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单词 Curiosity
1. Curiosity killed the cat.
2. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.
3. His face filled with an intent curiosity.
4. He gave in to curiosity and opened my letter.
5. It's easy to hypo men's curiosity.
6. I don't know why I asked—just idle curiosity.
7. The children were devoured by curiosity.
8. Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. The child showed a healthy curiosity.
10. The children looked at their new teacher in curiosity.
11. She has an insatiable curiosity about life.
12. I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity.
13. The boy is dying with curiosity.
14. He is full of curiosity.
15. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
16. I'm burning with curiosity - you must tell me who's won!
17. He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
18. They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.
19. Overcome by curiosity, the boy looked through the window.
20. She decided to call her ex-boyfriend out of curiosity.
21. The children watched us with mild curiosity.
22. The story tickled her fancy/curiosity.
23. Her curiosity was purely scientific.
24. Sophie's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call.
25. His curiosity got the better of him .
26. Margaret looked at him with curiosity .
27. They are there only to satisfy their ghoulish curiosity.
28. Curiosity moved me to open the box.
29. First love is only a little foolishneand a lot of curiosity.
30. First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.
1. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.
2. His face filled with an intent curiosity.
3. Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else.
4. She has an insatiable curiosity about life.
5. I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity.
6. He is full of curiosity.
7. I'm burning with curiosity - you must tell me who's won!
8. They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity.
10. The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.
31. Their curiosity was aroused by his strange behaviour.
32. Their curiosity piqued, they stopped writing.
33. She was burning with curiosity.
34. The rumors excite her curiosity.
35. She felt a flutter of curiosity.
36. She decided to follow him out of curiosity.
37. We were all agog with curiosity.
38. Children show curiosity about everything.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
39. We gratified our friend's curiosity.
40. I was bursting with curiosity.
41. Paul was agog with curiosity.
42. She stared at him with unabashed curiosity.
43. There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.
44. His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all.
45. It was idle curiosity that made me ask.
46. His emotions swung between fear and curiosity.
47. I asked out of curiosity.
48. Nothing, it seemed, would satisfy his insatiable curiosity.
49. School should awaken a child's natural curiosity.
50. She watched with morbid curiosity.
51. The boy was all aflame with curiosity.
52. She was hostile to him, which piqued his curiosity.
53. Naturally these comings and goings excited some curiosity.
54. This old map is quite a curiosity.
55. I feel a stirring of curiosity.
56. He looked on me with curiosity.
57. That matter piqued his curiosity.
58. To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore.
59. He looked at her with unashamed curiosity.
60. He was seized by curiosity.
61. She was consumed with curiosity.
62. She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity.
63. After the initial curiosity value, the product's sales dropped considerably.
64. They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.
65. She did not propose to gratify Gloria's curiosity any further.
66. Just out of curiosity, why did you take that job?
67. Her curiosity was piqued.
68. Harry's curiosity got the better of him and he unlocked the cupboard.
69. I needed to satisfy my curiosity about what it was like to make records.
70. I admired my father,[] and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
71. It was only from idle curiosity that she went into the barn.
72. In the past, men who wanted to work with children were regarded as something of a curiosity.
73. Her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door and peeped inside.
74. To gratify my curiosity, do tell me what it is.
75. If parents don't answer children's questions, their natural curiosity will be squashed.
76. It's not worth much, but I kept it for its curiosity value.
77. Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents.
78. Just to satisfy my curiosity , how much did it cost?
79. Will you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?
80. He is dying of curiosity to see how much money in my pocket.
81. Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them.
82. It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.
83. The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.
84. But he was bursting with curiosity, and one day he just couldn't contain himself. 'What are you going to do?' he asked.
85. I knew they were bursting with curiosity but I said nothing.
86. I could see the curiosity writ large on Rose's face.
87. We're all dying of curiosity—come on, tell us what happened!
88. We went to the show out of curiosity more than anything else.
89. She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures.
90. The news aroused a lot of curiosity among local people.
91. The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.
92. My curiosity finally got the better of me and I opened the letter.
93. I am suddenly consumed with a ridiculous curiosity.
94. You still haven't satisfied my curiosity.
95. At least he had satisfied his curiosity.
96. Olly was bursting with curiosity about the new house.
97. He looked at me with curiosity and annoyance.
98. Events like these excite a child's natural curiosity.
99. Filled with curiosity,[] she peered through it.
100. Perhaps it was nothing more than idle curiosity.
101. No wonder my curiosity was aroused.
102. You might feel anxiety, confusion, curiosity, or even anger.
103. Two more basic ingredients of leadership are curiosity and daring.
104. His curiosity and detailed pursuits with paint and drawing materials continued throughout his life as a vital source of exploration and communication.
