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单词 Philosophy
1, My philosophy of life is work. 
2, Tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. 
3, His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.
4, This question comes into the domain of philosophy.
5, He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.
6, He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.
7, He believed in the philosophy of Russell.
8, Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
9, He's a graduate in philosophy.
10, Emma studies philosophy at university.
11, Hess has an unusual philosophy of life.
12, In the Middle Ages,(http:///philosophy.html) philosophy and theology were inextricable.
13, Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
14, For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
15, It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.
16, Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
17, Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
18, She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.
19, He is a doctor of philosophy.
20, Jean-Paul Sartre was the guru of post-war French philosophy.
21, Politics and philosophy were his lifelong passions.
22, His philosophy stressed the impermanence of the world.
23, He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford.
24, That's a philosophy I could live by.
25, Histories make men wise ; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 
26, Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.
27, Enjoy yourself today and don't worry about tomorrow that's my philosophy!
28, Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.
29, We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy.
30, From his youth Nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.
1, His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.
2, This question comes into the domain of philosophy.
3, He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.
4, He believed in the philosophy of Russell.
5, He's a graduate in philosophy.
6, Emma studies philosophy at university.
7, Hess has an unusual philosophy of life.
8, Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.
9, For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off.
10, Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.
11, We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of western philosophy.
12, This philosophy is western in origin.
13, Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.
31, She majored in philosophy at Harvard.
32, This philosophy is western in origin.
33, These ideas formed the core of his philosophy.
34, Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.
35, The company explained their management philosophy.
36, Philosophy is too deep for me.
37, The book is simple homespun philosophy.
38, The study of philosophy helps you to think critically.
39, She was a philosophy major at an Ivy League college.
40, His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.
41, Eugenics was the central, and most controversial,(http:///philosophy.html) part of his social philosophy.
42, She believed that her religion needed to be defended by philosophy and logic.
43, The idea that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you is a fine philosophy of life .
44, The philosophy of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors.
45, They had little or no acquaintance with philosophy or history.
46, I can't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence.
47, The philosophy of them during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors.
48, Raymond Blanc, star of nouvelle cuisine, tells Paul Bailey about the philosophy behind his cooking.
49, My philosophy of fashion is that I like to make clothes that flatter.
50, His interests extended beyond the fine arts to international politics and philosophy.
51, This of course meshes with the economic philosophy of those on the right.
52, The new measures were introduced with no explanation of the philosophy behind them.
53, Live now, pay later - that's my philosophy of life!
54, The speaker pinned philosophy down and made it talk sense.
55, The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar, high-fibre diet.
56, Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy.
57, Romans took over from the Greeks not only their philosophy but their arts.
58, They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.
59, Hegel's philosophy will be examined in detail in Chapter 4.
60, Energy conservation as a philosophy was born out of the 1973 oil crisis.
61, Her whole philosophy can be encapsulated in this one sentence.
62, Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
63, She did Philosophy and English literature and got a double first.
64, The philosophy of those long - hairs leans towards nihilism.
65, Jef Raskin had degrees in computer science and philosophy.
66, The great classics of political philosophy are utopian.
67, Carlin says he divorces philosophy from his religion.
68, He had become convinced that there were severe limits to philosophy.
69, In turn the profession would articulate philosophy and justify efforts and achievements with confidence to the wider community.
70, The idea of democracy played a critical role in Dewey's philosophy.
71, The philosophy behind this hotel, according to manager Sture Rydman, is hospitality for the discerning and appreciative.
72, A more subtle form of restriction is to proceed by a philosophy akin to that of apartheid.
73, Philosophy Philosophy deals systematically with questions that every reflective person asks from time to time.
74, After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
75, If this could be proved beyond doubt, direct drilling would fit in well with the organic philosophy.
76, However, the educational team took a more openly critical view of the community development process and the philosophy underlying it.
77, I had sat the finals for Philosophy in late May.
78, Newton had indeed been inspired by theories of sympathies and antipathies in alchemy and Hermetic philosophy.
79, His method is to distinguish philosophy, which he equates with experience, from the various modes of experience.
80, Conservative elements steeped in uniformitarian philosophy cannot be expected to welcome such a rude awakening.
81, A simple answer would be to establish a sociology / psychology / philosophy core for all pupils.
82, Casaubon was not alone in his criticisms of the new experimental philosophy for its atheistical tendencies.
83, More recently, philosophy has had very close links with mathematics and artificial intelligence.
84, The anti-Aristotelianism and the newly emerging concept of natural philosophy were, then, not private but public developments.
85, I started compiling an annotated bibliography of the philosophy of mind when I was a graduate student learning the ropes.
86, The second is to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
87, Reality is a much more tedious, recalcitrant beast than was ever dreamed of in Phil Redmond's philosophy for Brookside.
