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单词 Proceeding
1. Work is now proceeding apace.
2. I was proceeding through torrents of rain.
3. The flight is proceeding to Paris.
4. This train is now proceeding from Paris to London.
5. Work is proceeding slowly.
6. I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.
7. This flight is now proceeding to Paris at a speed of 1 000 kilometres an hour.
8. Always get a written quote before proceeding with work.
9. What is the best way of proceeding?
10. Preparations for the festival are now proceeding smoothly.
11. Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work.
12. Before proceeding further, we must define our terms.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. Work is proceeding according to plan .
14. The counting of votes is proceeding smoothly.
15. It hasn't stopped the British Navy proceeding on its merry way.
16. The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother's will.
17. Work is proceeding apace.
18. The trial is proceeding.
19. Persons proceeding to the degree of BA must present themselves for examination on Monday morning.
20. The solicitors are proceeding with the execution of her mother's will.
21. Work on the new tunnel is proceeding very well.
22. Contract negotiations are proceeding smoothly.
23. Many countries are already proceeding towards democracy.
24. In any case, work in Hamburg is proceeding apace.
25. According to the newspaper the negotiations are proceeding smoothly.
26. How do you anticipate the changes proceeding?
27. The investigation is proceeding without interruption.
28. I couldn't assent to(), much less participate in such proceeding.
29. The matter would be better dealt with in the civil court rather than by an expensive criminal proceeding.
30. The police must establish the facts of the case before proceeding.
1. Work is now proceeding apace.
2. I was proceeding through torrents of rain.
3. The flight is proceeding to Paris.
4. This train is now proceeding from Paris to London.
5. Work is proceeding slowly.
6. I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.
7. This flight is now proceeding to Paris at a speed of 1 000 kilometres an hour.
8. I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
9. The trial is proceeding.
31. My wooing of Agnes was proceeding apace.
32. The registration of a notice is a friendly proceeding carried out, in general, with the co-operation of the registered proprietor.
33. Work is now proceeding within the United Nations to secure further action, most notably perhaps the oil embargo.
34. Meanwhile, unlike many bogged-down projects around the globe, the work at Cusiana has been proceeding nonstop.
35. Before proceeding further it would perhaps be as well to dispel one or two myths.
36. A second ballot, on proceeding with a detailed prospectus, is likely to follow.
37. Will the court prevent an appointing authority from making an appointment because one of the parties objects to the reference proceeding?
38. This decision cleared the way for the budget committee to begin proceeding with the proposed supplementary budget.
39. Beach is scheduled to appear next month before a general court-martial, the most serious criminal proceeding in the military.
40. Footsteps are heard ascending the stairs to platform I passing clean through the locked barrier gates and proceeding along the platform.
41. Non-arts teachers are obliged to empathize the arts position - a less than satisfactory method of proceeding.
42. Instead of proceeding at his normal brisk trot,[http:///proceeding.html] he lumbered up the step-ladder and heaved himself ponderously inside the machine's cabin.
43. Proceeding north along a plateau high above the eastern bank of the river, he had stumbled upon the Nez Perce.
44. Before proceeding with some of the answers, I should place those answers in the framework of my actual intentions.
45. There were unknown sounds of subhuman things proceeding relentlessly forward, stopping, retrenching, to proceed onward again.
46. He did this, presumably, to ensure that the solutions were thoroughly mixed before proceeding to the next dilution.
47. And they should be demanding that the rich world reduce barriers to imports from poor countries by proceeding with further trade liberalization.
48. But, proceeding further, I find Ruether's work to be less than satisfactory because muddled methodologically.
49. This proceeding ignored the current theory that intelligence was independent of social background.
50. He knew that the investigation into the deaths of the young boys was proceeding slowly but methodically, building up a picture.
51. Construction is proceeding despite an interim court order restraining the company from putting it into commission.
52. In all experiments on toroidal discharges neutrons have been observed in about the numbers to be expected if thermonuclear reactions were proceeding.
53. And yet inside, despite the saturated carpet and water still dripping from the ceiling, business was proceeding.
54. The ox walk involved each individual proceeding to the podium to cast a vote by taking agonizingly slow, inch-by-inch steps.
