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单词 In spite of
1 She is cheerful in spite of his illness.
2 I like her in spite of her failings.
3 In spite of my efforts, the boy remained passive.
4 We went out in spite of the rain.
5 In spite of her fears, she always worried through.
6 In spite of my efforts, the boy remained.
7 She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.
8 In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
9 I like people who make me laugh in spite of myself.
10 The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.
11 They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain.
12 In spite of the bad things he's done I still believe in his essential goodness.
13 They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.
14 English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.
15 The army were still fighting in spite of heavy casualties.
16 In spite of my son's disagreement,[]I sent him to the school.
17 In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
18 In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.
19 In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.
20 In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.
21 In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends.
22 In spite of rainy weather,they laid to at the building site.
23 The artist painted on in spite of his family's opposition.
24 In spite of the rain he was insistent on going out.
25 They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.
26 Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
27 They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .
28 There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget.
29 We've received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents.
30 May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
1 She is cheerful in spite of his illness.
2 I like her in spite of her failings.
3 In spite of my efforts, the boy remained passive.
4 We went out in spite of the rain.
5 In spite of my efforts, the boy remained.
6 In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
7 The plane came down safely in spite of the mist.
8 They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.
9 English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese.
10 The army were still fighting in spite of heavy casualties.
11 In spite of my son's disagreement,I sent him to the school.
12 In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.
13 In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.
14 In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends.
15 We've received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents.
16 In spite of the rain he was insistent on going out.
17 They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.
18 Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
19 They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .
20 Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather.
21 In spite of his anger, his remarks were restrained.
22 We must plough on somehow in spite of all the difficulties.
31 He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries.
32 We weather along in spite of the storm.
33 She started to laugh, in spite of herself .
34 Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather.
35 In spite of all his efforts he failed.
36 In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.
37 Their spirits kept up well in spite of setbacks.
38 They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences.
39 In spite of his anger, his remarks were restrained.
40 I went out in spite of the rain.
41 Try to sleep in spite of the noise.
42 in spite of the weather.
43 He is cheerful in spite of his illness.
44 The picture made her laugh in spite of herself.
45 In spite of her illness, she is relatively cheerful.
46 Voting was brisk in spite of the bad weather.
47 In spite of the recession, profits have galloped ahead.
48 He fell asleep, in spite of himself.
49 In spite of the snow, the roads remained open.
50 Her spirits remained up in spite of her disappointment.
51 They went out in spite of the rain.
52 The swimmers cheated death in spite of the storm.
53 We enjoyed the day, in spite of very indifferent weather.
54 In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
55 He gave a mild answer, in spite of his annoyance.
56 The climbers reached the top, in spite of bad weather conditions .
57 In spite of his age and infirmity, he still writes plays and novels.
58 I wouldn't trust them in spite of all their la-di-da manners.
59 We must plough on somehow in spite of all the difficulties.
60 The ship held to its course in spite of the storm.
61 In spite of the extremity of her seclusion she was sane.
62 In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control.
63 In spite of what they are told, parents have no effective choice of schools.
64 The soldiers pushed their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
65 She is still very active, in spite of her advancing years.
66 In spite of opposition from the other parties, the changes in the law have been lobbied through.
67 In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry.
68 The cross-country race will be run in spite of the bad weather.
69 The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself.
70 In spite of all his swank, he's never really achieved very much.
71 In spite of different opinions, we must stay together and jointly oppose the enemy.
72 In spite of their quarrel,[http:///in spite of.html] they remained the best of friends.
73 In spite of his vices, he was loved by all.
74 In spite of the earliness of the hour there were crowds all over town.
75 In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism and commitment.
76 He has modern ideas in spite of his great age.
77 He intends to try to leave the country, in spite of a government order cancelling his passport.
78 The captain was able to keep the ship on her course in spite of the storm.
79 In spite of some technical hitches, the first program was a success.
80 She works so hard in spite of her illness: she's a marvel!
81 In spite of the prophets of doom, her business proved very successful.
82 In spite of its election success, the government is still deeply distrusted on key health and education issues.
83 He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.
84 In spite of his illness, he clung tenaciously to his job.
85 In spite of this, many people are confident that'The Revealer'may reveal something of value fairly soon.
86 In spite of his overnight stardom he still manages to keep his feet on the ground.
87 In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live.
88 In spite of her success, she remains self-effacing and reserved.
89 The tapestry is still valuable in spite of its worn condition.
90 In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.
91 Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.