88, Even if we accept the underlying private enterprise philosophy of Making Belfast Work, some basic flaws exist.
89, I thought about this and came to the conclusion that it seemed a very good philosophy.
90, His philosophy is that we were seeded by an ancient civilization.
91, It is as if the entire party structure and philosophy had been geared towards the exclusion of participation and the discouragement of debate.
92, Indubitably this vision of distributive justice satisfies the demands of liberal philosophy, because it respects both formal equality and individual autonomy.
93, Following the work of Rawls, however, there has been a profusion of important contributions to liberal political philosophy.
94, Philosophy from a feminist perspective has practical implications for both philosophers and feminists.
95, Nevertheless, our personal philosophy and artistic goals must always play their important part in shaping our destiny.
96, Another aspect of the applied philosophy of the polytechnics is that they should maintain close contacts with industry and business.
97, Within each teacher's subject area there are competing approaches that conflict in educational philosophy as well as in teaching style.
98, Beyond the curriculum, the staff at Fratney works to organize the entire school in ways that are consistent with its philosophy.
99, Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
100, Mosley too became increasingly prone to blur the distinction between art, philosophy and life.
101, Our modern Western world is consequently run by captains of industry, commerce and business who have an underlying Eastern philosophy.
101, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
102, Her philosophy on food: you don't need to sacrifice your tastebuds to eat healthily.
103, A plaque revealed Marx had taught in the philosophy faculty there in 1841.
104, Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. Albert Schweitzer 
105, Her Libran philosophy of accepting what couldn't be changed helped dry her tears.
106, If a 260 tennis coach followed this philosophy, students would practice dropping the ball for a week.
107, Julie Jack, emeritus fellow in philosophy, was appointed to a teaching post at King's College, Cambridge.
108, The whole question of Total Communication philosophy depends on the point of entry into these stages.
109, These machines, the vehicles of the Al philosophy, will be vastly improved in their technical capabilities.
110, Epicurus had a mundane philosophy yet despite suffering intense pain of the intestines, he enjoyed a blissful last day on earth.
111, However, philosophy is also closely related to many other disciplines.
112, Both theories are exercises in analytical moral philosophy which aspire to provide rational principles to support particular conceptions of just social arrangements.
113, A personal philosophy is something which all people have nomatterwhat their background, class, or educational attainment.
114, Even students in art history and philosophy are getting hired by management consultants, Sanborn said.
115, One could be forgiven, however, for viewing this as a purely academic philosophy.
116, Thirdly systems philosophy which involves reorientation of thought and world view consequent upon the advent of system as a new scientific paradigm.
117, This woman of noble birth chose to study philosophy rather than relish in her beauty.
118, My philosophy being that members who attended the meetings or functions which I attended will know I was there.
119, At local level, control exerted by NGOs varies widely, depending on their philosophy, their economic clout, and individual personalities.
120, Conclusion To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.
121, As a senior research fellow, he has made a second career of writing, lecturing and teaching philosophy.
122, In 1922 he came into contact with Moritz Schlick, professor of philosophy and founder of the Vienna Circle.
123, Wittgenstein was a whizzkid who wanted to be an aviator and ended up teaching philosophy at Cambridge from a green deck chair.
124, But she made certain that her great concern for environmental issues were built into her business philosophy.
125, Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.
126, The philosophy of the assembly line was to break down the work into simple elements that required no special training.
127, Two lines of the song neatly encapsulate Gregg's romantic philosophy.
128, Noble bookstore in Georgetown, where Llanos helped customers find works on theology, philosophy and other subjects.
129, Many of its problems are direct descendants of the central problems of philosophy.
130, Clements was an influential writer who developed a philosophy of ecology that differed fundamentally from the reductionism of Warming and Cowles.
131, Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
131, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
132, It has since undergone six name changes and numerous revolutions in technology, style and editorial philosophy.
133, In a compromising philosophy he allows himself violence against property but never against life, human or otherwise.
134, It is hard to imagine two ethnically identical and adjoining societies so dissimilar in style and philosophy.
135, To learn is not to know; there are the learners and the learned. Memory makes the one, philosophy the others. Alexandre Dumas 
136, I have described the process of operant conditioning discovered by the behaviourists, but not the philosophy that guided them.
137, Therefore, he devoted more of his time to philosophy and to educating Mexander the Great than he did to economic theory.
138, Rational philosophy explored the human condition without the element of spirit.
139, In this paragraph we have the basis for Brian Way's philosophy: he is interested in introducing direct experience into education.
140, The philosophy of Wittgenstein did not destroy the faith - it destroyed certain methods of nineteenth-century Idealist argument.
141, The basic ideas dominating the educational philosophy of Highlander are two-fold.
