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单词 Target
(1) He missed the target by two inches.
(2) The gunner's aim was on target.
(3) All of the missiles missed their target.
(4) Production so far this year is on/off target.
(5) The bullet missed its intended target.
(6) The prime minister is a favourite target of comedians.
(7) Aim a little above the target.
(8) They flew into heavy flak over the target area.
(9) They found the three engaged in target practice.
(10) He was banging away at the target.
(11) zero in your target,and go for it.
(12) The hunter's target was a hare.
(13) I aimed the gun carefully at the target.
(14) They were shooting at a target.
(15) The adverts target yoof culture.
(16) Thieves often target unprotected vehicles.
(17) The missile overshot its target.
(18) The arrow missed the target.
(19) We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35-45s.
(20) You may take several months to reach your target weight - it depends how much you want to lose.
(21) The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September.
(22) A shop in Station Road was the target of a ram-raid early yesterday.
(23) Higher degrees in English are a target for foreign students.
(24) The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.
(25) What better target than an unprotected girl, going along that river walkway in the dark.
(26) The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
(27) The new sports complex is on target to open in June.
(28) The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.
(29) In his open car, the President was a sitting target for assassins.
(30) Two of her shots hit the centre of the target.
(1) He missed the target by two inches.
(2) All of the missiles missed their target.
(3) The bullet missed its intended target.
(4) The prime minister is a favourite target of comedians.
(5) Aim a little above the target.
(6) They found the three engaged in target practice.
(7) The hunter's target was a hare.
(8) The adverts target yoof culture.
(9) Thieves often target unprotected vehicles.
(10) We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35-45s.
(11) The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.
(12) You may take several months to reach your target weight - it depends how much you want to lose.
(13) In his open car, the President was a sitting target for assassins.
(14) The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September.
(15) A shop in Station Road was the target of a ram-raid early yesterday.
(16) Higher degrees in English are a target for foreign students.
(17) The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.
(18) What better target than an unprotected girl, going along that river walkway in the dark.
(19) The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
(20) The new sports complex is on target to open in June.
(21) They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.
(22) I had four shots but I didn't even hit the target.
(23) The flare overshot its target and set light to a hotel.
(24) When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!
(25) The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
(26) What's the target readership of this paper?
(27) The missile curved gracefully towards its target.
(28) The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.
(31) They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.
(32) I had four shots but I didn't even hit the target.
(33) The flare overshot its target and set light to a hotel.
(34) When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!
(35) The missile strike was devastating - the target was totally obliterated.
(36) Patton was just off target with a header.
(37) The arrow hit its target.
(38) The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks.
(39) The arrow flew straight and true to its target.
(40) Their arrows are dead on target.
(41) Sales so far this year are 20% above target.
(42) The soldier leveled his rifle at the target.
(43) The missile homed in on the target.
(44) Her shot fell just wide of the target.
(45) He fired his gun at the target.
(46) Try to hit the middle of the target.
(47) The factory met its production target ahead of time.
(48) The bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.
(49) She aimed at the target but missed it.
(50) The campaign will target American insurance companies.
(51) We target our services towards specific groups of people.
(52) The shots straddled the target.
(53) The arrow flew straight and true to the target.
(54) They acquired the target by radar.
(55) The appeal fund has reached its target of 10000.
(56) The soldiers were banging away at the target.
(57) Alan took aim at the target.
(58) His shot was dead on target.
(59) She aimed at the target.
(60) These figures are way off target.
(61) It's a prime target for terrorist attacks.
(62) We were still right on target for our deadline.
(63) The advertisement was designed to target a mass audience.
(64) Aim for the middle of the target.
(65) The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.
(66) My estimate was bang on target.
(67) The boy popped at the target,but missed it.
(68) What's the target readership of this paper?
(69) Politically speaking, his jibes were right on target.
(70) He twanged an arrow that missed the target.
(71) Robertson is not far off her target.
(72) His first shot was bang on target.
(73) The shot was way off target.
