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单词 Minuscule
(1) Her office is minuscule.
(2) The film was shot in 17 days, a minuscule amount of time.
(3) All she gave him to eat was two minuscule pieces of toast.
(4) The chances of getting the disease are minuscule.
(5) I understand that they purify minuscule amounts of water.
(6) The newsroom was minuscule, not much more than a cubbyhole, next door to Monty's cluttered little office.
(7) In the office, he went directly to the minuscule bathroom and washed his face and hands.
(8) Stanford experienced only a minuscule profit last year as well.
(9) Thus can a minuscule particle tip the scales one way or another.
(10) In fact, so bizarre are these minuscule penile structures that boffins will often rely on them to tell various insects apart.
(11) Or, on that minuscule patch of the planet covered by artificial turf.
(12) The pool was surrounded by bronzed girls wearing minuscule bikinis.
(13) The education ministry's minuscule maintenance budget never seemed to find its way up to tiny Varosh.
(14) She said the chances of siblings marrying are minuscule if the number of sperm donations are kept low.
(15) Various kinds of minuscule came into use, such as the humanistic and the Carolingian.
(16) In a minuscule black and white bikini, the girl was extraordinarily beautiful.
(17) Commissions may appear to be a minuscule expense.
(18) Both create huge effects from minuscule changes.
(19) When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
(20) It's always been a Dark Force, and you've only succeeded in harnessing a minuscule aspect of it.
(21) Millions of tiny polyps have emerged from their limestone cells to stretch out their minuscule arms and grope for food.
(22) But he knew what he was looking at, though to the untrained eye it was just a pile of minuscule fragments.
(23) People at the bottom of the income ladder bear a minuscule percentage of the tax burden.
(24) It was really a bedsitter, but had an attached bathroom, an electric kettle and a minuscule electric stove.
(25) But the pay was low most of the classes met in the evening, and the traveling allowance was minuscule.
(26) This bloody action-comedy achieved notoriety because writer / director Robert Rodriguez made the film without studio help on a minuscule budget.
(27) Compared to its adult size, a new-born kangaroo is minuscule.
(28) The amount of money the Forest Service and Game and Fish put into sheep management was minuscule.
(29) There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
(30) Treasury bills are default-free, and high-quality commercial paper carries a minuscule default risk.
(31) A letter written in minuscule.
(32) The human race only a minuscule portion of the earth's history.
(33) Proportionate to the possible membership , we represent a minuscule number of hard of hearing people.
(34) The damage is minor, it a minuscule tear, but it has to heal.
(35) The amount involved is minuscule, as is the quantity of electricity needed to keep the filter charged (a small solar panel would be sufficient to supply it).
(36) The next few years are only a minuscule part of the equation.
(37) Since speaking parts were mandatory, I already received the most minuscule role in the entire play.
(38) Anaxagoras called these minuscule particles which have something of everything in them seeds.
(39) The strands, she realized, could serve as minuscule cranes to arrange even smaller building materials and manufacture things like ultrasmall electronic devices and paper-thin,(http:///minuscule.html) printable solar cells.
(40) At the same time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.
(41) It's a minuscule amount of electricity, but the output grows as more fibers are added.
(42) It would be ironic if an instrument built to detect something as vast as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves inadvertently detected the minuscule graininess of space-time.
(43) As things stand, Hong Kong's renminbi banking system is minuscule.
(44) E . E . Cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters.
(45) The holo-image now showed several tiny objects, no more than minuscule dots.
(46) And even this minuscule probability will diminish to the vanishing point as researchers improve nonnuclear interception technologies.
(47) SWIG, though(), does the hard work for you — with a minuscule amount of pseudo-code.
(48) In the twentieth century, electron microscopes have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures.
(49) The patents and the papers followed on the morrow: the artificial blood, the fuel cells, the intricate and minuscule fibres and vessels and motors: in short, a body wonderfully and fearfully man-made.
(50) In 2006, the Bush administration approved minuscule increases or een cuts for funding of biomedical research.
(51) Physiologists have shown that minuscule doses of poison may actually make organisms (including humans) healthier, a phenomenon called hormesis.
(52) DaimlerChrysler said it would start selling its minuscule two - seater cars in the United States from 2008.
(53) Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe.
(54) If the plane has empty seats , the cost of adding one more passenger is minuscule.




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