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单词 Ambiguity
1) There is a degree of ambiguity in this statement.
2) Much British humour depends on ambiguity.
3) Don't touch ambiguity when you are in love.
4) When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving.
5) Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
6) You must understand the ambiguity of my position.
7) There is some ambiguity in this clause.
8) It's a work full of paradox and ambiguity.
9) Ambiguity arises when students' spoken English is very limited.
10) There was some ambiguity in what he said.
11) A lot of humour depends on ambiguity.
12) The document has been carefully written to avoid ambiguity.
13) Write clear definitions in order to avoid ambiguity.
14) There was an element of ambiguity in the president's reply.
15) The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression.
16) To remove any ambiguity we have to acquire more accurate information.
17) There will always be some ambiguity about what actually happened.
18) There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.
19) They were also more tolerant of ambiguity and contradiction.
20) The problem is one of word boundary ambiguity.
21) Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity.
22) The ambiguity lasted long after Willie died.
23) Such ambiguity is dispersed by the Maastricht Treaty.
24) There is a great divide between ambiguity and vagueness.
25) Thus,()(http:///ambiguity.html) a trace of ambiguity in the data can lower success rate.
26) This ambiguity of voices co-operates with the rhetoric of textual autonomy whereby texts are seen to undermine themselves without intervention.
27) Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity.
28) They had to change some of the wording in the document to resolve the ambiguity.
29) In dealing with the difficult topics of his own day he resorted to silence and ambiguity.
30) From the later fourth century, this ideal offered puzzled Christians a means to define their identity without ambiguity.
1) There is a degree of ambiguity in this statement.
2) Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.
3) Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity.
4) To remove any ambiguity we have to acquire more accurate information.
31) More specifically, considerable ambiguity attaches to the meaning of the term total factor productivity.
32) Bottom-up parsers are very susceptible to problems arising from lexical ambiguity.
33) These shifts are creating enormous ambiguity for those already in the workforce as well as those about to enter the business community.
34) A particular branch, the Grammatical Shastra, was formulated using the Sanskrit vocabulary as a substratum, with no ambiguity whatsoever.
35) The design of policy has to take into account the ambiguity of the welfare analysis outlined in the previous section.
36) Within this ambiguity and unclarity, Shallis sees room for an entirely different approach to the whole question of time.
37) Perhaps the author is being satirical, employing irony, allegory, or ambiguity.
38) However, for all dominant themes of harmony, within the noisy ambiguity there might also be quieter, discordant notes.
39) The plan itself does serve as a binding mechanism to reduce ambiguity, but not too much should be expected of it.
40) It has often been pointed out by commentators that there is an ambiguity in Tocqueville's discussion.
41) The final stage was to resolve the ambiguity, by formulating and asking appropriate questions in order to secure the missing information.
42) There is no such ambiguity about a skills analysis which is always person-orientated and not just system-orientated.
43) Role Strain A number of sources of role strain are built into the managerial role: overload, ambiguity, and conflict.
43) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
44) Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
45) The Frandon matter has been one of some embarrassment and I am glad it has been resolved, though the ambiguity remains.
46) The managers eventually learned to cope with the ambiguity in measuring their performance.
47) We must note another source of ambiguity about the degree to which the project resulted in whole-school involvement.
48) I have tried to explain that in Claudia's case memory is particularly treacherous, but Letterman likes the idea of ambiguity.
49) However, the author does not leave much room for ambiguity.
50) The former had come to Chant in a derelict house in Clerkenwell; about that there was no ambiguity.
51) The context enables one to specify more clearly the meaning of the word and thus to eliminate the ambiguity.
52) There were constant announcements of further cuts and closures, an unending stream of private message and public ambiguity.
53) Nevertheless, the wording is not entirely free from ambiguity, and no doubt some officials decided to play it safe.
54) Worse yet, they provide lots of ambiguity and material for debate on the relative merits of centralization and decentralization.
