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单词 Led
1 An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag. 
2 He led a life of virtue.
3 He led us out into the grounds.
4 Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life.
5 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.
6 He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.
7 The misleading sign led me astray.
8 The dog led the blind man across the road.
9 The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.
10 Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.
11 I have led a dog's life.
12 She led the horse back into the stable.
13 He led us to his home.
14 He led us on,[]into a dense forest.
15 His political ardor led him into many arguments.
16 He led a wild life in his youth.
17 The path led through the trees to the river.
18 The drunkard led a vicious life.
19 The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.
20 He was led away to jail in handcuffs.
21 I was led through a maze of corridors.
22 The bell-boy led us to our rooms.
23 He led them away from a marsh.
24 The official led a corrupt life.
25 A winding lane led down towards the river.
26 He led us into the room.
27 The alley led to the railway bridge.
28 These causes led to a bad result.
29 The path led up a steep hill.
30 Shortages eventually led to food riots.
1 He led a life of virtue.
2 He led us out into the grounds.
3 Perhaps I've just led a really sheltered life.
4 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.
5 He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.
6 The dog led the blind man across the road.
7 The receptionist led the way to the boardroom.
8 Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.
9 I have led a dog's life.
10 She led the horse back into the stable.
11 He led us to his home.
12 He led us on,into a dense forest.
13 His political ardor led him into many arguments.
14 The path led through the trees to the river.
15 The drunkard led a vicious life.
16 The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.
17 He was led away to jail in handcuffs.
18 I was led through a maze of corridors.
19 The bell-boy led us to our rooms.
20 He led them away from a marsh.
21 The official led a corrupt life.
22 A winding lane led down towards the river.
23 He led us into the room.
24 The alley led to the railway bridge.
25 These causes led to a bad result.
26 The path led up a steep hill.
27 Shortages eventually led to food riots.
28 Heart failure led to her father's death.
29 Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.
30 A dark narrow passage led to the main hall.
31 Heart failure led to her father's death.
32 Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.
33 A dark narrow passage led to the main hall.
34 I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.
35 An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
36 Annie led a quiet uneventful life.
37 She led the guests into the parlour.
38 She led an exciting and glamorous life.
39 The boy was led astray by bad companions.
40 We have led a miserable life.
41 The defeat led to his resignation as team manager.
42 The vicar led the hymn singing.
43 The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.
44 The Sonics led by only 2 points at intermission.
44 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
45 The secretary led in the client.
46 The newspaper reports of starving children appal led me.
47 Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.
48 She led the children into the zoo.
49 An injured policeman was led away by colleagues.
50 The children were led to a place of safety.
51 No, he led me on a wild-goose chase.
52 He led a mutiny against the captain.
53 They led the workhorses to the watering trough.
54 The army officers led a revolution against the king.
55 The circus elephants were led into the arena.
56 His lack of experience had led to his downfall.
57 We were led to a fenced enclosure.
58 The crisis has led to the closure of a number of non-essential government services.
59 The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military.
60 Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
31 I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.
32 An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
33 Annie led a quiet uneventful life.
34 She led the guests into the parlour.
35 The defeat led to his resignation as team manager.
36 The vicar led the hymn singing.
37 The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.
38 The Sonics led by only 2 points at intermission.
39 The secretary led in the client.
40 Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.
41 She led the children into the zoo.
42 An injured policeman was led away by colleagues.
43 The children were led to a place of safety.
44 No, he led me on a wild-goose chase.
44 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
45 He led a mutiny against the captain.
46 They led the workhorses to the watering trough.
47 The army officers led a revolution against the king.
48 The circus elephants were led into the arena.
49 His lack of experience had led to his downfall.
50 We were led to a fenced enclosure.
51 The crisis has led to the closure of a number of non-essential government services.
52 The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military.
53 Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
54 He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.
55 A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
56 The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
57 The police probe into organized crime led to several arrests.
58 The leak led to a slow build-up of carbon dioxide.
59 He rushed into the burning building and led the people out to safety.
60 She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.
61 He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.
62 A narrow passage led directly through the house into the garden.
63 The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
64 The police probe into organized crime led to several arrests.
65 The leak led to a slow build-up of carbon dioxide.
66 He rushed into the burning building and led the people out to safety.
67 She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.
68 A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.
69 In 1955 he led the first ascent of Kangchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain.
70 Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths.
71 Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.
72 The artist led off in the discussion on modern art.
73 She led him by devious ways to the meeting place.
74 A progression of disagreements has led to war between those nations./led.html
75 Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
76 These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.
77 Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.
78 The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
79 Research on animals has led to some important medical advances.
80 General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War.
81 Social and political problems led to the outbreak of war.
82 Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.
83 The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.
84 When he was a student he led a bohemian life.
85 Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.
86 A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
87 He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house.
88 As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
89 They put handcuffs on the two men and led them away.
90 Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families.
61 A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.
62 Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths.
