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单词 Populace
(1) The populace at large is / are opposed to sudden change.
(2) Many of the city's populace travel to work by subway or bus.
(3) It's all about testing the mood of the populace.
(4) Checks and balances required an alert and informed populace.
(5) Is a significant percentage of the populace that dumb?
(6) A truly democratic government would have realised the populace was against the tax and abandoned it immediately.
(7) The vast majority of the populace accepted its fate as willed by the gods and interpreted by the priestly hierarchy.
(8) Narrowly escaping the hostile intentions of the awakened populace, they eventually bore Mildred into Canterbury amid great rejoicing.
(9) The populace surged around them, noisy and enthusiastic at the sight of the young king.
(10) If the populace are unhappy with the actions of a government, they can vote representatives out.
(11) The general populace is in a terror, and is fingering bats as the culprits.
(12) In order to ingratiate himself with the populace, he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale.
(13) It is alien to what the prevailing populace believes, or what it thinks it should believe.
(14) The populace has deferred to the independent authority of government and to those who occupy government in return for the satisfaction of expectations.
(15) The populace took comfort in the fact that the law was unenforceable; there simply weren't enough lamp posts.
(16) The populace has always been mobilized around the Koranic concept of taghiya.
(17) But those regulations do ensure that we, the populace, go about disposing of dead people in an orderly way.
(18) In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace.
(19) He had the support of large sections of the populace.
(20) Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more likely than the general populace to get cancer.
(21) He had the support of large sections of the local populace.
(22) One approach which is curiously similar to business studies in its view of the populace is that of some contemporary Marxism.
(23) There was not one face amongst them that would have been known by the populace at large.
(24) With added momentum, the mob turned its vengeance on the black populace.
(25) Equally important, once approved by Parliament, reforms were accepted by the populace and by those at whom they were directed.
(26) Adversity is the regime's natural habitat, and in dealing with its own populace its one moral trump.
(27) There had developed since Khrushchev's time policies to involve the populace more in low-level administrative activities on a voluntary basis.
(28) The 27 million Hispanics make up 10 percent of the populace.
(29) A strict blackout was imposed in Pyongyang, and the populace was crowded into underground shelters as air raid sirens wailed.
(30) The discussion in this chapter should not suggest that the entire rural populace is in constant flux.
(1) In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace.
(31) He promised to guarantee the security of the populace and to continue the peace process.
(32) A large group of the American populace attends church regularly.
(33) The money thus created is put into use and then constitutes an interest-free loan from the populace.
(34) So it was that the trade emulated this sliding scale system for the populace at large.
(35) Although an aging populace and a more subdued economy contribute to this trend, other factors fuel it, too.
(36) No astronomer was needed to tell the populace what operations to perform once the waters had receded.
(37) Some say the governor is simply pandering to the populace for political gain.
(38) Joseph had made it through the gate, but was cornered by the populace in an alley.
(39) For that, the hometown boy-turned-space traveler was treated to parades and accolades from an awed San Diego populace.
(40) For the regime, the fact that it presided over a cowed, debilitated populace enhanced its ability to remain in power.
(41) Every state saw an increase in the size of its over-65 populace during the first half of the 1990s.
(42) Most Tory propagandists continued to hold a rather contemptuous view of the populace.
(43) But the old man quietly faced the menacing populace.
(44) They represented only a fraction of the general populace.
(45) A manipulable lever; a manipulable populace.
(46) Its populace was a hybrid assortment.
(47) The social populace understood the climatic change brings threat.
(48) Even in today's society we see a differing number of sacral vertebras that indicate a change of frequency in a populace.
(49) Political legitimacy refers to the rightfulness of ruling of a government on the basis of the populace permission.
(50) The populace, who re-act against such illegal actions and interference in their sovereignty[sentencedict .com], knows the truth.
(51) Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace.
(52) Salamander Space Marines are raised from the populace of Nocturne, a deadly volcanic world.
(53) One needs to propagandize the policy thoroughly, stable populace mood.
(54) In contrast, New England, with its freezing temperatures and parka-wearing populace, was home to many of the least libidinous cities.
