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单词 Scientist
1. Her mother was a brilliant scientist.
2. As a scientist,he disbelieves in Jesus.
3. Einstein was a great scientist.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The scientist deserves recognition for his talent.
5. Her late husband was an outstanding scientist.
6. She's the offspring of a scientist and a musician.
7. A scientist must be precise in making tests.
8. A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.
9. Madame Curie was the only famous woman scientist in the world.
10. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.
11. The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
12. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.
13. The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.
14. The scientist defected to another country.
15. Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist.
16. He has achieved recognition and respect as a scientist.
17. The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.
18. As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation.
19. The scientist thirsts after an achievement.
20. He fawns on being a scientist.
21. He approached the question as a scientist.
22. The scientist was faced with many unknown factors.
23. a scientist trained in radiological technology.
24. Perseverance is a quality that behoves in a scientist.
25. 'You, a scientist!' he scoffed.
26. He is a writer first and a scientist second.
27. A scientist is usually a methodical person.
28. We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
29. Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.
30. A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.
1. Her mother was a brilliant scientist.
2. Einstein was a great scientist.
3. Her late husband was an outstanding scientist.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. A scientist must be precise in making tests.
5. A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.
6. Madame Curie was the only famous woman scientist in the world.
7. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.
8. The scientist used vivid examples in illustration of his theory.
9. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.
10. The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.
11. A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.
12. The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.
13. The scientist was faced with many unknown factors.
14. We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
15. Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.
16. The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.
17. A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact.
18. This scientist accessed enormous different files to find the correct information.
19. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
20. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.
21. The scientist denied himself many of the comforts of life.
22. In the middle of his tests, the scientist burst on the truth.
31. Most people know what a great scientist Edison became.
32. A scientist must be objective.
33. The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.
33. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34. We rank Li Siguang as a great scientist.
35. He is a black scientist.
36. None but a dedicated scientist would want to read such a detailed report.
37. The students are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.
38. The special workshop was presided over by a famous scientist.
39. This scientist has put forth a new theory in his research field.
40. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.
41. The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning.
42. The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory.
43. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that doubling productivity will improve profits.
44. A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact.
45. The company is double-teaming the more complicated jobs with both a group manager and a scientist.
46. When I was young I dreamed of becoming a scientist.
47. The film stars a famous actor in the part of the mad scientist.
48. I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.
49. This scientist accessed enormous different files to find the correct information.
50. She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
51. He was famous as both a teacher and a scientist.
52. The scientist has worried at the problem during the last two months.
53. This scientist thinks he's on the scent of a cure for heart disease.
54. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
55. The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.
56. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.
57. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do this job.
58. The scientist denied himself many of the comforts of life.
59. He's an artist, a scientist and a shrewd businessman rolled into one.
60. The scientist gave himself up to a study of the life history of flies.
61. A well-known scientist was accused of stealing his former student's ideas.
62. The Incredible Hulk is a character in a comic who turns from a scientist into a two-metre tall monster.
63. The magazine combines the accuracy of the scientist with the eye of the artist.
64. The scientist Ernest Rutherford was the first person to split the atom.
65. The scientist lighted on a solution when he was having lunch.
66. In the middle of his tests, the scientist burst on the truth.
67. He's not really a scientist; he's just an overblown technician.
68. Franklin was a scientist, an inventor, and a statesman.
69. Lorrimer's a senior scientist, isn't he?
70. He's a brilliant scientist but hopelessly absent-minded.
71. The scientist should try to prove the hypothesis wrong.
72. I called the eminent scientist for an inter-view.
73. A scientist may prefer frying bacon for paying customers.
74. The behavioral scientist has had no such luck.
75. The penalty is believed to be the most severe yet meted out to a scientist for falsifying research findings.
76. Butzler was the first scientist to recognize this crucial fact.
77. Sections of the barrier were brought to the inquest and forensic scientist David Price said it hadn't been welded together properly.
78. Trainees are paid on Clinical Scientist grade A, which is currently £9,239 p.a. increasing by annual increments.
79. New Scientist took up some original thought on an old idea, the flywheel, which can store energy with high efficiency.
80. The social scientist tends to study events soas to draw conclusions of a more general and rather static kind.
81. By knowing the preferences and pay-off structures, the political scientist can examine all possible combinations of choices by the two players.
82. The researchers were actually working on a mouse contraceptive vaccine for pest control, according to New Scientist.
83. A scientist has been arrested for revealing state secrets concerning chemical weapons.
84. Galileo was not the first scientist to be forced to retract his theories.
85. When a scientist studies combustion, he peers though his instruments at one of the million aspects of the one great mystery.
