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单词 Short-lived
1. Her success was great, but short-lived.
2. Her sense of triumph was short-lived.
3. Her interest in tennis was very short-lived.
4. That joy proved short-lived.
5. Our happiness was short-lived.
6. However, his success was to be short-lived.
7. The cheap labor was short-lived, however.
8. However, the President's popularity may prove to be short-lived.
9. But the halcyon days were short-lived.
10. Many short-lived groups appeared with formulae for fundamental change.
11. Other territorial gains had been short-lived.
12. They had a passionate but short-lived affair.
13. In the past Ferrari have enjoyed short-lived success.
14. And the slowest sales came for the short-lived candidacy of Sen.
15. Samuelson secured a short-lived distribution arrangement with First National Exhibitors' Circuit, and various other films secured some sort of release.
16. She shocked the world with a short-lived marriage to Frank Sinatra, 30 years her senior.
17. This liberty was short-lived however. parliament, deeply suspicious of the King's intentions, proclaimed his Declaration illegal in February.
18. But it was not just the short-lived weather which sent spirits soaring.
19. When this care of old people is short-lived, the inevitable prelude to death, it is accepted as natural.
20. I had a few relationships at college, most of which were fairly short-lived.
21. Any hope that the speech would end the war was short-lived.
22. There is also a steady turnover of smaller, and often short-lived, black music mags reflecting underground phenomena like hip-hop.
23. The boom period ensured that every prairie city had two and sometimes three stations, some of them very short-lived indeed.
24. From there it was a short step to instant, if short-lived, celebrity.
25. As a source of power, physical attributes may be short-lived and superficial.
26. Unlike the greenhouse gases, which spread evenly across the globe, sulphur dioxide's effects are short-lived and regional.
27. I have never been regular, so it is not disturbing to find them light, blotchy and short-lived.
28. Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. He rejoined Newsday in 1979, left to work as a news editor on the Daily News' short-lived Tonight edition.
30. She said that, contrary to popular opinion, traumas caused by such a disaster were not short-lived.
31. Suppositions built on postcards and photographs might be as ill-founded as his short-lived suspicions of being followed the night before.
32. The people of the district rose up in arms and reinstated the abbot, but their triumph was short-lived.
33. The tension engendered by the Good Choices program quietly dissipated, but the ensuing peace was short-lived.
34. However, the period immediately after the Conquest saw short-lived hereditary surnames beginning to emerge.
35. The short-lived uprising fizzled out in the face of strong opposition from government forces.
36. But this fit of morality hardly survived their short-lived victory over the old regime.
37. Kennedy was only briefly in office and even Lyndon Johnson's famed mastery of congress was very short-lived.
38. Short-lived, spontaneous aggregations of people who share a political concern are identified by Almond as anomie interest groups.
39. Some jobs were too short-lived for them to build up sufficient contributions to acquire eligibility for unemployment benefit.
40. When Robbie lost her temper, it was a sudden eruption, short-lived and always followed by remorse.
41. But short-lived was the enjoyment I took in these new surroundings.
42. Phoebe's short-lived psychiatrist boyfriend pointed this out: in Friends, any interloper, by interloping, deserved to be punished.
43. Space stations are so expensive that they can not be placed in short-lived, unstable orbits.
44. A brief exposure will, therefore, produce only the short-lived effect.
45. As was the case with the problems of contraception and abortion, prevention campaigns tend to be short-lived.
46. This venture was short-lived, as the Regent's canal was cut right through the middle of the pitch.
47. We were glad to be home, but our happiness was short-lived.
48. The malaise about a shared intellectual and literary culture was short-lived, the product of passing confrontation.
49. The marriage between the two stars was as bizarre as it was short-lived.
50. It was very short-lived but at the time it was a bit of a shock.
51. But the relief was expected to be short-lived, because the economy and corporate earnings are still hurting.
52. The Star had initiated a campaign against the rules and regulations in 1932, but the effort was short-lived.
53. The satisfaction of leading the world's finest professionals was short-lived, but Jim Thorpe will never forget that 24 hours.
54. They come in nine shades and give a short-lived burst of colour which fades over three to four shampoos.
55. Whatever it might have been, it was short-lived so far as James was concerned.
56. He played one Blimpish cameo in a short-lived play in Birmingham and a couple of small parts in television plays.
57. Unemployment, therefore, exerted a powerful, but short-lived, impact upon trade unions and the pattern of industrial relations.
58. It is typical of species that breed in short-lived pools[/short-lived.html], like the spadefoot toad.
59. That the strategy ultimately failed indicates that its utility may be short-lived.
60. That was fairly short-lived and the mill was sold in 1875, following the death of one of the partners.
61. Mr Greenspan is keen to portray the current slowdown as mild and short-lived.
62. While still at school Widgery had written for a short-lived national schools magazine, which rapidly collapsed.
63. Parker's complacency about acceptance of Gothic must have been short-lived.
64. An agricultural commune was established at Lindfield but seems to have been short-lived, and Lord Chichester helped 300 people to emigrate.
65. With reports of a big seller, Vodafone suffered a short-lived dip to 351p.
66. Two years of short-lived study plans and short-term jobs, two years of going nowhere, had taken their toll.
67. In spite of their general conservatism the bivalves did produce some short-lived, bizarre forms with no living survivors.
