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单词 Self-indulgent
1. I know it's self-indulgent of me, but I'll just have another chocolate.
2. It feels self-indulgent spending so much on a pair of shoes.
3. To buy flowers for myself seems wildly self-indulgent.
4. The novel is too long and self-indulgent.
5. She writes a tedious and self-indulgent column for a Sunday paper.
6. For anyone else this is a self-indulgent luxury.
7. Bobbi's just a spoiled and self-indulgent rich kid.
8. She was all soft and loose and self-indulgent.
9. Oh, not forgetting a stack of self-indulgent musical wanderings.
10. It made her lazy, it made her rather self-indulgent.
11. He scorns educational research as a self-indulgent and pointless waste of time.
12. Washington, that bastion of deaf ears and self-indulgent thinking, is actually trying to relate to the country it represents.
13. When his fields are starved of minerals through self-indulgent agriculture, he tries to impose his own will upon the land.
14. More self-indulgent self-important twaddle, the product of a rock star who really did believe his own press, his own myth.
15. But we can not afford to be so self-indulgent and dismissive.
16. Personally they are petty, self-indulgent and vengeful to a degree that suggests galloping megalomania.
17. They were regarded as at best degenerate and self-indulgent, and at worst as vicious.
18. Equal parts amusing and excruciating to watch, this self-indulgent sojourn in suburbia is certainly no Defending Your Life.
19. He said they were the self-indulgent ramblings of a patches-on-the-elbow peasant, and who the hell did he think he was anyway?
20. Can I not miss a self-indulgent oneself.
21. Why give publicity to this self-indulgent, adolescent oaf?
22. This requires that we give up foolish, immoral reading, or reading to acquire power, or reading that is self-indulgent.
23. It is not only those who dismiss the arts as self-indulgent who lay themselves open to such a charge.
24. At three a.m. she was Jay-in-love-with-Lucy, writing bad poetry or self-indulgent screeds of what daylight sneered at as a journal.
25. For the rest of us, I suspect, recalling punk rock is a rather self-indulgent activity.
26. She turned herself over in her bed, and snuggled down for an extra, self-indulgent and rare hour of sleep.
27. The way in which the man of genius rules is by persuading an efficient minority to coerce an indifferent and self-indulgent majority(James Fitzjames Stephen.
28. I lit one of her menthols, a taste I'd already come to associate with these air-conditioned, self-indulgent mornings./self-indulgent.html
29. The prophet Ezekiel sheds light on an ancient city whose people suffered God' s judgment, in part, because they embraced a self-indulgent lifestyle.
30. When you spend time having fun, you know you're being self-indulgent. Alarms start to go off fairly quickly.
1. I know it's self-indulgent of me, but I'll just have another chocolate.
2. It feels self-indulgent spending so much on a pair of shoes.
31. Well, after 20 weeks on the road I'm now about halfway through my journey so, at the risk of being self-indulgent, here goes.
32. Perhaps that was what she is destined to grow up to be: rather self-indulgent, but always proud of her pedigree and behaves elegantly, unlike other cats that enjoyed life to the fullest.
33. This self-indulgent condition primarily afflicts girls who consider themselves to be attractive and who show little sense of responsibility.
34. They've become more personally assertive, more sexually aggressive, and less willing to put up with self-indulgent bullshit from their men.
35. It will have to take on the self-indulgent popular demand for low taxes and high spending.
36. And given that fact, the last thing we need is the kind of self-indulgent behavior he showed by lashing out at progressives whom he feels aren't giving him enough credit.
37. I do apologize in advance for this piece of self-indulgent narcissism.
38. I also have you in dream, I also miss that you do not think of, self-indulgent from occupy already and unscrupulously your the tender feelings of water...
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
39. If that wasn't self-indulgent and narcissistic enough for you, the twist is that the couple don't even know themselves.
40. If Top Gear is a rock band, aren't these expensive stunts a self-indulgent concept album too far?
41. During this time, the punk rock movement went into full effect, and this song was viewed as something of a jab at the musicians who felt bands like Queen were too self-indulgent.
42. I told her to stop being lazy, cowardly, self-indulgent and pathetic.
43. RISKY and self-indulgent eccentricity, or a return to natural obstetrics?
44. Music was cathartic, something I reverted to and expressed what I was going through, hopefully not in a self-indulgent, 'get the violin strings out' kind of way, but [something] more ambiguous.




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