105. Although a proud and intransigent woman, she had a natural curiosity about the world.
106. As human beings, we have great curiosity about how nature works.
107. Perhaps it is the inevitable curiosity summoned by one of the most bizarre and unnerving crimes of the century.
108. Some came to seek the new power, some to chuckle, others to satisfy their curiosity.
109. Finally, she lists the intellectual pursuit model, which is self-directed and self-motivated by intellectual curiosity.
110. I can not bear this obscene, grubbing curiosity about the affairs of others, it has never failed to repel me.
111. But at the core of it all is a profound curiosity about the thinking process.
112. His curiosity has bated.
113. Suspense combines curiosity with fear and pulls them up a rising slope. Mason Cooley 
114. Chimp behavior holds insights into teaching humans self-esteem, intellectual curiosity and the ability to get along with others, she says.
115. I run my fingers over this invisible object, and little by little curiosity gets the better of me.
116. Or perhaps out of real curiosity about a problem he must have long wondered about.
117. Jess shivered, looking down at the upturned faces that stared at her with idle curiosity.
118. We got to install an Indwelling Curiosity Cutout in some nosy booger.
119. In that shop she had caught the virus of curiosity about the feeling of power over possessions.
120. He even considered fetching his sphygmomanometer and taking his blood pressure, simply out of curiosity.
121. Prince sang about doves crying; beauty and courage and curiosity and gentleness seemed not to be rare aberrations in the world.
122. There was nothing doubtful about Mrs Whosis downstairs, except her natural curiosity.
123. By this time Melissa's temper had calmed and her curiosity revived.
124. Other more casual visitors could wander in out of curiosity where churches remained open.
125. His curiosity is aroused by my problem, and he gives me some suggestions to follow up in the library in Asnieres.
126. These investigations of the sun's luminosity are not just intellectual curiosity.
127. If you want to satisfy your curiosity about Bob's girlfriend, you ring him yourself.
128. People try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve athletic performance, or to escape from stress, anxiety or depression,[sentencedict .com] but all drug addicts are willful victims themselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
129. Learning is a test of our curiosity, vision, perception and intelligence. Dr T.P.Chia 
130. Honorable beginnings should serve to awaken curiosity, not to heighten people's expectations. We are much better off when reality surpasses our expectations, and something turns out better than we thought it would. Baltasar Gracian 
131. Out of curiosity, I ordered an appetizer off the typed list on the counter.
132. The tape was changed for this last group only in that the interviewee did not express curiosity about psychotherapy.
133. And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity.
134. Their natural curiosity and concretization of ideas will often give them a certainty of their own that makes much more sense.
135. It is rich in intellectual curiosity and academic and cultural diversity.
136. A shy, self-effacing man, Williams was self-taught, and showed an independent and determined intellectual curiosity.
137. The townspeople had learned the hard way that curiosity killed the cat - you stayed indoors if there was trouble.
138. There is far more high-mindedness, racial tolerance and intellectual curiosity than you might expect.
139. Bored in the isolation of his taxi, curiosity and perhaps hunger got the better of him.
140. An artefact from the past can be used to engage interest and awaken curiosity.
141. As we leave, I glance around to see if anyone shows more than idle curiosity.
142. I noted with curiosity that Phil made no move to assist her.
143. It should be remembered that it is not idle curiosity that prompts them.
144. One night, I went after her into town, more out of curiosity than jealousy.
145. Its inhabitants quiver with curiosity whenever the desert train discharges a consignment of tourists.
146. His correspondence shows him reacting to Gandhi with the rather detached curiosity he showed for other exotic forms of political life.
147. If this is true, it seems an expensive way of satisfying one's curiosity.
148. Neither his incurable curiosity nor his exotic imagination knew any bounds.
149. I didn't know any more than you, but curiosity was killing this cat, and I wanted their measurements.
150. As a boy he had had an abiding curiosity about how things worked.
151. The success of the recent TV series has aroused young people's curiosity about nature in general.
152. The kids had never come right out and admitted their curiosity.
153. They have a certain curiosity value, I suppose, but no merit otherwise.
154. I expected her to be angry, but she merely regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.
155. It is a dialogue that begins with curiosity and is fueled by knowledge, leading to understanding.
156. Curiosity is only vanity. We usually only want to know something so that we can talk about it. Blaise Pascal 
157. Some of them I had never seen before and some were there to satisfy their curiosity.
158. Even their curiosity about the sudden influx into their midst of rather ignorant white and black Northerners was restrained and courteous.