55) Two further points regarding the ways managers cope with ambiguity will be of relevance to our consideration of strategic management.
56) One cause for this ambiguity is the specification of the particles that put can occur with to form phrasal verbs.
57) Q: There is some ambiguity about the number of days the Giants plan to use the ballpark.
58) The ambiguity of something so ill-defined argued for on such different, and sometimes contradictory grounds, needs serious analysis.
59) In terms of physical diseases, this ambiguity is fairly clear.
60) The ambiguity in the flow of authority made that a difficult defense to challenge.
61) The ambiguity of the social system is present in the semantic system too.
62) That is the fruitful ambiguity on which the new fiction was based.
63) The aim is to reduce the pattern level ambiguity until only allowable words remain.
64) But the national press has published nothing about the ambiguity surrounding the Milwaukee Project.
65) But if we think more carefully about this definition, it becomes clouded by ambiguity.
66) Nevertheless, we were always able to assign a cone to one of three categories without ambiguity.
67) The ambiguity of layman's oral language should not be lost in specialised technical language.
68) Some statistical data is always included and, again, care is needed to avoid any ambiguity.
69) The pyramids of corporate strength have flattened into a web of organizational ambiguity.
70) Handwriting, or script recognition is a difficult task due to the inherent ambiguity within the input.
71) To avoid ambiguity it is good practice to complete the comments section even if the current version is required.
72) This will create a certain amount of ambiguity for everyone attempting to exert control.
73) Feminists are more aware of this ambiguity than psychologists are of their similarly ambiguous position.
74) In Chapters 5 and 6 the Chart is allowed to run to completion in order to determine the worst-case effects of lexical ambiguity.
75) A major cause of ambiguity is the lack of acoustic cues to word boundaries.
76) This ambiguity obfuscates the distinct voices of Proust's text and de Man's and divides the responsibility for the proposition.
77) They are fiercely secretive and of their own choice inhabit a dim world of ambiguity and half-truths.
78) As a result there are areas of ambiguity in determining the value of state support for the railways.
79) They argue that the ambiguity encourages both sides to show restraint.
80) At present I only wish to draw attention to a possible ambiguity in a crucial move.
81) He uses studied ambiguity to present himself as a walking political Rorschach test.
82) Much of this ambiguity arises through relatively rare usages of the words.
83) This description owes its quaint sound partly to its antiquity(Sentencedict), and partly to ambiguity.
84) Their very flexibility creates an uncomfortable ambiguity for those who are part of them.
85) In later life there was some ambiguity about his attitude to the school.
86) And yet this type of ambiguity bears a striking resemblance to the scope ambiguities described above.
87) The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
88) These two effects, output creation and output diversion, create an ambiguity about the welfare effects of trade.
89) The ambiguity present in O'Connell has arguably aided catholic nationalists over the years in the justification of their policies.
90) Even in so concise a document, ambiguity creeps in: everybody is to be allowed the right to self-defense.
91) It is their very complexity and ambiguity of meaning which renders literary classics re-readable and thus classics.
92) This smoothing over of social and historical differences can turn discourse analyses' political implications from productive ambiguity, to complete opacity.
93) There are ways to reduce the problems posed by syntactic ambiguity.
94) Strategic ambiguity has its uses, but a policy of temporizing may eventually fall short.
95) It's a troublesome beast, this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit.
96) The resolution of syntactic ambiguity is one of the tasks to be performed by semantic analysis.
97) The context will prevent this ambiguity from leading to confusion.
98) That is not to say that such ambiguity prevents people from claiming a national identity.
99) There is no ambiguity about the value of these characteristics.
100) Human readers usually have little difficulty with most types of ambiguity, since they can effortlessly apply a variety of contextual information.
101) We see this ambiguity in K C Wheare's now classic book on constitutions.
102) All of these situations produce character-level ambiguity which must be reduced to achieve good recognition performance.
103) It requires motivation towards making new connections as a way of resolving existing ambiguity.
