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单词 Dictum
1, He followed the famous American dictum, 'Don't get mad, get even'.
2, Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence, but not both.
3, This dictum is borne out again and again.
4, This dictum is more familiar in its application to grammar.
5, That catches the familiar dictum that science explains particular events by generalizing and by making them cases of laws at work.
6, If so, it is doubtful whether his dictum about A's right to retake the goods is law.
7, More pale humour in the final dictum about the press.
8, This dictum applies particularly to price discrimination and vertical restraints.
9, Just as annoying is the pretty dictum that acts must sing live, when most of them can't.
10, I agree with this dictum.
11, Perhaps this is behind Thoreau's dictum: In wildness is the salvation of the world.
12, Watch sellers employ a logical Italian dictum: a well - dressed man owns at least timepieces.
13, Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law.
14, This was also echoed by Deng's dictum: " Free our mind and seek truth from facts. "
15, Remember the dictum our professor taught us, diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite.
16, Foolish dictum: In a team , a valuable team player must aspire to be leader.
17, "All's well that ends well" is the dictum of unanimous common sense .
18, She reminded us of Barnum's dictum: You could sell anything to anybody if you marketed it right.
19, Mindful of Warren Buffet's dictum about the barber and the haircut,(http:///dictum.html) I consulted a leading urologic oncologist in my area.
20, Note that criteria, data and dicta are plural words: the singulars are criterion, datum and dictum.
21, But at Stradey, at the rematch of last season's Cup finalists, Mr Wag's dictum was borne out again.
22, In my judgment this approach was wrong in law even if the dictum in Morris had been correct.
23, The court in Philippou does not appear to have known of the dictum in McHugh.
24, But most other politicians adhere to Benjamin Jowett's famous dictum about apologies: never!
25, IN 1964 Marshall McLuhan, a media scholar, offered his now-famous dictum that "the medium is the message."
26, Nothing about what she said was radical — it was no more than a modern riff on Oliver Wendell Holmes's famous dictum that "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society."
27, " Pride comes before a fall " is a famous dictum.
28, He was made to order for Bethune, who now invoked his famous dictum with a vengeance.
29, The fundamental principle of auto racing is that to finish first, you must first finish. That dictum is equally applicable to business and guides our every action at Berkshire.
30, So much of modern life can be summarized in that arresting dictum of the poet Thoreau: "Improved means to an unimproved end".
1, Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence, but not both.
31, It is an honour to use their own interpretation of this dictum.
32, Flat-dwellers shall indorse my dictum that theirs is the only true happiness.
33, Another Dictum. The Allies fired off stiffly worded protests to Moscow against the East German regime's "coldblooded killings."




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