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单词 Posting
1. She was unable to take up the London posting.
2. He was rewarded with a posting to New York.
3. I forgot posting the.
4. I sacrificed two years'seniority by taking the overseas posting.
5. She rode horseback posting elegantly.
6. I'm posting you a cheque tonight.
7. Somebody's been posting obscene messages in this chat room.
8. She has now accepted a posting as ambassador to Scandinavia.
9. The ambassador expects that his next posting will be Paris.
10. Your posting has just come through: you're going to Hong Kong.
11. Parcels must be properly bound up for posting to other countries.
12. The envelopes for posting lay in a heap on her desk.
13. If you were offered an overseas posting, would you take it?
14. They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.
15. She was released after posting $100 cash bond and her driver's license.
16. She has now accepted a posting as ambassador to Latvia.
17. He received a posting to Japan as soon as his training was finished.
18. Before posting a letter,() you should enclose it in an envelope.
19. Posting presentations at medical meetings on the Internet.
20. Mott was released after posting $10,000 bail.
21. Check posting of discounts. 6.
22. I've dreamed as far as the first posting.
23. Co. and other companies posting better-than-expected earnings.
24. Officials began posting warning notices.
25. Picture yourself posting the letter, and feeling that it was a simple matter after all!
26. Organizations posting political or religious information on to the World Wide Web will need to register with the broadcasting authority.
27. A posting error can be corrected by using a correction or void key. 7.
28. His last diplomatic posting was as ambassador and plenipotentiary in Paris.
29. After commencing retraining, the ex POWs, like most soldiers on a home posting, endeavoured to get home at weekends.
30. There's a new batch in, about fifty, they say, to fill up the last posting.
1. She was unable to take up the London posting.
2. He was rewarded with a posting to New York.
3. I forgot posting the.
4. I sacrificed two years'seniority by taking the overseas posting.
5. She has now accepted a posting as ambassador to Scandinavia.
6. Parcels must be properly bound up for posting to other countries.
7. He received a posting to Japan as soon as his training was finished.
8. Before posting a letter, you should enclose it in an envelope.
31. Posting things, then finding them again is an obsession for babies.
32. Items must be posted at post office counters in advance of latest recommended posting times for next working day delivery.
33. He followed that by posting large signs advising tourists not to go under the cataract because of the danger of falling rocks.
34. More and more schools have begun posting their own home pages on the World Wide Web.
35. For Coulthard, the prospect of posting a third successive Silverstone win looks a forlorn hope at best after another disappointing race.
36. But posting a bond would be risky even for a dear friend.
37. For an extra fee, at the time of posting at your post office, we can arrange cover against consequential loss.
38. Draitser retaliated by posting security guards at the hotel entrance to bar Tatum.
39. Service is to be effected by posting the process or document in a prepaid registered envelope, or by personal delivery.
40. Also captured his first Montgomery County Public Schools diving title the previous week after posting a 3-1 regular season mark.
41. Cunningham was released Wednesday after posting $ 25, 000 cash bail.
42. And I have recently started using my web site for posting brief responses to papers that discuss my work.
43. Finally, if you after, try posting your request comparing prices across shops has become the latest craze amongst shopping.
44. Possessing no ecclesiastic franchise, they expiate their grief by posting an InMemoriam notice.
45. The first was hacking round Crieff, eventually posting a horrendous score of 112, with Roy Nicolson as his playing partner.
45. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46. Mrs Southworth from the Hall was at the pillar box, posting a letter.
47. Las Vegas bookmakers started posting odds by noon Tuesday, soon after nominations were announced.
48. Porlier found his career as a guerrilla general rewarded by posting to a provincial garrison.
49. Proof of posting will not be taken as proof of delivery.
50. A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work -- kept going down.
51. His senior officer had been only too glad to approve his new posting.
52. As you know, my last posting before I resigned my commission was at Nuremberg from November 1945 to October 1946.
53. Then one agent dropped in on her pals Rick and Rosario Ames, who had returned from a foreign posting.
54. An hourly employee with little seniority got promoted to management. --- Operators also misunderstood the job posting policy.