63 Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.
64 She led him by devious ways to the meeting place.
65 Allegations of sexual harassment have led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against three naval officers.
66 These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.
67 Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.
68 The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
69 General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War.
70 Social and political problems led to the outbreak of war.
71 The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.
72 When he was a student he led a bohemian life.
73 Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.
74 A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
75 He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house.
76 As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
77 They put handcuffs on the two men and led them away.
78 Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families.
79 A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.
80 Today's China Daily led with President Bush's visit to China.
81 Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods.
82 Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
83 His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.
84 He disaffil-iated himself from the political party he had once led.
85 A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.
86 This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.
87 The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.
88 His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
89 The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
90 The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.
91 A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester.
92 Today's China Daily led with President Bush's visit to China.
93 Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods.
94 Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
95 Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives.
96 His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.
97 He disaffil-iated himself from the political party he had once led.
98 The border incident led to war between the two countries.
99 A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.
100 A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the government.
101 This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.
102 It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.
103 The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.
104 His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
105 The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
106 The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.
107 His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.
108 The judge pronounced against the prisoner,[http://] and he was led away by the policeman.
109 Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker.
110 A flight of steps led upwards to the front door.
111 The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
112 A pair of wide tracks led through the slush and mud.
113 This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group.
114 The judge thought he'd been led astray by older children.
115 The festival will open with a procession led by the mayor.
116 Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
117 I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.
118 The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.
119 He led a breakaway from the Communist Party.
120 The divorce ultimately led to his ruin.
91 His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.
92 The judge pronounced against the prisoner, and he was led away by the policeman.
93 Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker.
94 The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
95 This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group.
96 The festival will open with a procession led by the mayor.
97 I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.
98 The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.
121 He took my arm and led me outside.
122 That debate led to the government's fall.
123 Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.
124 The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.
125 She led a saintly and blameless life.
126 The manager led into his carefully worked-out scheme.
127 This information led to the capture of the murderer.
128 She had led a blameless life .
129 A scandal led to his resignation from office.
130 The strike has led to inordinate delays.
131 My father always led a very active life.
132 What led him to kill his wife?
133 Jordan led his team to victory .
134 He led a military expedition against the rebels.
134 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
135 A precipitous path led down the cliff.
136 Tom's anxiety to succeed led him to work hard.
137 He led a busy but otherwise unremarkable life.
138 Finally the chairman led up to his favorite topic.
139 He led a guerilla band against Japanese invaders.
140 A flight of steps led up to the front door.
141 In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
142 Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said.
143 There was really very little chance that Ben would ever have led a normal life.
144 The crisis has led to price rises in basic foodstuffs, such as meat, cheese and sugar.
145 The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.
146 It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.
147 The treaty has led to a dramatic reduction in the number of land-based missiles in Europe.
148 The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters.
149 His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.
150 Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company.
151 The boy led up to his desire for a bicycle.
152 Going into the fourth lap, the two most broadly experienced riders led the field.
153 The tracks, which looked like a fox's, led into the woods.
154 Her husband's involvement with another woman led to their divorce.
155 She twirled her baton high in the air as she led the parade.
156 We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.
157 Knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has led to a modification in smoking behaviour.
158 This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
159 The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.
160 Hitler's invasion of Poland led to the tragedy of the Second World War.
161 She took the child by the hand and led him upstairs to bed.
162 His criminal activities led to complete alienation from his family.
163 Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall.
164 Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players.
165 The war has led to a tragic loss of life .
166 Modern farming practice has led to the virtual disappearance of this bird.
167 His treachery led to the capture and imprisonment of his friend.
168 This has led to financial losses,[/led.html] though admittedly on a fairly small scale.
169 Safety concerns have led them to halt work on the dam.
170 His resignation triggered a chain of events that led eventually to the downfall of the government.
171 This report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.
172 Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school.
173 The myth says that he led a small band of followers to seek their fortune in distant lands.
174 The ultimate sin was not infidelity, but public mention which led to scandal.
175 The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
176 Whenever there was a dance he and I led off.
177 This led us to make a summing up of the experience and lessons.
178 Until going to university, she had led a very sheltered life.
179 Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
180 The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.
181 Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours.
182 Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns of civil disobedience to try to persuade the authorities to change their policies.
183 Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
184 The boom of the 1980s led to a taste for petrol-guzzling cars.
185 The hotel was terrible, and not at all what we had been led to expect.
185 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
186 This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage.
187 It was her teacher's encouragement that led her into acting.
188 She led a highly ordered existence, with everything having its own time and place.
189 Currie led the team with 55 points in the demolition job against Ireland.
190 The culling of seal cubs has led to an outcry from environmental groups.
191 If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington 
192 The achiever says his thoughts led him to success and the criminal says his thoughts led him to crime. Everybody thinks, but what we think determines our destiny. RVM 
193 Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man. Joyce Meyer 




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