142, The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. Henry Ward Beecher 
143, I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
144, General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
145, These projects include curriculum development, educational philosophy and goals, teacher upgrading and in-service training.
146, From whatever standpoint or philosophy, works of art can never be judged as essential to basic living.
147, I have briefly described the three main streams of present-day mathematical philosophy: formalism, Platonism, and intuitionism.
148, A range of books has been launched which reflects his design philosophy and style.
149, Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion.
150, Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
151, Philosophy cannot be taught; it is the application of the sciences to truth. Alexandre Dumas 
152, He imported the commonsense realist philosophy, which included a demand that individuals be responsible for public affairs.
153, He returned to his alma mater to write a doctorate in moral philosophy.
154, Of all academic disciplines, philosophy lends itself least to television.
155, There is nothing in philosophy which could not be said in everyday language. Henri Bergson 
156, The background of liberal philosophy shapes the opposing interpretations of the modern law of contract presented in recent books and articles.
157, Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
158, More recent moral philosophy exhibits a certain boredom with Moore's approach.
159, This rejects the philosophy that the market can deliver health or community care efficiently, effectively or fairly.
160, Prevailing Aristotelian philosophy also affirmed a fundamental division between two regions in the cosmos.
161, These are tasks which confront legal theory and political philosophy together.
162, The interest in classical letters and Platonic philosophy led eventually to the establishment of secular education built on humanist values.
163, Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know. Bertrand Russell 
164, What is in doubt is the basis of the design philosophy.
165, Rice says this philosophy should be extended to include the appointment of care managers.
166, Although Thatcherism denounced past policies(http:///philosophy.html), it affected to return to past philosophy.
167, Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.
168, At which Father Dooley rose unsteadily in his seat and denounced the philosophy behind the words.
169, Learning does not make one learned: there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding. The first requires memory and the second philosophy. Alexandre Dumas 
170, Many children with verbal processing difficulty go on to be-come gifted interpreters of literature or become erudite in philosophy or social sciences.
171, Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy. Denis Waitley 
172, Humiliation was at the centre of Jock Stein's disciplinary philosophy.
173, This argument can make little appeal to anyone not caught up in the artifices of philosophy.
174, I fetched another fistful of miniatures and spent the rest of the flight telling her about my philosophy.
175, Now the barriers they had sought to erect between philosophy and science began to crumble.
176, Situating herself within the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition, she looks at different conceptions of philosophy, its content and methods.
177, Oakeshott's objective in Experience and its Modes is to clarify the nature of philosophy.
178, As the only permanent fixture in a constantly changing group, Sinclair Goodlad maintains continuity and lays down the scheme's philosophy.
179, We must assume, of course, that these different aspects of his gnomic philosophy are to be unified into some coherent whole.
180, Whatever the riddle is called, it flies in the face of 3, 000 years of logical philosophy.
181, But that philosophy has its attractions in eras of unsettling change.
182, Nevertheless, Clements' philosophy represents a notable extension of nineteenth-century developmental attitudes into the early decades of the new century.
183, Contrary to Party philosophy, he advocated higher taxation of the wealthy.
184, Western training programs are not grounded in a philosophy that encourages the systematic development of unusual forces.
185, And once they made the connection, they embraced the philosophy as their own.
186, This will involve a brief discussion of the approach known in contemporary philosophy as functionalism.
187, Not to care for philosophy is to be a true philosopher. Blaise Pascal 
188, He studied philosophy and religion and by all accounts was quite brilliant.
189, The section on animal welfare includes its assessment, philosophy and legislation.
190, For myself, I must with all deference reject that philosophy.
191, Other disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, and computer science, sample freely from both traditions.
191, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
192, No longer does our political process discuss philosophy and issues.
193, In some parts of the world, this consumer philosophy of arms-lovers can erupt suddenly.
194, It is not right to do things half heartedly; looking at them with the eyes of philosophy.
195, This was based on an explicit philosophy of preserving the dignity and independence of patients.
196, The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the capture and training of wild animals, for purposes of entertainment.
197, As women began to cast a critical eye over the discipline of philosophy, a number of different types of work appeared.
198, Philosophy, in the undergraduate curriculum, can be regarded in two ways.
199, The study of this aspect of language provides links with other disciplines such as sociology, social anthropology, psychology and philosophy.
200, Old classrooms in the main block were refurbished and brought back into use for Sociology and Philosophy.
201, It came from the philosophy that kids have to learn how to restructure their world with lots of assistance from the externals.
202, To do so would be to broaden the potential range of literature to most of sociology and much philosophy and history besides.
203, Is it Balzac the individual, furnished by his personal experience with a philosophy of Woman?
204, Refusing to build a system or to allow his philosophy to be systematized, he writes in aphorisms.
205, Is it a parody of the platonic republic, where politics, art and philosophy come together?
