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单词 Forthcoming
1. He gave me a list of their forthcoming books.
2. The money we asked for was not forthcoming.
3. They promised that the money would be forthcoming.
4. No answer was forthcoming.
5. Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .
6. On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car.
7. Help was duly forthcoming.
8. At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
9. Financial support was not forthcoming.
10. None of them were very forthcoming.
11. His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.
12. Will financial support for the theatre project be forthcoming?
13. He's not very forthcoming about his love life.
14. She wasn't very forthcoming about where she'd been.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. She's never very forthcoming about her plans.
16. The funds are not forthcoming.
17. No explanation for his absence was forthcoming.
18. When no reply was forthcoming, she wrote again.
19. These allegations appear in a forthcoming documentary.
20. The article gave a few snippets from her forthcoming memoirs.
21. The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions.
22. We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.
23. Forthcoming events are listed on the back page of the local newspaper.
24. Unfortunately money for the project has not been very forthcoming.
25. We must first see some real evidence. So far it has not been forthcoming.
26. The secretary at the reception desk was not very forthcoming.
27. They waited patiently for a reply but none seemed to be forthcoming.
28. Her father's blessing represented a bestowal of consent upon her forthcoming marriage.
29. I believe that he would be the best possibility to recapture the centre vote in the forthcoming election.
30. The prime minister has been briefed in preparation for his forthcoming visit to China.
1. He gave me a list of their forthcoming books.
2. They promised that the money would be forthcoming.
3. No answer was forthcoming.
4. Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .
5. On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car.
6. Help was duly forthcoming.
7. At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
8. The funds are not forthcoming.
9. The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.
31. He stood on the street corner, haranguing passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war.
32. The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.
33. Who is in charge of promoting the band's forthcoming album?
34. IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets for its products.
35. The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.
36. The chairman told a press conference of the forthcoming merger.
37. I had difficulty getting any details. He wasn't very forthcoming.
38. In a hostile bid, very little will be forthcoming.
39. By convention, this assent is always forthcoming.
40. There had been dissent over the issue of whether to contest the forthcoming parliamentary elections on separate party lists.
41. Parties adopt or disavow policies not only to win forthcoming elections but also as a response to past electoral outcomes.
42. Instead, the information related solely to a forthcoming newspaper column which recommended the shares of particular companies.
43. He explained his resignation on the grounds that he wanted to spend more time preparing his candidacy for forthcoming presidential elections.
44. In identifying such conduct,[sentence dictionary] reliance is made on information forthcoming from local authority consumer protection departments.
45. If remedial action is not forthcoming we would cease trading with them.
46. Forthcoming events include outdoor activities in the park, a barbecue and a trip to the Open Naval Day at Rosyth.
47. The Annual Examinations took place and evidence of continued improvement was forthcoming.
48. That is the sad story Jim Carlton tells in his forthcoming book about Apple Computer.
49. He warned that no economic aid could be forthcoming until a long-term constitutional solution had been found.
50. As early as sixteen they asked their respective parents to allow them to marry but no blessings were forthcoming.
51. Until an apology was forthcoming, he was damned if he was going to get in touch with her.
52. The visitor suggested that this be announced by Roh during his forthcoming meetings in Moscow.
53. It says the Oxfam concert was even listed in a hippie newsletter of forthcoming events which was circulated at Castlemorton.
54. The Labour Party is currently establishing Labour groups overseas in order to mobilise support for the forthcoming general election.
55. Under the Bill parties must give half the candidates' places in forthcoming town council elections to women.
56. Lord Beresford was disposed to chat about the forthcoming cricket season, but was briskly recalled to his duties.
57. Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.
58. The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
59. Their function was to discuss arrangements for forthcoming events, such as trips, holiday arrangements, structured activities, and so on.
60. Increasingly, the key domestic political issue was the forthcoming presidential election of 1992.
61. That should help it compete with rival sports tourers such as Aprilia's forthcoming ST1000.
62. No offer of financial help, no kind invitations to join them in club activities were forthcoming from Charles.
63. Is the practice of marking each voting counterfoil with the electors electoral role number to continue in the forthcoming election?
64. No answer was immediately forthcoming to the delicate question but investigations will now doubtless continue amid fears of a Government cover-up.
