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单词 Voluble
1 Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.
2 He became very voluble and told her everything.
3 She was voluble with excitement.
4 Bert is a voluble, gregarious man.
5 Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights.
6 It's not often that one hears such voluble praise for this government.
7 Clarissa was extremely voluble on the subject of good manners.
8 Fonti is a voluble man, with a fetching smile which disappears for days on end when the pressure is on.
9 As the most visible and voluble owner in the National Football League, Jones has more than his share of detractors.
10 He usually left me floundering in his voluble Gallic wake.
11 Public reaction was voluble in its opposition to the federal government.
12 Behind the desk was Jim Bell, the voluble park ranger in charge of the one-room visitors center.
13 He is too voluble; he discusses his emotions.
14 The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian.
15 The new comer in our company is voluble.
16 Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann.
17 Her niece, an extremely voluble young woman, engages in soliloquies, not conversations.
18 He voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.
19 And that was the vicious and voluble end of the seven young parrots.
20 Self - esteem is the most voluble of the emotions.
21 He has been voluble to the point of suffocation, then quiet as the Jordan.
22 In such a voluble way, Collins unfolds his Beijing life to me.
23 Nevertheless he was too much in awe of the older woman to make any voluble protest.
24 She took various forms, but was usually overdressed and over voluble.
25 He found himself considering how different were these two sisters, Agnes vehement, voluble, exclamatory.
26 Known in her youth as Conie, she was pert, voluble, intellectually vibrant, adventuresome.
27 Bowie himself seems curiously offhand in his solos, but ready and voluble with the verbals.
28 The forest ramps over frontiers and plains and swallows voluble Customs men in slow ash.
29 Her explanations for failure to do the work were voluble but not easily believed.
30 He carried the others off their feet, glib, dexterous, voluble.
1 Many see Parker as the obvious leader, whose voluble style works well on TV.
2 She was voluble with excitement.
31 She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations.
32 " There is no better, " the voluble Vengeance protested in her shrill notes, " in France. "
33 He was tall, vigorous, sandy - haired, freckled, genial and voluble.




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