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单词 Parlor
1. She showed me into the parlor.
2. She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
3. Leroy stole up the hall to the parlor.
4. He was converting his storefront to an espresso parlor.
5. All seven parlor owners have done so.
6. He followed her into the crowded front parlor.
7. She took him to a pachinko parlor, a long narrow room full of people pressed against upright machines.
8. The violation earned the pizza parlor a $ 500 citation and opened the owners to possible further action.
9. She owned the ice cream parlor, plus a shared interest in a strip mall.
10. On the parlor floor, I found what I was looking for in a place of honor over the living-room fireplace.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. Putting a bullet through a million close-printed names-a parlor game.
12. Downstairs, I hid behind the parlor curtain and watched the street.
13. To the right was a parlor with more rosewood paneling.
14. He went into the parlor while I watched from my post behind the kitchen door.
15. That day, I took the cat into the parlor and lay down in the middle of the rug holding him.
16. He led me into his parlor, a clutter of mildewed books, yellowed newspapers and battered filing cabinets.
17. To spice up some of their machines, parlor owners have been tinkering illegally with the odds.
18. When Helen was thirteen, she came into the parlor to look for a book she was reading.
19. However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
20. He played the piano in the parlor as the flames burned closer.
21. So eventually they went downstairs to the parlor and continued the conversation there.
22. She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.
23. She went upstairs to change, and her husband sat in the parlor waiting for her.
24. There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile.
25. The third or fourth time he appeared, Ward invited him to sit in the parlor.
26. On Aug. 4, 1892, the two were found brutally hacked up in the parlor of the family home.
27. After that I slept on a couch in the parlor.
28. When I burst in that afternoon she was in conference in the parlor with an executive of the Curtis Publishing Company.
29. It was what most of the men and women in Mr Cummings' funeral parlor were now drinking.
30. I was still sitting on the stoop when Janir came shuffling into the parlor.
1. She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.
2. She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
31. Maybe the cloning of endangered species is not just a scientific parlor trick.
32. I got him out at an ice cream parlor after a while.
33. Grandmother painted it and Mother put it over the fireplace in the parlor.
34. The parlor features a fireplace, a frescoed ceiling, chandeliers, ornate furniture and an antique black telephone.
35. In place of a wand she had housemaids, parlor maids, laundresses, cooks, and a rotund chauffeur named Courtney.
36. But she was, sitting in the parlor and drawing freehand on a large tablet.
37. His father, Lucien, was a traveling whiskey salesman and proprietor of a billiard parlor.
38. She thought his parlor humor and penchant for sarcasm showed a certain degree of immaturity.
39. It was once more about five minutes before we set out for the alleyway behind the Love Me Tender massage parlor.
40. Linda Leung said she swept and washed down the sidewalk every morning in front of her beauty parlor on Wentworth.
41. Some evenings they put on theatricals in the parlor,[sentence dictionary] elaborate productions that required weeks of rehearsals.
42. In the evening they came into the parlor with their Bibles and read in silence.
43. Sandi and Mrs Fanning found themselves in a pretty little parlor with a couch and lamps and a stack of perfumed towels.
44. Hubert knew me and let me sit in the parlor.
45. She was lying on a settee in the parlor.
46. She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor.
47. Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?
48. Light pours daylong into the parlor.
49. Welcome to our beauty parlor.
50. Be an essential nice assistant of beauty parlor!
51. Please recommend a good beauty parlor to me.
52. A blonde went into a pizza parlor.
53. This could become a very expensive trip beauty parlor!
54. The seance was held in the medium's parlor.
55. This pizza parlor offers free delivery on weeknights.
56. Is there a beauty parlor near here?
57. Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.
58. But for the sake of our parlor game, let's cast all that aside.
59. I love testimonial dinners. They're like an ego massage parlor.
60. The private barber parlor was in an annex adjoining a capacious bathroom.
61. But most are indoor games, frequently what are called parlor games or party games.
62. Beauty Parlor: A place that can add some confidence to not so confident women.
63. Dai: "Angel Beauty Parlor" impresses me most. It appears in several of your works. It seems that you prefer places like red-light district.
