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单词 perverted
释义  per·vert·ed /pəˈvɜːtɪd $ pərˈvɜːr-/ adjective  1  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSmorally wrong 不道德的;有悖常理的 He derives a perverted pleasure from hurting other people. 他从伤害别人中获得一种病态的快感。 the perverted logic of terrorism 恐怖主义的反常逻辑2. SYsexually unacceptable or unnatural 〔性行为〕反常的,变态的Examples from the Corpusperverted• Local church leaders described the ceremony as "sick and perverted."• They saw the affection she had for such an old man as unnatural and possibly perverted.• The rituals of the past are perverted and decayed.• The newspaper has described the killer as perverted and sexually deviant.• Have you aided other men in their perverted follies?• They editorialized with barely concealed racism on the influx of perverted foreign religions.• With perverted hope I wondered if with time love might fail, and all the pain ease.• the perverted logic of Nazi propaganda• The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.• Yet their deeds have the same perverted outcome.• The Wasp Factory, his astonishing debut, was a kind of perverted pastoral.• perverted sexual practicesper·vert·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  morally wrong Corpus




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