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单词 Heat flow
1. This simple model assumes no increase in heat flow to accompany the inversion event.
2. This is consistent with high heat flow across Western Cordillera and altiplano.
3. These areas of concentrated heat flow can sometimes provide enough power to run a small town.
4. The total geothermal heat flow is 1028 ergs per year.
5. Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching.
6. Heat flow modelling was based on the matching of calculated tectonic subsidence profiles with theoretical stretching curves.
7. The direction of heat flow affected the phonon transmission coefficient.
8. The geographical distribution of heat flow data is very uneven.
9. Our result shows the nonuniform distribution of mantle heat flow in China.
10. The approximation of a linear dependency between heat flow and temperature difference leads to satisfactory results.
11. The rate of heat flow between any two points increases with difference of temperature.
12. Moreover, using the regional heat flow dataset, we discussed the gravity and thermal effect in the isostasy mechanism on the present topography.
13. In heterogeneous anisotropic materials the heat flow vector and conductivity are more complex.
14. Bi-directional, steady-state, and transient heat flow may be sensed quantitatively and displayed upon any standard millivolt recorder.
15. In the evaluation of heat flow,() the quantity of heat in each position of the torque tube has been determined using FEM (finite element method).
16. Steady - state heat flow is comparable to the flow of an incompressible fluid.
17. Palaeoclimate reconstructions indicate that the meridional temperature gradients decrease, and poleward heat flow increases, as global mean temperature increases.
18. The prediction of thermal history is somewhat more problematical and requires the modelling of basin evolution and heat flow.
19. More to save fuel, the unique design of heat cycle, control heat flow, barbecue area concentrated heat, laminated insulation.
20. However, manifolding may not be adequate if ambient temperature conditions do not yield sufficient heat flow or product vapor pressures within the containers.
21. This paper provides a new method suitable for calculating wall temperature and heat flow of ceramic-coated flame tube.
22. This paper reports a design study of industrial HTS motors and an evaluation of heat flow in the torque tube of these motors.
23. A numerical analysis method is presented to simulate the shrinkage porosity formation in steel castings on the basis of heat flow, interdendritic fluid flow and possible evolution of dissolved gases.




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