104) However for computer processing of natural language ambiguity causes a large problem.
105) Despite these modifications, syntactic ambiguity remains a large problem for generative systems.
106) One is the ambiguity in his argument about the appropriate place of semiotic process in the analysis of work.
107) Think-tanks, sitting uneasily half-way between government and universities, are institutions that embody this ambiguity.
108) Many of the words in the lexicon have a high degree of syntactic ambiguity.
109) These activities are performed to solve problems involving complexity, uncertainty and/or ambiguity that require intelligence and decision-making.
110) The following chapters expand on the practical application of reducing the ambiguity produced from a pattern recogniser.
111) No ambiguity about who was in charge, and who was accountable for what, for Kelly Johnson.
112) Attitude training Attitudes are much more difficult to change than are skills and there can be ambiguity about what constitutes an improvement.
113) The difficulty in actualizing this ambiguity in script form is the reason I initially turned down the job.
114) This ambiguity of language helps to explain why so many interpretations of Wordsworth's philosophy and religion were able to arise.
115) Thus, the ambiguity in the split authority flow creates organizational confusion, and Homeric breakdowns in communication.
116) Using the simple tagset of the current system the degree of syntactic ambiguity found is shown in table 4.4.
117) This causes a complete north-south ambiguity of the map: there is no way to distinguish northern from southern features.
118) What I like is combining something strict with something free - it creates ambiguity and I love ambiguity.
119) Yet, in Dickinson's hands, ambiguity becomes the means of survival.
120) It may be found from testing that this is impossible to achieve due to the ambiguity in previous word positions.
121) The intention is to indicate the degree of ambiguity and the general lack of information that can characterize debate on tax reform.
122) It is a basic ambiguous phenomenon for lexical ambiguity.
123) Any provision in supplementary documents in discrepancy, ambiguity or inconsistency with that in the text and appendices of the contract shall be null and void and shall have no effect.
124) Note the ambiguity between EBUSY and EAGAIN; obviously you'd be able to remove the directory later, when the reading program has finished.
125) The relations among resolution, swath width ambiguity and pulse repetition frequency are discussed.
126) Utilizing the eye tracking technique, the present study further investigated the Chinese syntactic category ambiguity resolution process.
127) There is also an example of using domanial property of concept in order to eliminate lexical ambiguity in retrieval based on lightweight agricultural Ontology.
128) Overlapping ambiguity is a major type of ambiguity in Chinese word segmentation.
129) These defining characteristics are usually accompanied by rigidity, prejudice, and intolerance of weakness or ambiguity.
130) Because conflict, ambiguity, or tension controls the poem's structure, the meaning of the poem can be discovered only by analyzing contextually the poetic elements and diction.
131) A presumptuous nickname, whether applied directly to a person or one's profession, can thwart communication by its offensiveness as much as by its ambiguity.
132) Only by synthesizing the connectionism with the modulationism can we more effectively explain and understand the working mechanisms of ambiguity.
133) How working memory (WM) constrains syntactic ambiguity resolution is one of the core and unresolved questions within the studies of language comprehension.
134) It gains good effect at resolving the ambiguity of phrase structure in specific domain.
135) These problems mainly result from the interweaving of curriculum theories, the ambiguity of the curriculum contents, and the subjective misplay on the practitioners' part(/ambiguity.html), etc.
136) In semantic meaning, the main errors are semantic ambiguity and Sentence formal error.
137) Theoretically speaking, only ambiguity success rate is a severe approach to evaluate the rightness of ambiguity integer solution.
138) Ambiguity in requirements makes the test design phase a tedious task.
139) The nature of fuzziness is its unsharp referential boundary, it is the essence that acts as the major criterion in distinguishing fuzziness from generality, ambiguity, and vagueness.
140) A new arithmetic using relativity to judge array ambiguity is introduced. The shortage of equational arithmetic when array is complex and arithmetic of searching the spectrum peaks is conquered.
