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单词 Partner
1. I have got to meet my partner every Friday.
2. Discuss your worries with your partner.
3. She was the dominant partner in the relationship.
4. Find a partner and practise these new dance steps.
5. The most known person,the warmest partner.
6. The doctor is suing his partner for slander.
7. She deferred to her partner in everything.
8. She was made a partner in the firm.
9. Do you have a partner?
10. She shared the apartment with her live-in partner.
11. He was jokingly called old fox by his partner.
12. He doesn't trust his partner. For that matter I can't blame him.
13. Her on-screen husband is also her partner in real life.
14. Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.
15. 'That depends on my partner,(Sentencedict)' she hedged.
16. I used to partner him in tennis matches.
17. He whirled his partner round the dance floor.
18. He and his partner are at daggers drawn.
19. He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner.
20. If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.
21. The company developed well that I bought in as a partner.
22. The company is being actively considered as a potential partner .
23. I heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life since l can't think of two people more suited to each other than you two.I wish you all the happiness in the world.
24. The rogue blew upon the scheme and so betrayed his partner to the police.
25. He gave up his job as a police officer after his partner was killed.
26. The fruit-picker up the tree passed the fruit down to his partner who stood at the foot with a basket.
27. Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner!
28. Wanting other friends doesn't mean you don't love your partner.
29. About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
30. With protective gear on you can spar with a partner.
1. Discuss your worries with your partner.
2. She was the dominant partner in the relationship.
3. Find a partner and practise these new dance steps.
4. The doctor is suing his partner for slander.
5. Do you have a partner?
6. She shared the apartment with her live-in partner.
7. He was jokingly called old fox by his partner.
8. He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner.
9. The company is being actively considered as a potential partner .
10. The rogue blew upon the scheme and so betrayed his partner to the police.
11. He gave up his job as a police officer after his partner was killed.
12. Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner!
13. Her on-screen husband is also her partner in real life.
14. Wanting other friends doesn't mean you don't love your partner.
15. About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
16. Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.
17. With protective gear on you can spar with a partner.
18. He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner.
19. In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector.
31. He's a partner in an insurance company/a law firm.
32. He was yoked to an disinclined partner.
33. He was an old political sparring partner of mine.
34. She's a partner in a law firm.
35. She's his partner, in a manner of speaking.
36. He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner.
37. She was the dominant partner in the marriage.
38. She cast a sly glance at her bridge partner.
39. Assign each student a partner.
40. I differed with my partner sometimes,but we usually agree.
41. She's now been made a full partner.
42. She flits from one dance partner to another.
43. I was guite disappointed with my partner.
44. He was accused of polishing off his former partner.
45. For safety, always climb with a partner.
46. He doesn't have a regular partner at the moment.
47. He is the junior partner in the firm.
48. He's a partner in a Chicago law firm.
49. Nigeria is our principal trading partner in Africa.
50. He was yoked to an unwilling partner.
51. A new partner has joined the practice.
52. Hansen and his partner were fired for insubordination.
53. He screwed his partner quickly.
54. Gerry offered to partner me at tennis.
55. One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.
56. Each partner is entitled to share in the profits of the business.
57. Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.
58. The year 1969 was a watershed in her life - she changed her career and changed her partner.
59. Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner.
60. For years his business partner had been skimming off the profits.
61. I need a doubles partner for the table tennis tournament.
62. The rogue blew on the scheme and so betrayed his partner to the police.
63. Jim's father has been looking about for a new partner, one with some capital to put into the business.
64. It's 'your honour, partner.
65. The president said that Japan is now a friend and international partner.
66. He was left holding the financial baby when his musical partner joined another band.
67. Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $ 100,000.
68. Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.
69. Are you sure you want him as your partner for life?
70. Mr Rushworth left his partner of 10 years for a younger woman.
71. Set to your partner.
72. Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.
73. He was roughly awaked from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with 100, 000 dollars.
74. Women will often lie to shield even the most abusive partner.
75. One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour .
76. Clare's my tennis partner.
77. He pulled his punches to avoid hurting his sparring partner.
78. The teacher asked the students to choose a partner for the next activity.
79. Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.
