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单词 Fundamentally
(1) The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.
(2) Your idea is fundamentally wrong.
(3) The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.
(4) The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
(5) But fundamentally the situation remained unchanged.
(6) There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.
(7) Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.
(8) Language is something which fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals.
(9) Their approach to the problem is fundamentally misguided.
(10) Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.
(11) His opponents still say he's a fundamentally untrustworthy figure.
(12) The two approaches are fundamentally different.
(13) By the 1960s the situation had changed fundamentally.
(14) He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.
(15) They remained fundamentally opposed to the plan.
(16) She is fundamentally unsuited to office work.
(17) He can be very charming, but he is fundamentally a bully.
(18) The political culture of the US is fundamentally different .
(19) Gen. de Gaulle sensed that nuclear weapons would fundamentally change the nature of international relations.
(20) Her ideas are fundamentally sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.
(21) This case is fundamentally different in two ways.
(22) The reason: a fundamentally different parenting orientation.
(23) But this pastoral economy was fundamentally inelastic.
(24) In short, the planning scene had changed fundamentally.
(25) Today the situation has not changed fundamentally.
(26) An army and a navy are fundamentally different.
(27) Why are body plans so fundamentally similar?
(28) Fundamentally, we have a good safety program.
(29) Advocates of the popular front remained fundamentally anti-war.
(30) Government and business are fundamentally different institutions.
(1) The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.
(2) Your idea is fundamentally wrong.
(3) The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound.
(4) The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
(5) But fundamentally the situation remained unchanged.
(6) There is something fundamentally wrong with your idea.
(7) Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.
(8) Their approach to the problem is fundamentally misguided.
(9) She is fundamentally unsuited to office work.
(31) Both sides remain fundamentally divided on key issues.
(32) Coventry, moreover, differed fundamentally from the Stour Valley.
(33) Even the cost of diagnosis has fundamentally changed.
(33) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(34) It will fundamentally change your life for the better.
(35) Hence perception is fundamentally an interactive process.
(36) That is a fundamentally undemocratic argument.
(37) Second, and more fundamentally, they drew attention to the difficulties of finding a satisfactory measure of performance in statistical terms.
(38) The character of the field man's work was fundamentally altered in ways unknown to younger staff.
(39) Private nuisance remains fundamentally a remedy for the infringement of a proprietary interest in land.
(40) If we proceed from prudential to moral imperatives, will the conditions of the choice be fundamentally changed?
(41) Housing management Fundamentally, the system of local authority housing management has its roots in the early work of Octavia Hill.
(42) Fundamentally she is a slightly delinquent page-boy with small buttocks and an upturned nose.
(43) But fundamentally the workers are not empowered, because all these things can be denied at any time.
(44) But in an affluent society the problem of poverty is fundamentally different from what it is in an underdeveloped economy.
(45) Even a skeletal list of the fundamentally important matters which we thus take for granted would be very long.
(46) Would I ever look at nature that way, as something so kind, so fundamentally good? I doubted it.
(47) It's true - he does have some sneaking faith in poets as being fundamentally decent people.
(48) He does so by taking scholars with a modicum of athletic ability and turning them into fundamentally sound models of basketball efficiency.
(49) The nature of the masculine economy of self-representation makes it blind to another economy that takes a fundamentally different approach.
(50) We shall not understand Anselm's last years unless his fundamentally unpolitical attitude to his duties is borne in mind.
(51) The election manifestos of the Conservative and Labour parties fundamentally disagree about how well a market economy works.
(52) Fundamentally, the survey method finds out what people will say when they are being interviewed, or filling in a questionnaire.
(53) More fundamentally, in the early 1980s a new system of local-government support was introduced - the block grant.
(54) The quick throw-in completely changes the game; the tactics of the game are fundamentally affected.
(55) It can be argued that formalism is fundamentally irreconcilable with other readings-especially, in this instance, psychoanalytical readings.
(56) I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death. Nelson Mandela 
(57) Unification had been imposed from above, without fundamentally altering the existing state and political system.
(58) Carter had been no mean personal campaigner himself in the past, but by 1980 his situation had changed fundamentally.
(59) They usually are responsive to all kinds, but such ideas are not new in the sense of being fundamentally new.
(60) But I agree with Steve Jones that our moral framework won't be fundamentally changed.
(61) The distribution of power in the legislature was also fundamentally altered by the dilution of the seniority principle in the early 1970s.
(62) Similarly, trade unions are thought of as institutions whose objectives and practices are fundamentally opposed to the public interest.