55. His posting to the War Office had seemed a godsend.
56. You use a version of email to send a message, usually called a posting, to a newsgroup.
57. In some of those countries, those links are enhanced by the posting or exchange of drugs liaison officers.
58. I really appreciate the game reports and the early results posting ... thanks.
59. Before 1940, Christmas gifts were wrapped only for posting, though a ribbon might be tied round a special present.
60. I thought about posting it to the club as my sign of protest.
61. Where necessary, enclose the certificate of posting or a clear photocopy. 3.
62. In both these cases, the presumption is of service seven calendar days after the date of posting or insertion.
63. Shortly afterwards, he went off to the Demob Centre and I left dismally on my last posting to Scampton.
64. Dual Density Posting provides superior stability.
65. Don't lose time in posting this letter.
66. The posting was made in the cash account.
67. The ambassador's posting has come through; it's Paris.
68. Posting to newsgroups on different hosts is not supported.
69. He labelled the parcel before posting it.
70. Even though the present laws allow anonymous posting.
71. I forgot posting the letter.
72. Do you mind posting a letter for me?
73. Methinks people posting here "protests too much".
74. His posting has just come through, it's Hong Kong.
75. The state's new Ten Commandments law was prompted by controversy over the posting of the commandments at the Barrow County Courthouse.
76. One anonymous individual has set up, posting people’s photos of looters who no doubt thought they had avoided closed-circuit television cameras.
77. Yesterday they were toying with the idea of making a posting bid on Japan lefty Igawa.
78. Never use anyone's real name or real phone number when posting on a BBS.
79. In this book, we use general journal to explain the process of journalizing and posting.
80. Some allow anonymous posting; othersrequire a sign-up with a valid email address in order to deter bad behavior.
81. Formerly stable credit funds are mark - to - market are posting horrific numbers.
82. The Command control is used to perform an action on a mobile device, like posting user input back to the server.
83. Love Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's new website though bit bemused by illustration of me, Brown said in a Twitter posting about the website of the model-singer who married President Nicolas Sarkozy last year.
84. Bradley said those efforts fall short. There needs to be a national market system for fixed income and credit with displayed prices and the posting of open interest and market positions, he said.
85. Employees create emotional bonds between their actual job posting and personal identities; this discourages change.
86. Content that is intentionally commercial, advertising, spamming or of similar manner, as deemed by the Administrator or the Moderators. See forum-specific rules when posting at the TAW Market forum.
87. Online funerals or burials would not retainthe ashes, but set up an online cemeteryand memorialize the deceasedby posting an obituary and funeral messages.
88. I trust you haven't taken to posting in the nude the mother said.
89. TORONTO (Reuters) - "Forgive me a freakout moment here," I wrote to a woman's-only Internet bicycling forum I've been posting on for years.
90. Suspected rioter David O'Neill leaves court Thursday in London after posting bail on charges, including aggravated violence.
91. A posting on the Alliance's website claims that the agreement would create a monopoly in digital books that would inevitably lead to fewer choices and higher prices for consumers.
92. Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous material written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously today.
93. one of the luxuries of my last posting in Paris was to spend a winter week in the Alps descending – generally rather inelegantly – some of the world's most spectacular slopes.
94. Special posting periods that subdivide the last regular posting period for closing operations.
95. Perhaps the key product decision was not requiring user registration, thereby allowing anonymous posting and browsing.
96. Article 25 Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting ...
97. Posting regularly about product updates will allow your customers to receive up-to-the-minute notifications via RSS.
98. For one director of marketing posting in Chicago yesterday, a job competition report showed a wide range of desired salaries -- from $78, 000 to $93, 000.
99. To complete for posting to General Ledger the Daily Cashier Recapitulation and the General Cashier Report.
100. Online funerals would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages.
101. Posting advertisement of other webpages ( with no connection with the game ) in discussions and personal messages.
102. If the robot goes straight to POSTing the form submission, it will not have loaded the HTML page, and so it will not know the expected value for the nonce.
103. And consider if or when accept your application according to your activities in VOE , such as the number of your posting, value of your experience, etc.
104. In the inverted index structure, the posting list of each term is partitioned into linked blocks, whose sizes form an arithmetical series .
