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单词 Argue
1. When guns speak it is too late to argue
2. People generally quarrel because they cannot argue
3. I am not in the mood to argue.
4. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
5. Why do you argue against me?
6. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.
7. Some argue that money has debased football.
8. I don't want to argue with you-just do it!
9. I don't think many people would argue with that.
10. They sometimes argue off for hours.
11. It is absurd to argue about this.
12. She tried to argue the matter away.
13. I managed to argue him into going back home to talk to his parents.
14. Do not argue with an idiot.He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
15. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.
16. They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
17. It's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment.
18. Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.
19. If you are caught simply argue that "everyone does it" and brazen it out.Sentence dictionary
20. Don't argue with me, every word comes out of your mouth would be the solid evidence of hurting me.
21. Environmentalists argue that more goods should be transported by rail.
22. Three considerations argue against increasing fee.
23. Jack would argue and eff all day long.
24. To argue with him is like beating the air.
25. They argue continually about money.
26. Don't argue with your mother.
27. Don't agree, but don't argue either.
28. I always come off worse when we argue.
29. He's offering to pay so who am I to argue?
30. At first he was opposed to the scheme, but we managed to argue him round.
1. I am not in the mood to argue.
2. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
3. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.
4. Some argue that money has debased football.
5. I don't want to argue with you-just do it!
6. I don't think many people would argue with that.
7. It is absurd to argue about this.
8. He's offering to pay so who am I to argue?
9. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.
10. They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
11. It's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment.
12. Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.
13. If you are caught simply argue that "everyone does it" and brazen it out.
14. Environmentalists argue that more goods should be transported by rail.
15. Three considerations argue against increasing fee.
16. I tried to argue him into joining us.
17. It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
18. It is quite illegitimate to argue that the government had no choice.
19. Her son was an energetic, assertive boy, always ready to argue.
31. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.
32. I tried to argue him into joining us.
33. It's bad form to argue with the umpire.
34. Few will argue with this conclusion.
35. It would be idle to argue further.
36. Don't let's argue like this.
37. Mark had the good sense not to argue.
38. These latest developments argue a change in government policy.
39. They never argue in public.
40. Her temperament disposed her to argue readily with people.
41. They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.
42. I won't argue about the matter.
43. Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.
44. I won't stoop to argue with him.
45. It's useless arguing/to argue with them.
46. Jon disagreed, but did not feel disposed to argue.
47. His manners argue a good upbringing.
48. The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
49. They argue for the reform of existing political institutions.
50. You can argue the case either way.
51. He was too tired to argue the point .
52. He tried to argue the matter off.
53. He was too tired to argue.
54. It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
55. He's a really successful man-you can't argue with that.
56. Dad always takes my brother's part when we argue.
57. It's normal for couples to argue now and then.
58. They argue heatedly,(http:///argue.html) but neither could convince the other.
59. She knew better than to argue with Adeline.
60. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
61. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.
62. These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
63. Mike gave him such a severe look he didn't dare argue.
64. Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game.
65. My mother always take my father's side when I argue with him.
66. It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.
67. Do what you are told and don't argue with me.
68. Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers.
69. He is so bigoted that it is impossible to argue with him.
70. It is possible to argue that the rules are too strict.
71. I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
72. It was mere waste of breath to argue with a person in so unreasonable a state of mind.
73. As children, we were taught not to argue with our elders and betters.
74. Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.
75. I looked on in amusement as they started to argue.
76. Enough is enough - I don't want to argue with you any more.
77. It doesn't matter what you say, he'll always argue the toss!
78. They egged each other on to argue and to fight.
79. Some would argue this was no burden in fact,(http:///argue.html) and that she should count her blessings.
80. He did argue in a general way that the president can't be trusted.
81. Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.
82. When he tried to argue with Kate, he got more than he had bargained for.
83. Some environmentalists argue for a return to a pre-industrial society.
84. It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about!
85. She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.
86. Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice.
87. They argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on handguns.
88. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.