55. He seemed to lift himself from the ground, proceeding by leaps.
56. There comes a point when reminiscence is blocked, or when there is resistance to proceeding further.
57. In other respects, however, the implementation of the peace plan was proceeding well, according to the report.
58. Raskin was proceeding gingerly, aware that Macintosh was a sitting duck for cancellation.
59. At a third proceeding June 6, both sides again objected, and the judge ordered the news media excluded.
60. One way of understanding this is to view the discourse as proceeding by answering imagined and unspoken questions by the receiver.
61. But before proceeding to optimism I have to introduce some harsh truths.
62. If there is any doubt about the ultimate outcome, the proceeding must be left on foot.
63. He matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, in 1631, proceeding MA in 1638.
64. A lawyer is prohibited from being a witness and advocate in the same proceeding.
65. Work is proceeding on the economic feasibility of making a fuel pellet from commercial waste and anthracite dust.
66. But Anderson, testifying in the same court proceeding, denied telling Becker that.
67. The Academy has this quirk about a plebe having to pass orals before proceeding.
68. Hughes told him to check the individuals for signs of life before proceeding to the green shack to negotiate.
69. It has been in operation for 100 years and is proceeding at a very slow rate.
70. If the Commission thinks the case admissible and worth proceeding with, it sees if it can achieve a friendly settlement.
71. In all cases variations must be priced, evaluated and approved before proceeding.
72. The genetic revolution is proceeding without clearly marked, spectacular advances that might make it easier to debate and comprehend.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
73. Such a way of proceeding has much to recommend it, but scant progress has been made in that direction.
74. The interdict seeks to prevent the authority proceeding with its hearing in the absence through illness of Mr Stewart.
75. Stephen did not stop at the customary place, where they were to meet Lucy, but is proceeding down river.
76. The whole argument might be presented as proceeding, essentially, in three main stages.
77. In capital murder trials, the jury makes a life-or-death decision in a separate proceeding after a conviction.
78. The city is proceeding with a formal process to determine community needs and formally present them to the company.
79. The recruitment of new staff has been proceeding in waves.
80. So that is the sense, in which I am proceeding to consider incomes policy.
81. That is why we should be cautious about proceeding in the way proposed by the Leader of the House.
82. He was made assistant tutor, proceeding MA in 1812, when he became sole tutor and vice-principal.
83. The police banned Mosley from proceeding with his march and 1,900 fascists marched westwards instead.
84. There is a way of proceeding in conceptual matters whose method is to define away any inconvenient difficulty.
85. There are certain drawbacks to the use of amniocentesis testing which parents should be aware of before proceeding.
86. Even this one-day proceeding is merely a prelude to the real case.
87. Each new king presented himself here with his various dignitaries for a robing ceremony before proceeding to the High Altar.
88. On 22 October, corresponding alterations were made for trams and other traffic proceeding towards the Embankment.
89. In general, observers noted that the economic reforms were not proceeding as quickly as originally envisaged.
90. Rather, it sees development proceeding within a tightly controlled land use strategy.
91. Dallasites can slash fares to San Francisco in half by hopping south to Houston and proceeding on to California.
92. Dinah rides with Hetty in the cart proceeding to the gallows along streets lined with people.
93. Before proceeding to the mechanics of the double-entry ac-counting system, we must examine one very important accounting concept.
94. Manufacture is now proceeding and the equipment will be ready for installation on Reactor 2 in May 1993.
95. Before proceeding to estimate the costs of corporate crime, one last distinction needs to be made.
96. Ronell avoids the trap by proceeding in ever-decreasing circles - or fractal geometry, as it is now known.
97. The Precautionary Principle suggests that we should do more to understand the long-term impacts before proceeding.
98. By proceeding a little further, a scrambling descent to the river bed may be made.
99. Before proceeding it may be wise to offer some definitions.
100. Meanwhile, rehearsals for Blithe Spirit were proceeding to their second week with me sitting on this bombshell.
101. The full hand was as shown below: - Note what happens if declarer plays 2 rounds of trumps before proceeding.
102. For this reason it is appropriate to take a base-line review of the nature of educational change as a whole before proceeding further.
