices.
78) The show was on the floor, and the leading lady was flawed.
79) We may consider aspects of these people's cultures to be flawed by our standards, and sometimes unjust.
80) Although in fairness their biggest obstacle wasn't acting live but making the most of flawed storylines.
81) On closer inspection, however, they turn out to be deeply flawed.
82) The system of interest group pressure ensuring state responsiveness to its publics thus appears to be flawed.
83) Is timing that flawed, have our feelings run dry?
84) Despite its marvelous achivements, Greek mathematics was flawed.
85) Comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.
86) The logic is fundamentally flawed; the motive is despicable.
87) The human genome project is ultimately flawed.
88) As for efficient market theory, it was always flawed.
89) Flawed wines to avoid at all costs. Practically undrinkable.
90) The story is flawed by a weak ending.
91) The performance of U.S. equipment was flawed.
92) I would contend that the minister's thinking is flawed on this point.
93) The researchers believe that the flawed version of FTO is more active than the normal one and 'turning it down' could dampen appetite.
94) Thus, if the agency is relying on what one party might perceive as flawed or biased data, that party has no way to challenge those data.
95) The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.
96) America has legitimate beefs with China, but this bill is the wrong way to address them. It is legally flawed, economically dangerous and unnecessary.
97) The leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, Sushma Swaraj, denounced the Lokpal Bill as flawed.
98) Finally they concluded that postwar American role of global leadership was itself deeply flawed.
99) In "Rambunctious Garden" Emma Marris outlines why the concept of wilderness is flawed.
100) Only a handful of philosophers have made significant (yet, even then, for the most part either minor or deeply flawed) contributions to sexology.
100) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
101) So the search box is still flawed, but much less obtrusive.
102) His Protestant heirs continue to view the New Testament as a seriously flawed historical document.
103) Homer's gods, Xenophanes complained, had all the immoral and disgraceful traits of flawed human beings and should hardly be the object of veneration.
104) The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic.
105) It reintroduced the antique land-ownership law despite knowing that its flawed design would almost halt much-needed foreign investment.
106) It is the American story, a story of flawed and fallible people.
107) Every flawed design decision, be it big or small, will slow you down.
108) There are so many websites out there with flawed search functionality or no search capability at all.
109) Meaning studies that are outdated, unrepresentative or flawed can be presented as having more importance than they actually possess.
110) Indeed, the stupefying losses in mortgage-related securities came in large part because of flawed, history-based models used by salesmen, rating agencies and investors.
111) The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed.
112) The way they squabble mulishly to defend now-indefensible positions is itself evidence of how flawed those rational-actor models are.
113) A mother is not allowed to be humanly flawed; she has to be perfect.
114) I've always felt that the euro was flawed, since monetary control is centralized in Belgium but fiscal control remains in the hands of member governments.
115) This assertion is flawed, and as such, the competency-based approach leads managers to waste time trying to teach the unteachable.
116) Even beyond ethical concerns, those who have tested the new software describe as technically flawed.
117) This was no soothing homily from a man who has previously described decisions leading to Britain's involvement in the war as being morally and practically flawed.
118) The heart of the new reform is a restructuring of America's flawed insurance market.
119) "Many police departments attempt to impose ethical standards and effective policing through policy, proscription, and punishment, " O'Donnell says, arguing that this approach is flawed.
120) Although the details of each nation’s problem were somewhat different, there were some common elements: flawed banking systems, bad loans, crony capitalism, and a general loss of confidence.
121) However the good news is that given how popular this phone is, it's safe to say that by mid March local retailers won't have any flawed units left in stock.
122) The credit crunch is in part the consequence a flawed regulatory system.
123) The Obama administration's decision announced today to cancel the deeply flawed antimissile systems in Eastern Europe is sound policy based on the best intelligence and technical assessments.
124) But I found it hard to believe that only this tic-tac-toe game was flawed.
125) This is particularly true if you're a first-time entrepreneur who has never coped with problems like weak repeat business, poor cash flow, flawed order tracking or fulfillment systems.
126) The 49 per cent who have inherited just one flawed FTO gene are 30 per cent more likely to be obese than those with two normal copies of the gene and 25 per cent more likely to develop diabetes.
127) You are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal.
128) Despite those warnings, a report released by the New York Fed in 2004 called predictions of gloom "flawed" and "unpersuasive.
129) I will also explain why your ideology about what happened between Snippy and I is flawed.
130) In 1998, Guyana established a permanent electoral commission, a recommendation first voiced by the Organization of American States (OAS) after the country's flawed 1997 election.
130) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
131) Is my timing that flawed - have our feelings run dry?
132) It's almost as if they left their life-giving signatures on my flawed flesh.
133) When the K 55 grade oil casing lated thread , the thread flawed.
134) "The complexity of managing your computer is torturing users," Google cofounder Sergey Brin told reporters. "It's a flawed model fundamentally.
135) This section will deal with the emission observed from flawed material during a risingload test.
136) Methods Adopt shank inboard skin petals of transplant, blood vessel bridge graft, repair wrist electricity organize flawed or damagedly after burning, Blood of rebuilding department luck.
137) The universal set seemed extremely natural and obvious, yet ultimately several paradoxes of set theory were traced to the assumption that it existed, which mathematicians now know is flawed.
138) Fong Sai Yuk 2- Formerly my favorite movie. Although flawed, it has unmatchable sentimental scenes backed with the most beautiful music.
139) While this method avoids the sensor smudging problem and cannot be beaten by cadavers, Naito says that it, too, is flawed.
140) "The stupefying losses in mortgage-related securities came in large part because of flawed, history-based models used by salesmen, rating agencies and investors, " he wrote.
141) Woody, the pen-and-ink protagonist, was angst-ridden, flawed, fearful, insecure, inadequate, pessimistic, urban, single, lustful, rejected by women.
142) A collection of 13 short stories set in small-town Maine that packs a cumulative emotional wallop, bound together by polished prose and by Olive, the title character, blunt, flawed and fascinating.
143) Since 1992 more and more research has shown that the USDA pyramid is grossly flawed.
144) Blind eyesight; visible wavelength are logically flawed arrangement; it should be "blind people", "visible radiation" instead.
145) The libretto Shadowtime, which can be read independently of the music, presents both a loving but also ironic portrait of Benjamin-a character as deeply flawed as he is sympathetic.
146) Last week the federal Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) ruled that Hopkins's system for protecting human subjects is so flawed that virtually all its U.S.-supported research had to stop.
147) That night, however, he realized that the voice was right: The tic-tac-toe lottery was seriously flawed.
148) If the immovables or movables of a co-owner obtains from the severance is flawed, the other co-owners shall share the losses.
149) The rise and fall of Mr. Zheng offers a rare glimpse inside China's flawed regulatory system.
150) The election, which local and international observers said was flawed, touched off days of rioting and mayhem in Kisumu, Nairobi, and in other towns across Kenya.
151) If the foundations are flawed the house will come tumbling down.
152) Opposition leader Sushma Swaraj of the Bharatiya Janata Party denounced the Lokpal Bill as flawed.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:54:12