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单词 hard-won
释义  ˌhard-ˈwon adjective  achieved only after a lot of effort and difficulty 来之不易的,辛苦得来的 her hard-won independence 她得来不易的独立Examples from the Corpushard-won• But this lack of censorship, self or otherwise, should be celebrated for the hard-won battle that it is.• Their hard-won brand equity was swept away by the power of the marketplace transactions.• It harasses other gulls until they drop their hard-won food and then swoops down to catch it - often in mid-air.• This strong attachment to a hard-won freedom can neither be denigrated, nor eradicated from consciousness.• For me this was a hard-won lesson, based on my own failings in this direction.• It involves wondering how to use hard-won resources to achieve something meaningful.• I am proud of the invitation and the hard-won respect that underlies it.• A bit of a bombshell, Vi distracts Betty's hard-won suitor Hugh, touching off a set of sibling sparring.ˌhard-ˈwon adjectiveChineseSyllable  of a effort lot and only achieved after Corpus




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