92 In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.
93 In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.
94 In spite of these latest threats, war may still be avoidable.
95 We adhered to our original plan of swimming in spite of the bad weather.
96 In spite of the travelling and the late night, she did not feel tired.
97 In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday's match.
98 In spite of many defeats, they still had plenty of fight left in them.
99 In spite of their mutual dislike and hostility, they quite often worked together.
100 The soldiers kept ploughing ahead in spite of the difficulties.
101 Hundreds of machines are still in use in spite of a recall by the manufacturers.
102 Jim and Mary seem suited to each other,[http:///in spite of.html]in spite of their quarrels.
103 In spite of these insults, she managed not to get angry.
104 In spite of the awkward questions the minister never let his guard fall for a moment.
105 In spite of his education and travels, he has remained very provincial.
106 In spite of her family's opinion,she fetched up the winner.
107 In spite of his frustrations, he fell in love with the country.
108 In spite of her worries, she passed the exam with flying colours.
109 The Grand National will be run in spite of the bad weather.
110 In spite of his injuries, he bears no animosity towards his attackers.
111 In spite of being elected to office, she remains first and foremost a writer.
112 The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather.
113 In spite of any condition,he will stick by his principles.
114 In spite of their disagreement they parted on amicable terms.
115 In spite of unification, the country was still faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.
116 Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends'attempts to dissuade him.
117 In spite of the relief effort, thousands of people continue to go hungry.
118 In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry / continued crying.
119 In spite of the divorce there was no awkwardness between them - in fact they seemed very much at ease.
120 He said that keeping running in spite of the pain was just a question of mind over matter.
121 In spite of herself, tears welled up in her eyes.
122 They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain.
123 In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.
124 Mortlake strode on, ignoring the car, in spite of a further warning hoot.
125 In spite of her good salary, she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.
126 In spite of everything, Robyn's managed to keep her sense of humor.
127 We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.
128 He always cleaves to his principle in spite of persecution.
129 The reforms went through in spite of opposition from teachers.
130 In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.
131 In spite of the result, we felt we had won a moral victory.
132 In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.
133 In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.
134 Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three times, but he still loves her in spite of everything.
135 They persisted in going there in spite of the bad weather.
136 There's a lot of good in him, in spite of his rudeness.
137 She persisted with her studies in spite of financial problems.
138 In spite of all kinds of obstructions we succeeded in carrying most of our plans through.
139 He loved her in spite of her failings.
140 She was a total mystery to him in spite of their long and successful association.
141 Tilda, in spite of her lack of success with the convent's colouring books, wished to be a marine painter also.
142 The parents accepted their responsibility for helping Mark, but in spite of their efforts, the problem worsened.
143 In spite of the situation we find ourselves in, maybe hydrogen bombs aren't the biggest cause for concern.
144 In spite of the rain's best efforts, I was pleased that I had been able to observe and film interesting mink behaviour.
145 In spite of everything, he had managed to keep Virginia Stillman calm.
146 In spite of complaints by leaders of trade unions many of their members bought up the shares.
147 In spite of his expressed desire to soak up atmosphere, he did not feel at home there.
148 In spite of accounting for only 0.2 percent of a beer's cost, this is naturally felt to be wasteful and undesirable.
149 In spite of depressing circumstances, I was more excited and confident than I had ever been.
150 She gazed around her, impressed in spite of her unease and her determination to appear indifferent.
151 In spite of the repeated assurances of his gushingly polite secretary, Mattie knew that he was deliberately avoiding her.
152 A hospitable host, full of charm and not jumpy, in spite of the scare.
153 The payments were awarded to him in spite of the fact that he participated in the negotiation of the deal with VastNed.
154 Len had drunk too much wine, and he felt cosy and drowsy in spite of the coffee.
155 In spite of their burdens, endearing qualities are often clearly evident.
156 Yet, in spite of his wealth and success, he died isolated and friendless, feeding on fantasy and drugs.
157 In spite of important differences in culture among species, good air circulation is an indispensable requirement for success with all cacti.
158 In spite of the fascinating biological response, the ultimate chemical structure had turned out to be remarkably uncomplicated.
159 Banker's Books, particularly the mail order side, continued to make a useful contribution in spite of the recession.
160 In spite of the adverse effects, the benzodiazepines are relatively safe drugs.
161 In spite of its name the exhaustive ballot is not a single ballot but a series of ballots.
162 In spite of the weather conditions 50 bands,[http:///in spite of.html] travelled to compete at the first outdoor competition of the new season.