89. One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive.
90. Are you prepared to argue that killing is sometimes justified?
91. The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue.
92. He looked crestfallen at their decision, but did not argue.
93. In her paper she goes on to argue that scientists do not yet know enough about the nature of the disease.
94. He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground.
95. They argue that the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any advantages.
96. One student made so bold as to argue with the professor.
97. The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.
98. I tried to argue her down,but she still insisted upon doing so.
99. I'm too tired to argue it out with you now.
100. It is quite illegitimate to argue that the government had no choice.
101. Your ability to argue is of little avail if the facts are wrong.
102. They used to argue all the time and now they've practically stopped talking to each other.
103. He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her.
104. Jim was beginning to argue wildly again,getting his facts wrong,so his elder brother cut him down.
105. The British Sports Minister is reported to be ready to argue for an experimental lifting of the ban.
106. It's a lovely jacket — and you couldn't argue with the price.
107. Your ability to write and argue is of little use if you get your facts wrong .
108. Do you think we can argue the question out this afternoon?
109. Her son was an energetic, assertive boy,(http:///argue.html) always ready to argue.
110. Don't argue with me.
111. When two of your best friends argue it puts you in a very awkward position.
112. The children go to bed at 10.30. No one dares argue.
113. We produced the best soccer of the tournament. Nobody would argue with that.
114. I could sit here and argue with you till the cows come home, but it wouldn't solve anything.
115. Cynics argue that the EU is stronger on rhetoric than on concrete action.
116. I wanted to argue, but I had to bite my tongue.
117. Arm yourself with all the facts you need to argue your case.
118. Sceptics will argue that no such scheme has ever proved successful.
119. I would wish to argue that appreciation of the arts should be encouraged for its own sake.
120. She may want to argue, but it takes two to tango and I won't stoop to her level.
121. I'm sure they'll manage to argue out any differences that arise.
122. My mother never takes sides when my brother and I argue.
123. I don't argue with the facts,only with the meaning you give them.
124. She was dead on her feet and didn't have the energy to argue .
125. They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
126. His clothes argue poverty.
127. The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.
128. They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.
129. At first, he was against our arrangement, but I managed to argue him round.
130. You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.
131. Who could argue with a computer?
132. Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours. Richard Bach 
133. He could come and argue to his heart's content.
134. Besides all this, we argue a lot.
135. I'm not disposed to argue.
136. They argue that the proof supports their claims.
137. The couple upstairs argue all the time.
138. They argue with complete strangers a lot.
139. Common sense tried to argue against them.
139. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. Some might argue that it was running backwards.
141. Tom and Goldie came to argue their own case.
142. The admin, they argue, is too fiddly.
143. The hon. Gentleman can not argue his case.
144. Agnes had almost burst out laughing when she first realized this, but you wouldn't be able to argue with them.
145. This, they argue, offers the most cost-effective way to serve patients.
146. For a Liberal Democrat to argue that giving institutions the power to run their own affairs is a centralising measure is extraordinary.
147. Those of an unkind disposition might argue that mangling a non-first-class attack is not an especially big deal.
148. The thin man complained and continued to argue but no-one took notice but Michael, who growled tersely at his cowardice.
149. He could not argue, looking at Imperial, that there has been a major brain drain of senior staff.
150. However, most sociologists would argue that systems of racial stratification have a social rather than a biological basis.
151. Conservative critics continued to argue that the purpose of college was the propagation and the pursuit of learning.
152. I will argue that they are neither-but that they have played an important part in changing the society.
153. Defoe's talents of impersonation and habits of secrecy have left academics to argue over what he did actually write.
154. In advanced capitalism neo-Marxists argue that the factors responsible for recruiting people into organized expressions of discontent broaden.
155. One might argue that this feature of hypertext will for ever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form.
156. Environmental groups also argue that overconsumption by the farmers has damaged many natural habitats in California.
157. Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies.
158. The pro-incorporation committee folks argue that nobody who opposed incorporation should be appointed to the council -- once more demonstrating their exclusivity.
159. While some northern types might argue the point, fall is indisputably around the bend.
160. They argue that there are international tribunals whose jurisdiction is to resolve the ownership of confiscated property.
161. There are those who argue that the signs of a recovery obviate any additional action by the administration to boost the economy.
162. A particular theorist may argue with the interpretations of other conspiracy theorists[], because by no means all theorists agree with one another.
163. In any case, they argue that if a country really wants to build its own bomb it will do so.
164. He is wrong, they argue, in considering a pro-choice advocate for vice president.
165. The directors, however, could argue that to do so would expose the company to adverse publicity.
166. In one sense, he seems to argue that cinema has failed civilization.
167. In any case it is the role of the Reporter to present the evidence and argue the case before the Sheriff.
168. Some opponents of the tax cut also argue that California faces a long-term budget crisis.
169. The Kite A brother and sister argue but then Ben loses his kite and Sally rescues it.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
170. Just imagine going into a court of law to argue a case depending on its provisions.
171. To argue that solutions only demean the grandeur of human ignorance?
172. They argue for the primacy of collective bargaining at the level of the individual company.
173. Rawls's critics argue that this attests to the irrelevance of his ideas.
174. They agree that the government gets extra television coverage but argue that such coverage is not necessarily favourable.