80. She found a compatible partner through a computer dating agency.
81. She obtained a restraining order forbidding her partner from seeing their two children.
82. It's your call(http://), partner.
83. You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.
84. He was a lucky man to have found such a partner.
85. When angered, Ellen was given to spontaneous outbursts, while her partner Terry would do a slow burn.
86. She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions.
87. When it comes to finding a partner, first impressions do count.
88. The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner.
89. He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company.
90. Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.
91. Bruce Willis plays a lippy cop battling it out with a female partner.
92. In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector.
93. She got her fingers burnt when she set up a business and had all her money stolen by her partner.
94. Have the party on a Saturday, when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help.
95. With his partner away, all the work now fell to him.
96. Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.
97. He did not dally over the choice of a partner.
98. He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner.
99. He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.
100. Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you, but may feel that it is unmanly to cry.
101. He became a partner in the family firm on reaching his majority.
102. Some men are aroused when their partner says erotic words to them.
103. My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years.
104. His partner left and he had to soldier on alone.
105. The group is a junior partner in the PLO's governing coalition.
106. His business partner is holding the fort while he is away.
107. He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him.
108. My partner for the event was the marvellous American player.
109. I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.
110. He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.
111. My partner is on holiday this week so I'm filling in .
112. You tend to niggle at your partner, and get hurt when he doesn't hug you.
113. Please don't partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner.
114. Partner in Blinkhorn's chartered accountancy firm.
115. He is my bridge partner.
116. Partner Cyril Pierre lifted his ballerina with sublime ease.
117. He is congratulated by partner and fans alike.
118. And, just as important, how is your partner feeling?
119. The senior partner has retired.
120. Does your partner hog the emotional experience?
121. Chuck Moxon and his partner took the suspect barn.
122. Most divorcees either remarry or cohabit with another partner.
123. Nothing is more destructive to a partnership than for one partner to feel that he or she is being taken advantage of.
124. A quick DNA test shows which partner succeeded as a father.
125. He became like a male ballet dancer - a support to lift up his glamorous partner and help her turn beautiful pirouettes.
126. But your partner has just broken a leg and is recovering at home.
127. Loans provided are generally secured by proven oil reserves or guarantees received from any major oil corporation partner in the venture.
128. New Aspiration, a prospective coalition partner, was already under public pressure against the inclusion of tainted politicians in the line-up.
129. Profits earned by sole proprietors and partners are taxable as ordinary income to the proprietor or partner.
130. This may be the medical adviser, whose background as a partner in general practice is particularly useful in three ways.
131. The Revenue will have to collect tax from each individual partner.
132. The angry Texan blamed his dance partner for tripping him.
133. He is using your partner as divine sandpaper to take off the rough edges.
134. Joint interests could cause you more concern than anything else and you may feel that a partner has bungled matters here.
135. You would be wise to bring out into the open anything that you feel needs serious discussion with your partner.
136. In this sense,() a small private company may confer no great advantage over the personal liability of a partner.
137. In his pragmatic search for a partner to fulfil a role, love and happiness were secondary considerations.
138. The ballerina has to behave as graciously and confidently as her partner.
139. Film critic Roger Ebert has a new partner for his movie-review television program.
140. The very word partner conjures up a similar sharing of the risks and a shared passion about the business.
141. Hollins will be keeping his eye on Councilman Keith Beier, his ideological nemesis and verbal sparring partner on the council dais.
142. He also emphasizes that men considering taking the drug first discuss it with their partner.
143. Mr Gough is to be chairman and joint senior partner with Mr Bullock deputy chairman and joint senior partner.
144. Sure, my partner had taken off with the two-headed bankroll.
145. If you were, it's no big deal and you could have a perfectly happy life with the right partner.
146. The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime. Mignon McLaughlin 
147. Why did human oestrus fade almost entirely away so that human beings copulate when one partner is not fertile?
148. Instead of blaming one partner we should drum home the essential message that parents have equal responsibilities.
149. All of these are projects in which the government holds a controlling interest and in which it has a strong commercial partner.
150. I share at least half the household duties, including feeding and caring for the baby while my partner works and plays.
151. As officially married couples, gay men and lesbians will be able to claim pension benefits if a partner dies.
152. Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Mitch Albom 
153. No one feels they are a team member, much less a partner, if decisions are continually made without their consultation.
154. A wealthy partner risks money on the prudence of less affluent partners.
155. Her 32-year-old partner, Nas, was killed in a motorcycle accident on 10 July, 1998.
156. Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, chose his own partner too, and began to dance.