105. Please clearly specify the posting you apply on the envelop or the email.
106. Daily email updates to your friends is a good method, as is using an online forum, or posting a big tally sheet in your office where everyone can see it.
107. They also can be able to re-edit the post even after posting it.
108. A group of fans in the upper deck at Yankee Stadium even took to posting signs for each ground ball induced by Wang, much the way power pitchers are greeted with congratulatory Ks.
109. users failing to inquire about or demand compensation at the end of one year, counting from the date of handing in or posting the vouchered postal materials or making the remittance.
110. Please don't repeat posting the same post, which would affect reading. The repeated posts would be deleted after noticing the author, but the original post would be kept here.
111. Through journalizing and posting adjusting entries, the income statement and the balance sheet will reflect the proper operating results and financial position at the end of the accounting period .
112. Must not be a classified ad page, adult, or job posting page.
113. In his posting on Friday, Mr. Ji said he stumbled upon the story this week after spending a few days in Luoyang to investigate the murder of a local television reporter.
114. C 1 : Will I be doing any posting of this ledger?
115. A key trigger for the July 5 riot was indeed such a "disinformation" posting on an international Uyghur internet group by a WUC leader in Germany.
116. I know an American photographer who received a death threat after posting a picture of a rather well-endowed man on a photography web site - I've never heard of a similar reaction to female nudes.
117. For Posting. add a photo upload option (up to 4 pictures) if possible, shrink photo quality so it can save memory.
118. After a spell in Stockholm, Sweden, he finally received his longed-for posting to Beijing in 1984.
119. This work provided a new method for posting the mutagenic mechanism, investigating comprehensive effect of mutagen on the growth of microorganism and monitoring the mutagenic growth process.
120. You are offered a posting in London? Don't hem and haw.
121. Posting is entirely free but to get an item featured on the main page or featured on sub pages there will be a fee paid through paypal.
122. Already more Americans are making their primary income from posting their opinions than Americans working as computer programmers or firefighters.
123. Perhaps the photolurkers aren't entirely to blame. Some photographers are posting their most private moments online, without any password protection, for all the world to see.
124. I heard the purity test website is gonna start posting pictures to illustrate the questions.
125. Note: Enabling this option for non-privileged users may result in their posting malicious code to your blog.
126. Preparing an after-closing trial balance. Ensuring that the ledger" remains in balance after posting of the closing entries."
127. Michael: Nothing I didn't already expect. The junior accountant and I will mainly be posting journal entries to the general ledger.
128. They are the quick and easy versions of full-fledged blogs, ideal for posting about pictures and blog posts.
129. On the other hand, inexpensive living doesn't always require a foreign posting: North Carolina's Winston-Salem ranks No. 18 among cheap cities.
130. One hour after he returned to his apartment, he saw a posting on the website of Adafruit Industries, the open source hardware company run by hacker impresario Limor Fried.
131. The founder Geri Weis-Corbley, who was a CNN camera operator and editor in the 1980s, spends her days browsing for reports of positivity and posting them on the site.
132. We considered posting this one as a competition, but there was no time for a dummy run ...
133. The court called for a demilitarized zone near the Preah Vihear temple and the posting of Indonesian army observers to enforce the agreement.
134. At last, bridges posting analysis were made through modification test of the traffic load models.
135. Other details of the report were also supportive of growth,(http:///posting.html) with unfilled orders posting a healthy increase -- indicating factories will keep busy for a while.
136. At least three other people, encouraged by a Twitter posting announcing Mr. Fang’s lecture at the department of computer science, had planned to join the protest but bailed out at the last moment.
137. I remember posting the letters , ie I have the memory of doing so in my mind.
138. We could easily develop a trial balance by posting our transactionsdirectly into the ledger journal altogether.
139. I read your posting regarding the 2009 International Collegiate Choral Festival at Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
140. Also, this is a pretty clear area where social media could play a big role. Friends and family recipes clearly trump the random posting on the Internet.
141. Friends and family recipes clearly trump the random posting on the Internet.
142. Over those eight games, the Yanks averaged less than three runs per outing, so posting an eight-spot on the rainy scoreboard was a good sign.
143. If you have any thoughts on WordNet usage, or experience of your own, please share by posting on the Thinking XML discussion forum.