159. Then, too, repeated visits to cultural monuments doubtless palled in time,[] natural curiosity withered by sheer surfeit.
160. Foucard had once gone to that door, thrown it wide, given the room an all-embracing glance, satisfied his curiosity.
161. It was only from idle curiosity that she went into Nannie's room.
162. Naturally that had merely increased Blythe's curiosity, for the public, hence journalists, loved skeletons in cupboards.
163. The genus was sufficiently unlike other bacteria to arouse curiosity.
164. We too need to read the Bible in our hearts, rather than simply to discover facts or satisfy our curiosity.
165. They watch the adventurers with curiosity, but continue their chess game.
166. Adam's next problem was how to obtain a translation of the document and Goering's letter without arousing unnecessary curiosity.
167. Given its inherent curiosity, even the simplest mind will exhaust itself devising solutions to challenges it confronts.
168. Most of this century's scientific advances stemmed from intellectual curiosity, not a desire to patent.
169. David Thomson's vivid account of these goings-on, in Woodbrook, had aroused my curiosity.
170. As geology has become the focus of more attention, it has aroused the curiosity of young people about nature in general.
171. In the middle, a tall negro. Curiosity aroused(), the rider turned his horse and rode towards them.
172. To satisfy vistors' curiosity, park officials have prepared maps on which the historical sites are clearly marked.
173. There are few things more pathetic than those who have lost their curiosity and sense of adventure, and who no longer care to learn. Gordon B. Hinckley 
174. Michelle and I were there purely out of curiosity, and because I got the tickets free.
175. The emperor's visit was treated as a curiosity rather than a political event.
176. Where were the important elements: inventiveness, initiative, adaptability, intellectual curiosity, sensitivity, confidence, determination?
177. These signs of age, of the ageing process, she greeted and greets with curiosity, with a resolute welcome.
178. Books are the best tool in cultivating and developing kids' curiosity and interest in learning. Dr T.P.Chia 
179. This was a matter of both intellectual curiosity and national security.
180. My curiosity about beekeeping was aroused when I read that Sherlock Holmes story.
181. As a result of the huge curiosity our stance aroused, we had to continuously explain and defend our politics.
182. Is it to resolve curiosity about black people, or is it an experiment?
183. But the universities attracted the learned and the curious: dogma collided with curiosity.
184. Every face expressed reverent and awe-stricken curiosity.
185. Curiosity is a beast of a rover, weighing one ton, measuring ten feet long by seven feet tall (at the top of the mast), and powered by a plutonium-238 fueled electrical generator.
186. We see him notebook in hand, endowed only with a nervy, unapplied curiosity.
187. The 3rd must maintain curiosity to new thing, without curiosity, also with respect to intangibility new opportunity.
188. Or Bill Clinton in 1991, fizzing with ideas and intellectual curiosity, before we knew how indiscipline would diminish him?
188. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
189. Maria Montessori advocated respect for the mind of the child, within the prepared environment, as the way to stimulate curiosity, inquisitiveness, and life-long learning.
190. My curiosity to hunt up a new sensation always leads me into these scrapes.
191. But somewhere -- over dozens of weekends spent at a resort town that's part suburbia, part spaghetti Western film set -- curiosity got the better of him.
192. In these days of soulless accountants at the top, the world of science is no longer about human curiosity as it has to be budgetary approved by a know-nothing money man.
193. The Khun Pean mold still in making so currently there is no official mold for the Khun Pean yet, but to satisfy your curiosity I can show you the initial look of Khun Pean from the picture below.
194. The main reasons for the accidents are children's curiosity, lack of recognition to dangerous objects and behaviors, incaution in activities and the adult's improper care.
195. When you approach an asana with a similar attitude of inquisitiveness and playfulness, following the natural curiosity of your own mind, it's amazing how many possibilities can arise.
196. My curiosity drives me to dig out those unrevealed suspenses , cuz I simply believe that it might explain many questions of us who grew up in the peaceful years.
197. The radiant curiosity that finds adventure in simple things:the mystery of billowy clouds, the miracle of snowflakes, the magic of growing flowers.
198. I have a curiosity to hear my fortune told: therefore, Sam, order the beldame forward.




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