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单词 Certainly not
1, I'm certainly not scared of him.
2, She's certainly not great shakes as a mother.
3, He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
4, We shall certainly not resign ourselves to foreign control.
5, 'I'm certainly not asking him!' she retorted indignantly.
6, He was certainly not cut out to combine the jobs of editing and writing as a journalist.
7, The dimensions of the market collapse were certainly not anticipated.
8, It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.
9, Fleck was certainly not the only critic to do a hatchet job on his latest novel.
10, They're certainly not mine.
11, Last, but certainly not least,(http:///certainly not.html) are the issues of stewardship and ethics.
12, The company's problems, in this regard, are certainly not unique.
13, Certainly not enough to change an energy-profligate lifestyle.
14, Male speaker It's certainly not a foregone conclusion.
15, He was certainly not my idea of a father.
16, But personal characteristics are certainly not the whole story.
17, Certainly not software engineers or aerobics instructors.
18, But there will certainly not be another overnight free-for-all.
19, These recordings are interesting, but certainly not inventive.
20, But we're certainly not going to play highest-bidder games.
21, She was certainly not an opium smoker.
22, She's certainly not a faddy eater!
23, There doesn't seem to be any system to the books on these shelves - they're certainly not in alphabetical order.
24, Doing it once was just about excusable — doing it twice was certainly not.
25, There's a lot of good things about homeopathic treatment. I'm certainly not running it down.
26, "Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.
27, A journey on one of the steam trains is certainly not to be missed!
28, She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.
29, I was really excited about it but it was certainly not glamorous.
30, Not to gain extra marks in the test and certainly not to impress your friends!
1, I'm certainly not scared of him.
31, Helping a client towards independence, however, is certainly not a short-term solution to shortening interviews.
32, This is a severe shock to your fish and certainly not a way to maintain equilibrium.
33, The dance band is playing, sounds like a military tune, certainly not like the local dances back home.
34, I couldn't be certain how much painkilling medication she had taken, but it was almost certainly not enough.
35, The symbols of the body and blood would certainly not have been consumed until the thanksgiving prayer had been adequately consummated.
36, The business lunch is certainly not easy unless carefully planned first and lighting and positioning chosen.
37, Sometimes, though certainly not as a general rule, the family had some influence on what was provided.
38, What we were offered, if definition is needed, might be called ballet-pantomime: it was certainly not opera.
39, Nevertheless, the book contains some useful and interesting material and is certainly not a book to be ignored.
40, This notion is certainly not lost on the companies encouraging employees to take off their neckties and shed their wingtips.
41, They're certainly not over-fond of me,(http:///certainly not.html) probably because my central heating is always on full blast in winter.
42, Nugent is wild on stage but certainly not the stereotypical rock musician.
43, Nothing was known to disconcert him, certainly not the death of a man he had disliked.
44, Not the papers or the magazines and certainly not Kylie.
45, It was just the mating of two bodies, essential for procreation, but certainly not meant to be enjoyed.
46, I would like to stress that the commercial consideration is only one of many elements and is certainly not the most important.
47, There are not, however, too many hard core pumpernickel types left, certainly not enough to support small bakeries.
48, Few bomber crews - if in fact any - exceeded this total, and certainly not in heavy bombers.
49, She had to admit that he would almost certainly not see the situation as an unmitigated disaster.
50, Canterbury was certainly not moving in the direction of Cistercian austerity in Anselm's time.
51, He had no ambitions to play Hook and certainly not at four days' notice.
52, Whatever the Bill was about, it was certainly not about preventing crime and diverting young people from it.
53, Nicolo shifted unhappily in the little gilt chair that had certainly not been made for a man's body.
54, Richard Dorment, art critic of the Daily Telegraph, is certainly not impressed.
55, The notion of self-consistency is certainly not adequate for this.
56, You insisted I must wear this to dine, and I am certainly not going to change again now.
57, He is certainly not intended to be regarded as divine.
58, Certainly not a considerable number of ladies, according to hot gossip and well informed rumour.
59, Whatever his intentions about the succession, it was almost certainly not the confusion which actually occurred.
60, And they are certainly not blind to their difficulties or weaknesses.
61, Not many players would have stayed calm during the making of that eight, and certainly not after it.
62, Anyway, he would certainly not discuss the subject with the raffish set who would stoop to street-women.
63, She was certainly not going to cry on her honeymoon.
64, Only 10 to 15 percent goes toward administrative costs, which is certainly not exorbitant.
65, We are not especially well-treated, certainly not as well as the locals.
66, That he had a deep affection for her no one knew, certainly not Rose.
67, Our tiny apartment, it is true, is barely suited for two people, and certainly not for four.
68, It is certainly not a substitute for good old-fashioned interviewing or communications skills.