141) Maximum Entropy Models for Natural Language Ambiguity Resolution . Ph . D . Dissertation . University of Pennsylvania(), pp .6 - 18.
142) Syntactic ambiguity contrast in English and Chinese can greatly facilitate language teaching, communication and translation.
143) Integer ambiguity resolution is the key problem of GPS based real-time attitude determination system which use double differencing carrier phase observables.
144) At the time of the rapid development of technology, the ambiguity problem has become one of the bottlenecks of natural language processing.
145) There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word'whole'in recent holistic literature.
146) This paper deals with the structure ambiguity problem by using a combined probability evaluation function, which employs the sentence structure features and context information during English parsing.
147) XML namespaces allow XML documents to incorporate elements and attributes from different vocabularies without ambiguity and processing conflicts.
148) Through the analysis and classification of the data, this thesis finds out that the ways of realizing intentional ambiguity are homonymy, polysemy, syntactic structure, rhetorical devices and so on.
149) A new method was proposed to recognize target after attitude estimation, which overcame the ambiguity problem of traditional 3D target recognition algorithms.
150) The characteristics in both time and frequency fields of LFM compressed signal are introduced, and the capability of this signal is analyzed by ambiguity function.
151) They are not trying to confuse the audience with the inherent ambiguity of merely portraying a single moment; they are expressing their acknowledgement towards life from each of them individually.
152) Semantically, the comparison will be made from the aspects of semantic ambiguity and semantic orientation.
153) Incorporating the Legal Pinyin Table into our system the ambiguity problem was solved in the transformation from Braille to Pinyin.
154) Probabilistic context-free grammar can provide a solution to this problem: select the one whose probability is maximum from the ambiguity.
155) English news items are cited to explore the pragmatic functions of the passive voice: foregrounding and backgrounding, hinting, evasion and ambiguity.
156) The second is body . First, the segment distinguishes the ambiguity from polysemy and vagueness.
157) How the legal enforcement departments deal with marriage applicants of a prisoner indicate imperfectness and ambiguity of our legal system, for the consequences will quite different.
158) We combinative philosophy and cognitive linguistics in order to investigate the semantic ambiguity of the time phrase from the phonetic thought characteristic, the concept.
159) At the same time, reading syntactic ambiguity sentence will take on more cognition resources, and will have high mental load, which correlates to the syntactic ambiguity and the estimation paradigm.
160) Nominal ambiguity is classified into two kinds: nominal lexical ambiguity and nominal structural ambiguity , two of which can produce ambiguity when moved from D-structure to S-structure.
161) Have a user friendly database and do away with unwanted ambiguity.
162) The performance of the system is analysed by the ambiguity function.
163) This paper discusses several kinds of ambiguity in general at first, such as lexical ambiguity, structural ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity.
164) Based on the traditional rapid ambiguity resolution methods, an improved Whitening Filter algorithm was presented that combined with the advantages of Whitening Filter and LAMBDA method.
165) Some sentences have more than one structure, that is to say , these sentences are ambiguous. Context-free grammar can effectively express ambiguity, but it cann't resolve the ambiguity.
166) With nearly ideal thumbtack ambiguity function these kinds of waveforms possess the property of low Probability of Interlept (LPI).
167) An improved form of stepped frequency signal ambiguity function is presented combining characteristics of phase coded stepped frequency(PCSF) signal.
168) Alternately, you may prefix the name of the parameter with the unqualified name of the Mixin class; this eliminates the ambiguity. Example.
169) Is this another case of deliberate semantic ambiguity that may serve special financial interests?
170) Among people, ambiguity in sexuality and indefinable emotions, cause them to drift afloat endlessly.
171) Doris Lessing 's attitude towards feminism and her writing about it always have a sense of ambiguity.
172) His highly trust on language, his deliberate ambiguity and contradiction of his works and his meticulously created image of actor reflected the uncertainty of modern lives.