64. Receptionist: Of course, it will. Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.
65. A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool... After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split.
66. Make a fortune and have fun Come to the pachinko parlor!
67. It'so happened that the parlor door was partly of glass, shaded a silken curtain.
68. One day I came home from the beauty parlor, tired as a dog.
69. The Sir of stone is very not easy the amalgamation unbolting a window moved into coal furnace parlor, who know unexpectedly the swoon is in returning to the road of bedroom.
70. Our hair - dressing and Beauty parlor with good service and historical reputation is awaiting your visit.
71. A blonde went into a pizza parlor. When she said that she'd like a medium pizza,[] the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve.
72. So I quit, and moved to a pizza parlor where I got extra money for cutting the salami with the machine that cut peoples' fingers.
73. Today ( 24 th ) just rushed to Shanghai in the afternoon, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.
74. " said one parlor boss, pointing at some three-story walk-up apartment buildings just off Main Street in Flushing.
75. Dave and Esau and Doris led me into the parlor.
76. There is a major problem, can not be free cheap casket placed in a funeral parlor.
77. In films, we always see the tarot seedy parlor or back room.
78. First look at the Funeral Parlor ( including cremation market ) characteristics of the market.
79. Of course, it will. Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.
80. Tip one:Put a bowl of attenuant vinegar water in the corner of parlor or bedroom.
81. At the time I didn't need the skill since most collateral readingassignments in my courses were under 500 pages, but I started practicing justfor the fun of it – sort of like a private parlor game.
82. Shortly after, my lessonsbeganwith Mr. Zelliat Allegro Accordion School, tucked between an old movie theater and a pizza parlor.
83. And at the beginning of 19 th century, the first public billiard parlor opened in London.
84. In online discussions of the massage parlor kidnappings, Chinese who mentioned the possibility that the abductees were prostitutes were quickly denounced.
85. I turned round and saw her staring through the glass door of a fashion parlor at a very elegant high-class skirt.
86. The soldier followed the king's daughters to the parlor for a nightcap.
87. Believe me, it was pretty gross finding a used condom from behind that massage parlor onKnightsbridge Street .
88. This could become a very expensive trip to the beauty parlor!
89. It has wide range of using place: Home, hotel, guesthouse , high-grade villa, top-grade house, leisure center, rehabilitation center, beauty parlor, public bathroom, bath sauna center, etc.
90. If you go to a private massage parlor, it can be expensive.
91. Sibo's grandmother invited us into the parlor and found a few small wooden chairs.
92. Beauty parlor not only sells corporeal products, but also sells immaterial services to customers.
93. Mom may phone out for Chinese food or ask the local pizza parlor to deliver.
94. You may use the fitting room, swimming pool and sauna, and the massage parlor in this hotel.
95. Grandma sat all by herself in a corner of the room they called the sun parlor .
96. Let's play this week's parlor game: Are we in another Great Depression?
97. At the same time, the company undertakes funeral parlor business supplies and classical modification works.
98. We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
99. Living room: Sofa, tea table , end table, flower stand, parlor TV cabinet etc.
100. Is it an upscale Filipino or Asian restaurant, a pizza parlor,[] chicken shop or an ice cream shop?
101. My parents had read about this parlor game in a magazine, how girls across the country were being stumped by the answer.
102. On the wall of the parlor was splashed his certificate of merit.
103. This afternoon just rushed to Shanghai, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.
104. After trying to play the Washington parlor game of the moment — "Was Alan Patricof invited?" he asked, referring to a fellow ardent Clinton supporter — Mr.
105. Let's play this week's favorite parlor game: Are we in another Great Depression?
106. Toys hidden behind crewelwork curtains in the playroom - cum - parlor.
107. She is sitting at a pizza parlor with other American Cancer Society volunteers, chatting about an upcoming charity event.