86. No one can become a scientist without a knowledge of the first principles of mathematics.
87. These chapters will be particularly interesting to the practising as well as to the trainee forensic scientist.
88. Another scientist might have proposed a modification in the optical theory governing the operation of the telescopes used in the investigation.
89. By the 1830s he was a revered scientist and had invented an electromagnetic coil machine.
90. The forensic scientist - as distinct from the forensic pathologist - has come into his own.
91. Time allowed 07:10 Read in studio A scientist has designed a bank cashpoint machine that you can talk to.
92. Well he wasn't going hedgehog-spotting, not till he'd fixed up a deal with the mad scientist.
93. The scientist is motivated by a passion for what is true and a sense of responsibility towards what is true.
94. In comparative politics,(/scientist.html) the political scientist compares countries in an effort to verify the theories that have been formulated.
95. Okay, a scientist reports the measurement of the temperature of a new discovered planet to be minus point eight degrees.
96. The job of the natural scientist is to observe, measure, and then explain that reaction.
97. Sometimes, when I interview a scientist I spend a couple of days with him.
98. Iodine in salt may be the reason for low sperm counts, according to New Scientist magazine.
99. Well, Andrew Dequasie was a rocket scientist of a sort.
100. Powell, the leader, was the closest thing to a scientist.
101. He can't possibly be a scientist and at the same time such a dreadful liar.
102. She is a highly qualified research scientist whose contract, funded by the pharmaceutical industry,() has come to an end.
103. Rumours that no scientist expressed doubts about the potential problems are falsehoods perpetrated by officials with a vested interest.
104. The flocking rules were discovered by Craig Reynolds, a computer scientist working at Symbolics, a graphics hardware manufacturer.
105. A working party consisting of senior civil servants and an academic political scientist was appointed.
106. As a practising scientist, I could not allow such subjective assessments of the human condition to influence my work.
107. Which is why we're offering all our readers a chance to subscribe to New Scientist.
108. By the nineties, he was for a brief time the most celebrated scientist in the world.
109. The play is about the gradual corruption of a scientist.
110. The author quotes Stephen Jay Gould, the noted Harvard scientist, to support his theories.
111. Every great inventor or scientist has had to unlearn conventional wisdom in order to proceed with his work.
112. So who better than a high-powered social scientist who also happens to be a Roman Catholic to prove them wrong?
113. Any competent social scientist could have shot them down in flames.
114. A brilliant scientist, Hesswas unassuming about his talents and perhaps tentative about the new ideas he was presenting.
115. Colborn is a senior scientist at the World Wildlife Fund.
116. The sooner he could phone the mad scientist, and take them to the poly, the better.
117. A failure to solve a puzzle is seen as a failure of the scientist rather than as an inadequacy of the paradigm.
118. The forensic scientist had finally left the road at last light, certain it had nothing more to yield.
119. As a scientist, I am robed with degrees and academic pedigree.
120. The social scientist gains an understanding of the meaning of action through living with the group which he wants to understand.
121. Maybe the child who had first heard that story would use that phrase, but not the scientist talking to me now.
122. Certainly the results are in marked contrast to those found in a poll conducted by New Scientist in 1973.
123. These factors will be taken one at a time,(http:///scientist.html) and the scientist will set up experiments to test them.
124. According to an upright government scientist, who just rnight have been tipped off by a private expert.
125. Like any movie scientist worthy of his white coat, Bridges goes slowly mad.
126. One will be at the Starlab in Brussels, where De Garis became chief scientist late last month.
127. Data analysis has become interactive, with the scientist interrogating the data and deciding new paths for investigation based on immediate feedback.
128. Wacky comedy about a scientist trying to drive a guy crazy by forcing him to watch the worst movies ever made.
129. A scientist does experi merits, and no experiment I have ever done proves that air pollution is hurting those trees.
130. This poem shows the scientist as a law unto himself, outside the everyday world, not even hot-blooded.
131. What we need to grasp is that the scientist is a member of the public.
132. In the movie, the hero has to rescue the world from an evil scientist.
133. One scientist was scolded for not turning his work in on time.
134. Had the makers of Junior Scientist included chemicals so deadly they might destroy a house?
135. So a government scientist, whom out of modesty I forbear to name, had to expose the fraud.
136. Clark, a former political scientist widely regarded as cool and aloof, seemed transformed by power.
137. You can tell immediately the particular kind of scientist in an office by the maps outside the door.
138. A social scientist of great distinction and international reputation, Malinowski was a founder of modern social anthropology.
139. The resignation of the organisation's chief scientist last week after four months in the post has fuelled these fears.