(63) It also fundamentally changed the nature of the Shah's relations with his government and people.
(64) In these four ways,(http:///fundamentally.html) housing differs from other consumer goods though it remains fundamentally a private market commodity.
(65) More fundamentally, the design activity will be meaningless unless it is directed towards serving some human need.
(66) This is fundamentally better than depriving the child of a right to live.
(67) A rescue operation was mounted in 1963, but the Balance of Payments situation remains fundamentally unsatisfactory.
(68) However, as Reina Lewis has demonstrated, women's images of Oriental nudes are fundamentally different at the point of reception.
(69) Would all these measures set U.S. policy on a fundamentally different course?
(70) Would I ever look at nature that way, as something so kind, so fundamentally good?
(71) From a Piagetian constructivist perspective, critical thinking is not fundamentally different from regular thinking.
(72) More fundamentally, it was grounded in a deficit view of needs.
(73) The living world is divided, fundamentally, into bacteria versus the rest.
(74) Clements was an influential writer who developed a philosophy of ecology that differed fundamentally from the reductionism of Warming and Cowles.
(75) Perhaps more fundamentally, we take as given the basic framework of political institutions.
(76) Fundamentally, the debate is about how to ensure effective corporate governance.
(77) But it will be indispensable for social equilibrium in a world which so far remains fundamentally capitalist.
(78) The personnel policies are fundamentally about how we are to execute our jobs.
(79) In 1861-2 a constitutional crisis arose, whose outcome fundamentally affected subsequent developments.
(80) Selection will be based on our priorities, on explicit criteria and fundamentally on our emotional reactions.
(81) But this situation has changed fundamentally under the guidance of Siemens Nixdorf manager Wolfgang Wichmann.
(82) It is going to fundamentally alter the rules by which which business operates.
(83) The purposes and administration of these ancient forests have of course changed fundamentally.
(84) In turn, however, the question of where population is growing - or declining - is fundamentally related to human welfare.
(85) Once we are really aware of this fundamentally important fact, our whole attitude to ourselves will begin to change.
(86) More fundamentally, this preoccupation with numerical aspects may draw attention away from important issues that are more difficult to quantify.
(87) The way in which films are distributed and exhibited cinematically has been fundamentally changed by the multiplex revolution.
(88) This is largely because historians often disagree, and sometimes fundamentally, about what happened in the past and why.
(89) Nevertheless, there were a few Conservative politicians who fundamentally disagreed with Conservative policy.
(90) The Bill provides a little extra competition and regulation on the margin, but it does not fundamentally transform the regime.
(91) The traditional liberal interpretation is rooted in an approach to history fundamentally at odds with that of Soviet historiography.
(92) He had a few days growth of stubble but something about him was fundamentally clean cut.
(93) The system of cash planning introduced in 1982 remained fundamentally unchanged for the next decade, but see below.
(94) To adopt an approach akin to that used in the United States would be fundamentally to alter the rationale for judicial review.
(95) Perhaps even more fundamentally, it's far from obvious how to obtain the details of a certificate.
(96) Though these institutions may have fundamentally disagreed on tactics, both served as catalysts for black political and economic aspirations.
(97) But the international climate in which he finds himself has altered fundamentally.
(98) It is fundamentally important that these 12 Steps are actually worked rather than recited or merely thought to be nice in theory.
(99) Labour's illustrious memorial, the Welfare State, was - and is - fundamentally underpinned by these beliefs and attitudes.
(100) I am afraid that the proposed law changes could fundamentally alter the game.
(101) But instead of concentrating on treating waste,() research was needed into fundamentally cleaner processes that conserved water and reduced waste.
(102) They wanted to believe that it was fundamentally fair, ruled objectively by the clock.
(103) Marketing research is fundamentally about the acquisition and analysis of information required for the making of marketing decisions.
(104) But Pascal, under the influence of Jansenism, was fundamentally hostile to the Jesuits and their notorious sophistries.
(105) More fundamentally, many courts failed to find a basis for the first resort approach.
(106) Tolerance means treating with respect people whose positions are fundamentally different from your own.
(107) Chapter 3 offers an alternative view of mainstream modernism-as fundamentally pragmatic, optimistic and urban.
(108) Matching and randomization are two fundamentally important design techniques to enhance the validity and efficiency of a study.
(109) The differing forms of these strategies will fundamentally alter the direction and scope of central interventions and peripheral responses.
(110) Fundamentally it requires a dialogue between you, as reader and apprentice-historian, and the author, as writer and professional historian.