175. I do not presume to argue with these, but our modern parallels do not help us overmuch.
176. Those who argue against black interests or against non-white immigration typically deny that they are prejudiced.
177. It was crammed full of good ideas which you couldn't sensibly argue with, but they had been turned upside down.
178. I would argue that virtually every successful electric guitar since 1958 has owed something to one or more of the above-mentioned instruments.
179. Here we argue that a comprehensive analysis should broaden the scope of the analysis to include conservationists and governments.
180. I certainly will not argue against helping a kid, or befriending a kid.
181. He would therefore argue that conventions are established by their acceptance by those who participate in the political arena.
182. Ministers might justly argue that in this case the dissent is also politically ambiguous, given the diverse support for the amendment.
183. But teachers in the classroom argue that both methods have to be used side by side.
184. But police argue that public safety is a greater concern.
185. A wise man can reason and argue with himself, and make himself change the direction of his life. Dr T.P.Chia 
186. I had a feeling that his logic would not bear close scrutiny but was too numb to argue with the ancient greenkeeper.
187. Some argue that downsizing is dissolving the glue that has traditionally held companies together, and without which they may never flourish.
188. Rawls constructs his model soas to argue for the primacy of an equality of needs.
189. Film makers themselves would no doubt argue that their films do not influence people's behaviour.
190. Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
191. Few would argue the sheer appeal of Adams's images; they are, by any standard, beautiful things.
192. Sometimes these disputes may be between large private organizations when companies argue about the terms of a commercial contract.
193. After all, it is possible to argue that the most influential magicians in Catholic countries were the clergy.
194. But it is not only Marxists who argue that bureaucracies may owe their primary allegiance to a particular class.
195. Even though I was born a girl, my parents would have been able to argue for a deferment for me.
196. Which, of course, is what gay academics frequently argue when they advance the theory of social constructionism.
197. At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
198. These data would argue against a pathogenic role for E coli in ulcerative colitis.
199. This was nevertheless dependent upon his having something concrete to argue about.
199. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
200. Housing activists argue the agency could sell more houses if it were more adept at reaching its target market.
201. We would argue that the chain-of command perspective is neither a biblical nor a psychologically sound pattern for the marriage relationship.
202. Many may argue that such a precise level of customer communication is not commercially viable or technically feasible.
203. Advocates argue that the absence of burdensome regulatory restrictions would stimulate new business activity.
204. It is the first draft - one which the officials probably expected Ministers to beef up and argue about.
205. They argue that, given the pressure on defence budgets everywhere, there are more urgent priorities.
206. Some people argue that class distinctions do not exist in the U.S., but this is untrue.
207. Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
208. We can not argue straightforwardly that a false belief can not be justified.
209. Because altruistic love was germane to both, he could argue for a perfect union.
210. First, to argue that each party must trust the other does not demonstrate that each in fact does so.
211. I don't want to argue about this any more -- I'm sick of the whole business.
212. Barak facing defeat Mr Barak used to argue that his peace policy was a political winner, whatever happened.
213. My sister and I used to argue a lot, but now we're very close.
214. In the book I argue that it's not as crazy as people think it is.
215. Don't argue with me, John. Just do what I tell you.
216. Perhaps he did not like to argue with Jean-Claude, suspecting that my lover may have been put fully in the picture.
217. Nor is it helpful to argue or get angry about it.
218. It was easier for them to demand money from the Government than argue plans past their local unions.
219. Punters are just crazy about penny shares, and their blindness, some might argue, is only too readily exploited.
220. More habitual bankrupts have to apply to the court after five years and argue their case.
221. Yet others argue that demand is the key, as select implicit or explicit discrimination by party activists.
222. This encouraged the authors to argue for some causal role for these specific event types.
223. No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
224. Millions of carers argue that they bear the brunt of the job ... without recognition, or proper payment.
225. You might argue that such an investigation, though time-consuming, would enable you to build up the picture you want.
226. The only rational alternative, I shall argue, is to adopt a structuralist approach.
227. U.S. officials argue that Hussein is to blame for most of the hardship.
228. Indeed, I shall argue presently that there is a connection between democracy and social and economic equality.
229. They argue that these men have suffered bad childhood experiences which have prevented their normal development.
230. They argue that the main culprits have been local authorities and that their spending must be further curtailed.
231. He tried to argue in his mind against this conviction,(Sentencedict) because he was frightened by feelings of such strength.
232. I tried to argue, Holmes, but somehow my words carried insufficient conviction.
233. Instead, they argue that gold is behaving more like a traditional commodity, responding to supply and demand forces.
234. Such an interpretation is probably possible, but two of the major motifs of Walden argue against it.
235. Allen and Burton now argue that, at least as far as their observational data are concerned, the projectile model best fits the facts.
