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单词 Thalamus
1. Or is he in his thalamus, since it helps determine what he pays attention to?
2. But the right thalamus sometimes gets operated on too, and the results in those patients are quite different.
3. Some gray matter, such as the thalamus, has an intimate back-and-forth relationship with the cerebral cortex.
4. Stimulate the right thalamus when the patient is naming objects, and there is no special effect.
5. Putamen, thalamus and cerebellum were found to involve in the cognitive process of Chinese characters.
6. The thalamus is thought to have a key role in the physical basis of consciousness./thalamus.html
7. The thalamus acts as a relay station for incoming nerve impulses from around the body that are then forwarded to the appropriate brain region for processing.
8. Beneath the thalamus, labeled fibers were densely distributed in zona incerta, the medial edge of internal capsule and the area surrounding mammillothalamic tract.
9. Both anterior and posterior attention systems have many subcortical partners in doing their job, especially in the thalamus.
10. These might well involve those selective-attention circuits passing through the left thalamus that focus attention on verbal information such as object names.
11. On autopsy it was established that he had suffered from a very rare brain condition in which the thalamus progressively degenerated.
12. The brain CT grouping and prognosis of 75 cases with hemorrhage of thalamus, were analysised.
13. The efferent fibers of the lateral part of the medial mammillary nucleus projected mainly to the ipsilateral anteroventral nucleus of the thalamus.
14. CONCLUSION: Ketamine anesthesia suppressed such regions as sensory cortex, motor cortex, thalamus and callosal gyrus, which might be the key targets for ketamine action.
15. This artery supplies portions of the MESENCEPHALON (see also BRAIN STEM INFARCTIONS) and thalamus, inferomedial TEMPORAL LOBE, and medial OCCIPITAL LOBE.
16. There is evident correlation between prognosis and brain CT grouping of hemorrhage of thalamus.
17. AIM: To study the interactions between skin tactile and visceral nociceptive inputs in the ventroposterior lateral (VPL) nucleus of the rat thalamus.
18. The main trend of medial part of NAcp was to the stria terminalis, thalamus, the place around cerebral aqueduct(), and ventral midbrain.
19. And the abnormal activation of prefrontal lobe. left insular and thalamus can be regulated after venlafaxine treatment.
20. We showed that awareness is also related to the so-called cross talk, or functional connectivity, within this frontoparietal network and with centers deeper in the brain, notably the thalamus.
21. Objective : To study the MRI findings of germinomas arising from the basal ganglia and thalamus.
22. Singer demonstrated that a huge population of neurons between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex transiently fire together at a frequency of 40 times a second.
23. The group of advanced lung cancer also showed the increased metabolism in thalamus and basal ganglion.
24. The projection from the ventral posterior nucleus (VP) of the thalamus to the somatic sensory cortical area (SmI) in the rat was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method.
25. It is divided into two parts, the lateral and medial thalamus.
26. However, the inferior colliculus and cerebellum were resistant to repeated cerebral ischemia, whereas the cumulative damage was more markedly in the hippocampus and ventral thalamus.
27. Conclusion:the results showed that three dimensional positions of the dorsal thalamus and the pulvinar were clinically valuable for the stereotactic operation of human brains.
28. Objective:In order to gain anatomical data of lenticular nucleus and thalamus dorsalis and pulvinar, and supply the data to the localization in stereotactic operations of brains.
29. CT scans showed bilateral symmetrical hypodensity foci in lenticular (5/7), head of caudate nucleus (4/7) , thalamus (2/7) and dentate nucleus (1/7).
30. Conclusion:The precentral sulcus appears on the 1 2 sections that the lenticular nucleus and anterior limb of internal capsule appear but the anterior commissure and dorsal thalamus doesn't appear.
31. The variation rate of ECG of basal ganglion and thalamus nidus is higher, peripheral nidus is lower.
32. The thalamus lies between the brainstem and the hemispheres of the brain, performing a function rather like a junction or relay station.
33. The thalamus is the brain's major center for processing sensory information.
34. Mixed high - valence facial expressions are processed within temporal lobe visual cortex, thalamus, and amygdalohippocampal complex.
35. The posterior part of the forebrain that connects the mesencephalon with the cerebral hemispheres, encloses the third ventricle, and contains the thalamus and hypothalamus.
36. To assess the correlation of brain CT grouping and prognosis of hemorrhage of thalamus.
37. In this double-blind study the electrodes were placed in the thalamus, a portion of the brain that is involved in controlling movement.
38. In the control group, signal increases areas were demonstrated in superior temporal gyri , precentral gyri , cingulate gyri , thalamus, insula and cerebellum.
38. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
39. Tissue, Array, Human Adult Normal, Brain II, Brain, Frontal lobe, Temporal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Pons, Thalamus, Corpus callosum (Paraffin.
40. Compared to normal controls, it found that the hippocampus, temporal pole, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, thalamus and precuneus exhibited more significant functional connectivity with the PCC in TLE.
41. Activation was also seen at the right precuneus and posterior thalamus with stimulation, extending into the superior vermis.
42. The major lesions included dissolution of Nissl bodies, pyknosis, and incrustation of neuronal surface in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and spinal cord.
43. Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules.
44. The efferent fibers of the lateral mammillary nucleus projected bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, but more on the ipsilateral side.
45. MRI showed abnormal image in the spinal, white matter, thalamus and pons.
46. Spindles, which only appear when we are asleep, are generated a brain region called the thalamus.
47. Electrodes send electrical signals along the median nerve in each wrist, up the spinal cord and to the thalamus, the main relay station in the brain.
48. Objective To study the clinical features in patients with thalamus hemorrhage ( TH ).




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