144. Heavy traffic swamps company's site, requiring more servers, no ETA on posting time.
145. Kraken, another Cray XT5 system, jumped up two places from its former No. 5 position by posting a processing performance speed of 832 teraflop/s.
146. The team organized through industrial resources collected by rhe company invite professional audience continuously by the means of posting, mail, phone, fax and so on.
147. Strictly forbids posting of - age sex, nudity and bestiality related topics.
148. Rallies begin when stocks start posting higher lows, so I'm guardedly hopeful about stocks as we head into the fall.
149. Closing the accounts includes two processes of journalizing and posting the closing entries.
150. Posting anything anonymously to the Net is quite hard: the nature of the Net is to track everything infallibly , and to duplicate items promiscuously.
151. Sorry for the English posting, didn't bother to install Chinese input method as I am re-installing.
152. "President-elect Obama is going to be the spark that arouses the 'white movement,' "reads a posting on the National Socialist Movement Web site.
153. Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process, the form of posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation.
154. Posting is the process of copying data from the General Journal to each Ledger account.
155. In the event of service by post, certificate of mailing shall be retained, and the date of posting as indicated on the certificate shall be deemed as the date of service.
156. I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma.
157. Making end - of - period adjusting entries, journalizing and posting them in ledger accounts.
158. In many Chinese companies, she continues, an overseas posting is seen as an opportunity to prove oneself, and the suggestion by headquarters to go abroad is not easily refused.
159. If you are not satisfied with this suite, can enter the broker Posting record check out more homes.
160. Posting from these journals is to general ledger and to the amounts payable subsidiary ledger.
161. Post-communication is an independent industry whose main function is to transfer entitative mails and information, so it's also called post-communication industry, which is offering posting services.
162. First of all, general instruction of posting processing center and the difference between posting processing center and common logic center are presented in this paper.
163. May-be Michael Bay leaked the photos to spread more misinformation, which he will tomorrow fess up to in his latest "I tricked you guys" message board posting.
164. I herby verify that the above information is correct and understood all the data may be used for the member registration, course applications, member statistics and for posting centre notices only.
165. Posting the entries in the journals into ledger accounts, thus creating a record classified by accounts.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
166. Or even worse, just calling myself a minimalist and posting voyeuristic pictures of what I pack, what I wear and how I live makes some people mad/annoyed/disgusted (?), but you know what?
167. Posting old tomatoes and potato peelings down the waste disposal.
168. You have aborted the posting of articles. The unsent articles are stored in the "Outbox" folder.
169. Ben is posting an online journal entry after talking to Jane.
170. Strictly forbids posting of under - age sex, nudity and bestiality related topics.
171. You have to attach a label to a box while posting it.
172. "If you, the shoe thrower, get kicked out of school for this, my company will hire you in a minute, " said one anonymous posting on a Wuhan University student message board.
173. Researchers, visual artists, and pornographers have all begun cobbling together home-brewed Kinect projects and posting the results online.
174. One example was project members in Assam, India, posting images of their work with local villages to reduce conflicts between people and elephants.
175. And with large buttons dedicated to posting music, video, and photos, it encourages users to go beyond the blocks of text that are the mainstay of typical blogging and social websites.
176. Making closing entries , journalizing and posting them in to ledger accounts.
177. Sonus and Cisco continue to be the strongest challengers posting substantial growth in NAM and EMEA, respectively.
178. Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
179. If the prospect of posting daily seems off-putting, remember that each post does not have to be a thousand words of carefully argued and finely crafted prose.
180. Chinese banks may risk higher bad loans after posting record profits in 2007, due to tighter credit controls and a slowing economy, the nation's banking regulator said.
181. Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its roots go much farther back.
182. All notices shall be made upon receipt and shall be deemed received, if sent by airmail seven (7) days after the date of posting, and if sent by telefax or telex on the following business day.
183. According to a spot check, disagreements on the posting outnumber agreements more than six to one.
184. Please refer to the relevant rules in regard of posting a picture and attachment.
185. Just try to refrain from posting photos of drunken revelry or other questionable images that could land you in some hot water.
186. Used to adjust and to select each inventory tag for posting.




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