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单词 ill-starred
释义  ˌill-ˈstarred adjective literary  UNLUCKYunlucky and likely to cause or experience a lot of problems or unhappiness 倒霉的,命运乖舛的 an ill-starred love affair 苦命的爱情Examples from the Corpusill-starred• Hawkins had an ill-starred career in football, with one injury after another.• As far as I know, none of my ill-starred relations has ever died by the gun.• The first part deals with the ill-starred romance between Natasha and Andrei, and the second plunges into the conflict.• After Ryan the agony continued, but from a totally different perspective, during the ill-starred Ron Waldron years.• Then he responded brilliantly late on to parry a point-blank shot from the ill-starred Simpson.ˌill-ˈstarred adjectiveChineseSyllable  a likely experience cause Corpus to and or unlucky




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