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单词 Gamble
1) It was time for a last desperate gamble.
2) Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble.
3) Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay.
4) I'll take a gamble.
5) Are you going to gamble on the result of the fight?
6) Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.
7) I wouldn't gamble on the weather being fine.
8) Don't gamble with your future.
9) The gamble seemed hardly worthwhile.
10) It was a gamble that went badly wrong.
11) It was the biggest gamble of his political career.
12) Drive carefully and don't gamble with your life.
13) You can't gamble on the weather in England.
14) I take calculated risks but never gamble.
15) He cannot gamble on offending his boss.
16) The gamble on the harvest had paid off .
17) Lost all your money? That'll teach you to gamble.
18) It was wrong to gamble with our children's future.
19) I took a calculated gamble and it paid off.
20) Don't gamble on getting the job.
21) he continues to gamble when he always loses!
22) I'll gamble on his honesty and lend him the money.
23) So far it looks like Warner Brothers' gamble is paying off.
24) The gamble paid off.
25) It was a big gamble for her to leave the band and go solo.
26) Punters are expected to gamble £70m on the Grand National.
27) It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late.
28) I don't know if I can rely on him,(http:///gamble.html) but I'm willing to take a gamble.
29) Britain is the only country in Europe that allows minors to gamble.
30) They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off .
1) It was time for a last desperate gamble.
2) Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble.
3) I'll take a gamble.
4) Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.
5) I don't know if I can rely on him, but I'm willing to take a gamble.
6) Drive carefully and don't gamble with your life.
7) You can't gamble on the weather in England.
8) He cannot gamble on offending his boss.
9) Don't gamble on getting the job.
10) It's not safe to gamble on the train arriving late.
11) Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble.
12) You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares.
13) The operation may succeed, and it may not; it's a bit of a gamble.
31) Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble.
32) Most people visit Las Vegas to gamble their hard-earned money.
33) Ellen had to admit the gamble had paid off .
34) I like to gamble when I play cards - it makes it more interesting.
35) Who wants to gamble with the life of a friend?
36) They are not prepared to gamble their careers on this matter.
37) Her publishers knew they were taking a gamble when they agreed to publish such an unusual novel.
38) You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares.
39) The necessity of making a living disentranced him from his gamble.
39) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
40) The operation may succeed, and it may not; it's a bit of a gamble.
41) In a depressed market, we cannot afford to take a gamble on a new product.
42) You've got no money now. It all/only goes to show you shouldn't gamble.
43) Trying to find the right pension can be a bit of a gamble.
44) She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it.
45) Backpackers with a heavy load should resist taking a gamble on the weather.
46) His calculated gamble had paid off.
47) As it happened, the gamble paid off handsomely.
48) J., real estate broker Terry Gamble.
49) And the gamble seems to have paid off.
50) It was time to gamble again.
51) His pitch for contributions was a bold gamble.
52) Gamble marketed the Rely tampon in the 1970s.
53) Gamble explains the increased intervention in a different way.
54) There was a big gamble on him.
55) Fixed-rate deals are a gamble on interest rates.
56) I let them gamble for the criminals' belongings.
57) The Union gamble had paid off.
58) On Tuesday night, the gamble paid off.
59) I might take a gamble for myself.
60) It was a gamble of sorts on both sides.
61) Hit the Target: Gamble on this nifty subgame.
62) It was all a gamble, Hong Kong reckoned.
63) The talk is of averaging down and topping up. The gamble goes on.
64) He had never once been unfaithful to her nor she to him, he would gamble, until now.
65) Time and again you've promised not to drink, not to gamble, and still you waste yourself.
66) Guys play basketball, goof off, gamble, hang out, argue and ignore their women.
67) Proven strikers are few and far between and Ferguson can not afford to gamble on potential.
68) The gamble had worked, when a dozen different things could have gone so terribly wrong.
69) Central government was not prepared to take that gamble, but was happy to see the localities take it.
70) He was not prepared to gamble with the future of the Elf race.
71) Given the current mood, it is a gamble that Mr Barak might easily lose.
72) Each case which goes to trial is an elaborate gamble.
73) But this sort of gamble, based on a short-term guess, could go badly wrong.
74) However, I believe that particular gamble is often lost by negative press coverage.
75) He likes to gamble,() but the most he ever won was $1000.
76) Now, the Angel deal appears to represent a similar gamble for Gregory.
77) G: A difference of opinion, Geoffrey, press your buttons and gamble away.
78) This was not just a very effective means to an end: it was an end in itself-and a gamble.
79) All it's done is to give him more money to gamble away up in London.
