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单词 Joint committee
1, The Joint Committee investigating the scandal cleared my name.
2, According to Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation, corporate tax breaks in the 1995 fiscal year might reach 60 billion.
3, The agreement included a clause setting up a joint committee to oversee air quality.
4, Students, workers and peasants formed a joint committee to organize supplies.
5, The Joint Committee gave millions of dollars to various institutions, and this soon acquired a political and moral significance.
6, The Congress meanwhile created a select joint committee to conduct hearings.
7, And the Joint Committee is a jobs committee.
8, The agreement also stipulates the establishment of a joint committee for cooperation, whose responsibility is to implement this agreement and other agreements or protocols signed based on this.
9, The joint committee will discuss the question submitted by you tomorrow.
10, He urged the UK vaccines authority, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation,[http:///joint committee.html] to look again at the case for introducing routine rotavirus vaccination for UK children.
11, Mr. Somchai proposed a joint committee to oversee any troop withdrawal.
12, A bilateral joint committee on economic, trade and technological cooperation should be established to enhance planning and coordination and raise the level of bilateral cooperation.
13, The U.S.-Chinese Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade meets twice a year to resolve policy disputes and ease trade tensions.
14, The good news is that the Joint Committee is taking this issue far more seriously than the White House.
15, However, Te Navuth, chairman of the MRC's Joint Committee, said Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam have doubts.
16, The question should be submitted to the joint committee for discussion.
17, A joint committee to monitor the power - sharing deal has been set up as agreed on Monday.
18, The nonpartisan congressional Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated the holiday would cost the federal government about $80 billion over ten years in lost revenue.
19, If the Bundestag is unable to convene, legislative power goes to a joint committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
20, Parliament on Aug. 6 approved the setting-up of a joint committee with extensive powers to probe the scandal.
21, All Modular Course evaluation studies have attempted to operate within the Joint Committee standards.
22, The committee held that a direct approach should be made to Moscow to try and secure progress in the Joint Committee.
23, However, according to Mohammad Dahlan, the PA's "achievement" has been Israeli readiness to establish a joint committee to discuss changing the criteria by which Israel releases prisoners.
24, Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba and Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue told a press conference they will establish a joint committee to work on a proposal based on world peace.
25, The terms of that transition will be considered by a joint committee drawn from both houses of parliament, but "most change is evolutionary in this country", says the minister soothingly.
26, Lung cancer staging relies on the TNM system designed jointly by the UICC (Union Internationale Against Cancer) and the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer).
27, If and when each has approved its bill, the differences must be reconciled by a joint committee.
28, Last month Hague wrote to the foreign secretary in light of a report by parliament's joint committee on human rights.
29, The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China - Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.
30, The original MOU, signed in August 2003, established the Joint Committee on Cooperation in Agriculture (JCCA), which meets at least once every two years, alternately in the United States and China.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:54:26