157. There is no other recognised central defender at Ayresome Park to partner Nicky Mohan.
158. Few of us are fortunate enough to have a chance to try working with our partner before we go into business together.
159. Jack Lemmon, his longtime amateur partner, will be absent after 23 consecutive unsuccessful attempts to make the pro-am cut.
160. She stays at home with her budgie, her partner and her two surviving children.
161. They are also more confident that they know what their partner wants.
162. Dolan could bring in yet another partner to raise money.
163. Within minutes it was very strong and while my partner seconded I began calculating the odds of freezing to death.
164. The boats leaned, a kind of bow to your partner.
165. When he applies for a job, Deane, a partner in his firm,(http:///partner.html) advises him to begin at the bottom.
166. Take your little partner and dance and sing: anything from waltzes to tangos, nursery rhymes to blues and rock.
167. From it I could learn how to behave with my partner.
168. In fact, the longest continuing presence is often the audit partner.
169. It ends on the day his veteran partner, Murph, retires.
170. The proportion not living with a partner as a part of a couple stayed fairly constant at about one in five.
171. Anne thought often about Sarah and her sophisticated partner on the Saturday night of the dinner dance.
172. The endearing bathos and crassness of Laurel found an admirable foil in the elephantine smugness of his rotund partner.
173. The most important thing is to communicate with your partner at the back.
174. Saturday you have to convince a partner or boss of the value of an action plan.
175. The feeling in the class-room is one of the teacher as partner, as collaborator, net as manager or competitor.
176. Your flexible drinking partner ... the plastic revolution hits the pub.
177. The practical difficulty, of course, is to ensure that a partner agrees to a dormant status.
178. Major's partner in crime was later stabbed to death during another raid.
179. As I watched in amazement, the partner gazed over her shoulder and gave me a big, mocking, self-satisfied wink.
180. Within this pattern, the responsibility for planning the shape of the discourse rests with the dominant partner - the teacher.
181. Working with a partner, A asks B open questions, which B tries to answer as briefly as possible.
182. The Labour Party's main coalition partner, the leftist Meretz, supported the move.
183. A clear understanding of the task by the partner and/or manager is a prerequisite for good communication.
184. When trade diversion arises, higher cost supplies from the union partner displace lower cost supplies from the rest of the world.
185. In this, of course, he was helped by Jacob Marley, his dead partner doomed to roam through eternity in chains.
186. One reveller was already pouring bubble bath into a huge hot tub so he and his partner could frolic in the suds.
187. I clung on to Hugh, the best on-stage partner I'd known.
188. Nothing could be more deadly than to be able to anticipate every move our partner will make.
189. It is not therefore appropriate for a partner who has had any detailed involvement with the engagement to carry out the review.
190. He was joined by Anthony Fry, corporate finance partner in the Crawley office.
191. Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you.
192. In November 1993 the school district received an added boost when the Oregon Business Council selected it as a partner.
193. A partner may not detect the difference and the woman herself may be confused.
194. This partner had been given several million dollars as part of a divorce settlement.
195. Democrats unsuccessfully sought to bring another Rose partner, Ronald Clark, before the committee yesterday.
196. In an accountancy firm one charity would be dumped with one partner, another with another.
197. There, often with Susan Einzig as his partner, his nervous energy became concentrated, dervish-like, into a trance-like state.
198. Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
199. They may fear to extend love and acceptance to the new partner as it seems a betrayal of the absent parent.
200. Take the fear of economic recession - will you or your partner lose your job?
201. ProActive's products were developed in collaboration with Mohr general partner, William Davidow.
202. A good travel partner laughs and makes the best of it.
203. However, combined results disguised a collapse of support for the Independent Smallholders' Party, the other government coalition partner.
204. Is marriage broken by death, leaving the surviving partner free to marry again?
205. She left, and it took her partner a year to build the forward momentum she had disrupted by her sudden departure.
206. So I knew I wanted a partner to share the challenge of having a business.
207. The electrons become confused, often losing track of the partner they brought to the dance.
208. He was an out-and-out profligate, darting from one partner to the next.
209. It is always advisable to have a training partner to assist when doing lying triceps exercises.
210. The loss of that partner through death, either shortly before retirement or afterwards, comes as a bitter blow.
211. Current deputy senior partner Gil Hayward is to take over the firm's day-to-day management from Mr Ramshaw.
212. However there will also be export trade diversion when a union country supplies a partner country in place of the imports from third countries.