80) It was a tremendous act of strength to - refuse that and a real financial sacrifice and gamble.
81) Gamble is emerging as a key figure in the Aberdeen case.
82) The slow-moving plume has moved thousands of yards past the five-acre yard at Bernardo Avenue and Gamble Lane, health officials say.
83) Are they willing to gamble that history will not repeat itself?
84) It was a brave gamble, and in the end they lost it.
85) Mrs Thatcher's gamble, which might have caused a huge crisis and the fall of the government, came off triumphantly.
86) Kirsty's happiness was far too important to take a gamble with.
87) Taking a gamble, Seb bought a second plough and took on another ploughman.
88) They should settle with Clinton rather than gamble on what the future holds.
89) Gamble argues that the adversary politics thesis over-generalises from a few instances to the whole of economic policy.
90) Despite the risk, Yamamoto could see no reason for hesitating to take the gamble.
91) Proctor and Gamble, for example, suddenly announced that its disposable nappies were environmentally friendly.
92) His gamble of calling a referendum totally backfired, rivals said.
93) Gamble does not gamble $ 950 million on broadcast advertising to be controversial.
94) Doctors shouldn't gamble with their patients' lives just to test new drugs.
95) Once there, she had to gamble on the consulting room being unlocked.
96) Gamble makes Cover Girl, the best-selling cosmetics brand in the United States.
97) Financially secure for the first time, Gamble and Huff went on a creative rampage.
98) Gamble Co. and by Parker Hannifin Corp., which posted lower-than-expected fiscal second-quarter earnings.
99) The last gamble, which would make concession unnecessary,(http:///gamble.html) was a new expeditionary force to defeat the rebels.
100) It would be a gamble with the security of the Middle East.
101) The city's decision to not ration water during the summer was a gamble that paid off.
102) Injured Stephen Pears, who took a calculated gamble with a cheekbone injury, was never tested in goal.
103) They had one son, Sir David Gamble, first baronet, and three daughters who died young.
104) Smith's mini gamble paid off for two ends later he stole a single to tie the score at 1-1.
105) There was a strong element of a gamble on the future in any psychiatric hospital closure.
106) He would not have found it possible to gamble deeply or to accumulate more debt.
107) Yeltsin, as he is inclined to do when backed into a corner, has taken a high-risk gamble.
108) Yet here again the gamble is great and the odds on success little better than even.
109) Store bosses are taking a gamble in hoping that enough folk will go shopping to make up for huge discounts on offer.
110) The detractors say they are relative newcomers who would have constituted a gamble.
111) It was a gamble, that the economy could grow fast enough to sustain the repayments.
112) He had risked their lives, but the gamble had paid off and that was the end of it.
113) For a man so rooted in his domesticity the nomadic life of the Official War Artist was a gamble.
114) Gamble challenged the ad after it tried 85 times to reproduce the results.
115) The president must be given every assistance - political and economic - to cement democracy and make his gamble pay off.
116) And for the toll bridge owners it could prove an expensive gamble.
117) They were faced with bankruptcy but there was enough expertise within the company to take a gamble on a change of direction.
118) They are a gamble and your stake is the interest you would earn on the cash.
119) Clinton, to give him his due, knows that reform is a gamble.
120) If the defendant makes a payment into court of £8,250, the gamble is obvious.
121) I blamed Hilda for it, I felt she had taken away the gamble, the risk that made it worth while.
122) Gamble, in particular, was a visionary who saw in his local scene the seeds of a Motown-like operation.
123) Jay decided to gamble with this thing inside her, deep as her blood and bones.
124) At the moment, that gamble seems to be paying off.
125) Gina would gamble away thousands of dollars in casinos just for the thrill of it.
126) President Bush took a considerable gamble with this invasion, and it has not yet paid off.
127) It was a considerable gamble, for no existing system seemed adequate to the size of the project.
128) Gamble, announced last week that it would follow a direct response model for Web advertising.
129) But a recent desire for euphemism by Procter and Gamble strikes me as a possible exception to my rule.
130) His grandfather enjoyed a gamble - the trick all along was to keep on increasing the size of the farm.
131) The gamble seemed worthwhile as the lean years were few.
132) A lay-up, it should be said, was jargon for a gamble that was sure to succeed.
133) Your indignation - the less charitable would call it calculated gamble - has paid off.
134) I'd made the right gamble, not keeping my quarry in sight every inch of the way.
135) In other words it's a relatively high risk gamble, but if your army holds together you will probably win.
136) The floating rate is too much gamble.
