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单词 Illustrated
1, The book was illustrated with color photographs.
2, He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak.
3, The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.
4, Send for our illustrated brochure.
5, The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
6, His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.
7, His new book is illustrated with a lot of pictures.
8, The results are illustrated in figure 3 opposite.
9, The book is lavishly illustrated in full colour.
10, He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs.
11, The book is beautifully illustrated throughout.
12, The menus are printed on prettily illustrated cards.
13, The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated.
14, Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2.
15, Send off for our illustrated catalogue of garden plants.
16, His latest book is illustrated with many photographs.
17, The book is sumptuously illustrated in full colour.
18, It's an attractively illustrated, detailed guide that'svery practical.
19, She illustrated her discussion with diagrams.
20, An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.
21, This is well illustrated in the mytho-logies of many cultures.
22, All the recipes in the book are illustrated in full colour .
23, The speaker illustrated his talk with readings from the books that he had mentioned.
24, The documentary illustrated the gulf between industrialized and developing countries.
25, She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travels in India.
26, He's just written a book,(http:///illustrated.html) nicely illustrated and not too technical.
27, The excess demand is illustrated in Figure 16.2.
28, These principles are clearly illustrated in the following case.
29, The Keynes effect is illustrated in Figure 5.3.
30, A fully illustrated catalogue of all exhibits is available.
1, The book was illustrated with color photographs.
2, He illustrated his argument with quotations from Pasternak.
3, The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.
4, Send for our illustrated brochure.
5, The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
6, His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition.
7, His new book is illustrated with a lot of pictures.
8, The book is lavishly illustrated in full colour.
9, His latest book is illustrated with many photographs.
31, Each book is beautifully illustrated.
32, Various metaphors have illustrated this fact of spiritual life.
33, Concern for production is illustrated on the horizontal axis.
34, It is fully illustrated with colour photographs.
35, The difference is best illustrated by a case example.
36, Illustrated fundamental problem of ownership-nearly doubles journeys made.
37, He illustrated them with special drawings.
38, The projects are illustrated in the accompanying catalogue.
39, A 300-page illustrated catalogue accompanies the show.
40, This can be illustrated by the following case.
41, Autarky equilibrium in Home is illustrated by figure 4.
42, Functional dependency is frequently illustrated by an arrow.
43, This distinction can be illustrated with an example.
44, Concern for people is illustrated on the vertical axis.
45, There were numerous illustrated broadsides and woodcuts which carried their message in visual form.
46, The exhibition is lavishly illustrated with colour photographs and features a moss garden composed entirely of local Ulster mosses.
47, The institutional population, as Chapter 2 illustrated, is a very elderly population.
48, Illustrated is the system used for securing sheets to a simple lean-to verandah roof with timber frame.
49, The sort of difficulty facing the notion of defeasibility can again best be illustrated by an example.
50, The patterning of sleep illustrated in Figure 2.8 is not only typical, but follows conventions which are universal.
51, The handsome, lavishly illustrated catalogue costs £19.95 in hardback and £12.95 in paperback.
52, Like Friedman, Duesenberry believed that the basic consumption function was long-run and proportional, as illustrated in Fig. 7.
53, Representative goblets and beakers of late sixteenth century and seventeenth century date are illustrated in Figures 3.50 and 3.51.
54, Flohic have paired up writers and artists, commissioning essays dedicated to particular works which are illustrated alongside.
55, The Red Sea guide is illustrated with full colour aerial photographs with overlays showing suggested underwater routes.
56, Such an outlook is particularly well illustrated by the literary work of the Arminian clergyman, George Herbert.
57, In pursuit of material he went around the world six times and gave over 8,000 illustrated talks.
58, Many such incidents are of a consensual nature as is illustrated in the following example.
59, The extent to which the Samoan squad has been turned upside down in recent seasons is illustrated by one simple fact.
60, The extent of economic globalisation is illustrated by the recent enormous growth in trade and foreign capital flows.
61, The system illustrated here follows a logical sequence of development resulting in a short-term financial planning and cash budgeting system.
62, For his contemporaries, Gloucester clearly filled a double role, as is illustrated by his dealings with the city of York.