206, One such requirement is the need for a mixed ability philosophy which actively encourages integration in all its forms.
207, While Barnett believes in being positive during his broadcasts, the Warriors have certainly tested that philosophy.
208, This ambiguity of language helps to explain why so many interpretations of Wordsworth's philosophy and religion were able to arise.
209, The particle approach to writing is based on a philosophy of teaching and learning that has been likened to an assembly line.
210, Indeed the whole Disney philosophy, especially evident in the Epcot Centre, is about optimism and faith in the future.
211, S6 pupils also undertake a dissertation on a subject of their own choice such as Roman Law, philosophy, etc.
212, It shows why philosophy may penetrate so many disciplines and yet remain a distinct discipline itself.
213, It was one of the last of his evocative flights of homespun philosophy.
214, Others wished to explore their own community's perception of the philosophy of the school.
215, Still, his philosophy of government would not have been out of place in the Soviet Communist era.
216, His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
217, Instead, we will examine the basic features of this philosophy and its influence upon subsequent developments in mathematics and astronomy.
218, We can see in this Nietzsche's aspirations towards a total philosophy of life.
219, A further cause for unease is that adherence to a free market philosophy combined with reduced taxation has increased economic inequality.
220, Balliol offered him a fellowship in philosophy but he declined.
221, I wish to tackle three major issues which have influenced this changing philosophy and relate it directly to disruptive pupils.
221, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
222, The design philosophy of fault control is expatiated.
223, Hermeneutics is not only philosophy also practical philosophy.
224, The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz , the creator of the'Peanuts'comic strip.
225, My philosophy of life is to stick close to the golden mean.
226, Ancientry, philosophy represents all subject coz the people's perception rest on the general and instinct phase.
227, Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as possible .
228, Descartes'rational intuition has brought durative effect to whole philosophy later.
229, In accordance with the dialogical reality of human beings Martin Buber researched human moral actions and moral values from the perspectives of philosophical anthropology and philosophy of religion.
230, Clearly, Nietzsche's superman philosophy is a type of optimistic view of life but it has always been misunderstood as preaching hero worships and egocentrism.
231, There was great excitement the year I started lecturing in the philosophy department.
232, That is what transcendental philosophy promises: an explanation of our knowledge of things in so far as that knowledge is possible independently of experience.
233, The legal rule and its the potency question is a foundational question of law philosophy.
234, "Self-Denying of Conscience" is his great contribution to philosophy, and is said to be able to contact the noumenon with phenomenon.
235, But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception.
236, From the latest representation of archaic philosophy, which is the free genes in Dai Zhen"s ideas, we open out primary expression of the former enlightenment in China in this dissertation."
237, Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
238, Sartre's existentialist philosophy is the poetic theory about the significance of life and Sartre's existentialist literature is the philosophic discourse about the value of life.
239, Rationalism has a long history in philosophy, Plato ( c. 427 - 347 BC ) was a rationalist.
240, Cleanthes, who was a Stoic philosopher and also known as the water-carrier, worked by night so that he could do philosophy by day.
241, We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy.
242, Mathematics broke away from philosophy and became tied to physical science.
243, After examining thoughts of western philosophy, especially thoughts of ancient Greece, Martin Heidegger alleged that the inquiry of "Sein"was just the concealment of it.
244, There are two theoretical tendencies of this philosophy provincialism and autonomism.
244, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
245, Russell is a great logician and the main founder of modern logic and modern analytic philosophy , and he is one of the main representatives of modern correspondence theory of truth .
246, In the history of Western philosophy, David Hume is the chief representative of modern scepticism, and scepticism is the symbol of Hume's philosophy, which is based on empiricism.
247, The leading naturalist, Emile Zola, enunciated the philosophy of the new school.
248, In Satre's philosophy, being is prior to "nothing" but would be meaningless without "nothing"; however, man pursues the being in the unstable state, which causes useless warmth of life.
249, Simone de Beauvoir's novel is a kind of Philosophical Novel and Theoretical Novel, which is provided with the function of arguing and conveying philosophy thoughts.
250, The novel Fortress Besieged represents Qian Zhongshu's greatest literary understanding of existentialism philosophy.
251, When 27, I resolved to write books inconsequence of no achievements in science and philosophy.
252, The highest level - tea: tea thing activities into philosophy, ethics, morality , self-support through to tea, taste life to the spirit of the enjoyment.
253, Rasputin's representative work "A Farewell to Matyora" is such a moral philosophy fiction which puts forward the relationship between progress and morality.
254, Author : Dr. Pan Liyong , professor of the department of Philosophy, Humanities School, Zhejiang University.
255, With the globalization of market and economy, the management philosophy based on individual enterprise can't win the competition any more.




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