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单词 Disposal
(1) The disposal of rubbish is always a problem.
(2) The device was defused by army bomb disposal experts.
(3) Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.
(4) Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal .
(5) The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
(6) We must use every means at our disposal.
(7) Well, I'm at your disposal .
(8) The disposal of hazardous waste is a serious problem.
(9) They city needs a new sewage disposal system.
(10) I had no time at my own disposal.
(11) Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.
(12) The city needs a new sewage disposal system.
(13) Students have a well-stocked library at their disposal.
(14) Sewage should be treated in a proper disposal system.
(15) The firm put a secretary at my disposal.
(16) The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized.
(17) The Commission has complete control over the disposal of the funds.
(18) Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste.
(19) Bomb disposal experts carried out a controlled explosion on the suspect package.
(20) The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset must be accounted for.
(21) Bomb disposal experts were called in to get rid of the device.
(22) Bomb disposal experts have defused a 110-pound bomb at Victoria Station.
(23) It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.
(24) Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.
(25) The rest of the day was entirely at his disposal for reading and recreation.
(26) We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.
(27) The device, which contained 400lbs of explosive, was made safe by army bomb disposal experts.
(28) Their support meant that he was not forced to sell the business which was earmarked for disposal last year.
(29) Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage.
(30) If I can be of service, I am at your disposal.
(1) The disposal of rubbish is always a problem.
(2) The device was defused by army bomb disposal experts.
(3) Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.
(4) Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal .
(5) It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.
(6) The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
(7) Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.
(8) The rest of the day was entirely at his disposal for reading and recreation.
(9) I had no time at my own disposal.
(10) The city needs a new sewage disposal system.
(11) He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
(12) You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture.
(31) The government has issued specific instructions on reducing waste disposal.
(32) Paint and other chemicals can be taken to a HazMat center for disposal.
(33) I would take you if I could, but I don't have a car at my disposal this week.
(34) He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
(35) Bomb disposal experts blew up the bag in a controlled explosion.
(36) You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture.
(37) The next step is to think about disposal of your assets.
(38) He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.
(39) The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.
(40) New sites for waste disposal will be determined having regard to environmental matters.
(41) No coherent policy on radioactive waste disposal.
(42) Can act with means at my disposal.
(43) Her records were, of course,[http:///disposal.html] put at his disposal.
(44) My house is at your disposal.
(45) Some administrative services managers oversee unclaimed property disposal.
(46) Good toilets, showers and chemical disposal. Calor gas sales.
(47) Disposal of the birds would cause great disappointment.
(48) You have the means at your disposal.
(49) A bomb disposal team made the grenade safe.
(50) Everything you want is at your disposal.
(51) Billions of dollars are at our disposal.
(52) Then add on the local charge for sewerage disposal.
(53) On the domestic front(), disposal tends to mean throwing rubbish in the bin.
(54) This will eliminate the disposal of waste acid in the North Sea and significantly reduce discharge to the River Tees.
(55) It retained water and yet had subtle membranes which permitted air to penetrate and facilitated waste disposal of the embryo.
(56) It took a bit of doing - for instance, the disposal site had to check out 100 percent.
(57) Brought-forward trading losses can be set against balancing charges arising on the disposal of the target assets.
(58) New powers to refuse wastes and revoke licences are potentially powerful weapons in controlling the movement and safe disposal of wastes.
(59) Further joint consultation is also needed for other functions including planning and refuse disposal.
(60) One of the devices went off before bomb disposal squads arrived.
(61) Examples would include the provision and maintenance of fences, roads, drains, sewers and private sewage disposal works.
(62) It could take half an hour for a bomb disposal team to get to Royalbion House.
(63) The subsequent examination of potential releases from processes or waste disposal, together with environmental pathways is brief.
(64) In recent years, most countries have tightened their standards of waste disposal.
(65) In its many forms, disposal of the dead has always been big business, and always subject to fashion.
(66) Two hours after the explosions were due, bomb disposal experts moved in.
(67) Approval will also be given to supply bomb disposal equipment and goods for civilian end-users.
