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单词 maze
释义  Related topics: Outdoor, Other gamesldoce_220_cmaze /meɪz/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  CONFUSEDa complicated and confusing arrangement of streets, roads etc 街道[道路]的纵横交错maze of streets/paths/tunnels etc the maze of narrow streets 迷宫似的狭窄街道 I was led through a maze of corridors. 我被领着穿过迷宫似的走廊。 →5  See picture of MAZE 迷宫2  COMPLICATEDa large number of rules, instructions etc which are complicated and difficult to understand 纷繁复杂的事物〔如规则、命令等〕maze of rules/regulations etc a maze of new laws 一大堆纷繁复杂的新法规3  DLOa specially designed system of paths, often in a park or public garden, which is difficult to find your way through 〔常指公园中的〕迷宫 We got completely lost in the maze. 我们在迷宫中彻底迷了路。 the famous Hampton Court maze 著名的汉普顿宫迷宫4. DGOa children’s game, played on paper, in which you try to draw a line through a complicated group of lines without crossing any of them 迷宫〔一种儿童纸上游戏〕Examples from the Corpusmaze• Street selling has always centered in the downtown historic district, a maze of narrow streets and crumbling colonial buildings.• Tolman placed three groups of rats in a maze.• We went on a tour of the ancient manuscripts, the antique mazes.• Its importance in enabling people to use lawyers to guide them through the baffling maze of legal rules is self-evident.• The answer probably lies in the complex maze of hype, distribution and luck which makes up today's rock biz.• Players search for the princess by uncovering clues, solving puzzles and navigating a medieval maze.• You must learn to find your way through the menu maze before you can use the program efficiently.• They had pursued it through the maze of backstreets until unaccountably losing it in a cul-de-sac.maze of streets/paths/tunnels etc• A maze of paths with unique wooden seats and bridges enables the weathered and moss-covered rocks to be seen at their best.• Then some one pointed out the inadequate access to the site through the maze of streets.• It would be easy to get the escapees along this maze of tunnels and out into the yard.Origin maze (1200-1300) maze “to confuse” ((13-19 centuries)), probably from unrecorded Old English masianmaze nounChinese  a confusing streets, arrangement complicated and etc roads Corpus of




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