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单词 Soviets
1. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.
2. The Soviets are demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the treaty.
3. Completely different outlook from other Soviets.
4. Three months later, the Soviets convicted him of espionage.
5. The Soviets had demonstrated unsuspected scientific and engineering skills.
6. Not that the Soviets were totally unknown before that.
7. The Soviets today have the capability to intercept and locate the sources of United States communications frequencies.
8. He was a spy for the Soviets in Los Alamos, during the atomic bomb project.
9. By this time the Soviets had forced a crisis by blockading Berlin, and fears of war mounted.
10. It was believed that the Soviets already had superiority in conventional armies and weapons.
11. The Soviets may rob themselves of their own best potential in this way.
12. He realized that the Soviets were just as capable of adapting a ballistic missile to carry satellites as he was.
13. Similar soviets had emerged in other cities earlier in the year, but that of St Petersburg took on unique importance.
14. The Soviets at first offered thirty-five thousand exit visas per year, then forty thousand.
15. At first, the Soviets refused to accept Lithuania's secession as an accomplished fact.
16. A nice house-present to give the Soviets when he went over.
17. Although the Soviets planned the mission as a showcase of their scientific superiority, it was widely dismissed as propaganda.
18. Meanwhile, the Soviets had launched two Luna-type spacecraft at the Moon in early 1963.
19. It worked in close co-ordination with the government bureaucracy and with the soviets.
20. This is to be the party's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year.
21. Actually, the brigade had been there since 1963. journey from idealism to a hard line with regard to the Soviets.
22. No announcement of their purpose was forthcoming from the Soviets./soviets.html
23. The delegations were headed by the deputy chairs of the republican Supreme Soviets.
24. Kissinger argued that more good could be obtained by keeping lines open to the Soviets than by closing them.
25. His presence in restricted areas had aroused the anxiety of the Soviets.
26. The increase will mean a significant increase in throughput, allowing the soviets to transport more gas per kilometre of pipeline.
27. Carter himself, as one part of his hardening attitude toward the Soviets, lost faith in the treaty.
28. Other books about Aldrich Ames, the turncoat CIA operative who sold secrets to the Soviets, already have been published.
29. On May 19, 1955, in an air show, the Soviets displayed impressive quantities of their latest long-range bombers.
30. I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.
1. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.
31. The Soviets were also initiating an economic assistance program for selected Third World countries.
32. Only innovative technology can achieve such a pace of construction, which the Soviets say is the fastest in the world.
33. On the ABM treaty, the Soviets were adamant on a ten-year extension of compliance by both sides.
34. In October 1964 the Soviets flew the first three-man mission.
35. He demanded the confiscation of all private estates, the nationalization of the land, and its management by local peasant soviets.
36. In the 1920s and 1930s the Soviets could be motivated to build socialism.
37. In fact, the Soviets were planning an ambitious programme called Zond.
38. According to all reports, the Soviets had reached for theirs at the equivalent juncture in Moscow.
39. The Soviets fielded a young and relatively inexperienced side and, as always, showed tremendous athleticism and an appetite for combat.
40. The Soviets were really hurting at the time in terms of economics and foreign exchange.
41. From 1960 to 1965 the Soviets launched twenty-six known spacecraft into deep space.
42. This meeting followed the ratification on Dec. 10 and 12 of the CIS declaration by the original signatories' Supreme Soviets.
43. They had established new institutions, new parties, soviets, and unions.
44. On 4 October 1957 the Soviets placed Sputnik in orbit.
45. In addition to insinuating their Embassy man into the Cheltenham delegation, the Soviets could have scored a separate gain.
46. Before we took office, I had imagined myself in earnest, heated negotiations with Soviets over nuclear weapons.
47. Pavlov was feisty in his opposition to the Soviets, but, aware of his fame, they were forced to ignore his insults.
48. The negotiations with the Soviets are at a crucial stage, and nothing must be allowed to threaten those talks.
49. The Soviets were unwilling to support the fossilized East German regime.
50. Attempting to jolly him, I told him I suspected the Soviets.
51. On September 23, 1949, Truman declared that the Soviets had detonated an atomic bomb.
52. Replying[http:///soviets.html], the Soviets charged that the EC-130 had deliberately violated Soviet airspace but gave no further details.
53. The banzai unifies the great Soviets!
54. The Soviets took the first step by creating Sputnik.
55. The Soviets again give vent to their underlying suspition.
56. Also, the Soviets began to nibble at our bait.
57. The stated goal of the Soviets is global Communism.
58. The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture.
59. To make matters worse, even if Shepard's flight was totally successful, it wouldn't even match what the Soviets accomplished during Yuri Gagarin's space debut three weeks earlier.
60. Spies had learned that the Soviets had a drawing of an OXCART plane—obtained, it was assumed, via an infrared satellite.