137) Gamble winnings do not bring hoariness .
138) Johnson may yet gamble everything and run against Brown.
139) I always lose money when I gamble.
140) If you gamble you're lucky when you break even.
141) Stop me before I gamble away my life savings!
142) On a gamble he raised his sombrero.
143) It is easy to gamble away a fortune.
144) The drover: They gamble seriously.
145) Argentine Debt Restructuring, a Gamble?
146) The (2) second site will be a full out Casino site where people can gamble.
147) And the Tory manifesto in particular is a stunning gamble.
148) Taking a bet on a big deal today would a huge and uncharacteristic gamble.
149) Proctor and Gamble has significant distribution power because of the strength of their brand name.
150) According to Liu Zhiren said that the state horse color to lead a "gamble" Hom, should learn from Hong Kong Jockey Club's non-profit model.
151) Uncle Joe is the black sheep in the family. Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women.
152) Jack Fleming embezzling to gamble then smuggled off to America.
153) Real estate is all about risks and rewards, and by any measure Mr. Malkin's ambitious and expensive gamble paid off.
154) All this created a market which was desperate for a coding machine and which was willing to gamble on the technology.
155) It's a gamble, but if the plane is light you can often get the entire row.
156) Then, after a little hesitation, he added a fourth piece which he had long kept by him on the chance of his wanting to gamble a little some morning at the tea house.
157) But management believes Nomura has no choice but to push ahead with its high stakes gamble.
158) But Florence fennel is a gamble, it should really have been sown at the start of July – so pray for an Indian summer.
159) The definite turning point in Hitler's Ardennes gamble came on the day before Christmas.
159) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
160) Chen's action was an obvious and willful provocation and a high - stake gamble.
161) Don't gamble away your savings, nor let strangers get their hands on your money.
162) Conceivably, this might work - but what outrageous gamble it would be.
163) All gamblers on a losing streak want to get their money back by continuing to gamble.
164) In order to use A Gamble in the Dark, you will also need the Cry Havoc! mini-expansion.
165) Game mode is gangdom mode simply, kill, theft, gamble is in be praise highly inside.
166) But few of us have the right to condemn as few of us can say we never gamble — even if it is only investing a few pence a week in the firm's football sweep or the church bazaar "lucky dip".
167) Mr. Icahn is mounting a proxy fight against Yahoo's board, one built on the gamble that he can bring Microsoft back to the negotiating table.
168) If you're a gambling addict, you might believe that all you need to be happy is more money ... but the more you get, the more you'll gamble away.
169) Proctor & am Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate.
170) On the other side of the planet, the signs of water that led to Meridiani Planum being chosen as a landing site were much subtler, making it more of a gamble.
171) The seizure of the Rhineland and its subsequent fortification were the greatest gamble of all.
172) It is a wonder that he continues to gamble when he always loses!
173) Negatively, you could periodically gamble or squander your resources in hopeless dreams.
174) Ready to gamble once more, Ms Whitman says that HP will soon reenter the tablet market.
175) Another exemplary simplifier is Procter and Gamble, which also kills off brands year after year.
176) Jessica Gamble has been charged with child endangerment, evidence tampering and "corrupting another with drugs, " according to an indictment returned by a grand jury in Cincinnati, Ohio.
177) “To bring one country into the crosshairs in so many districts, at such a late stage of the campaign, represents something new and a calculated gamble,” he said. “I find it deplorable.
178) He didn't play sports or a musical instrument, gamble at whist or gambol on a horse.
179) With that as an alternative , a gamble in a bankruptcy court may seem quite appealing.
180) You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, gamble, pass off a disguise or fake documentation, and otherwise tell lies.
181) Someone once asked me why women don't gamble as much as men do and I gave the commonsensical reply that we don't have as much money.
182) With their current capital structure, big financial institutions are a licence to gamble taxpayers'money.
183) Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women.
184) Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry.
185) They taught you how to smoke a cigarette, gamble, eat excessively, et cetera,(http:///gamble.html) and they may have even taught you this unaware.
186) You are taking a gamble on the thoroughness of each contractor's method of estimation.
187) Marcus: I didn't buy any. I don't gamble. I like to daydream.
188) There was no gamble and I lived as a chickabiddy.
189) Considerations of this kind let to a prediction and a gamble.
190) This normal view is really a gamble that may not succeed.
191) Xiong Min of the accused person is seek illegal profit, for new Oriental gambling house development designed gamble website, the network that shares this website is safeguarded.
192) A casino financed by Hong Kong investors was shut down when hordes of Chinese officials went to gamble away public funds.




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