140. My colleague is a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
141. Crick soon established himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity.
142. The Chairman gave orders for the military helicopter to fly the scientist back to Baghdad.
143. This curve is an index of global sea levels compiled from oil exploration data by Exxon scientist P. R. Vail.
144. Central to the department's new orientation is the role of Oscar Roith, the DoI's chief engineer and scientist.
145. Natural science managers usually start as a chemist, physicist, biologist, or other natural scientist.
146. They know that these well-tried and tested ways work, and do not need a scientist or advertising agency to sell them.
147. He sounds and feels more like a research scientist, and indeed, often refers to golf as a neurological exercise.
148. This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.
149. On arrival at the laboratory, they met a second volunteer and the research scientist.
150. The requirements of the social science historian with regard to the archiving of computer-generated data are the same as those of any social scientist.
151. The term "black hole" was coined in 1969 by the American scientist John Wheeler.
152. In September 1971, a dispute in the printing industry kept New Scientist off the streets for nearly three months.
153. I have never before asked readers of New Scientist to take political action.
153. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
154. One of their children has the potential to be a brilliant scientist.
155. New Scientist has obtained a copy of the unpublished report.
156. The fish nutritionist is really the scientist the carp angler needs to talk to for both their aims are similar.
157. If the political scientist Walter Clemens is right, the legislature could assert an even bigger role.
158. Lindsey also finds that citation counts favour the scientist doing work in the mainstream or dominant paradigm.
159. Whether a country has a codified constitution is hardly something of great importance to the political scientist.
160. I should explain, listeners, that Gedanken works with her Uncle Albert, the world-famous scientist.
161. Even Otto, the famous scientist, was a school-boy with a pencil, doing his long division.
162. One here and pray he wouldn't be yet another scientist who needed replacing, and one in the West.
163. But, as a scientist, she was and is prepared to tolerate this drive while it lasts without satisfying it.
164. It seemed an extremely odd locution for a scientist to be using about contaminated water.
165. Private expert and government scientist could have planned the whole thing together, hired their accomplices, salted the mine.
166. Once cast in the role of Guardian of Truth and Traditional Wisdom, a scientist ceases to be scientific.
167. The data isn't very meaningful to anyone but a scientist.
168. The proposition that men and women have evolved different minds is anathema to every social scientist and politically correct individual.
169. New Scientist, of all journals, must be aware how totally unscientific the Pentagon version of these matters is.
170. I have in the studio the world's youngest scientist - at least I reckon she must be.
171. The sociologist Scheff is probably the social scientist who has attempted the most thoroughgoing analysis of catharsis in social life.
172. When a natural scientist proposes to test the boiling point of water, there are few, if any semantic problems involved.
173. Bridges is a scientist working on dirt samples brought back from a Mars expedition.
174. Perhaps a scientist suggests that in some way the bat's ears are involved in its ability to avoid obstacles.
175. The proposal for the Assembly came originally from Chaianan Samudavanij, a well known political scientist.
176. Coupled with his close association with medicine, it explains why he decided to follow the career of scientist and natural philosopher.
177. I was spoiled by my prime seat as a pilot and remember fondly that view when I dive now as a scientist.
178. Well, Holmes, he looks just like the popular caricature of a mad scientist.
179. New Scientist said that the government was planning to double its money for space in the next few years.
180. If you call that highfalutin management science, then I am a highfalutin management scientist.
181. In his book he seems rather proud of this episode, and I suppose it did foretell the scientist to be.
182. No scientist is careless enough to handle dangerous chemicals or substances without suitable protection.
183. The spot where the scientist had lain curled, busily taking photographs and taking notes, is preempted by the pilot.
183. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
184. There was a fourth, but it was too squashed to be much good to the mad scientist.
185. It doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to realize that the chain of events was no coincidence.
186. There's only one way you can cripple a bad scientist, and that's to demonstrate how bad his science is.
187. Last week, New Scientist showed Moeri a picture taken of the equipment at the time of the accident.
188. The scientist works under contingencies that minimize immediate personal reinforcers.
189. Dad approached the business of agriculture with the zeal and detachment of a scientist.
190. It was something else to tell that to a highly prized research scientist, engineer, or computer programmer.
191. Being a scientist in a western society, the researcher is unlikely to think that music or magic have much influence.
192. Eamonn is a scientist and Arthur an anaesthetist, both in Dublin.
193. He also phoned a local weather scientist and experienced chaser, Greg Thompson, for advice.
194. And then a great scientist, Rassilon, led the people into the scientific age.
195. A scientist who had the temerity to ask at Philadelphia for one was severely reproved.
196. Unbeknownst to Wiener, he was not the first modern scientist to reactivate this word.
197. As few as one in twenty of the sample could be described as a utilitarian scientist of puritan middle-class background.
