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单词 incomplete
释义 Word family  noun completion incompleteness adjective complete ≠ incomplete verb complete adverb completely ≠ incompletely  in·com·plete1 /ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt◂/ ●○○ adjective  COMPLETEnot having everything that should be there, or not completely finished 不完全的,不完整的;未完成的,未结束的 OPP complete Unfortunately, I do not have the information because our records are incomplete. 很遗憾,由于我们的记录不完整,我无法提供有关资料。 an incomplete process 未完成的工序 TV ads implied that a woman was incomplete without a man. 电视广告暗示女人没有男人就不完整。 —incompletely adverb —incompleteness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusincomplete• None the less, the success of this program was incomplete.• Historical records for this time are incomplete.• The excavation of the tunnel is still incomplete.• The database is also obviously incomplete, being little more than a list of fields for you to fill in.• incomplete drawings• To date £6.7 million has been spent on two incomplete ferry terminals at Gills Bay and Burwick.• Current data on which regulatory decisions are based, because they are incomplete, give an imprecise estimate of risk.• Superficial shortcuts result in incomplete healing.• Incomplete historical records have made the investigation more difficult.• an incomplete job application• Midway through the second quarter, Steve Young aggravated his groin while running toward the sideline and throwing an incomplete pass.• Democrats said the McCollum-Zeliff charges were an incomplete sneak preview of conclusions expected when their committees have completed a full report.• While incomplete, the steps that were taken laid the foundation for Workplace 2000.• For many, a good meal is incomplete without a fine wine.incomplete2 noun [countable] American English  a grade given to school or college students when they have not completed all the work for a course 〔学业成绩评分〕未修毕,未完成in·com·plete1 adjectiveincomplete2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus that be should there, having not everything




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