(68) You can not train them for both in the time that you have at your disposal.
(69) The results include £11.58m arising from the disposal of the joint records venture.
(70) A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary.
(71) Authorised conditions of disposal can be recorded together with any associated risk assessments.
(72) Discussions of future reactor safety should revolve about two critical issues: nuclear waste disposal and nuclear weapons proliferation.
(73) Examination by a disposal team established that the contents were capable of causing damage or injury.
(74) The slugs obligingly congregate beneath the citrus dome and can be gathered for disposal.
(75) Their financial constraints are more severe and the credit facilities at their disposal are less diverse and less sophisticated.
(76) Increasingly such requirements are based on life-cycle assessments of the product's environmental impact during production, consumption and disposal.
(77) Smog and acid rain, water pollution and sewage disposal, dams and river-flows will become ever more contentious issues.
(78) The man who shared her apartment was surly, unfriendly, and always complaining about the lifts and the garbage disposal.
(79) The hoax devices were destroyed in controlled explosions by army bomb disposal experts, using remote-controlled vehicles.
(80) To all contributors therefore, I would like to record my appreciation for putting their collections at my disposal.
(81) The 60 or so hours he put at our disposal fled by.
(82) Nuclear waste Disposal of intermediate level nuclear waste on land also presents a hazard.
(83) Above all, the coercive force at the disposal of the Tsar fell far short of its imposing image.
(84) It hints that it is politicians, not disposal plants, which make the two places differ.
(85) Sites are being selected for final disposal of radioactive waste.
(86) If the operating company is to be sold, the disposal can take place at the holding company level.
(87) Mr Spinetta has, however, shown a cool head in the way he has used the money at his disposal.
(88) Bayer was a passionate, excitable activist with boundless energy and a huge grassroots network of local contacts at his disposal.
(89) The most advanced bomb disposal centre in the world has been officially opened by the Duke of Kent.
(90) Hazardous chemicals: New powers over the storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals will be introduced.
(91) This produces energy and also unwanted lethal products whose disposal is the source of much political concern.
(92) A couple of days later we found his body in a disposal.
(93) Social workers must first diagnose the problems and then help with such practical aids as they have at their immediate disposal.
(94) Fish package their excreta into a thin gelatinous tube before disposal.
(95) Often the advertisement will only provide the briefest of details, including approximate location, acreage and the method of disposal.
(96) Face washing and improved hygiene of young children; and Environmental improvement with safer water and disposal of animal and human waste.
(97) On the other hand, we understand why you would prefer not to see usable food go down the garbage disposal.
(98) It helps to get the lymph fluid - a vital part of the body's waste disposal system - flowing.
(98) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(99) In such a way are the clothes of the dead put away for disposal.
(100) The attitude to the disposal of plastics varies greatly among countries.
(101) Reality is at his disposal in the same way that ordinary language and the current literary conventions and devices are.
(102) For nuclear waste, disposal into space is more feasible but has been discounted on numerous occasions because of the risks.
(103) The lack of a widely-used system of branding hampered official efforts to hinder the disposal of stolen animals.
(104) Ease of repair and ease of disposal were almost wholly neglected.
(105) The banning of the annual sea dump brought the issue of nuclear waste disposal into even sharper focus.
(106) Charges are an up front fee of 4% and no further management or disposal charges for four years.
(107) In April last year a worker was told to take bottles to a handling bay for disposal.
(108) Role Play Role play is one of the most flexible communicative techniques at the disposal of the teacher.
(109) Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
(110) From this reserve and from the immediate disposal of existing assets,() trusts can make acquisitions of new assets.
(111) In terms of databases on hazardous wastes, attention has already been drawn to the waste disposal plans prepared by WRAs.
(112) If he had had fibreglass Corinthian columns at his disposal, he would have used them.
(113) In the process, it had simply underlined the almost intractable dangers of nuclear waste disposal.
(114) Packaging is seen as a form of advertising by the food industries; it becomes a disposal problem for households and communities.
