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单词 Relinquish
1. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.
2. When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness.
3. No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.
4. He was forced to relinquish control of the company.
5. He does not intend to relinquish power.
6. The enemy was forced to relinquish the city.
7. Captain Weiss will relinquish command after this mission.
8. The prince was persuaded to relinquish his claim to the throne.
9. Many thought Dole should at least relinquish his post of Senate majority leader to gain freedom from legislative strictures.
10. At no time did the abbey relinquish to these groups any of its tight control over economic life.
11. Conversely, it may not be hard to relinquish certain roles and tasks which were never experienced as rewarding.
12. Probably these men were persuaded to relinquish their rights for a sum of money in lieu.
13. Slowly, states are beginning to relinquish control of their energy industries.
14. First, it may be difficult for them to relinquish the closeness and identification with their twin in favour of a marriage partner.
15. Finally, Franco simply did not want to relinquish his position.
16. Lockwood himself was forced to relinquish his position in 1990.
17. David Cranston will relinquish the role that he has combined with that of chief executive.
18. Soon, she felt, she would just have to relinquish control and let it carry her.
19. The generals know they are ruining their country, but they do not dare relinquish power.
20. Republicans have been hoping for a reprimand because that is a punishment that would not force Gingrich automatically to relinquish the speakership.
21. Even the Church will today readily admit this, while remaining loath to relinquish many of the benefits obtained by the deception.
22. His court appearances drew so much flak that he was forced to relinquish his role at Microsoft.
23. To create a demise or bareboat charter, an owner must relinquish possession, control and navigation of the vessel the charterer.
24. Never did I feel so tempted and pressed to relinquish the chaplain service and yield all to the control of Satan.
25. Amateur name-grabbers, threatened with a court case, can usually be bribed to relinquish a valuable name.
26. Only Tuesday night did campaign sources reveal that he would relinquish the day-to-day duties of the leadership post.
27. Most refuse to defy the cultural definition of masculinity, to overcome their fears, or to relinquish their male privilege.
28. The United States is pressing the rebel army to relinquish power.
29. This did not, however, mean that he was ready to relinquish his all-powerful position.
30. As yet, there is only speculation that Charles will relinquish his birthright.
1. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.
2. No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.
31. Otton, the junior who shared time with Kyle Wachholtz at quarterback, started and did not relinquish the position.
32. Having enjoyed a remarkable degree of freedom for several years it was now hard to relinquish areas of control.
33. Stewart, chairwoman of Omnimedia, will relinquish the job of editor in chief at her magazine to editor Stephen Drucker.
34. Equally some parents in the study quoted above, wanted to say good-bye and relinquish their children in a positive sense.
35. Libraries are powerless to relinquish them.
36. Finally he relinquish his plan for want of business.
37. They had to relinquish their position to the enemy.
38. Against them, too, I must never relinquish control.
39. To relinquish ( power or responsibility ) formally.
40. This helps the service class instance relinquish the resources it is using.
41. Toyota's president Watanabe is expected to relinquish his job next year.
42. He was forced by law to relinquish the children to their mother.
43. The old king was made to relinquish his power to his son.
44. Who was the first President of the newly-established German Democratic Republic (GDR),() and when and how did he relinquish this position?
45. In deference to Lord Srikrishna's wishes , the Kauravas relinquish their claim to Draupadi.
46. The boycott began on December 1, 1955, sparked by Rosa Parks' brave refusal to relinquish her seat on a segregated municipal bus to a white man.
47. Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims.
48. Openly supporting Rosa Parks and her refusal to relinquish her seat to a white bus passenger made him a target for his opponents and his house was bombed.
49. On 19 March, though the weather was visibly threatening,() the warships from the two nations would not sail to safety and relinquish their positions in Apia harbour.
50. He says bullfighting is too important to regional tradition to relinquish.
51. To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility.
52. Relinquish your grip on the rope -- you won't fall.
53. It was doubtful whether Israel could be persuaded to relinquish its gains.
54. Both organizations are called A.P.A., and neither will relinquish the shortened form to the other.
55. It is little to relinquish. What is it but a wilderness of misery and ruin?'
56. I didn't succumb without a struggle to my uncle's allurements (H. G. Wells. See also Synonyms at produce, relinquish.
57. To relinquish military possession or occupation of ( a town, for example ).
58. To relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly (as for a period of time or a question).
59. Cowardice says, "Retreat; go back to the worldling's way of action; you cannot play the Christian's part; it is too difficult. Relinquish your principles."
60. When the longed-for help was so near, how could he relinquish hope?
61. To relinquish control ofblock of memory, a device, or another system resource to the operating system.
62. A year-end bonus is a reward for the previous year of hard work, and few employees would relinquish it by quitting early.
63. I have informed my party leaders that I am determined to relinquish all my positions, as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as the State Assemblywoman for Bukit Lanjan.
64. The Holy Spirit guides you into life eternal, but you must relinquish your investment in death, or you will not see life though it is all around you. T-12.
65. He did not relinquish his hold over Mary until his death.




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