173) Unconsciousness has the characteristics of spontaneity, ambiguity, illogicality and stability.
174) Rule 2: Guaranteed Access RuleAll data should be accessible without ambiguity. This can be accomplished through a combination of the table name, primary key, and column name.
175) Usually we call this kind of ambiguous semantic structure ambiguity.
176) The semanteme ambiguity of the address of Chinese has offered the convenience for the bidirectional relational in language choice.
177) The ambiguity in syntactic structure is a hard stone in natural language parsing.
178) It mainly uses in the software demand stage, abandoning using the natural language description demand the fuzziness and the ambiguity.
179) Perhaps the commonest cause of ambiguity is careless word order.
180) Look for a candidate who answers very quickly and without ambiguity.
181) Convolution theory used to process signal ambiguity function in the paper is also applicable to other signals.
182) However, the stipulations are crude , curtness and lack of manipulation, which leads to ambiguity in judicial practice.
183) In order to speed up the searching process for the integer values of ambiguity, the method of decorrelation is applied, which works "in practice" sufficiently well.
184) Firstly the characteristics of complementary codes and their construction methods are introduced, and then their ambiguity function is derived.
185) China has not formed systemic trust tax law system, existed a series of problems including illogicality adjustment of trust tax, ambiguity and unfair of trust profit duty.
186) For underwater acoustic positioning system based on measurement of time_delay, range ambiguity appears when pulse's propagating time is longer than its repetition period.
187) The order ambiguity problem of single peak tracing method is solved through the application of BP neural networks.
188) English ambiguity in English linguistics includes lexical ambiguity, syntactic ambiguity and semantic ambiguity, which are mainly on context.
189) Humor springs from exaggeration, wordplay, misunderstandings, ambiguity, contradictions, paradoxes, pain, and inconsistencies.
190) On Indian television, the veteran U.S. diplomat Frank Wisner poignantly noted that the United States has to delicately negotiate "ambiguity" in its relationship with Pakistan.
191) People use fuzzy math as a tool to study fuzzy. We introduced the "membership" in classical fuzzy set theory to better deal with the ambiguity problem in artificial intelligence.
192) According to the characteristic that all sorts of influencing factors in mines possess obvious ambiguity and vagueness , the fuzzy evaluation mode that fits stope reliability evaluation was built.
193) The main performance of semantics variation characteristic of popular words is: The semantic mapping, the other semantic interpretation and the semantic ambiguity and so on.
193) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
194) This paper explicate through exemplification and comparison the thematic diversity and diction ambiguity of the poem.
195) Aiming at the phase ambiguity of the blind channel estimation in frequency domain, a blind channel estimation method in frequency domain based on dissymmetrical modulation constellation was proposed.
196) Certainly there are those who would prefer ambiguity to certitude.
197) And the story took with it into the kingdom of unmeaning its two essential ingredients: uniqueness and ambiguity.
198) The average ambiguity function of the random multielement code PPM pulse sequence is developed and analyzed.
199) It is very complicated to compute ambiguity function of frequency hopping coded signal and difficult of draw the ambiguity figure.
200) This ambiguity between likeness and unlikeness gives us a feeling of not being divine but human.
201) Ambiguity Tolerance ( AT ) is an important cognitive factor.
202) Furthermore, to resolve ambiguities not resolved by the complex maximum matching algorithm, three more ambiguity resolution rules have been implemented.
203) The inaccuracy, ambiguity, and improperness of economic terminology translation blemished the economic research in China and influenced indirectly to the development of Chinese economy.
204) So I was intrigued when I recently found, buried in an old 1977 paper by Richard Nesbitt and Timothy DeCamp Wilson, an experiment that showed an inkling of product placement via word ambiguity.
205) The fundamental function of the numbers is to figure, while in the folk languages and literature they don't present the accurate concept. This is the semantic ambiguity phenomenon.
