单词 |
in conclusion |
释义 |
in conclusion in conclusion → in conclusion at conclusion(1) used in a piece of writing or a speech to show that you are about to finish what you are sayingin conclusion |
随便看 |
- footpath
- footpaths
- foot patrol
- foot pedal
- foot pedal/brake/pump etc
- footplate
- footplates
- footprint
- footprints
- foot pump
- footrest
- footsie
- footsie, the
- foot soldier
- foot soldier/patrol
- footsore
- footstep
- footsteps
- footstool
- footstools
- foot the bill
- footwear
- footwork
- footy
- fop
- Parts drawing
- String constant
- Power detection
- Return circuit
- Correct level
- Port number
- Not reusable
- Microprocessor system
- Monodon
- Plastics industry
- 原谤》鉴赏
- 原过》简析
- 原道
- 原道》简析
- 原道》鉴赏
- 原道》鉴赏
- 原道说
- 厥高镵云的解释?厥高镵云是什么意思?描写山的词语
- 厨川白村
- 厨师和猫
- 厨有悬鱼是什么意思
- 厮隶之言直彻之九重,台省以之为臧否,部院以之为进退,世道大可恨也。或讶之。愚曰:天子之用舍托之吏部,吏部之贤不肖托之抚按,抚按之耳目托之两司,两司之心腹托之守令,守令之见闻托之皂快,皂快之采访托之他邑别郡之皂快。彼其以恩仇为是非,以谬妄为情实,以前令为后官,以旧愆为新过,以小失为大辜,密报密收,信如金石;愈伪愈详,获如至宝。谓夷、由污,谓屩、跖廉,往往有之。而抚按据以上闻,吏部据以黜陟。一吏之荣辱
- 去一利百,人乃慕泽;去一利万,政乃不乱
- 去世的意思,去世的近义词,反义词,造句
- 去伪存真的意思,去伪存真造句
- Torturous句子
- Directed句子
- Apprehensive句子
- Stalactite句子
- Adjudicate句子
- Irrefutable句子
- Encomium句子
- Subterfuge句子
- Executed句子
- Exploitation句子
- Insinuation句子
- Molting句子
- Erosion句子
- Absolved句子
- Snip句子