103. At Canon Grindal's,[] life was proceeding in an orderly manner in its usual direction.
104. The plaintiffs were seeking an injunction to stop a reference to an expert proceeding.
105. But habeas corpus is in fact a federal civil proceeding, where much broader rules apply.
106. Check the rating plate and wiring diagram before proceeding.
107. It seemed a sensible and methodical way of proceeding.
108. Methods: To adopt the Epidemiology survey method proceeding research.
109. The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding.
110. Our airlift was proceeding in stunning fashion.
111. This right does not obtain in judicial proceeding.
112. The project was proceeding according to schedule.
113. This suggests that disinflation is proceeding rapidly.
114. The work is proceeding briskly.
115. His men were proceeding at the double - quick.
116. A legal proceeding or process; a suit.
117. Situation bright as state government report proceeding at last.
118. Article 33 The Supreme People's Court gives interpretation on questions concerning specific application of laws and decrees in judicial proceeding.
119. As commentators have argued, the rulemaking process can be more efficient than case-by-case adjudication, because it can resolve a multiplicity of issues in a single proceeding .
120. Using TVD finite cubage format, the numerical simulation of APFSDS sabots discatding is proceeding.
121. The growing proceeding and phase composition of the anodic film on Tin-Antimony alloys in neutral solution at 1.
122. This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar.
123. The prosecuting attorney represents the government in instituting and proceeding with criminal actions.
124. The U.S. energy secretary says global warming is proceeding more quickly than originally predicted.
125. The Flemings replied to advise that they would not be proceeding given that they had not sold their own property.
126. JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.
127. The self - admission in civil proceeding can confine adjudicative power and free litigant of burden of proof.
128. With tax administration's the proceeding informationization, it is probably parochial to limit it within taxation system.
129. A claimant is entitled to take civil action and commence criminal proceeding simultaneously.
130. We not only can for consumer supply high quality color carbon dust plus powder service, Gives back can to formation of image box proceeding maintenance again use.
131. Its functions includes starting a legal proceeding, protecting legitimate rights of parties and preventing abuse of jurisdiction etc.
132. Based on the surveys and references , the distribution, study proceeding, medicinal and ornamental values, culture and protection measures of 14 species of Pholidota are presented.
132. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
133. The problem on rocket safety control is important during the rocket launching proceeding, and is also the focus of every space country.
134. The density of the distribution of LENK positive nerve fibers was the highest in the subsynovium of TMJ capsule, and the plexi structures proceeding to the synovial membrane were observed.
135. "The economic recovery is proceeding" and "the labor market is improving gradually, " the Federal Open Market Committee said in its statement.
136. The economy virtualization has changed the world proceeding pattern profoundly, formed the new international division system, and reversed the mechanism which the traditional economy crisis occurs.
137. This paper, proceeding with the definition of dissimilarity, probes into the relationship between selfness and otherness to reveal the cross-cultural essence of translation.
138. Balance sheet liability method satisfies the demand for accounting proceeding of income tax in modern technical structure of economy essentially and establishes with comprehensive theory of income.
139. The variation rule of the vertical sintering speed with proceeding of sinter was investigated by studying the air speed.
140. Media can warn the audiences of the legal proceeding of violence behaviours.
141. For about two years he worked in Galilee, proceeding then to the Jewish capital, Jerusalem.
142. Under The current criminal litigation legislation, cases can be retrialed if judicial proceeding has any errors or facts and evidence are doubted about.
143. This proceeding was incumbent on all guests - high and low alike - and was intended to inculcate humility.
144. Proceeding from the theory of intelligent decision support, the article also researched the knowledge management and access management behind the hierarchy model.
145. Malicious litigation can be divided into six types, abusing of the right to sue, abusing of the defensive right, abusing of judicial proceeding, false lawsuits, mendacious suit and repeated suit.
146. Before proceeding any further, cut off a small bit of the meat and taste it.
147. The proceeding of legal system is also the process of deepening compulsory departmentalism.
148. Methods Analyze the hiding mechanism of new Trojan proceeding from the principle of SPI technique and excogitate a method to check and clean this type of Trojan accordingly.
149. With respect to factual issues, the standard of review depends on the type of proceeding.
150. During World War II, the anti-Nazi Lutheran martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote prophetically to a friend from his Berlin prison cell: "We are proceeding toward a time of no religion at all."
151. You have the option to appear before a judge in traffic court to dispute a ticket; however, this can be a complex proceeding in which a good case may be lost.
152. This proceeding aroused the whole hive: half-a-dozen four-footed fiends, of various sizes and ages, issued from hidden dens to the common centre.
153. Free argument, economic proceeding, and bona fide doctrine lay the theoretical basis for self-admission rule.
154. The research achievement has a valuable reference for regulators on establishing some industrial standards, corporate outside audit, securities cases of judicial proceeding, etc.