(74) The bayonet penetrates through the target.
(75) I missed the target by one foot.
(76) This target should be attainable.
(77) The shot went wide of the target.
(77) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(78) Major tourist attractions are a soft target for pickpockets.
(79) We aimed the microscope at a likely looking target.
(80) I hit the target fair and square.
(81) Pupils should be given a target to aim for.
(82) Your guess was bang on target.
(83) She fired an arrow at the target.
(84) The arrow penetrated through the target.
(85) He took aim at the target and fired.
(86) The bombs went down—wham!—right on target.
(87) He lodged the arrow in the target.
(88) The kids were shooting arrows at a target.
(89) The missile curved gracefully towards its target.
(90) The missile pitched and missed the target.
(91) Is this a realistic target?
(92) The intended target had been a military building.
(93) He aimed at the target, fired and missed it.
(94) Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars.
(95) The torpedo homed in on its target.
(96) The bomb failed to hit its target .
(97) The government usually overshot its original spending target.
(98) All her shots hit the target.
(99) His arrow thudded into the target.
(100) She hit the target with deadly accuracy.
(101) He won't hit the target at that distance.
(102) Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies.
(103) 'Did you reach your sales target?' 'Just about.'
(104) The appeal has nearly reached its target of £100,000.
(105) He shot several bullets before hitting the target.
(106) She's an easy target for their criticisms.
(107) These sales will not count toward meeting the target.
(107) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(108) You missed the target by a mile/by miles.
(109) The hunter's target was a wild animal.
(110) It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack.
(111) The bomber dropped a flare to illuminate the target.
(112) His aim was poor and he missed the target.
(113) He never even got a sniff of the target.
(114) Old people are a prime target for thieves.
(115) We are still right on target.
(116) She buried an arrow in the target.
(117) The bridge would be a prime target for enemy aircraft during daylight hours.
(118) He could hit his target one hundred times without a single miss.
(119) My first shot went wide, but my second was right on target.
(120) He fired six shots at the target, but his aim was terrible, and he missed all of them.
(121) Do you think we will be able to meet our deadline/target?
(122) The arrow penetrated through the target just in the centre.
(123) I took a few more shots at the target, but missed every time.
(124) I should soon be down to my target weight of 70 kilos.
(125) The economy fell short of the Treasury's target of 2% growth.
(126) The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire.
(127) Cars without security devices are an easy target for the thief.
(128) In the past they have been the target of racist abuse.
(129) The soldiers on the streets are an easy target for terrorists.
(130) He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30.
(131) They received intelligence that the factory was a target for the bombing.
(132) Ninety percent of the projected missiles will hit their target.
(133) We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.
(134) Many wage settlements reached were over the original target of 4%.
(135) The pilots were just given a grid reference of the target.
(136) We want to reach a target audience that's younger in age.
(137) We are working towards a target of twenty cars a week.
(137) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(138) The boys used an old tree stump as a target.
(139) Any major airport or station is potentially a terrorist target.
(140) The area has become a prime target for supermarket development.
(141) "What does your market research consist of?"— 'Well. the thing is. it depends on our target age group.'
(142) He's won back his place too late to achieve his target of 20 goals this season.
(143) Television quiz shows often seem to target the lowest common denominator.
(144) The area is used by the army for target practice .
(145) The target was now within range and so she took aim and fired.
(146) The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame.
(147) The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars.
(148) They know they are a sitting target for the press.
(149) He's become the target for a lot of criticism recently.
(150) The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.
(151) The country is a target of criticism for its human rights record.
(152) Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target.
(153) If you don't lock your doors and windows, you'll be a sitting target for burglars.
(154) We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.
(155) The missile veered way off target and landed in the sea.
(156) The hospital has been the target of investigative journalism .
(157) The company says that growth of 10% is on target.
(158) Allied Chemicals have been trying to buy out their competitor's share in the target company.
(159) The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.
(160) He fired and hit the outermost ring of the target.
