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单词 imbroglio
释义  im·bro·gli·o /ɪmˈbrəʊliəʊ $ ɪmˈbroʊlioʊ/ noun (plural imbroglios) [countable]  SERIOUS SITUATIONa difficult, embarrassing, or confusing situation, especially in politics or public life 〔尤指政治或公务中出现的〕错综复杂的局面,困局 a political imbroglio 政治上错综复杂的局面Examples from the Corpusimbroglio• The budget imbroglio also is creating a mounting statistics gap.• People have come out into the street from both sides to watch the imbroglio.• The imbroglio brought out the Sicilian in me.Origin imbroglio (1700-1800) Italian imbrogliare “to mix up”im·bro·gli·o nounChineseSyllable   Corpus situation, a in confusing embarrassing, politics difficult, especially or




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