198. Graduates often enter other professions such as those of the actuary, accountant, and operational research scientist.
199. And an invaluable inheritance from lead miner, linen weaver and gentleman scientist.
200. Castle, this 1959 thriller casts Price as a mad scientist who discovers the biological cause of fear in human beings.
201. But they admit individual agents only on the terms on which a natural scientist admits individual and particular objects.
202. If I was a scientist it would be like finding a cure for for a disease or a technological breakthrough.
203. Surely no topic would seem to be less down the alley of this intellectually peripatetic social scientist.
204. And no scientist or doctor could say for sure what I should do to protect my family.
205. The rocket scientist is a different kind of hero.
206. Nobody ever called Bruce Willis a rocket scientist.
207. Francis Bacon is the famous English writer and scientist.
208. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better.
209. In mathematical terms, an opinion is what Bing Liu, a computer scientist at the University of Illinois in Chicago, calls a "quintuple" or five-variable expression.
210. Developing the potentialities of atomic energy, is one of the examples of the work of the applied scientist or technologist.
211. In the 1760s, a scientist in England invented a way to put steam engines and wheels together.
212. John Lindberg, a desk-bound scientist, spends his coffee breaks walking up and down several flights.
213. IN THIS ARTICLE: After winning the Nobel prize, Zhu Diwen did not put on the airs of a great scientist, but was full of smiles,(Sentence dictionary) and engaged in humorous and witty conversation.
214. A scientist said they were probably picked up by a waterspout or mini - tornado out at sea.
215. D. , an emeritus research scientist at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health and psychology department.
216. Madame Marie Curie was, and still is the world's most famous woman scientist.
217. "One possibility is that we judge people's characters from their faces—whether they are honest, kind, and smart," says Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard.
218. Send your corpse on a tour of museums 'round the world with plastination, developed by German scientist Gunther von Hagens.
219. Thus, it can be safely asserted that, with the advancement of human society, the division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist will be more apparent.
220. A scientist must have a mind like a steel trap.
221. This scientist believes association is the basic principle of mental activity.
222. The plant scientist and Nobel Peace Prize winner died last year at the age of 95.
223. I'm touched by Dr. Burri's confession and, having already journalistically spanked her, I want to thank her for being a big enough woman—and an honest enough scientist—to admit her mistake.
224. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos.
225. If you were a scientist or an engineer, that idea was very liberating; it enabled you to treat information as a manipulable thing.
226. They shared it with Maurice Wilkins, a British scientist who also studied D - N - A.
227. "This is important for tsunami warning systems in which you need to know a path--not just the original location—of an earthquake, " explains Scripps scientist Peter Shearer.
228. If there is anyone who seems to embody the Renaissance completely and totally, it is this grouchy5) and self-centered painter, scholar, inventor, scientist, writer, anatomist, etc.
229. "It's really just kind of a fun fact, " planetary scientist Ralph Lorenz with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory told Discovery News.
230. While Henry Markram maintains that autism involves a "core neuropathology", he told New Scientist that the intense world idea and Mottron's theory are "aligned in most aspects".
231. GE invited me to Pittsfield, where I met with Dr. Dan Fox, a scientist in charge of the company's new chemical concepts. That job appealed to me most.
232. Edgar Burchell, the janitor who became a leading medical scientist and teacher, is an example.
233. Dr Allen, 35, a scientist, suffers from bouts of "cataplexy", a rare symptom of narcolepsy, triggered by strong emotions-such as fear, surprise or laughter.
234. Scientist Larry Griffin who has studied the rare shrimp, said, "Triops matures rapidly and produces hundreds of eggs in just a couple of weeks.
235. Based on data collected during the TOGA cruises No. 1-5 and 8, and scientist research of the south China Sea, analysis is made on the air sea heat exchange over the Tropical Western Pacific.
236. Vanderbilt University scientist Michael Goldfarb came up with an alternative power source: rocket propellant.
237. Ted Swiecki is a plant scientist in California with the Phytosphere Research company and the Vacaville Tree Foundation.
238. He has been likened to A.Q. Khan, the Pakistani scientist who sold nuclear technology to North Korea.
239. Kerry Hanson, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at UCR, said that sunscreens do an excellent job protecting against sunburn(8) when used correctly.
240. The scientist is a constant warrior in chasing truth in physical science.
241. How could the ultimate scientist have been seemingly hornswoggled by a totemic psuedoscience like alchemy, which in its commonest rendering is described as the desire to transform lead into gold?