(161) The children became the target for their father's aggressive outbursts.
(162) The company is constantly improving the system, making it a moving target.
(163) The arrow hit the dead centre of the target .
(164) Yet, as often as not, they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.
(165) Recently she has been the target of a series of obscene phone calls.
(166) Our target audience is men aged between 18 and 35.
(167) I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.
(167) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(168) The team who lost became a target of abuse for angry fans.
(169) The government's target of 3.5% annual growth seems easily attainable.
(170) There is no target date for completion of the new project.
(171) The sights of the gun must be in alignment with the target.
(172) The target audience for the TV series are young people aged 13 to 18.
(173) This new gun shoots a laser beam at the target.
(174) We had barely crept any closer to our target.
(175) Which part of the target were you aiming at?
(176) Its target was international funding agencies and their clients.
(177) The missiles missed their target.
(178) Every radio station needs a target audience.
(179) Brought-forward trading losses can be set against balancing charges arising on the disposal of the target assets.
(180) It was used in the Persian Gulf war to target smart bombs and guide tanks across the desert.
(181) Fire a high energy electron beam at a metal target and bremsstrahlung effect produces intense X-rays.
(182) At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance, or be given a flight over the target beach.
(183) An alarm went off in his head as it occurred to him what a sitting target he was in his Baby.
(184) In a fight, your doubt is a target of enemy's attack. Toba Beta 
(185) This means that the bidder will lose some control over the secrecy arrangements and may face a premature announcement by the target.
(186) Model Nikki is on target for a very strange tan in fringed bikini, cowboy boots, bandana and six-shooter.
(187) More than a decade ago the National Academy of Sciences recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria.
(188) Marketing teams analyze this data to produce profiles of those who give and they use these profiles to better target fundraising drives.
(189) The new group did not in fact achieve its target of 100,000 pledged supporters and had faded away by March.
(190) The product now allows users to develop applications on target machines and then graphically display them on Unix workstations or X-Terminals.
(191) Its religious music is likely to fit that particular station's music policy in aiming at its target age-range.
(192) Some 60m pieces of diamond jewellery are sold every year, indicating a sizeable target audience.
(193) MTV's target audience is young people between 14 and 30.
(194) From this a distribution of the word scores assigned to the target words was derived.
(195) Every so often a rabbit would make a desperate, lung-bursting bid for freedom, only to provide an easy target for the twelve-bores.
(196) To be successful, you need to keep an eye on what you want to achieve and not on what you already have. Just like while aiming, you focus on the target and not the tip of the arrow . Dr Roopleen 
(197) For each attainment target we have recommended statements of attainment and programmes of study at up to 10 levels.
(197) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(198) Instead, the Housing Minister announced a £100 million allocation specifically for the target areas.
(199) Clearly the review might shift this balance making pensions the obvious target.
(200) The key target audience for the reports was overwhelmingly stated as being the company's own employees.
(201) It is an ambitious target, but Leblanc believes it is attainable.
(202) Therefore 30 minutes is a good target to aim for.
(203) Most of its students are the provincial poor, the target audience of leftist guerrilla groups.
(204) Primo had won a green stuffed turtle by throwing three darts into a target shaped like a red apple.
(205) The team rejected traditional Biblical phrasing, figuring they would be unfamiliar or unappealing to the target audience.
(206) How can they achieve maximum or target levels of profits or sales without precise information concerning their revenues and costs?
(207) It is however essential for the drinks industry to ensure that its advertising campaigns do not target vulnerable groups such as young people.
(208) Target business to be run in ordinary course up to completion with no material changes in trading performance or net assets.
(209) But the criminals target the illegal events, sell drugs and encourage people to become addicted.
(210) Housing activists argue the agency could sell more houses if it were more adept at reaching its target market.
(211) Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit.
(212) He had been told also, in whispered confidence, that two attempts against the target had failed.
(213) To make matters worse many dietary instructional leaflets required a reading age not attained by the target population.
(214) Decide from the very beginning that your aim is to use the target language as much as possible in the sessions.