155. Proceeding in this way, the function addSubTree emits Treeview JavaScript to create either a folder node or a child node in much the same way as for a top level folder.
156. Crime scene investigation is one of the important aspects in a medico - legal proceeding.
157. Although the novels violated the reality principle, they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from ...
158. Immunity from prosecution is also granted to magistrate, counsel and witness as regard their statement in judicial proceeding.
159. We trust that you will see the desirability of avoid such proceeding.
160. The plan is proceeding apace, with another 13 superstores opened in the first half of this year.
161. Although the novels violated the reality principle, they still belonged to the current events novels proceeding from the evidence and fairness.
162. Condensation and dehydrobromination of cyclopentanone gave cyclopentanone oxime O-allyl ether, and then proceeding thermal rearrangement gave 2,[http:///proceeding.html]3-cyclopentenopyridine in 21.1% yield.
163. The sale of the verdict is that the verdict is to be transferred to the third party other than the one involved in a legal proceeding. It is the transfer of rights confirmed essentially.
164. Developments in modern telecommunications are proceeding along broadband, intelligent, personal and integrated services digital network ( B - ISDN ).
165. At present, the building of COMPASS Navigation Satellite System is proceeding.
166. The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding.
167. Action" in the sense of a judicial proceeding includes recoupment , counterclaim, set-on, suit in equity and any other proceedings in which rights are determined."
168. The variation rule of the vertical sintering speed with proceeding of sintering was investigated through the research of the air speed.
169. Landlord George Sessler shields his face from cameras during an April eviction proceeding.
170. Use this event to inspect or modify a data object after a copy operation completes, and before proceeding with subsequent operations.
171. The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship's mortgage.
172. Where there is a duly stamped policy, reference may be made, as heretofore, to the slip or covering note, in any legal proceeding.
173. The analog computer measures continuously, without proceeding step by step.
174. Sun-cured tobacco was not only the important production materials of cigar and mixed type tobacco, but also the important germplasm resources for proceeding cross breeding of Chinese tobacco.
175. A feasible scheme using PAL TV signal for proceeding active time and frequency transfer and synchronization is described in this paper.
176. Interfering in VEGF can achieve the better function by relieving pathological proceeding.
177. Its overelaborate to calculate the elastic ground framework using the method of proceeding in an orderly way and step by step.
178. An impulse noise filter for 1D signal has been introduced and then extended for the image proceeding.
179. After proceeding stability analysis for a model problem, the stable area and the numeric range of the sampling interval that can be taken for assuring controlling stability are given.
180. To keep the Party always proceeding in the front rank of the time when developing market economy and democratic polity, we must set up the basi...
181. The second part is a comparision of judicial proceeding in USA, UK, Germany, Japan.
182. In this respect, the proceeding was functionally similar to a comparative licensing adjudication.
183. The principle, proceeding, experimental results and economic feasibility of the electron beam FGD technology are analyzed.
184. Users will be warned if the solvability conditions for the CNF tracking control are not satisfied, and they have to revise the model before proceeding to controller design.
185. PATCO arose out of a Federal Labor Relations Authority proceeding to decertify a union of air traffic controllers that had led its members in an illegal strike against the government.
186. The sale of the verdict is that the verdict is to be transferred to the third party other than the one involved in a legal proceeding.
187. After established as a legal proceeding in 1938 in America, discovery has been adopted in the evidence law by many countries.
188. This paper is based on the direction 16th proceeding of VLDB 1990 gives formal theory of OOEDB. meanwhile, this theory has been used with Guiyang coal gas SCADA system.
189. That production activity is proceeding in accordance with the agreed production programme.
190. In the meantime the protoplanet cores were proceeding to consolidate.
191. He be suspend on full pay while the police investigation be proceeding.
192. Hansard provide a verbatim account of the proceeding of the house of commons.
192. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
193. And, after proceeding a few steps, she added - 'I stopped you ungraciously, just now, Mr. Knightley, and, I am afraid, gave you pain.
194. These forms of proceeding are respectively known as'statutory review " and " nonstatutory review. ".
195. The proceeding of contract management electronization should promote to realize the change of means of contract management.
196. "Proceeding" includes civil suit and criminal, administrative, and investigatory action.
197. The government has to convince voters it is proceeding coherently toward its goals.




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