69, Here we have a dangerous situation of a kite flailing on one line, possibly towards onlookers and certainly not under control.
70, The shell would barely crawl forward, and certainly not overtake light.
71, Markham's certainly not a churchman,() though of course the Cumbermounds are the leading lay family in the county.
72, Ray Flynn and Joe Fisher represent something else, certainly not larceny or abuse of power.
73, As a policy it was unscrupulous but probably effective, though certainly not without some disadvantages.
74, Despite my closeness over a long period to Harold Wilson, I was certainly not close to his publicised cronies.
75, Himself, and not Paul, and certainly not that kid out there.
76, No woman could be expected to suffer such humiliation, certainly not Eline with her fine spirit of independence.
77, There are certainly not so many men of large fortune in the world, as there are pretty women to deserve them. Jane Austen 
78, However, I would certainly not want to give a commitment about a further debate.
79, Here are some reasons: Mishearing can cause misunderstandings which may be embarrassing or even funny but certainly not reassuring.
80, It is certainly not something you would consume in any great quantity.
81, If Itado was unsafe for powerful modern fishing boats then it was certainly not the place for Hsu Fu to stay.
82, If by history is meant accurate accounts of past events supported by evidence, they are certainly not that.
83, Golding's boys are never without problems and are certainly not described as perfect little darlings.
84, Equally important, however, is the acknowledgement that whatever is best practice today will almost certainly not be tomorrow.
85, Certainly not a routine interpretation of certain symbols attached to specific meanings.
86, The pattern is certainly not one of total closure or exclusion.
87, Last but certainly not least, Social Security and Medicare have been very good deals for participants.
88, At least it's certainly not the method recommended in the current crop of instructional books and videos relating to the subject.
89, Maybe, but certainly not as the force in marketing, consuming and cultural influence the Boomers were themselves.
90, It was certainly not a prohibition on lending money at a rate of interest which can be earned by the recipient.
91, But he would be twenty next birthday, a young man certainly, but not mature - certainly not mature.
92, The show was certainly not as great as the studio audience apparently felt it was.
93, They are certainly not engaging in homosexual activity, but she is definitely at risk if he is a carrier.
94, If gay men had been forming efficient cores, this would almost certainly not have been the case.
95, It's certainly not for the prissy of nature but then the original novel was also considered at the time rather racy.
96, A mono monitor may be suitable for work processing, but it is certainly not ideal for knitwear design.
97, Certainly not well armed, organised or brave enough to attack a chateau in the open countryside.
98, There was algae and seaweed growing on the top layer of bamboos, which was certainly not there before.
99, Obviously the hearse and mourning coaches were rented, but certainly not the coffin.
100, Certainly not in this situation, not in the middle of the Bocage.
101, The answer is certainly not to pay all academics more.
101, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102, Whatever was happening in there they were certainly not going to be a party to it.
103, The contract in such a case is most certainly not frustrated or avoided.
104, It is certainly not justified on the basis of the 1991 earnings per share - 2.58p - or the outlook for 1992.
105, My list of favourite haunts is purely personal and certainly not all-embracing.
106, And certainly not any specific church, club, movement, party or Klan, for obvious reasons.
107, What was achieved in 1689 was certainly not what Anglicans such as Nottingham wanted, toleration without comprehension.
108, But his own hand would most certainly not milk it forth.
109, Most of them have almost certainly not thought through what this would mean.
110, Despite my personal reservations about docudramas, it was certainly not an irresponsible program.
111, This should certainly not be a taboo subject, but nor should it be used to flagellate the mass of teachers.
112, It was certainly not a highly emotional state, nor was it an abandonment of old modes of perception.
113, Certainly not the mature women who are caring courageously, and quite alone, for the elderly.
114, The vesting of such powers in governmental bodies was certainly not new.
115, Managers may think that a team is doing the work, but it is certainly not a team in any cohesive sense.
116, To what extent this promotes economic power would be hard to estimate, but the two are certainly not unrelated.
117, Certainly not, say 61%, although 23% admit to an occasional twinge of envy.
118, This was certainly not the most glamorous or heroic of episodes.
119, Growing deafer, moreover, as they had certainly not been deaf as babies.
120, Even though the Marine outclassed, he's certainly not outgunned.
121, City sculptures are certainly not a money waster.
122, Nana was certainly not spiteful.
123, Insurance companies are certainly not immune to economic slowdown.
124, Cupid's arrow is certainly not founded with gold coins.
125, You'll find that local zoos, aquaria or crocodile farms will almost certainly not be interested in your animal - nor the dozens of similar animals they are asked to take each month.
126, The use of Sitka Spruce is certainly not limited to aircraft construction.