63, This can be illustrated by comparing the ranking orders recognized at successive periods.
64, The books are illustrated in four-colour throughout, with photographs and commissioned artwork.
65, In Fig. 6. 7 I have illustrated how this comes about.
66, This way of understanding reality or dualism is illustrated in Figure 2.
67, This approach is then illustrated conceptually by discussion of a central issue in Marxist anthropology, the analysis of work.
68, This doctrine is illustrated by a New York case where a student teacher was injured while participating in a donkey basketball game.
69, The book is generally well illustrated although I must admit to finding some of the figures either misleading or annoying.
70, Beyond specific impacts, the property boom graphically illustrated the vulnerability of cities to national economic events beyond their control.
71, These theories predict a positive relationship between daily volume and volatility, as illustrated in Fig. 8.4.
72, The same point can be illustrated from the solid profit which was derived from the expanding royal protection of bishoprics.
73, It is illustrated with drawings of buffalo, giraffe, warthog and camp scenes, and describes a rhino hunt.
74, The Activity Book is in full colour and is heavily illustrated with photographs of scenes from the video.
75, Each coat of arms touched on is illustrated in full colour, and the augmentation is blazoned.
76, With little formal training, she has now produced several illustrated books of animal portraits.
77, Both are lavishly illustrated throughout with period photographs and technical drawings.
78, Each stage in the development is well illustrated with examples.
79, The importance of the economic support provided by husbands is neatly illustrated by working class women's attitudes towards marriage breakdown.
80, Seven centuries of manuscripts, fine bindings and beautifully illustrated books,(http://) will be on display.
81, This was well illustrated by station-building and civic pride outside the capital.
82, This principle is illustrated in relation to property damage by the following case.
83, It is well illustrated and includes problems and a glossary but has a scanty index.
84, This conflict is illustrated by the question of conscientious objection in war time.
85, This is illustrated in Figure 4. 2 which shows the hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio of various hydrocarbon.
86, Many books on art were illustrated with actual photographs in those years.
87, Neither was it cited by Sports Illustrated, which devoted five pages to the championship game.
88, This point is illustrated by two paragraphs, each with a different image of the church.
89, Your correspondent thoroughly enjoyed reading this 32 page history book which was written by Douglas Pickett and beautifully illustrated by Harry Tucker.
90, Animals, the author noted, are illustrated with more accuracy now.
91, Just send two 1st class stamps for illustrated catalogue and price list.
92, The structure for managing performance in educational institutions can be illustrated as shown in Figure 5.8.
93, The figure is illustrated with data for the United Kingdom retail banks.
94, This can be illustrated with reference to the Cromerian deposits at West Runton in Norfolk.
95, Differences between clinical medicine and public health in their views on quality assurance are also illustrated.
96, A drawing as illustrated in the previous subsection should be most helpful to the readers of your proposal.
97, Write or phone for free illustrated brochure and expert advice.
98, The point may be illustrated in a reaction function diagram.
99, Two of the questions used are illustrated in Example 18.
100, This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1.
101, It includes an illustrated catalogue of more than 700 mainly unpublished artifacts from the site.
102, I noticed with amusement that the tapestries hanging there illustrated the seven deadly sins.
103, However, most famous antiques have been illustrated in books, and Christoffers found a sharp photograph of the chest.
104, The interplay of these factors is illustrated by the following case studies.
105, The point is best illustrated by reference to specific examples under the existing United Kingdom constitution.
106, Their different ethos was illustrated by the difference in the virtues which they celebrated.
107, A wide selection from the museum's collection is illustrated in beautiful photographs by Ferrazzini.
108, His slides also illustrated the fascinating history of the Gardens and the many beautiful plants in their collections.
109, Sample output from this option is illustrated in Figure 3.5.
110, The application of the five stages to the task illustrated would involve, firstly, the definition of the task.
111, Presentation Packs - Special Stamps and information pack in one, sumptuously illustrated in full colour.
112, Teacher frustration with classroom equipment is not new, and modern difficulties are best illustrated by a story told about John Dewey.
113, One method of displaying the data in a more usable form is the project profile, illustrated in figure 4.1.