(115) Zuwaya said that property was held in common, with rights of disposal and use vested in the household head.
(116) Disposal related work may be allocated to, say, a sub-committee of the board to minimise disruptions.
(117) Although waste disposal sites are well controlled, there is an ever present risk of pollution.
(118) The disposal costs could include a one-time charge to dump the water permanently into the sewer system.
(119) Secondly no one has yet tackled the technical problems of finding suitable disposal sites on land or at sea.
(120) Army bomb disposal experts scoured the city for 5 hours, after receiving a coded telephone message.
(121) But none of this could disguise the fact that the great nobles had substantial bodies of experienced soldiers at their disposal.
(122) The government made counties keep track of all waste produced in their areas and draw up disposal plans.
(123) The king had at his disposal, not tax revenue, but plunder and tribute amassed through warfare.
(124) The Act also settled a doubt concerning the legality of compulsory land acquisition for the purpose of disposal to a private developer.
(125) Disposal / re-use of these streams is dependent on both the level and type of contaminants present in the starting material.
(126) Before embarking on a research project, you must ensure that you have sufficient resources at your disposal to complete it successfully.
(127) Their epistemic competence in multiple forms of life depends on the specific marginal discourses at their disposal owing to their specific background.
(128) They have the clout to offer the integrated service that cities increasingly want, pulling together collection, disposal and recycling.
(129) Local authorities will be responsible for controlling discharges from smaller factories and license provisions for waste disposal contractors.
(130) Eliminate or reduce polluting releases and all forms of waste for disposal to ensure the minimum interference with the environment.
(131) In promoting recycling as the best answer to waste disposal, environmentalists are therefore swimming against the tides of the market.
(132) Option 3: Producer has a contract with named licensed disposal site.
(133) The other does household tasks such as repair, food preparation, waste disposal and moving around.
(134) Clean mud could go to upland or, perhaps, ocean disposal sites.
(135) As discussed above, the range of signals at the Bank's disposal is quite wide.
(136) Village halls across the country become display areas for gas masks, air raid shelters and bomb disposal demonstrations.
(137) And it will isolate the more effective techniques that parents have at their disposal for communicating with their children.
(138) Run lemon wedges or fresh mint leaves through garbage disposal to kill odors.
(139) They had at their disposal a very powerful light infan-try army with experienced officers and very high morale.
(140) So save pounds on expensive waste disposal units by strapping Rover under your sink.
(141) It covered the disposal of up to 550,000 tonnes a year of waste, and specified that this could include toxic elements.
(142) It may not be appropriate to address the letter to the Board in the position of a whole company disposal.
(143) How much more money might he have had at his disposal?
(144) The engagement letter will need to be tailored to each disposal assignment.
(145) Methanogenesis is a safe and effective disposal route for H 2.
(146) The Governments' primary aim is to see significant reductions in the amounts of waste requiring disposal.
(147) The Department of Environment has confirmed the figure of 1,300 problem waste disposal sites.
(148) The borrowers were companies involved in scrap metal and disposal, and property.
(149) Philip becomes aware of the process through which we invent our own identities based on the fictional paradigms at our disposal.
(150) In such a case the company may face corporation tax arising from the disposal of its chargeable assets.
(151) There should be some kind of rubbish disposal facility and you need proper campsites for the trekkers, with camp wardens.
(152) Climbing up into the cockpit, Tabitha threw the melon in the disposal and wiped her hands.
(153) Of the 20 parliamentary members at the Liberal Democrat leader's disposal, all but one will now sit on the front bench.
(154) Cooks in the households of Norman seaside towns do not, he says, have freshwater crayfish at their disposal.
(155) Operating losses incurred were £427,000 with further £524,000 losses arising from the disposal of Applied Skills for Management.
(156) Three million tonnes of toxic waste is transported for treatment or disposal across the borders of the member states each year.
(157) Police shudder at the prospect of facing a population which has anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers at its disposal.
(158) Paper could also be easily recycled and would considerably lift the waste disposal burden.
(158) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(159) It's because the landfill disposal site at Stanford in the Vale is full that the changes have been made.