213. The closely held retailer said it would sue its partner to recoup more than $ 50 million it claims was unfairly withdrawn.
214. He was committing a burglary, he had a partner, the partner killed him.
215. She and her partner, woman or man, need to know about dental dams.
216. The large majority of one-parent families consist of a mother trying to cope without a partner.
217. Intense searches have revealed no optical or other signal from the partner, nor does it eclipse the quasar.
218. After seeking advice from Norman, his playing partner, Garcia took a drop, moving away from the sign.
219. Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner.
220. I say that what I want is an equal partner.
221. Often the result of one partner badgering the other into making a bit of a show.
222. The battle lines are not at all clear: a competitor may also be an alliance partner.
223. The modern wife is considered more of an equal partner and helpmate than a chattel or a housekeeper.
224. When did you last make a considerable personal adjustment to fit in with some deeply felt need your partner has articulated?
225. Not only will he be accepted on the terraces but also as a drinking partner in the local pubs.
225. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
226. A better solution may well be to pick up the idea of rotating the audit partner every five to 10 years.
227. When some one discovers they've been betrayed by their partner they get angry.
228. To a round of applause, Mrs Fanning was escorted back to the table by her partner.
229. One of Joseph Truman's nine children, Benjamin, born about 1700, became a partner in the brewery in 1722.
230. Only if the potential partner appears credible will the company earn a first meeting with eBay.
231. The salaried partner is frequently encountered in modern solicitors' firms.
232. It might have been a religious conversion, in which the partner did not share.
233. What was sought from a partner in one's twenties may be very different from what is sought 20 years later.
234. Trachtenberg is charged with attempting to defraud his business partner.
235. However, a partner needs gentle handling to tread gently and with extreme caution.
236. I began to wish it wasn't Martinho who was my partner in this deadly game of doubles.
237. That concluded a half which was bad news for the candidacy of McClair to partner his volatile new colleague.
238. So Whitney now works out arrangements with her partner in advance to avoid problems down the road.
239. Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business.
240. Your partner is also welcome(), so why not go along together to discuss the different methods of birth control?
241. Business deals would not be made where people did not know the other partner to the contract.
242. In early July, the space agency will select one of the companies as its industrial partner for the X-33.
243. Sometimes even it is desired to vest a power to dissolve in one partner or a specified majority.
244. His partner has his car running, and away they go perhaps to their country home, or their golf club.
245. Buller said he and his partner believe there are now enough home computer users to make their service a viable business.
246. The relationship was made manifest at the life crisis ceremonials of partner lineages.
247. Yet his new partner Mahela Jayawardene nearly perished when he mis-timed a drive off Giles.
248. Domestic production as a source of domestic consumption has been displaced by partner country production.
249. In his couplings Tom was always the active, never the passive, partner.
250. When timeless is degraded, its partner per, becomes unstable and also degrades.
251. Now a definitive agreement has been signed, with each founding partner taking an equal stake in the new venture.
252. Women who make partner are disproportionately unmarried or divorced, and childless.
253. Melrose Petroleum is the general partner and manages the business.
254. However, accumulating clinical evidence suggests that the single worst action a victim can take is to submit to an abusive partner.http://
255. Either with an-other partner might be a happy person, yet, out of fear they can not break apart.
256. Like divorce, it is painful and sometimes very costly to buy out a hostile partner.
257. Newbridge officials said they are working out a business strategy with their prospective partner, whom they declined to name.
258. His partner meanwhile, burst into the room, pistol in hand, the stammerer hard on his heels.
259. Had he found a partner worthy of him, she thought, he would have danced as nimbly as the king.
260. Your life expectancy is another consideration, as is that of your partner and any dependants.
261. It promised to adopt more democratic structures and said it would be an equal partner with other political parties.
262. But the best part was the partner I spent most of my time with in the small real estate department.
263. Also note that if your partner earns more than £21.40 the adult dependants increase will not be payable for her or him.
264. Sunday's fine for discussing future plans and ambitions with a loving partner and ironing out any differences of opinion.
265. He didn't feel any direct pressure from his partner or family, but says as his children got older he wanted them to have parents who were married.




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