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单词 reproduce
释义 Word family  noun produce producer product production reproduction productivity adjective productive ≠ unproductive counterproductive reproductive reproducible verb produce reproduce adverb productively  Related topics: Biology, Birth, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Photographyre·pro·duce /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs $ -ˈduːs/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]HBMB if an animal or plant reproduces, or reproduces itself, it produces young plants or animals 生殖,繁殖 The turtles return to the coast to reproduce. 海龟回到岸上繁殖。2  [transitive]TCNTCP to make a photograph or printed copy of something 复制;翻印 Klimt’s artwork is reproduced in this exquisite book. 这本精美的书里翻印了克里木特的艺术作品。► see thesaurus at copy3  [transitive]COPY to make something happen in the same way as it happened before 使再次发生;再现 SYN repeat, → copy British scientists have so far been unable to reproduce these results. 英国科学家至今未能再次得出同样的结果。4  [transitive]COPY to make something that is just like something else 重演;重现 → copy With a good set of speakers, you can reproduce the orchestra’s sound in your own home. 有一套好的扬声器,就可以在家里重现管弦乐队的音响效果。 —reproducible adjective→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreproduce• Khomeinis denunciation was widely reproduced and popular.• Some diagrams are poorly reproduced and tables printed vertically.• People have a natural instinct to both reproduce and to care for their young.• With no chance of old age, evolution favoured those that reproduced as soon as they could.• Jellyfish reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the sea.• Even a single writer is seldom able to reproduce exactly the same writing.• And, as a result of that, it is likely to reproduce faster.• Letters and rare maps are handsomely reproduced in the book.• Offwidth is proud to reproduce it here, as a model for future historians of our sport.• We'll need to ask the New Yorker for permission to reproduce the cartoon.• The method of reproducing the copies is hasty and inaccurate, so defects accumulate especially fast there.• Scientists were unable to reproduce the results claimed on the television program.• How easy would it be to reproduce this approach elsewhere?re·pro·duce verbChineseSyllable  animal or plant reproduces an it if itself, Corpus reproduces, or




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