206) The MIMO radar ambiguity function is a combination of the ambiguity function of bistatic radar, which is a function of target coordinate and velocity in right-angle coordinate system.
207) The dual mode ambiguity controller, which optimizes the controll rule by adjusting factors, works out the solution to the problem of poor stable precision of ambiguity controlling.
208) Ambiguity is an inherent property of language. It can be divided into phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
209) The gradient strength at each pixel was standardized locally before threshold was selected so as to eliminate the ambiguity and inappropriateness in choosing global threshold values.
210) Actually the kernel design in the recognition method based on discrete time - frequency representation is a problem of feature selection from the ambiguity functions to reduce feature dimension.
211) This combination both lets you see without ambiguity what the markup structure of a document is, and also allows you to see a good approximation of a final rendering of an XML document.
212) Garden path sentences are caused either by lexical ambiguity or syntactic ambiguity.
213) In general, ambiguity is divided into two kinds: lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
214) Based on the definition of the average ambiguity function, the numerical expression of the average ambiguity function for the RPPM pulse doppler radar signal is derived in this dissertation.
215) In fault diagnosis based on decision - level information fusion, sensor - based decision always has subjectivity and ambiguity.
216) General linguistics usually divides ambiguity into phonetic ambiguity, lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity.
217) Euphemisms may be needed to omit the means to save certain words, so that semantic ambiguity or fade harsh or rude vulgar part.
218) Sentence processing is an important issue in psycholinguistic research, with attachment ambiguity processing as its focus.
219) The stories at the top of your product backlog should be researched enough to be presented without ambiguity to your team at the sprint planning meeting.
220) By analyzing ambiguity function expressions, this paper resolves theoretic Doppler signal resolutions and delay resolutions of single-period and multi-period symmetrical triangle LFMCW signals.
221) Efficiency of the algorithm was proved by the results of the experiment and the problem of "obstacle" and semantic ambiguity can be solved much better. The recall ratio was improved.
222) This paper focuses on the resolution of quantifier - induced scope ambiguity by Prolog implementation.
223) Does self-love mean the same as selfishness on my view? Oh,(http:///ambiguity.html) no no no. That was the ambiguity. Ok.
224) Semantic faulty wording or formulation includes discollocation, duplicated semantics, semantic ambiguity, semantic indistinct, and semantic contradictory.
225) Others may note their own comfort and embrace of ambiguity and polytheism ( many gods ).
226) LFMCW radar, with its LPI characteristic and greater advantage over monopulse radar in the ambiguity of range and velocity coupling, has always been an important topic in the radar research field.
227) This thesis classifies three kinds of ambiguity: lexical ambiguity and grammatical ambiguity and semantical ambiguity.
228) Without knowledge of the data gathering process, ambiguity can result.
229) English ambiguity can be divided into three types: phonological ambiguity, lexical ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity.
230) Based on the features of ambiguity function of LFM signal, a new adaptive kernel is given.
231) Equivocality, Obscurity, or Ambiguity : A Study Ambiguity Theory ""
232) A good analysis and understanding of the value of lexical ambiguity is conducive to improve our English.
233) Examples show that this method can avoid ill-condition problem of GPS rapid positioning equations and improve the precision of float solution of ambiguity.
234) The indeterminacy in glosseme level comprises ambiguity, vagueness, fuzziness and generality.
235) And thus better able to solve the unknown word problem and most of the ambiguity problem.
236) The expression of its ambiguity function is firstly presented , the main derived method is also given, simulation results are analyzed at last.
237) Euphemism shall need to take omit means, save some words, make its semantic ambiguity or concealed to vulgar harsh or impolite part.
238) When we are able to relate without ambiguity any association end to a foreign key, we can apply the correspondence to specify to which primary key the foreign key refers.
239) Based on the method we study the phase of the cycle to cluster the power in each frequency point. Through clustering we find it has the phase ambiguity.
240) The ambiguity is a special phenomenon. Its creation will affect the usual social intercourse directly.




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