236. Even more pointedly, they argue that dealing with one client may increase the burden on others in equal need.
237. Some of the early church fathers used to argue that marriage was more of a sacrifice than celibacy.
238. But I argue that the lack of comfort food can also kill you.
239. Many observers argue that banning political parties is counter-productive because it forces moderates into more extreme positions.
240. Gerald Foley and Geoffrey Barnard argue that the only proven fuels are wood and charcoal for the current gasifier technology.
241. Yet, it is certainly possible to argue Arden is as dramatically interesting.
242. Meanwhile, economists argue about whether the true cost of healthcare has even gone down under managed care.
243. People will argue that she did it as a good deed, in helping her husband's friend.
244. Or are we indeed, as some writers quoted previously would argue, merely dealing with certain special cases?
245. They would argue strenuously in their group and then the team captain would report what the group had come up with.
246. This has led a number of commentators to argue that the unemployment trap is now of little importance to the real world.
247. Gramm and others argue that the mortgage interest deduction is too popular with middle-class families to discard.
248. We argue, but still make each other cups of tea.
249. Andy Davis, with a strong departmental power base in marketing, had ceased to argue so strongly for diversification.
250. As we argue many times in this book, it is the differences that concern government officials in negotiating lasting deals.
251. Keynesians argue that they have an indirect and uncertain effect. 2.
252. One can argue that transfer payments involve a lesser degree of government intervention in the economy than do government purchases.
253. They argue that to assume the worst is often to invite disaster.
254. This denies market participants the opportunity to argue that a particular merger or dominant firm practice does offer efficiency gains.
255. Argue,() take advice - whatever - but rent arrears are a certain route to eviction.
256. I argue that rear axle radius location arm must be out of true.
257. No prosecutor would want to argue that the defendant rode a bus to a murder.
258. I would argue that this careful planning of activities is already the current practice of many teachers.
259. Don't give advice to fools. Don't argue with ignorant people. Don't associate with hypocrites. Dr T.P.Chia 
260. Many people argue that direct democracy is unworkable, that society needs representatives to debate and decide issues, Davis said.
261. He can afford to argue with the local hierarchy when the interests of his order require it.
262. One may also argue that the situation was increasingly beyond her control.
263. But they have learned not to argue with me about my rules, or I will make more of them.
264. Supporters argue that the measure would provide care centers protection from false accusations.
265. Some vegetarians argue that such tomatoes are no longer suitable for their consumption.
266. It is a matter of practical importance that teachers can argue this case.
267. Unsurprising, you might argue, given the chequered history of pop singers in the theatre.
268. But Joe does not argue or order another; the bartender has put him in a good mood.
269. They argue that they signed the Oslo accords seven years ago.
270. The only way to truly know a person is to argue with them. For when the argue in full swing, they reveal their true character. Anne Frank 
271. It behoves the sceptics among us to listen and argue rather than to whoop with delight at the superficial difficulties.
272. They argue, as others have done, that screening is appropriate because bone density is related to subsequent risk of fracture.
273. We argue that selection for dwarfism results from reduced intrasexual competition through high differential adult mortality between the sexes.
274. After two or three years, Raymond gave up coming to court to argue.
275. Consciousness, we may argue, comes into being when information is re-presented to a monitoring faculty under deliberative attention.
276. We might argue, albeit anachronistically, that best commercial practice could also have been adopted in accounting for the bridge.
277. With 500 missiles on board, an arsenal ship would become an inviting target for opposing navies, critics argue.
278. During oral arguments before the high court, attorneys for each state will argue that it alone should control the island.
279. They argue that democratic theory needs to be adjusted to the realities of governing Britain in the twentieth century.
280. They used to argue about which condition was worse, each blessed with the energy which only the self-righteous possess.
281. Few in the scientific community would argue that the scientific evidence justifies immediate extremely drastic action.
282. Dole will argue that he is the one candidate who may bridge the differences among Republican conservatives.
283. Miller and others in the city argue that most -- about 60 percent -- of Pima County taxpayers live in the city.
284. When this was combined with the lower rent it could also argue for, the finally agreed deal had quite an effect.
285. Why argue about the terms of the divorce when both of you just want a clean break?
286. Critics of popular capitalism argue that it is a programme for increasing inequality and poverty.
287. While leprosy is slowly contagious and probably mildly contagious[/argue.html], its usual horrors argue the danger of neglect.
288. The other approach has been to argue that rats have difficulty with passive avoidance because they can not remember recent events.
289. Webster began to argue with Hirschbeck, who started to walk off the field.
290. They argue for ways to enhance health care that the Government can barely touch.
291. You can argue about the single currency but you can't opt out of the European Single Market.
292. To argue this point is to speculate beyond our data on national and local competence.
293. Students might also argue that this would put banks at a competitive disadvantage relative to other financial firms. 5.




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