(160) The bomb disposal unit destroyed the bomb with a controlled explosion.
(161) Whilst the dates of Autumn sales for disposal of breeding stock may be the final factor.
(162) Nottingham Castle may have been put at his disposal but d'Aubigny did not trust our Henry.
(163) But, given that we already have the separated material, civilian reactors provide an efficient way of permanent disposal.
(164) Thirdly, the parents themselves may appeal against the decision of the Panel in the disposal of a case.
(165) Surely local health officials have a duty to make the most of the limited funds at their disposal.
(166) The army's bomb disposal experts say the lesson is simple ... report anything suspicious, especially in the run up to Christmas.
(167) Disposal of our domestic rubbish is something we tend to forget about once it's been picked up by the dust-cart.
(168) There is no site in the county for the disposal of hazardous waste.
(169) Such costly advances in disposal have strengthened big garbage companies, but are putting small ones out of business.
(170) It's also your responsibility to strip beds and arrange for the disposal of inflammable or explosive materials.
(171) Her gear shifts sounded like twenty cooks pushing trays of silverware into an industrial-strength garbage disposal.
(172) This interest is undoubtedly driven by the search for plastic materials derived from sustainable carbon sources and which biodegrade naturally upon disposal.
(173) Effective H 2 disposal during fermentation is essential for normal large bowel function.
(174) In the interim, they agreed to carry out further research into land-based disposal.
(175) Army bomb disposal experts from Catterick military base in north Yorkshire are examining debris from both devices.
(176) The letter asked for detailed information about the disposal of the funds, and Whitbread replied in dignified tones.
(177) The device went off at 12.30am as bomb disposal men were about to carry out a remote-controlled explosion with a robot.
(178) Lead times - the period which elapsed between an appeal being launched and its disposal - were largely unchanged.
(179) In general, how-ever, these problems pale to insignificance compared to the problem of radioactive waste disposal.
(180) Hadden has some of the best medical advice in the country at his disposal.
(181) However, for details of disposal the individual site licences must be consulted.
(182) The garbage giants' advantage was their ability to meet new environmental standards requiring safer, costlier methods of disposal.
(183) The one mechanism they have at their immediate disposal to stimulate growth is the exchange rate of their currencies.
(184) Disposal of existing equipment at the agreed prices had been confirmed.
(185) I have never come across a people more obsessed with waste disposal.
(186) The Opposition have no quarrel with the principle of disposal, leaving aside the financial implications.
(187) And he had at his disposal almost an embarrassment rather than a shortage of political experience.
(188) Electric hook ups available, Hot showers, toilets, chemical disposal, Calor gas sales etc.
(189) These data support the existence of alternative pathways for H 2 disposal in man.
(190) Pre-prepared training packs or videos are put at their disposal.
(191) Not surprisingly, these sites usually lack a water supply and provision for sewage disposal.
(191) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(192) She added that the party would not approve the construction of nuclear waste disposal facilities.
(193) Infection control policy An infection control policy should be available to staff, emphasising he importance of the safe disposal of sharps.
(194) Liability to capital gains tax arises where a chargeable gain is made on the disposal of company assets.
(195) An empty house just a mile or two outside St Margaret's Hope village was put at the disposal of the Committee.
(196) A hung timer was what bomb disposal men feared most.
(197) It is often transported for treatment and disposal across borders between countries and regions with different regulatory systems.
(198) It should include a review of energy usage and, where applicable, the production and disposal of waste.
(199) Various method have been used for the disposal of this cumbersome material.
(200) He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.
(201) a bomb disposal squad.
(202) A second method of sludge disposal is digestion by anaerobic bacteria.
(203) Using a heat exchanger conserves the resource , minmizes corrosion, and skirts the problem, of wastewater disposal.
(204) Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially.
(205) The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.
(206) A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices.
(207) They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal.
(208) A permIt'system established under section 3005 is the key enforcement provision for disposal sites.
(209) His axiom presupposes that there is an arbitrarily large radius at our disposal.




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