(215) The key is to analyze the target audience, Half said.
(216) The arrow hit the target right bang in the middle.
(217) Bariatric surgeons use television and newspaper ads, 800 numbers, telemarketers, and sophisticated marketing techniques to target potential patients.
(218) Sofa Head's greatest asset is the realisation that you don't have to set your sights on one target.
(219) The target audience should be identified giving details of level and syllabuses to which the program relates.
(220) Our Falconet target aircraft uses a centrifugal launcher as its principal method of getting airborne.
(221) This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.
(222) After ordering investigations of many others, Texas state prison board chairman Allan Polunsky has a new target: himself.
(223) Such an ambitious target was dependent upon adequate financial flows, access to the North's markets and secure oil supplies.
(224) The letters can be chosen so that unwanted ones differ from the target by larger or smaller amounts.
(225) The baseline for this target is the average casualty total for years 1981-85.
(226) Each link object specifies some source node, link type, target node, pointers to paragraphs, and perhaps other attributes.
(227) Success is when you achieve your target 20 percent return on assets at the year's end.
(227) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(228) Acceptable use policies of non-ISPs are published and are usually easily available in the network information service centers of the target network.
(229) Our own door gunners were not allowed to fire unless they saw an absolutely clear target.
(230) Harry Lawrence was your friend and l appreciate that, but Harry Lawrence was not the target.
(231) Sugar production fell to a record low of 129,920 tonnes in 1990 and bauxite production was 15 percent below target.
(232) It's left her partially blind and a semi-invalid, an easy target for robbers.
(233) For each total synthesis a brief introduction is given, outlining the biological activity and other syntheses of the target compound.
(234) Initiating Member 1 Check whether the acquisition target is a client and advise the initiating member or his client accordingly.
(235) At 1120 the attack groups arrived over the target and began their assault against strong antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition.
(236) This was the famous gun that could put a shell on to a target and then another two on the same spot precisely.
(237) For details of schemes in the target areas and general advice on rural out-of-school schemes, ring her.
(238) However, because a Court Scheme requires the co-operation of the target it is not a viable alternative to a hostile bid.
(239) Registration involves disclosing your income level and profession, making it possible for advertisers to target their products to you.
(240) On the other hand, it makes him an elusive target for a biographer.
(241) Before, archery was a series of flights of shooters aiming at a target and counting up their scores.
(242) The tracking programs allow these companies to tout their ability to target specific audiences to potential advertisers.
(243) You can see so little as you blunder on that you are an easy target for any animal seeking fresh meat.
(244) A valuation of a smaller company must take account of its potential as a takeover target.
(245) Any occupation that consists mostly of the repeated application of rules is a target for automation.
(246) It is worth reiterating here the point that the media offer a means of influencing your target audiences.
(247) The government sees this as an effective course of action for a doctor who feels they are the target of unjustified allegations.
(248) The process demands simpler information than a collection of attainment target scores.
(249) The AFL-CIO waged a million-dollar television campaign against the measure, and threatened to target House and Senate lawmakers who supported it.
(250) Joan formed a ladies' committee at Trentham Park Golf Club dedicated to achieving the target.
(251) The Samaritans has tried to target men by advertisements on beer mats and in changing rooms.
(252) It was as if his confidence, like a target decoy, had been blown clean out of the water.
(253) With 500 missiles on board, an arsenal ship would become an inviting target for opposing navies, critics argue.
(254) But both sides privately admit that older voters will be a major target and states with many retirees will be major battlefields.
(255) This creates additional problems of target language suitability, problems which have yet to be solved.
(256) But, as Mr Malik kept reminding him, this was not the target audience of the school.
(257) Now they are going for a more ambitious target - one company-wide registration to include safety, personnel and management services.
(258) She appealed for the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.
(259) So the tubercle bacillus is a particularly difficult target for chemical attack.
(260) So I hope Sony's marketing department doesn't go for too narrow a target audience.




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