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单词 next door
释义  ˌnext ˈdoor1 ●●● S2 adverb  1  NEXT TOin the house, room etc next to yours or someone else’s 在隔壁 the boy next door 隔壁的男孩 Her office is just next door. 她的办公室就在隔壁。2  next door to something next to another building, room etc 在…的隔壁 They live next door to the shop. 他们住在商店的隔壁。Examples from the Corpusnext door• Deanna's office is right next door.• The boy next door cuts our grass for door2 noun [uncountable] British English informal  NEXT TOthe people living in the house or apartment next to yours 隔壁邻居 SYN neighbour Have you seen next door’s new car? 你看到隔壁邻居的新车了吗?ˈnext-door adjective [only before noun]  1. next-door neighbour NEXT TOthe person who lives in the house or apartment next to yours 隔壁邻居2. next-door apartment/office etc NEXT TOthe apartment etc that is next to yours 隔壁公寓/办公室等Examples from the Corpusnext-door• It would be ironic to pick away at the mortar for a few decades only to break through into the next-door cell.• And when was the last time you stayed at a motel and got to know your next-door neighbors?• He could be the next-door neighbour, a friend, a blood relation.• I haven't had any trouble with him personally, but my next-door neighbour has.• Could some one tell my next-door neighbour, Mrs Timms?• Better than a view of cardboard panes and the next-door privies.ˌnext ˈdoor1 adverbnext door2 nounˈnext-door adjectiveChineseSyllable  house, room next etc yours to or Corpus in the




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