127, The U.S. Embassy in Tehran, conveying the shah's message, reassured the State Department that he was "certainly not yet" thinking about leaving the NPT or joining the nuclear club.
128, Discipline is a necessary, but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place.
129, The sponsors and last but certainly not least you the inspirational spectators.
130, My sisters seem out of spirits, and Tom is certainly not at his ease.
131, It was certainly not his intellect , which was amazingly spotty, marred by great gaps.
131, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
132, The public had shown complaisance , but it was certainly not yet taken by storm.
133, "Certainly not, " he said, looking down at his daughter with love. "But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.
134, The distances between stars is so unimaginably vast it cannot be crossed by beings of flesh and blood -- and certainly not entire armies.
135, Where this go the pace will only increase, and certainly not go away.
136, I will certainly not attempt to oversimplify it in this short article.
137, Finally, although uncommon, it is certainly not unheard of for the list of names to exceed the 32K SUMMARY data limit for a field.
138, There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.
139, John is certainly not cut out for the work of trial lawyer.
140, Some days may be very difficult, as one pushes through another layer of fear based and destructive thought-form, causing one to feel alone, separate off, unloved and certainly not in a state of joy.
141, Most articles are certainly not palatable to a larger circle.
142, Also, out-of-bounds skiing is certainly not for everyone that happens to be a fervent "powder hound".
143, The nature heart disease monomorphism room fast patient most rooms fast to be allowed through the medicine control, certainly not necessarily needs to melt the treatment.
144, Geoff Cooke's recent remark that no one is indispensable will certainly not have escaped him.
145, While number crunching and bean counting has certainly not fallen out of style in recent memory, the economic fallout of the past few years has placed renewed focus on financial regulation.
146, The transition from the natural image to mental image is a very slow and difficult march process. Mental image is certainly not the natural image's once more collage.
147, The discussion that this text explains is not a point, certainly not know terminal point either.
148, In my opinion, this is certainly not a square deal.
149, Most dolomite is obviously the result of replacement of precursor calcite but certainly not all.
150, The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring.
151, What your story got right here is that tax cuts do not work to do the stimulatory job we need, certainly not those to the rich.
152, In that respect, clearly He was not so wise as some other people have been, and He was certainly not superlatively wise.
153, They will certainly not allow the aggressors to ride roughshod over them for long.
154, There's no doubt women found him charming. It must have been his patter because he's certainly not at all good-looking.
155, And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.
156, Induced pluripotent stem cell research has merits on its own right, but it is certainly not a substitute.
157, Go peddle your papers. I'm certainly not going to pay for the damage that wasn't my fault.
158, Certainly not. But political will, international cooperation and investment can help to stem the loss of water from huge river basins like those of the Nile and Lake Chad.
159, Of course , before the war, Will would certainly not have been an eligible suitor.
160, Privacy is certainly not an issue limited to the Web, but it facilitates the nearly limitless ability to gather data by the boatload.
161, The Party was certainly not an official adjunct of the police department.
162, It is certainly not possible to pay 70-plus-overdue debt in one night.
163, Where this may come go the pace will only increase and certainly not go away.
164, When you put on a performance like that and show that kind of morale,[http:///certainly not.html] it's certainly not a set-back.
165, Therefore, saccharorrhea patient wants the reality treatment this question certainly not to want to readily believe some not symbol actual suitable biography.
166, But that'surge " was unlikely to be swift enough - certainly not to the increasingly autocratic.
167, "Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether." — "Certainly not!".
168, T. Mahan's sea power theory to prove Koxinga's sea power idea with Dutch certainly not very big difference.
169, I am certainly not eating bleu cheese dressing but if I have an Italian dressing I am not going to be able to confirm that all ingredients are raw and vegan.
170, John is certainly not cut out for the work of a trial lawyer.
171, And it’s certainly not reserved just for people we want to mate with; married people flirt with no adulterous intentions and platonic flirting happens all the time.
172, Steel Vanadium warrants to buy now,() and certainly not to buy shares of vanadium steel.
173, When Tammy and I moved away from church planting work in Leyte, the work there was certainly not all finished.
174, Certainly not the best, but viable and deserving some attention.
175, While the underwear as outerwear trend is certainly not for the faint of heart, when done subtly and with class it is certainly eye-catching.
176, While certainly not a pattern followed by extraordinary executives, many people have advanced their careers by playing internal politics astutely .
177, I would certainly not side against application code and design in every instance, and in Part 3 of this series, I present methods of monitoring databases for performance statistics.
178, In the old town strong-smelling fermented bean curd and the fox paste are the local famous snacks, comes Xitang certainly not to miss.
179, He'll be fifty - two in December but he's certainly not winding down or fading away.




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