163 In spite of all we could do, several snakes died as a result of the ant bites.
164 In spite of the fact that he was stationary, Mungo felt breathless.
165 In spite of the heat, parties in full dress uniform were sent to scour the countryside.
166 In spite of the variations, crime rates are significantly higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
167 Also, that in spite of the immense price difference between various designs, the basic china was of exactly the same high standard.
168 In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. Anne Frank 
169 He surely could not have known that in spite of his final words.
170 In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
171 My thighs were still hurting as we carried on into the countryside, in spite of the folded jacket.
172 But in spite of a pretty widespread discontent with education as it is, there is no clear view of what it should be.
173 My chest feels suddenly empty, in spite of the pressure.
174 Now that I was in touch with Leslie again, I became very happy at Bletchley, in spite of anxiety over his safety.
175 Many think that in spite of strenuous efforts by Mill, utilitarianism can not really do justice to the concept of justice.
176 This happened to me on the Seven Mile Straight at recently, a lorry coming in the opposite direction in spite of road signs.
177 Yet in spite of its overwhelming logic, the Griffiths case was hotly disputed.
178 In spite of the fierce rivalry between the two players the decision to agree a draw was marked by a sporting handshake.
179 He held his own with other voters in spite of his views on abortion.
180 In spite of his attributes, he believed that witchcraft was running rampant and appears to have been an anti-Semite.
181 In spite of this we do need to make an effort to define the problem.
182 In spite of this, those actors who stole into the auditorium between entrances returned full of enthusiasm.
183 Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Winston Churchill 
184 My belly danced with fear, in spite of the food I had just eaten.
185 The little-known sea wasp, in spite of its name, is actually a jellyfish.
186 There comes a point when you just love someone. Not because they're good, or bad, or anything really. You just love them. It doesn't mean you'll be together forever. It doesn't mean you won't hurt each other. It just mean you love them. Sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. And you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it. Laurell K. Hamilton 
187 In spite of this he was sexually very experienced and attractive to women and found it difficult to turn down their advances.
188 In spite of equal pay legislation women have continued to be paid less than men.
189 He refuses to marry her, in spite of the fact that he gave her a legal document stating his intention.
190 Thus epileptic seizures often began with a sustained tachycardia in spite of apnoeic pauses and severe hypoxaemia.
191 However, Kahn may have had the last laugh in spite of his censors.
192 In spite of the turmoil of the late twentieth century,[http:///in spite of.html] cathedrals have shown both resilience and consistency.
193 The decibel-diplomacy outside the Papal embassy continued yesterday with more top-volume rock music in spite of Vatican protests.
194 But in spite of the way it looked Martin had faked his own death - and done it damned successfully.
195 In spite of this, however, differences in infant and adult mortality rates between social classes have widened.
196 He added that he had made that decision in spite of an embargo on similar junctions after the Bellgrove train crash two years earlier.
197 That is, in spite of revising their reservation wages upwards, they are exiting faster in the second period than in the first period.
198 He said the country's criminal and civil courts were creaking at the seams in spite of efforts to shore them up.
199 So what he says about external objects may be false in spite of being founded on observation.
200 In spite of a longer work day, employees were producing more than ever before.
201 In spite of these considerations, Weber certainly did regard capitalism as a class society - economic relations form the basis of inequality.
202 He showed great fortitude and tenacity in carrying on his professional work in spite of adversity resulting from enemy action.
203 Smith, in spite of himself, could feel a glow of pride creeping over his face.
204 In spite of this, the Court of Appeal held that the parties intended risk to pass when the buyers accepted the delivery note.
205 Thus, pump-priming has turned into a bottomless pit for the Treasury, in spite of the reinvestment of large receipts from land sales.
206 She manages to lead a normal life in spite of her physical disabilities.
207 In spite of the increased emphasis on planning and focused decision-making, admission to local authority care was often hasty and ill-planned.
208 In spite of her enormous popularity and the huge attraction she held for men throughout her life she remained incredibly insecure.
209 In spite of directives ensuring compliance and enabling the Commission to take offenders to the Court of Justice, the situation is little changed.
210 In spite of this the agreement was approved by 44 votes to 28 and the strike began the same evening.
211 Second, that patients fulfilling our criteria will die in spite of sclerotherapy.
212 We have refused to repress our desires, in spite of enormous pressure to conform to heterosexual norms.
213 She rather dreaded the prospect, in spite of the fact that Helen prophesied an enjoyable evening.
214 But, in spite of the considerable effort and investment, it has for many years failed to pay its way.
215 In spite of the best endeavours of a range of correspondents, practically none of our plans had been leaked.
216 In spite of everything, Burun felt depressed by the whole affair and could not understand why.
217 There was a lot of deep feeling in his little sister, Joe thought, in spite of her gaiety and light-heartedness.
218 My dear girl, in spite of my years, I am a man of the modern age.
219 In spite of the heat he was very smartly dressed in a dark three-piece suit.
220 In spite of what some nonscientists think, scientists are not necessarily dour.
221 Biblical movies usually wind up epic in scope in spite of every effort to keep them small.
222 In spite of all that has happened,[http:///in spite of.html] somehow she has held onto her faith.
223 A later residence in Northamptonshire was licensed in 1673 for dissenter meetings, in spite of his earlier bad reputation there.
