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单词 Feud
1, The feud smouldered on for years.
2, Because of a family feud, he never spoke to his wife's parents for years.
3, The incident started a family feud.
4, They had a long-running feud over money.
5, Insults only served to inflame the feud.
6, He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.
7, Sadly, the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him.
8, They buried the feud.
9, The feud with the Catholics goes back to the 11th century.
10, That feud is a lot of nonsense.
11, Maybe there would be a feud over her!
12, The feud has so far claimed five lives.
13, The feud is steeped in bitter Balkan history.
14, The bitter feud between California Gov.
15, Relatives claim that a feud with white racists, which they say police ignored, points to something more sinister.
16, Tupac stoked the feud, claiming to have slept with Biggie Smalls's wife, Smalls threatened to get his own back.
17, After the feud he refused to allow Jamila to visit her parents.
18, They want a finish to the feud ... and a different ending.
19, When the feud broke out into the open, it exposed a slew of corruption charges from both camps.
20, Fears of a feud between the rival republican groups has also hardened positions.
21, Her comments landed her in the thick of a family feud.
22, Henry's eldest son married Agnes, Barbarossa's niece and the Guelph and Ghibelline feud was thus brought to a close.
23, At large,(http:///feud.html) Billy the Kid moved beyond the confines of the feud to more general shootings and stock thefts.
24, He quickly angered countless officials, and his haughty presence sparked a long-lasting feud with Arizona Sen.
25, Rangers' supporters replied in kind, and so the blood feud went on and on - and continues to this day.
26, You see, while his manner towards you may have seemed jovial enough, in reality he was involved in a feud.
27, There is little middle ground in the ancient blood feud between trial lawyers and the insurance industry.
28, But none the less the distinction is as real as the enduring feud between Capulets and Montagues in Romeo and Juliet.
29, The Royal Ulster Constabulary said the attack is linked to the feud between rival loyalist paramilitaries.
30, In conference sessions throughout the late 1980s, a civilized but spirited feud played out between these two camps.
1, The feud smouldered on for years.
31, It brings to mind the ludicrous feud between Liam Gallagher and Robbie Williams, who need their silly heads knocking together.
32, Word of the feud arrived in Britain with astonishing speed.
33, The feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys raged for 20 years.
34, A glimpse behind the scenes is afforded by the billowing feud between Forbes and Fortune.
35, The offence was the result of a bitter feud between Black and a Walsall forward.
36, But after Charles's death, his empire dissolved in a turbulence of Frankish feud.
37, The lifelong feud between Jamie and Charles had turned into open warfare, then.
38, Meanwhile, a republican splinter group torn apart by a savage feud over drugs money has agreed to disband.
39, Bitter feud ... Tory agent quits his party in row over loan for house.
40, After fifteen years he was still pursuing his feud against his master-mason, unwilling to let even his bones rest.
41, And the long-standing feud between Juran and Deming should not take away from the ideas or accomplishments of either.
42, It was the beginning of a long-running feud which rumbled on throughout the war and beyond.
43, The game also allowed the long-running feud between Limpar and Derby midfield player Mark Pembridge to continue.
44, It was an unusually quiet feud, and, given Bradman's stature,() one that O'Reilly could never win.
45, Kay's family were at feud with Tom's.
46, Obama cannot afford to keep ignoring this blood feud.
47, How did he start his feud with his neighbor?
48, Isaac Newton had a bitter feud with Leibniz.
49, There was a blood feud between the two families.
50, Our feud traces back to our childhood.
51, Smith and John feud at all time.
52, A feud between two houses Montague and Capulet.
53, PARIS HILTON and LAZY LOHAN brought their feud to London this week.
53, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
54, The neighbors' feud over the property line lasted for years.
55, LETHAL pipe bomb device, discovered under a woman's car in crumlin, may be connected to an on-going feud in the area.
56, This can be understood as a blood feud between two families, " Mr Atalay said.
57, Turkey has fought Kurdish separatists in the area for 25 years, but this attack has been linked to a local "blood feud" and a pro-Turkish militia.
58, Minutes after his feud with Bendtner he escaped a red card having caught Spurs defender Lee Young-pyo in the face.
59, The feud between Raja Ali and Engku Muda had its repercussions in other Malay states also.
60, He dumped the books at his family's house while he and his brothers went out to enact a blood feud against another man.
61, The two families have been at feud with each other.
62, Although the hereditary title system completely withdraws from the historical arena and is transforms the feudatory to eat the feud.
63, This blood feud was handed down from generation to generation.
64, After the surrender , an ever - present feud over the horse smouldered between Scarlett and Suellen.
65, Owning all these, looking should be very happy just BE, but he carries on the back the blood feud of that wave household.
66, That is especially true in the festering feud on the Korean peninsula.
67, The proclamation may be part of a larger feud within the government, and perhaps in the business world as well, over parceling out regulation of the booming industry.
68, The two tribes were long at feud with each other.
69, What were the beginnings of this tragic feud across the Rhine?
70, The roots of his demise lay much earlier in the Golitsin - Nossenko feud.
71, Wu did not forget of course, revenge, lu nine break in one fell swoop Wu Jun, Chu Ying Du, Ping Wu dug tomb Bianshi three hundred, at a blood feud.
72, Subtitled A Romance of Exmoor, the story is told by John Ridd, whose father was killed by the lawless Doones. A lifelong feud results.
73, Because of a family feud she could not marry him.
74, The school and wear high heels with a low wear shoe attack, irreconcilable blood feud.
75, The government says it doesn't believe Kurdish rebels were responsible and some sources have blamed the dispute, or a blood feud between families.
76, Kotoko-Faisal Feud Jeopardizes Illiasu's move Arsenal could be deterred from signing Ghana defender Shila Illiasu by a dispute over the player's registration.
77, BOSTON(AP) Big moments have defined the Lakers-Celtics blood feud, and in their first get together in 21 years, a kid from Los Angeles gave Boston one to remember.
78, After the surrender, an ever - present feud over the horse smoldered between Scarlett and Suellen.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:53:39