68. Newspaper publishing is capital-intensive, and the product is vulnerable to even short-lived strikes.
69. FoE suggests that the initial enthusiasm for saving water may be short-lived.
70. However, his moment in the sun was short-lived as he was eliminated by Amato in the second round.
71. A short-lived ceasefire broke down in January after army commanders demanded another chance to smash the Tigers.
72. That factory turned out to be a short-lived exercise and a gross waste of Government money.
73. This is because higher level waste is initially rich in short-lived isotopes which are highly radioactive.
74. Unfortunately improvement was short-lived, lasting only a few weeks in those with more severe forms of the disease.
75. But this short-lived diplomatic episode was not entirely without significance.
76. Chantal told Martine about her short-lived marriage.
77. Ideally, according to the investigators, an effective calmative would be easy to administer and be adaptable for use in a variety of forms, fast-acting but short-lived, and reversible.
78. DooneButwhen the sameprecedureprocedure was tested on mice aged one week, the heart failed to regenerate, suggesting this ability to self-repair is extremely short-lived.
79. An attempt to restore the gold standard in the 1920s was short-lived: Britain left the full gold standard permanently in 1931, as did the United States two years later.
80. Thina Saltvedt, senior oil markets analyst at Nordea Bank Norge, said that the pressure prices were coming under could be short-lived.
81. For example, a quick, short-lived integration scenario is required to solve immediate business problems and one case where point to point services could be used.
82. In situations where many short-lived temporary files are created, XFS may never need to write these files to disk at all.
83. Ultimately, he says, people can't rely on short-lived salaries, promotions and raises to keep them happy but rather the contributions they make in the long run.
84. If the short-lived moonlet emerged from a debris disk, as Earth's moon did, the moonlet could have forced leftover debris onto Iapetus to form the walnut ridge.
85. When spring comes within, many-coloured short-lived fancies are born and flit about in the mind, ordinarily unnoticed.
86. In lower plants such as mosses and liverworts the persistent vegetative plant is haploid, the sporophyte being a relatively short-lived phase.
87. Japan, which in the 19th century took on board western notions of the sovereign state, absorbed Ryukyu (now Okinawa) and went on forcibly to incorporate much of Asia into its short-lived empire.
88. If the yuan, however, begins to move down, that applause is sure to be short-lived.
88. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
89. His runner-up finish at this year's US Open seemed like it would be the start of his resurgence, but his success at Bethpage Black was short-lived.
90. An individual event object is short-lived, and exists only long enough for immediate processing before it ceases to be.
91. Hall-of-Famer "The Blaze" was a three-time All-American for Montclair State College and played professionally in the short-lived Women's Pro Basketball League in 1980.
92. Anchusa is a short-lived perennial, which will flower next year from sowing now, but the marigolds and borage are easy hardy annuals.
93. The most troubling of the short-lived HFCs were invented to replace chlorofluorocarbons, refrigerants that were thinning the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and were also a major warming agent.
94. If they prove problematic or short-lived, there aren't many people who are going to want a used-up EV.
95. But it should be short-lived, with near-normal readings Monday and Tuesday.
96. As matters stand, America can probably consider only limited and short-lived interventions, for instance to bring disaster relief.
97. There are those who advocate for short-lived, often spammy methods, but these are not advisable if you care for your site's reputation.
98. Finally, the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China.
98. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
99. The developing world is littered with the debris of short-lived projects, but not from this Organization, not from our WHO.
100. The eldest son of the Duke of York, the future Duke of Windsor, ascended to the throne as Edward VIII in January 1936, but his reign was short-lived.
101. Answer: It's only short-lived, used to blind the eyes of the secular, there is nothing more beautiful than a pure loving heart, I give it to every woman, but some ones' dust-covered.
102. They typically take place when a nucleus of an atom gets smacked by either a subatomic particle (usually a "free neutron, " a short-lived neutron not bound to an existing nucleus) or another nucleus.
103. The other outcome, after the defeat of Emperor Bonaparte in the Franco-Prussian War, was the 1871 establishment of the short-lived French government known by historians as the "Paris Commune."
104. NBC borrowed it for a short-lived dating show in 2002, "Meet My Folks, " in which suitors were interrogated by the parents of the date-seeking contestant.
105. The freshwater shark, some 20 inches (50 centimeter) long, dates back to the late Permian period, when the Saar-Nahe Basin in southwest Germany was peppered with short-lived lakes.
106. VIP has only a short-lived effect, because it is soon broken down by an enzyme called Neutral Endopeptidase (NEP).
107. By fabricating stories and manipulating Roxie's meek husband Amos (Kevin Chamberlain), as well as the press, Flynn turns the murderous adulterer in to a local, yet short-lived celebrity criminal.
108. It can be said that Gironde goes through the course of its short-lived in constant movement.
109. The best thing that happened to Rooney on the short-lived program was meeting and befriending CBS News Correspondent Harry Reasoner, with whom he collaborated later to great success.
110. In other words, strategy theory does not deal with short-lived or temporary differentials, but 'persistent' profit differentials between firms.
111. At this stage, we expect the economic impact of this disaster on the East Asian region to be fairly short-lived.
112. He prophesied that cohabitation(8) and short-lived relationships between people were presumable to prevailed America's social scenery for years to come.
113. Members of Islamist sect have been blamed for series of attacks in Maiduguri from where it launched a short-lived armed uprising in 2008.
114. For a time, it appeared that Mr. Prokhorov's entrance into the political arena was an attempt by the Kremlin to have a controllable "liberal" candidate, but the control proved to be short-lived.
115. Although the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, its legalist rule had a deep impact on later dynasties in China.
116. What with pre-nuptial arrangements, palimony, child custody, we have become accustomed to the short-lived, high octane relationships on which glossy magazines feed.




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