随便看 |
- give colour to something
- give colour to sth
- give consideration
- (give) credit where credit is due
- give credit where credit is due
- give enough rope
- give enough rope to hang themselves
- give first refusal on
- give five
- give free rein
- give free rein to
- give free rein to something
- give free rein to sth
- give (full/free) rein to something
- give full rein to
- give full rein to something
- give full rein to sth
- give get a walloping
- give get some stick
- give get stick
- give get the cold shoulder
- give grief
- give gyp
- give head
- give hell
- Calumny
- Total price
- Berth
- Intelligible
- Impetuous
- Ilk
- Invincible
- Mysteriously
- Suffragist
- Segregation
- 民怨沸腾·众叛亲离是什么意思
- 民怨沸腾的意思,民怨沸腾的近义词,反义词,造句
- 民怨沸腾的意思,民怨沸腾造句
- 民怨沸腾的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 民怨沸腾的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 民怨沸腾;有口皆碑的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 民恶忧劳,我佚乐之。民恶贫贱,我富贵之。民恶危坠,我存安之。民恶灭绝,我生育之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 民情不可使不便,不可使甚便。不便则壅阏而不通,甚者令之不行,必溃决而不可收拾。甚便则纵肆而不检,甚者法不能制,必放溢而不敢约束。故圣人同其好恶以体其必至之情,纳之礼法以防其不可长之渐,故能相安相习而不至于为乱。
- 民情既溢,裁之为难。裁溢如割骈拇赘疣,人甚不堪。故裁之也欲令民堪,有渐而已矣。安静而不震激,此裁溢之道也。故圣王在上,慎所以溢之者,不生民情,礼义以驯之,法制以防之,不使潜滋暴决,此慎溢之道也。二者帝王调剂民情之大机也,天下治乱恒必由之。
- 民情有五,皆生于便。见利则趋,见色则爱,见饮食则贪,见安逸则就,见愚弱则欺,皆便于己故也。惟便,则术不期工而自工;惟便,则奸不期多而自多。君子固知其难禁也,而德以柔之,教以谕之,礼以禁之,法以惩之。终日与便为敌而竟不能衰止。禁其所便与强其所不便,其难一也。故圣人治民如治水,不能使不就下,能分之使不泛溢而已。堤之使不决,虽尧、舜不能。
- 民情甚不可郁也。防以郁水,一决则漂屋推山;炮以郁火,一发则碎石破木。桀、纣郁民情而汤、武通之,此存亡之大机也。有天下者之所夙夜孜孜者也。
- 民惟邦本,本固邦宁
- 民惟邦本,本固邦宁。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 民戴
- 民所曹好,鲜其不济也;其所曹恶,鲜其不废也
- Adequately句子
- Crushed句子
- Ignorantly句子
- Dal句子
- Disjointed句子
- Acid precipitation句子
- Air pollution句子
- Verdurous句子
- Baptism句子
- Foreign affairs句子
- Gyre句子
- Secretary of state句子
- International relations句子
- Reaffirm句子
- Embassy句子