61. That's almost exactly what the Soviets accomplished when they put Yuri Gagarin in space in 1961.
62. In January nineteen fifty-nine, the Soviets launched a series of unmanned Luna rockets.
63. Another pivotal point on the Eastern Front at this time was the German defense of Breslau, which the Soviets badly wanted to take.
64. The Soviets respect power and strength. They understand military strength best of all.
65. He is angry that the Mongolian government started giving cash handouts that he calls "economic infantilism," a product of those educated under the Soviets.
66. The " lefts " who tried to skip Bolshevism in their return to Marxism generally confined themselves to isolated panaceas: boycott of parliament, creation of "genuine" Soviets.
67. On the one hand, the Soviets took some measures in Soviet zone, such as establishing Social Unity Party of Germany, Denazification, land reform and so on.
68. He has also promised millions for a huge project to redevelop the town of Pitsunda, famous for its enormous old pine trees—beloved by the tsars, the Soviets, and the new Russian elites alike.
69. But the Soviets "basically pooh-poohed" the notion that there was a crisis, Gates said.
70. Eventually the Soviets will come back in even more force, but you'll get additional tactical aid abilities to use on them, including carpet bombing and daisy cutters.
71. Little mention was made of harsh winters, short summers and swarms of mosquitoes and blackfly that the Soviets later termed "fascists".
72. The bloody mop-up fighting was left to the Soviets and lasted until the end of the war.
73. Just as quickly , a year later , after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the spigot was turned off.
74. A famous commander, tribal chief and cleric, Haqqani came to prominence during the war against the Soviets.
75. The soviets renamed a county of their Red China after him - Chih - tan hisen .
76. On July 12, the Soviets launch a counteroffensive, which results in the largest tank battle in history, near the Prokhorovka Village.
77. As I saw during the 1980's anti-Soviet struggle, every military offensive by the Soviets and their puppet Afghan regime was telegraphed to the mujahidin resistance days in advance.
78. When the Soviets arrive, Mac reveals that he lied about being a double agent.
79. Though millions of Soviets perished during Stalin's rule in Gulag labor camps or from famine, the dictator is still revered by many Russians for defeating the Nazis in World War Two.
80. It is a historical turnabout that resonates, given that the Chinese Communists were inspired by the Soviets, before the two sides had a lengthy rift.
81. Since Bulgarians were under the control of the Soviets, this could either mean that Solidarity 's plans were compromised or that Walesa was in danger.
82. It could backfire by emboldening the Taliban and annoying ally Pakistan, which fears Washington will cut and run as the Soviets did in Afghanistan.
82. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
83. He had a black patch over his right eye socket, a prosthetic left arm and a deformed right hand, the result of injuries from an explosives mishap during an old operation against the Soviets in Kabul.
84. A public challenge could provoke the Soviets to dig in.
85. But even the most skeptical historians concede that, around 1984 or so, the Soviets were actually getting the better of the mujahideen.
86. He ordered a naval blockade which soon forced the Soviets to remove the missiles.
87. For many months, the Soviets refused to bargain in earnestness.
88. The National Aeronautic and Space Agency was organized 1958 to unify non-military space efforts, following failures by the Navy, Army and Air Force to keep pace with Soviets.
89. We follow Haqqani. He was a smart mujahid against the Soviets and during all his wars he taught us how to focus on training and teaching.
90. For example, to achieve 30 percent effects against an armored personnel carrier, the Soviets estimated it would take 2.8 fewer rounds than US estimates.
91. The mujahedeen had no idea whom they would attack after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, so they sat around until they came up with a new enemy: America.
92. And when I learned that GDI and NOD weren't actually in this game, it was discussed that it would be allies and soviets, with a "what if" fun campy scenario.
93. The Soviets proposed the withdrawal of American ballistic - missile submarines from forward bases.
94. With soviets, seeing a crane is a clear sign of a quick tech to tier 2, for that extra troublesome tesla coil camping.
95. An Art Nou-veau classic built in 1912, and turned into a military department store by the Soviets, it was the first major Moscow landmark demolished by Luzhkov, in 2003.
96. Either the Soviets sensed an imminent victory or they feared the approaching demoralization of their clients.
97. Newspaper articles assured the Soviets that the German Lebensraum did not encroach on Russian territory.
98. US support to mujahedeen fighters battling the Soviets dried up quickly and Afghanistan sank into civil war.
99. It soon became clear to the Soviets that the Berlin Airlift would succeed.
100. With the Soviets now alerted to the German intentions, though, it was not long before they moved reinforcements up to close off the northern route into the Hungarian capital.
101. The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 brought home to the Soviets the penalty for strategic inferiority.
102. The old proprietor, a retired journalist turned restauranteur and waiter, would often keep me company recounting his memoirs on revolution, Angola, and the soviets.
102. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
103. It is not clear how the Soviets responded, but MEK soon settled in Iraq, helping Saddam Hussein in his war with Iran.
104. An impressive total but, when compared with the 250,000 Germans lost at Stalingrad , it is clear that the Soviets benefited more from the Kharkov battles.




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