(55) According to census data , Asians make up approximately 3.6 % of the populace.
(56) For modern democracy has rediscovered what the emperors knew: grotesque entertainments guarantee the quiescence of the populace.
(57) But to, the populace is experiencing a historical to the media confidence level the ebb tide.
(58) There has been no outbreak yet, but the feelings of the populace are on the simmer.
(59) They wanted, Both of them, to make a real display...a man's own very display of himself that should capture for a time the vast populace.
(60) Athens was an ochlocracy; the beggars were the making of Holland; the populace saved Rome more than once; and the rabble followed Jesus Christ.
(61) Then the practice, the living world and the populace are something like Trinitarian.
(62) After the bloodletting the elites and populace of Europe had little taste for war, and the Age of Metternich commenced.
(63) "Cape Seven" regarding inspired the populace confidence aspect to realize their value, after this was also isologue and returned looks at an improvement and the success attempt.
(64) Many populace type wheel hub surface treatment craft is a baking varnish.
(65) With the cahoot of the government and media, as well as the enthusiastic and unbidden cooperation of the most Chinese populace, China becomes one boundless stage in 2008 thoroughly.
(66) Keeping up Pretenses. With their titan gods defeated, the Charr Shaman struggle to keep an unruly populace placated with ritual and dogma.
(67) The national treasury was bankrupt and the populace was seething 7 in its sabots 8.
(68) While documentation was certainly provided, the general populace never got the in-depth to really explore the nooks and crannies of the language, let alone write their own compiler.
(69) In order to guarantee that after the renewal "Hong Kong brand" has foresightedness , the government welcome the populace is "the brand" constructs a forecast together to 2020 prospect.
(70) In a counterinsurgency, we've quickly learned they must be immersed into the local populace.
(71) The folktale is passed from generation to generation, polished and enriched among the lower populace; so far, its plot has been fully developed and heart-touching.
(72) The fact that the Law of One were given apparent majority control of the council made the plan seem very promising to the populace of Poseida.
(73) Architect's function decided he and the artist are dissimilar, surely do not play falsely, the architect played false that really has injured the populace.
(74) The various races populace from all walks of life wear the bright national dress, harbors the incomparably joyful mood, comes to the Bateer stadium jubilantly.
(75) Many foreign-born residents describe Louisville as a welcoming place with good social services for immigrants, a friendly populace and a relatively low cost-of-living.
(76) Against all these, alone among an indifferent populace, they pitted their youthful hearts.
(77) There will be no security blanket that the populace can rely upon, so self reliance must be the rule.
(78) Arrest warrants seeking those who owe the establishment funds past taxes or payments in arrears will find little assistance from the populace.
(79) This day, the French populace attack and capture the bastille, henceforth had opened French Revolution's prologue.
(80) The Palace allows for greater rulership over the populace. This increases public order health and growth.
(80) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(81) Chapter One Legitimacy of Politics. Political legitimacy refers to the rightfulness of ruling of a government on the basis of the populace permission.
(82) As the sombre wheels of the six carts go round, they seem to plough up a long crooked furrow among the populace in the streets.
(83) When this became known, the populace rebelled against Lysimachus, who had already taken many golden vessels from the city.
(84) The revolutionary wholesomeness is such, that on a day of deliverance, a 14th of July, a 10th of August, there is no longer any populace.
(85) In this article, the author focuses on the consciousnesses of root seeking, humanity consciousness, populace consciousness and womenfolk consciousness.
(86) This originally is"recycles waste"the good deed, however, uses the sea sand unreasonable, actually will give the country and the populace brings the harm and even the disaster.
(87) The populace, however, that food for cannon which is so fond of the cannoneer, sought him with its glance.
(88) As global economies sink into bankruptcy, sabre rattling may on occasion be used to distract the populace, but in the main current trends become more pronounced.
(89) The gobang is one kind the game which is widely liked the populace, its rule is simple, changeable, extremely rich interesting and recreational.
(90) What with war and what with famine , the populace at large were caught between two fires.
(91) Swears brotherhood the ceremony and the final return has the vital significance regarding the leading character, is also under the populace subjective anticipation psychological product.




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