242. To be exact, the agency is looking to fill 20 to 180 fishery stock assessment scientist positions over the next decade.
243. Her father is a scientist working for the War Department.
243. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
244. In 1687, an English scientist, Isasc Newton, explained the science of how the rocket moved forward when the gunpowder exploded. His explanation is known as the law of action and reaction.
245. The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.
246. In my experience, he was much more than a prominent populariser. He was a brilliant scientist with solid achievements.
247. Alexander Bell was an American scientist. He made the first telephone in 1876.
248. R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect.
249. I've been corresponding with a young scientist at Cambridge University.
250. Steven Hawking is the most outstanding physical scientist after Albert Einstein.
251. To avoid neatless needless treatment, scientist scientists have developed a blood test.
252. Koestler, in his book"The Act of Creation", provides a perspective of the scientist that is a useful starting point.
253. Like other people who lived "on the hill, " 7 600 feet above sea level, I was a nuclear scientist and a soccer dad, an outdoorsman, an active participant in this special scientific world.
254. The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish.
255. He is that rare bird , a scientist who works independently of any institution.
256. Chinese computer scientist has a suggestion: mimic the way search engines index Chinese characters.
257. The cleaner, scientist, salesmen, and the telephonist in this program are functions.
258. How much does the water in a cumulus cloud weigh?Peggy LeMone, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, did the numbers.
259. And , political scientist John Makumbe was questioned by police last week.
260. This is precisely what Jules Clancy, food scientist and minimalist meal maven, of the Stonesoup has set out to help us with in her new virtual cookery school.
261. Don Yeomans, NASA senior research scientist Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
262. Now NASA scientist James Mason led the research team, using a laser to push away from the track space junk.
263. He was a Christian Scientist, and he had initiated voluntary Sunday Services on the Submarine.
264. The Church of Christ, Scientist is an organization founded by Mary Baker Eddy in an effort to reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.
265. With Earth's power consumption forecast to rocket to new highs in coming decades, one scientist is proposing a suitably far-out solution to the likely energy shortage — power plants on the moon.
266. But here are some of my favorites taken over the past decade, as explained by Ron O'Dor, cephalopod biologist and senior scientist for the Census of Marine Life.
267. "I think it's safe to say we're on the threshold of recovery, " says Michelle Santee , an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
268. Thales ( 636 - 546 B.C. ), philosopher and scientist, undertakes about the laws of nature and physics.
269. The word "vitamin" dates back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk in nineteen twelve.
270. The pure scientist is considered socially acceptable in some perfectly civilised colleges.
271. The so - called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.
272. Thediscovery was made by accident by Rachel Grant, a life scientist at the OpenUniversity.
273. More than 100 years ago in France, a scientist used heat from a solar collector to make steam to drive a steam engine.
274. Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.
275. The natural scientist and the thinker first realized that the seriousness of the problem, they actively promoted environmental protection; John Muir is one of them.
276. The goal of the Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut is to develop a way to raise identical sheep that produce medicines for humans.
277. All is going really well until an evil scientist named Dr. Wily takes control of some of these helpful robots and sets off on the usual megalomaniac styled quest to take over the planet.
278. Dr Robert Pitman, a marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in California, took the stunning images of the pod going in for the kill.
279. Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists.
280. The Growth Bot EA was programmed by a Russian applied math scientist and programmer Eugene Lipinsky.
281. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
282. If you're still unsure about the answer, think of Da Vinci, he was a mathematician, scientist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician and writer.
283. But two U. S. researchers, a transportation expert and an atmospheric scientist, decided the time had come to apply blue-sky thinking to one of the world's greatest challenges.
284. Huang, a nonbeliever, was a visiting scientist at the University of Minnesota in 1994.
285. Still, the famous scientist and popular writer Isaac Asimov made an interesting observation about mind-reading once.
286. In a subsequent post I will compile a list of science titles from the New Scientist,[http:///scientist.html] Scientific American and related science-oriented journals and organizations.
287. For example, smokers enjoy whole-body effects, said Nasir Naqvi, a student at the University of Iowa Medical Scientist Training Program, who was the lead author of the recent article on smoking.
288. If "Wall-E" were a romantic comedy, it would be about a humble garbageman who falls for a supermodel who also happens to be a top scientist with a knack for marksmanship.
289. Maggie: He is a real scientist, moron. But he has a limo.
290. "Cassini will be able to measure the mass of the rings to a few percent," added NASA planetary scientist Jeff Cuzzi, with the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.
291. Professor Schwartz is the American renowned historians and the political scientist, the Chinese thinking history expert.




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