(111) I was a port in the storm of a marriage to which, fundamentally, he was totally committed.
(112) Social action perspectives Advocates of social action perspectives argue that the subject matter of the social and natural sciences is fundamentally different.
(113) In such cases the citizens often dream of reunification, even when their governments and ideology differ fundamentally.
(114) The final year of the Occupation did not fundamentally alter this status.
(115) Both events revealed not only deep divisions among Member States, but also fundamentally flawed policies.
(116) The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the power of this cumulative selection as a fundamentally nonrandom process.
(117) Behind this passage may lie the assumption that labouring class poets were fundamentally impostors.
(118) Because I think the Net fundamentally undermines the continued existence of the nation-state, which is already past its economic usefulness.
(119) He never had another fundamentally novel idea in general biological theory.
(120) Leetmaa suggested they may reflect a fundamentally hotter climate caused by global warming.
(121) The greatest designers can sway with the prevailing mood of the moment, but remain fundamentally true to their own spirit.
(122) For me it was fundamentally feeling part of a community, a word we didn't use in those days.
(123) More fundamentally, why should we assume that Stone Age people did not know of the male contribution to procreation?
(123) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(124) Differences such as these create fundamentally different incentives in the public sector.
(125) It is more likely, however, that they are fundamentally different.
(126) For all the new packaging, these diets remain fundamentally unchanged from when I first went to Weight Watchers.
(127) These principles of correspondence articulate two fundamentally different ways of conceptualizing racism.
(128) Yet, the style of Samson is fundamentally different from those texts associated with the writing of popular radical groups.
(129) It is the debate about the forces which determine this equilibrium which fundamentally separates the various schools of thought in macroeconomics.
(130) It was in a constant state of reoccupation, favoured only by marginal or twilight enterprises indifferent to a fundamentally inhuman environment.
(131) A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.
(132) Human beings are fundamentally good. The aberration, in fact, is the evil one, for God created us ultimately for God, for goodness, for laughter, for joy, for compassion, for caring. Desmond Tutu 
(133) Yet these organizations bring women out of the family in ways that do not fundamentally challenge their traditional roles.
(134) My personal reaction to Tomlinson is that its conclusions about Barts and the other hospitals scheduled for closure are fundamentally wrong.
(135) Structural alterations Fundamentally altering the property to suit your business could be in breach of the agreement.
(136) I don't think it has fundamentally altered the sport.
(137) She fundamentally unsuited to office work.
(138) The logic is fundamentally flawed; the motive is despicable.
(139) Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery.
(140) More fundamentally, scenario families do not translate easily into plans for action.
(141) Desktop publishing, for example, is fundamentally not different from computer typesetting, which dates back to the mid 1960's at least.
(142) More fundamentally, many nations have been relatively loose in the creation of money supply.
(143) The for loop fundamentally has a simple syntax, allowing you to extract a single item from a container object and do something with it.
(144) As for the content, despite some mildly adult language and robot-on-robot violence, Real Steel is fundamentally about a son reconnecting with his dad.
(145) We started to fundamentally change what we were doing eeryday in our practices , Kaufman told Reuters.
(146) Fundamentally, it was a conventional bomber, but it had a number of interesting innovations.
(147) "I still believe fundamentally it's because it's a church issue, " de la Vina said.
(148) That is to say, fundamentally the paper made no self - criticism .
(149) But fundamentally, it performs an unglamorous function in a utilitarian way.
(150) The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said Shechtman's discovery in 1982 fundamentally changed the way chemists look at solid matter.
(151) Although it can not solve the security problem fundamentally, it can overawe criminal in some degree, and it may provide some important clue after things happened.
(152) This product promotion, can change fundamentally Chinese meat consumption habits, will be China's consumption of meat brought about a revolution.
(153) Both beer and shampoo have polar molecules that accumulate at a liquid–gas interface, but the mechanisms that prevent bubble collapse in soap foams or pilsner heads are fundamentally different.
(154) Ecotourism is the "common ground" because it fundamentally changes the economic dynamics of business.
(155) The market acts fundamentally while the state plan has an important guiding function in the disposition of resources.
(156) Sithole said that "somewhere in this world some unfortunate person living in a refugee camp has not only been provided with something to wear, but more fundamentally with hope."
(157) Or is it just because I don't want to confront the fact that people are the way they are, which is to say fundamentally self-interested?
(158) As for himself, he was too tired to grapple fundamentally with the fact.
(159) Australian climatologist Will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.




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