108. Or how about a tattoo parlor?What would happen if the artist were painstakingly etching the name Vinny into the fleshy arm of a crotchety client when the resident dog accidentally bumped his arm?
109. One of these, the parlor, gay with an ingrain carpet and dolorous with a funeral card and a death-picture of one of her numerous departed babes, was kept strictly for company.
110. For the last three years, I have studied the ancient teachings of Buddha, earning two black belts in Wu Shu martial arts, spending every afternoon in the Hong Kong Massage parlor.
111. Good morning, Sir ( Madam ). This is the beauty parlor. What can I do for you?
112. Unless it is a funeral parlor to develop the brand,[] but more expensive price.
113. The two of them made all visitors join them in a complicated parlor game that they called Associations.
114. Families and young woman enjoyed fortunetelling games in the parlor.
115. After thirty, paying no attention to the bookstore breeze in to the beauty parlor next door.
116. Approximately 50 to 80 "massage parlor" brothels have opened in Panghsang, according to a NGO worker who spoke to The Irrawaddy on condition of anonymity.
117. Far from being a mere parlor game, the Turing Test is an important measure of just how far one aspect of Artificial Intelligence has come.
118. I've been seeing a girl named Candy that I met at massage parlor in Beijing, and she's very nice.
119. TOKYO – On a narrow Tokyo street, near a beef bowl restaurant and a pachinko parlor, Aya Tsukioka demonstrated new clothing designs that she hopes will ease Japan's growing fears of crime.
120. Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting.
121. Just as a parlor game, what if she obtained this expertise directly from...
122. Guessing about Mr. Castro's fate, plans and intentions has become a parlor game in Havana.
123. Sure, let's go to the pizza parlor -- I'll just order a salad.
124. The best feature of the house is the sun parlor.
125. In the parlor a colossal shade of Mrs. Melbury's head fell on the wall and ceiling.
126. When she edged in he was enacting the kindly burly pastor, an elbow on the corner of the parlor organ, two fingers playing with his massy watch-chain, his expression benevolent and amused.
127. Upstate in the city of Buffalo, a small pizza parlor on a side street was doing a rush trade.
128. We sit down in a billiard parlor on the Avenue du Maine and order hot Coffee.
129. Don't forget that Raoul is Mrs. Merriwether's grandchild and Mrs. Merriwether would as soon have a free issue nigger in her sacred parlor as one of us.
130. I went to the beauty parlor and went and bought a couple things.
131. This is Chris Randall's acclaimed live lecture at The Magic Castle in the Parlor of Prestidigitation. This DVD also shows bonus performances in the Close up Gallery and Palace of Mystery.
132. Rhett rose swiftly , deposited Wade in Fanny's lap, and went into the parlor.
133. And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.
134. And how about people who go to the pizza parlor and empty the red pepper flakes into a napkin to take home (another trait of Papa Hinz), along with most of the rest of the napkins?
135. Competitive products, such as the voice search in Microsoft's Live Search for mobile, can only handle queries for specific local information, such as directions to a local pizza parlor.
136. The flowers that wreathed his parlor stifled him with their sensuous perfume.
137. The parlor has to be spiffed up a bit before the guests arrive.
138. Get yourself a massage: You can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your spouse to give you a full body massage.
139. I'll leave you to play your own parlor game and draw your own conclusions.
140. The third floor housed a sauna, a massage parlor, and a mixed - gender bathhouse.
141. It is the parlor game of the Financial Crisis: Pass the Buck.
142. Shortly after, my lessons began with Mr. Zelli at the Allegro Accordion School, tucked between an old movie theater and a pizza parlor .
143. There are moments in history when ideology stops being a parlor game for academics and actually shapes the future of the world.
144. At the age of eleven, a cosmetics representative saw her in a pizza parlor.




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