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单词 Delimited
1. A ravine delimited the property on the south.
2. Police powers are delimited by law.
3. An early stage of refinement delimited each individual definition.
4. These lists are sorted in numerical order and delimited by square brackets.
5. The sum delimited for military spending, 108,000 million roubles, equalled that set aside for social security.
6. The Court assumed the Organisation's power to be delimited by the Charter without examining why this is so.
7. Once you have delimited the topic of your study, it is time to select your research strategy.
8. The area legally delimited between 1908 and 1919 as the Champagne-producing region covers 34,500 hectares.
9. The field was delimited in a number of ways: 1.
10. The diseased bowel is, as a rule, sharply delimited.
11. Must define row delimiter for delimited file format.
12. Text files can be delimited or fixed field.
13. Each record may be delimited by an end-of-line character.
14. The anomalies delimited by geological unit, distribution of ore bodies and metallogenic prognosis are effectively analyzed.
15. His book delimited groups of plants closely corresponding to many that we still recognize.
16. He stores the list into a delimited ASCII file named bad_customers.del.
17. Through the experiment, basketball tactics area - delimited teaching met hod is better than traditional method.
18. A. convert table from PDF to delimited text file that can be imported into database.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Specifies a semicolon - delimited list of directories to clean.
20. You can create the delimited ASCII file using the text editor of your choice.
21. Arguments are delimited by white space , which is either a space or a tab.
22. The cuticle also exhibits localized areas of hardening which are sometimes delimited by sutures.
23. This ascii file contains price and revenue series for five branded and one generic Cephalosporin. Data are comma delimited. Variable names appear in the first row.
24. The FIFO's fullness is monitored and maintained, in response to an external signal, to within a specified range delimited by an upper and a lower threshold.
25. They are presented as three quoted and comma - delimited fields.
26. You don't need to write an application. You just need to create a delimited ASCII file containing the data you want to load into your table.
27. The origin of the maxillary artery was located and delimited according to a designed line from incisure intertragica to angulus oris.
28. The range of polysemous words as the object of the computer automatic word sense disambiguation is delimited.
29. File extensions are preceded with the asterisk wildcard character, and are delimited in the list of file extensions by a semicolon.
30. The Frame Relay frame is a subset of the HDLC frame type. Therefore it is delimited with flag fields.
1. A ravine delimited the property on the south.
31. The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited.
32. In addition, relevant administrative functions should be delimited and the administrative decision mechanism should be improved.
33. The skin delimited a cut, can you leave scar horizontal stroke?
34. Imports an address book from a tab - delimited or comma - separated ( CSV ) text file.
35. Invalid delimited data: text qualifier must be followed by a column delimiter ( except the last column ).
36. Rainbow mark of Han Ya has delimited vast sky, began airborne new course of development.
36. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
37. If on the astro navigation clothing has been delimited a hole, that oxygen drains immediately.
38. Paris is a well delimited genus of Trilliaceae and amounts to 17 -18 species which are distributed in Europe and Asia, chiefly in China.
39. You must specify the file format. Select whether the file is delimited or fixed - field.
40. We will use the well known UNIX password file as our sample delimited flat file.
41. Data may be entered using the Data editor or imported from a comma - delimited memo file.
42. Unless you specify a different field separator, fields are delimited by blanks or tabs.
43. Text files can be delimited or fixed field. To connect, you must select a file.
44. Given the fact that the East China Sea is yet to be delimited and China and Japan have dispute on delimitation, China has consistently called for "shelving differences and seeking joint development".




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