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单词 next
释义  next1 /nekst/ ●●● S1 W1 determiner, adjective  1  AFTERthe next event, day, time etc is the one that happens after the present one, or the previous one 〔时间〕紧接着的;下次的 I just missed my flight to Chicago. When’s the next one? 我刚错过去芝加哥的航班。下一班是几点钟? We’ll look at the proposals at the next meeting. 下一次会议我们要研究一下这些提议。 Over the next couple of months, try to relax more and get more exercise. 接下来的几个月里,要尽量多放松、多运动。next week/year/Monday etc We’re hoping to open the factory sometime next year. 我们希望工厂能在明年某个时候开工。the next day/week etc (=on or during the following day, week etc) 第二天/下一周等 She called me and we arranged to meet the next day. 她给我打了电话,我们约好第二天见面。(the) next time 下次,再次 Next time I go skiing, I’ll wear warmer clothes. 下一次去滑雪的时候,我要穿得暖和一点。2  NEXT TOthe next house, room, place etc is the one that is nearest to where you are now 〔位置〕离得最近的 Turn left at the next corner. 下一个拐角向左转。 We could hear them arguing in the next room. 我们能听到他们在隔壁房间里争论。 → next to3  AFTERthe next person or thing in a list, series etc comes after the one that you are dealing with now 〔次序〕下一个的,紧接在后的 Read the next two chapters before Friday. 星期五之前看完接下来的两章。 Do they have the next size up (=a slightly bigger size)? 他们有没有大一号的尺寸?4  next biggest/most common etc almost as big, more common etc than the one you are talking about 第二大/最常见的等 Cancer-related diseases are the next biggest killers. 与癌症相关的疾病是第二大杀手。5  the next best thing the thing or situation that is almost as good as the one you really want 仅次于最好的东西[事物] If I can’t be home for Christmas, phoning you on the day is the next best thing. 如果圣诞节我回不了家,就退而求其次,到那天给你打个电话。6  the next thing I/she etc knew informal used when something surprising happens very suddenly 〔意外发生时〕我/她等只知道 The next thing I knew, I was lying face down on the pavement. 等我反应过来时,我已经趴在人行道上了。7  as the next man/person as any other man or person 像其他人一样 I am as keen to do well as the next man. 我像别人一样渴望自己能干得出色。n THESAURUSnext happening or coming immediately after another oneWhen does the next train to London leave?I’ll see you next Saturday.following happening or coming immediately after something – used about periods of time, or parts of a piece of writingWe met the following day.The following weeks passed quickly.the following pages of the booksubsequent formal happening or coming at some time after something elsethe subsequent success of the filmThis will be explained in more detail in subsequent chapters.This figure is expected to rise steeply in subsequent years.succeeding coming after someone or something else – used about a series of groups of people, periods of time, or parts of a booksucceeding generationsSucceeding governments have made the same mistake.During the succeeding weeks he wrote several more letters.coming happening soonThe information will be mailed to members during the coming weeks.The villagers are storing up wood for the coming winter.Examples from the Corpusnext week/year/Monday etc• Gwinnett school officials say they fear the same fate when they turn to voters for more money next year.• He would have earned $ 10 million next year.• Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he would hold hearings on the bill next week.• Hern's lease of the royal stables at West Ilsley in Berkshire is to cease next year.• The first rally is expected to be held next week.• The Datavision business is expected to make about £5m next year, but then to escalate sharply.• The School Board next week is expected to meet in executive session and determine how much it can afford to offer.• In autumn, youngsters will be urged to collect conkers, ash keys and acorns to grow next year's size up• If in doubt, get the next size up.next2 ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  AFTERimmediately afterwards 紧接下来;下一步;随后 With John here, you never know what will happen next. 有约翰在这里,你永远都不会知道接下来会发生什么事。 Next, put it in the oven for 20 minutes. 然后把它放到烤箱里烤20分钟。2  FIRSTthe next time 下次,再次 When I next saw her she completely ignored me. 我再次见到她时,她压根儿没有理我。Examples from the Corpusnext• Can you remember what happened next?• Retribution spawns revenge and the president is up next.• Everyone started fighting and someone threw a bottle. I forget what happened next.• What do I do next?• Which of the candidates shall we interview next?• First you need to select the text you want to move. Next, click on the "Move" command at the top of the screen.• First, chop up two large onions. Next, fry them until they are golden brown.• Heat the chocolate until it melts. Next, pour it into the molds and leave to cool.• I smiled at them and one came over and sat next to me and asked me who my favourite Spice Girl was.• A few seconds later, Erma Bombeck gave up her first class seat and slid into the coach seat next to me.• Note: click the arrow, next to the corresponding level of course, for more information.• A building next to the lab was being demolished.• Danang was pushed next to the sea and all the land around it had been stripped of trees.• Such children are likely to be more comfortable right next to their teacher than joining in the unstructured games of childhood.• Her brightening of mood seems largely inspired by the light bulb she has been standing next to.next3 ●●● S3 W3 pronoun  1  AFTERthe person or thing in a list, series etc that comes after the person or thing you are dealing with now 下一个〔人或事物〕 What’s next on the shopping list? 购物单上的下一项是什么?the next to do something Who will be the next to go? 谁是下一个?2  the day/week etc after next TMCthe day, week etc that follows the next one 后天/下下个星期等 Have you remembered it’s Susie’s birthday the week after next? 你还记得下下个星期是苏茜的生日吗?3  the next to last LASTthe one before the last one 倒数第二 the next to last day of their visit 他们来访结束前的一天4. next (please) AFTERused to tell someone that it is now their turn to speak or their turn to do something (有请)下一位5. be next in line AFTERto be the next person, especially to have a job or position 〔尤指工作或职位的〕继任者Examples from the Corpusnext• Jamie was next in line.the next to do something• A large fishery based on the Georges Bank off Massachusetts was the next to close.• Darnley himself was the next to die.• Knight was the next to fall - straight into the safe hands of Hick, off the bowling of Benjamin.• We would be the next to follow in the great man's footsteps.• Does this mean that King's Pond will be the next to go?• That unsettled them all and made them wonder who would be the next to go.• The towering, gilded replica of the Goddess of Liberty was the next to go.• Will he be the next to go?nNext trademark  na British shop which sells fashionable and good-quality clothes for adults and children. There are Next shops in many UK towns, but the company also sells some of its products by means of a catalogue, the Next Directory. Customers can order goods from the catalogue by telephone.next1 determiner →n THESAURUS1next2 adverbnext3 pronounNextLDOCE OnlineChinese  event, etc day, the next time is Corpus




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