65. I find that people can not comprehend why it will not go in the forthcoming legislation.
66. The forthcoming appeal against conviction of Lord Hardwicke will therefore provide an opportunity for the appellate courts to reconsider the position.
67. The new administration was given responsibility for preparing for the forthcoming general election and drafting a new constitution.
68. Usually these reports concentrate on prophecies of a forthcoming Armageddon but many also describe a dire contemporary situation.
69. We have initiated an inquiry into the allegations reported to be in a forthcoming book by Patrick Tierney.
70. Within sight of power, the group has had a public bust-up likely to reduce its appeal in the forthcoming election.
71. There was also concern that a renewed upturn in inflation could inflame wage claims in the forthcoming pay round.
72. And it is left obvious that the card had been printed for her aides to make notes for her forthcoming speeches.
73. Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming.
74. Mr Gleeson said it would be unfair to suggest the cash injection had something to do with the forthcoming General Election.
75. Darlington has been boasting about its forthcoming attraction at the Cornmill.
76. They're investigating allegations of interference with witnesses and tampering with evidence in a forthcoming trial.
77. In the short term they need assurance that the payment for past services will be forthcoming.
78. It is likely that a new classification of headaches will soon be forthcoming.
79. The success of any major production overhaul could also depend on the extent to which union agreement is forthcoming.
80. Bits and pieces of the forthcoming budget plan have been dribbling out for weeks.
81. In addition the church might consider placing paid advertisements from time to time,[] highlighting forthcoming events which could be made especially attractive to the outsider.
82. This first session dealt mainly with co-operation between the two countries at the forthcoming Middle East peace conference.
83. In our forthcoming activities as private dealers we will require no more than an administrative infrastructure.
84. He is running for a place on its ruling council in the forthcoming elections.
85. Follow through but don t be too forthcoming.
86. The girl at the information desk was very forthcoming.
87. Extra capital inflow will be forthcoming as planned.
88. Nano-technology is a full-blooded, forthcoming field.
89. The research will be published in a forthcoming issue of Psychological Science.
90. Seventy-six percent of iPhone users surveyed said they were likely or very likely to useApple's forthcoming free iCloud service, according to a survey by RBC Capital Markets.
91. If the cash were not forthcoming, the African Union (AU) might take a case to a court of arbitration and ask it to judge overall culpability for climate change.
92. The White House has declined a request to send the Obama social secretary to the forthcoming Congressional hearing on the matter.
93. He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran.
94. In this paper the standardization work of reagent chemicals in China is reviewed, and on this basis suggestions for improvements in the forthcoming years are made.
95. Students be busy with studies, preparing for the forthcoming examinations.
96. The villages along the coast are ready to fight out the forthcoming typhoon.
97. During your forthcoming spring fair, I happen to no class.
98. Bridal showers are given by close friends of the bride-to-be to start the bride off on her forthcoming role as a wife.
99. An artist works on an idol of Hindu goddess Durga for the forthcoming Durga Puja festival in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009.
100. It can be inferred that the forthcoming implementation of the new tax laws will be propitious to the balanced development of the Chinese economy.
101. At the Scrum Gathering Open Space event in Orlando, Lyssa Adkins, author of the forthcoming Coaching Agile Teams from Addison Wesley, led out with a session on Agile Coaching Circles.
102. We found:When the load reached 88%-95% of the peak load, higher degree of the isochromatic fringe began to localize in the zone where the forthcoming fault would be located.
103. The new discovery, which will be detailed in a forthcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters center.
104. The move suggests New Delhi could use its solar energy plan as a bargaining chip at the forthcoming climate change summit in Copenhagen.
105. But unexpected,[] the forthcoming is the rare and super-speed period of expansion in recent 50 years in Chinese automobile industry.
106. An idol is seen reflected on a mirror as an artist gives final touches to an idol of Hindu goddess Durga for the forthcoming Durga Puja festival in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009.
107. Details of the discovery will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
108. A similar move was recently pulled by a publisher who planned to purge Huck Finn's racial epithets in a forthcoming edition.
109. Researchers Laura T. Germine, Dr. Ken Nakayama of Harvard University and Dr. Bradley Duchaine of Dartmouth College will publish their work in a forthcoming issue of the journal Cognition.
110. The meeting notes will be published in a forthcoming newsletter.
111. America's forthcoming "Prompt Global Strike" non-nuclear hypersonic missiles will be able to hit almost any spot on earth in less than an hour—provided excellent satellite data is available.
