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单词 bookmark
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Computersbook·mark1 /ˈbʊkmɑːk $ -mɑːrk/ noun [countable]  1. TCNa piece of paper, leather etc that you put in a book to show you the last page you have read 书签2. a way of saving the address of a page on the Internet so that you can find it again 网址书签,网页书签〔记录网址的一种方法,方便日后查找〕Examples from the Corpusbookmark• I still keep as a bookmark my ticket for the 1989 Revolution Day parade in Red Square.• Many scores of pages are devoted to these topics and the general reader will need to keep a bookmark in the footnotes.• Readers can also be reached by means of bibliographic bookmarks or flyers providing genre-specific lists of authors and titles.• Another gift that was well received was a book of poetry for which I made a pressed flower bookmark.• You can make planes out of it, paste it on walls and windows, color it or use it for bookmarks.• Or just make bookmarks on your browser and come back to them later.• Many valuable ancillary features, including the capabilities for annotating by means of notes, bookmarks, and hyperlinks are also provided.• Every other bookmark was a blank shred of typing paper.Related topics: Computersbookmark2 verb [transitive]  to save the address of a page on the Internet so that you can find it again easily 给〔网页地址〕添加书签→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbookmark• The easiest way to start finding out if they meet your needs is to bookmark them and see how they work.• Were she on the World Wide Web, my mom would bookmark this page.From Longman Business Dictionarybookmarkbook‧mark /ˈbʊkmɑːk-mɑːrk/ noun [countable] COMPUTING a way of saving something such as the address of a WEBSITE or the place in a computer file, so that you can return to it more easilyThe bookmark function allows users to resume from the point where they left by electronically ‘marking’ it before switching the unit off. —bookmark verb [transitive]You can bookmark your favourite web·mark1 nounbookmark2 verbChineseSyllable  that you paper, etc a put of leather piece Business Corpus




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