114, This is illustrated in the history of the Urban Development Corporations in Britain.
115, A calculation of this sort may be illustrated by the following hypothetical example.
116, The bifurcations of fixed points are illustrated in Figs 3.1-3.
117, Illustrated on page 95 is a pair of oval miniatures in silver frames.
118, A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
119, With these he could begin to construct the illustrated history of his subject, starting with a false name.
120, Using a similar approach I categorised my own activities as illustrated in Table 1.
121, Rather, some of its important features relevant to our analysis of science will be illustrated by means of trivial examples.
122, The trend was illustrated by the new cemeteries, which were springing up on the cities' fringes.
123, Holding firm with one hand, cut and shape the cake as illustrated.
124, Once illustrated, each backdrop design had to be overlaid with a precise grid pattern as an aid for the scenic artist.
125, Those who want a more complete picture of Kelly must consult the hefty, liberally illustrated catalog.
126, This point may be illustrated by reference to the following example.
127, This theoretical division into two cultures is graphically illustrated by Nizan in his practical criticism of other writers.
128, It was written, edited, illustrated and compiled by homeless and formerly homeless people in San Francisco.
129, The justly famous building that replaced it once more illustrated Wren's genius for combining classical and Gothic themes.
130, The actual results of the Group may differ materially from those illustrated.
131, The considerable flexibility mentioned earlier could not be better illustrated than through one of John Barker's much-used parachutes.
132, It is lavishly illustrated and presented and has assumed a pre-eminent position in its field.
133, The extent of their embarrassment over their bonding was illustrated by the fact they'd held it so privately.
134, A recent Governing magazine article about at-risk youth illustrated the importance of a holistic approach.
135, Accompanying the show on all this month and until 11 July is a fully illustrated catalogue with an essay by Judith Goldman.
136, Key economic indicators which Gaidar cited in his speech illustrated the depth of the economic crisis.
137, The next phase is best illustrated by statues from Attica.
138, Even a slight anecdote of her as a sixteen-year-old girl guide being seduced in a tent by a boy scout is illustrated.
139, As illustrated in figure 2A these top five markets take a 55% share of total manufactured exports.
140, Chomsky's view of the problem of language acquisition can be simply illustrated.
141, That this fact was well appreciated by civil and ecclesiastical authorities is illustrated by the history of Our Lady of Einsiedeln.
142, Of course(), the capacity of societies with little technology but plentiful manpower to erect impressive structures can be widely illustrated.
143, Players collect ornately illustrated cards, representing lands, spells, creatures and artifacts, build a deck and battle other players.
144, Three examples of such indifference curves are illustrated by and in Figure 6.4.
145, As it is thereby illustrated and developed its implications should clarify.
146, Operation of the D-type bistable may be illustrated using the circuit shown in Fig. 10.
147, All the information shown in Table 2.2 is illustrated graphically in Fig. 2.8.
148, Just as important, it was a piece of indiscipline that illustrated the almost casual way Labour is conducting this campaign.
149, I therefore extended my area of search slightly and as I did this out popped one of the shop tokens illustrated.
150, Celie and Ponyboy both suffer a sense of loss, and this is illustrated throughout both books.
151, The arrow will point from A to B in the functional dependency illustrated in the definition.
152, These basic concepts are illustrated in Table 9-2, and in Figs. 9-1 and 9-2.
153, Her extant artistic works include a number of miniatures and paintings, notably her illustrated breviary.
154, In fact, as is clearly illustrated by this data, inequalities are relatively consistent throughout childhood.
155, This huge flightless bird has regularly appeared in illustrated fossil books as a giant carnivore.
156, For them we offer illustrated commentaries on Matroc applications in many market sectors - from gas heaters to medical implants.
157, The World Cup illustrated what high standards our aspiring outside-halves must achieve.
158, In its usage of the real or referent as signifier, surrealism eminently illustrated de-differentiated signification.
159, There's an illustrated catalogue with essays by Paolo Baldacci and Ronny Cohen.
160, Sports Illustrated for Kids asked a handful of athletes whether they had invented anything when they were kids.