112. But in January, coincidentally (or not?) the same month that Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the forthcoming tablet computer dubbed the iPad, netbook sales took a nose dive.
113. I 13, forthcoming month classics, but bosom and pubic hair are done not have, normal?
114. They talked about the school and a forthcoming swim meet.
115. The girl at the reception desk was not very forthcoming.
116. Manhunt a New York Times Bestseller to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford.
117. He is a very a forthcoming person and can handle all situations with panache.
118. Making this argument, however, would require the support of expert witnesses like Frank or Ekman, and that's not forthcoming.
119. According to a forthcoming book, "Inside Scientology," by the journalist Janet Reitman, the sauna sessions can last up to five hours a day.
120. and they arranged for a joint paper to be read at the forthcoming meeting of the Linnaean Society of London.
121. Recently she landed a small role in a forthcoming movie opposite Ben Stiller. She'll be the grandmotherly lady sitting in a restaurant near Stiller and his girlfriend.
122. Forthcoming Acting Direct manufacturers cling film, the film slimming products!
123. But the prospect of a nocturnal encounter with a vampire does lend a certain frisson to the forthcoming journey.
124. He has a forthcoming book with a very intriguing title of How to Castrate a Bull.
125. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Third Coast, Camas, Bombay Gin, and Forklift Ohio.
126. The billowing waves on the sea indicate a forthcoming hurricane.
127. You will find us forthcoming and open-minded in a common effort to bring the blessings of peace to the brave people of Vietnam.
128. The forthcoming “Battle: Los Angeles” will be filmed mostly in Baton Rouge, Louisiana—a reversal of the tradition by which southern California stands in for everywhere else.
129. Since you are Earthside and I am not, I give you brevet command over an IFM contingent and any other resources you need, orders forthcoming through level 6 backchannels (of course).
130. It will have solar panels and a supplementary power source in the form of a plutonium-238 nuclear battery, the same type installed on the forthcoming Mars Science Laboratory rover.
131. Classics of girl forthcoming month when can the private parts ache?
132. We also provide an introductory background to the forthcoming seminars.
133. Many predicted that Pennant would be rewarded for his form with a call-up to Steve McClaren's squad for the forthcoming matches with Brazil and Estonia.
134. There's certainly a reason that the U.S. government called allies to warn of forthcoming WikiLeaks launches and pre-empt the damage.
134. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
135. The tach signal is sampled synchronously with the vibration signals. The integral period sampling is implemented by software in the forthcoming process.
136. Eventually, it is established that most of her audience have read Bright Star, or at least heard of Bright Star, as Jane Campion’s forthcoming Keats biopic bears the same name.
137. Via what there is does first time forthcoming month adumbrate?
138. A better idea is to provide some feedback to the user that when the ready state is 3, a response is forthcoming.
139. The agile team goes through psychodynamics similar to those of the combat unit when it expects "casualties" in the form of forthcoming layoffs.
140. Forthcoming month classics when how does violent campaign eat ice - lolly to drink cold water to meet?
141. If a designer were to design a bracket to support 100 Ib. when it should have been figured for 1000 lb. , failure would be forthcoming...
142. Your proof will be forthcoming with the wind of change about to sweep over your planet.
143. After be pregnant, eat urgent prophylactic, classics of meeting forthcoming month?
144. And that party now controls one house of Congress, which means that the country will not, in fact, be governable without that party's cooperation — cooperation that won't be forthcoming.
145. This article introduces the existing EU legislation, in especial on Directives, as well as proposed and forthcoming legislation impacting the bus and coach market from the operators perspective.
146. "We are excited to see results from both the U. K. choroideremia study and the forthcoming U. S. trial, " says Dr.
147. The preexistent experiences from other large countries with a great diversity of aquatic ecosystem are beneficial to the nationwide forthcoming watershed restoration and management in China.
148. The 25 - year - old , who recently married Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy, criticised Arsenal while promoting his forthcoming autobiography.
149. "Freedom and choice come hand in hand with responsibility and risk, " said Yunxiang Yan, author of the forthcoming book The Individualisation of Chinese Society.
150. It is understood that the forthcoming introduction of the "Beijing public housing tenancy transaction management" approach, a number of public houses by lease transactions have relaxed restrictions.




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