224 In spite of his indifference, it was exquisite: the ditch banks were creamy with cowslips and lilac with cuckoo flower.
225 But in spite of this, the recession and the planning policies adopted for teacher education prevented any significant major development.
226 In spite of the West's move to hit the ruling elite with more sanctions, few think change will come soon.
227 He was walking in spite of all those specialists and their dire predictions.
228 In spite of his conviction about Michael, there were other points that needed clearing up, if Edmund Jason could now speak.
229 Sometimes disagreement, in spite of attempts to conceal it, will become so public as to prejudice a party's hopes of electoral success.
230 Therefore, in spite of arguments from certain relatives, partners or close companions, you must go where fortune beckons.
231 This is in spite of the existence of clearly articulated curriculum materials and guidelines.
232 In spite of my warnings about leaving the boat where it would stay afloat, the inevitable had happened and he was stranded.
233 She loved him not only in spite of but because he himself was incapable of love. William Faulkner 
234 We were drawn together partly be-cause of, not in spite of, the marked differences in our personalities.
235 The evidence suggests that Gilmore won in spite of his ties to the religious right.
236 I feel a stab of envy in spite of myself.
237 In spite of so many hopes of a new order the old one proved tough enough to survive essentially unchanged.
238 He was the most reliable, in spite of that old dragon he married.
239 In spite of the couple's protestations, he forbade Marion to meet Travis again and firmly escorted his tearful daughter home.
240 In a voice that shook in spite of her efforts to control it, she asked if she could see Mrs Blessington-Dalrymple.
241 He walked back to his apartment in a downpour, getting drenched in spite of his umbrella.
242 It hadn't been an easy task, and in spite of his burning ambition and will to succeed.
243 In spite of their neutrality some one might remember, and might repay the debt.
244 He is also expected to have complete trust in his opponent in spite of all indications to the contrary.
245 And the Government declared the dam project illegal - in spite of its expressed faith in co-operative ventures.
246 Getting to the top hadn't been easy, in spite of his burning ambition and will to succeed.
247 In spite of the vote for Clinton in 1992, it is that second personality that has been in the ascendant recently.
248 In spite of victory, Britain's participation in two world wars accelerated social changes, altering both social attitudes and power relations.
249 During the latter part of the night, in spite of having had no sleep, feelings of fatigue begin to diminish.
250 In spite of the government admissions, Buthelezi denied knowledge of any payments.
251 In spite of this, his animus against his father was already diminishing.
252 The girls shiver in spite of the warm white cellular blankets that cover them.
253 In spite of their established qualifications as individual contributors,[] many new managers never adjust successfully to managerial responsibilities.
254 I don't carry a lot of weight now, in spite of all my gold braid.
255 He felt cozy and drowsy, in spite of the espresso.
256 In spite of their general conservatism the bivalves did produce some short-lived, bizarre forms with no living survivors.
257 In spite of his brutish insensitivity, Zampano nevertheless cares for her a little.
258 Also, it was nevertheless her Sunday best and, as such, had a certain innate dignity in spite of its nastiness.
259 In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued.
260 He may also have kept the stewardship of Tottington and Rochdale, in spite of Edward's orders to the contrary.
261 In spite of its quantitative sound, political equality never means having an equal amount of any chosen characteristic.
262 Yet he still suffered dreadfully from stomach troubles; indeed, his health deteriorated in spite of the mountain atmosphere.
263 Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba... Hunter S. Thompson 
264 In spite of Holford-Walker's best efforts, the moran evaded his supervision.
265 In spite of the furor the codicil caused(), life went on much as before.
266 In spite of this a chance to explore the island was not to be missed.
267 Boys will be boys and in spite of warnings at least one fatal accident occurred involving local lads, and several were injured.
268 In spite of firm resolution, his shoulders drooped again, almost of their own accord.
269 In spite of this variation, daily hot-water demand will remain more or less constant.
270 In spite of our hopes the weather appeared to be deteriorating with a freshening wind and rising sea.




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