161, But this beautifully illustrated book also provides a wonderful series of anecdotes from Edwards' life in motor racing.
162, Illustrated lectures, gallery discussions and practical demonstrations will be held by Helen Glanville, conservator.
163, Requests from group spokesmen illustrated varying degrees of preparation and political acumen.
164, This can be illustrated easily by taking figures which show extreme cases at the beginning and end of our period.
165, The difference between the average and marginal tax rates illustrated in Exhibit 2. 2 may be best explained by an example.
166, She published her findings in exemplary fashion in a lavishly illustrated report that is still consulted today.
167, The authors are drawn from the international surface analysis community and all of the material is clearly presented and well illustrated.
168, The increasing complexity of matter forms a series of components of increasing organization as illustrated in Figure 5.
169, Other six-year olds solve math problems for make-believe school,(http://) as illustrated in Figure 3. 4.
170, Just how great the change has been is perhaps best illustrated by reference to the number of daily commuters into London.
171, That was most graphically illustrated when Sheffield was arguing about an urban development corporation.
172, The agony and the ecstasy of the eleventh-hour reprieve illustrated the central paradox of Calvinism.
173, This can be illustrated by considering some of the key characteristics of jobbing production.
174, As in previous sections recording methods are illustrated through case work examples.
175, The points are illustrated by quoting extensively from undergraduate essays.
176, This point can perhaps also be illustrated by some of the recent legislative reforms of company law.
177, This type of analysis is best illustrated by the following specific example.
178, In another legend, illustrated in a fifteenth-century church window, the boat is drawn by swans.
179, For clarity, the three hydrogen bonds mentioned in the text are not illustrated.
180, The movement of the tide is well illustrated by the successive books of Monteverdi's madrigals.
181, This is illustrated by reference to teachers' responses to various externally sponsored innovations and the teachers' pay dispute of 1985-86.
182, In this chapter, we illustrated such pragmatic influences on processing by discussing context effects.
183, The association between advancing years and increasing rates of disability is illustrated in Figure 7.
184, Answer guide: The points being illustrated are the business entity.
185, The fully illustrated catalogue acknowledges the cooperation of Galerie Jan Krugier of Geneva.
186, In this case, as illustrated by our example, there is an additional effect.
187, The illustrated catalogue costs a fiver, which will get two people into the event.
188, The single-product equivalent, which has a trivial solution - set price equal to average cost - is illustrated in figure 2.4.
189, The Gingrich case illustrated again the power and the misuse of money in politics.
190, It is then illustrated using a hypothetical example from political science.
191, The combined operation of the Keynes effect and the real-balance effect is illustrated in Figure 5.4.
192, The former, sublimely illustrated, describes the social history and psychological underpinnings of our underpinnings.
193, The distinctive nature of this pattern was best illustrated in the coaches to away matches.
194, Now she has illustrated a second, equally funny story about the time the maiden Belinda is captured by a wicked knight.
195, Somewhere along the way the book turned into a chronicle of family stories, illustrated with family photographs.
196, The effect of the Jones Act could best be illustrated by what happened to a modest grocery store in Anchorage.
197, Although the encoder illustrated is optical the position pulses could equally well be obtained using the waveform detection systems described later.
198, They were first printed by William Caxton in 1475; the collected works were first illustrated by William Thynne in 1532.
199, Alternatively, reverse colours, using dark green in feeder 1 and white or pastel colour in feeder 2, as illustrated.
200, He has illustrated this sentiment thoroughly in a drama.
201, The above sequence of events is illustrated in Fig . 2.2 a - d .
202, You can write and edit an illustrated composition on your personal computer.
203, His beautifully illustrated book well attested his love of the university.
204, The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.
205, Finally, examples of the device of cyclone aeration flotation are illustrated.
206, He's just written a book: large format, nicely illustrated and not too technical.
207, The difference between diffuse and specular density illustrated in Figure 2:2.
208, This dependency between fossil and living types is well illustrated when we deal with extinct groups.
209, The manufacturing Methods: Will be illustrated in the next chapter.
210, This change is neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League.
211, The organization of DMA system is illustrated on Fin 3 - 39 .




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