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单词 Turf
1. They still cut turf here for fuel.
2. Antiques are very much her turf.
3. the hallowed turf of Wembley, etc.
4. How vigorously will the local companies defend their turf?
5. Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair.
6. Turf wars are inevitable when two departments are merged.
7. He was busy laying turf.
8. We need to turf the Democratic party out.
9. Judges feel that the courtroom is their private turf.
10. The turf felt springy under their feet.
11. The gymnastics team won the championship on home turf.
12. He feels more confident on home turf.
13. We beat Canada on their home turf.
14. The turf feels very springy underfoot.
15. He worked fast, cutting and slicing the turf neatly, heaving the sod to one side.
16. They shuffled slowly down the turf towards the cliff's edge.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. Their turf was Paris: its streets, theaters, homes, and parks.
18. A herd of goats was nibbling the turf around the base of the tower.
19. After backfilling, he neatly relaid the turf.
20. The turf wars in San Francisco were really bad.
21. The turf thing, that took place somewhere else.
22. They are risk-averse even on their home turf.
23. They are 38-12 on artificial turf surfaces.
24. The Games are on home turf.
25. Yet the pride of the Gezira was its turf.
26. The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.
27. Street violence has escalated as a result of a turf war between rival neighbourhood gangs.
28. Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf.
29. Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks.
30. History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf.
1. They still cut turf here for fuel.
2. Antiques are very much her turf.
3. the hallowed turf of Wembley, etc.
4. How vigorously will the local companies defend their turf?
5. The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.
6. Turf wars are inevitable when two departments are merged.
7. He was busy laying turf.
8. We need to turf the Democratic party out.
9. Street violence has escalated as a result of a turf war between rival neighbourhood gangs.
10. History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf.
31. He squelched across the turf.
32. He simply hurls the turf into the trailer.
33. He walked on across the flinty turf, with the mare's nose at his shoulder, and the hound running ahead.
34. People perceived me to be interested only in my own patch, my turf, my people.
35. Under any circumstances the track would be challenging, but intermittent rains have left the turf and red clay sodden and slick.
36. They are determined to defend their turf against any outsiders.
37. The stag was now at full gallop on the springy turf.
38. But you can also settle happily for the sublime views that you have from this generously turf Ed upland.
39. Rusted metal, bits of concrete and cinder block, patches of burnt, weedy turf.
40. Jenkins' deteriorating knees are not a good match for the artificial turf at the Kingdome.
41. Removing a plug of turf with the planter and replacing it with a pot-grown cowslip takes seconds.
42. Meanwhile, the big construction companies are trying to grow by making inroads into turf traditionally held by medium-size builders.
43. He lost the ball when he hit the turf but recovered the loose ball.
44. The press tends to exaggerate the disagreements, and is over-eager to look for administration turf wars.
45. The cures include starting the clubhead back low to the turf on a gentle curve.
46. Hutchins will serve as branch operator for his home turf -- the Clermont area.http:///turf.html
47. Or better, start a world first on your home turf!
48. Daily newspapers appear especially threatened by the incursion on to their turf of timely and in-depth local information.
49. And playing on his home turf is Julian Barnes, one of the game's true gentlemen.
50. Sanchez's touchline histrionics evoked memories of some of Martin O'Neill's maddest moments on the same turf.
51. As the path flattened out to lead across the close turf to the house Leonora's feet slowed.
52. Rumours have always been rife about Macari's interest in turf accountancy.
53. Robert Walker, the prosperous-looking president of Turf Paradise, can see his doom approaching from 20 miles east.
54. Liartes brought his mount in to land on the turf a few yards away and dismounted casually.
55. The clubhead must start on a gentle curve low to the turf. 4.
56. Psyched down after this epic battle I allowed the treacherous turf to gain revenge on the much easier pitch above.
57. Personal economic pressures also are driving the sexes on to different political turf.
58. Overhead the helicopter circled once more, making a black locust-shaped shadow on the sunlit turf of the plain.
59. In both cases, turf maintenance is high on the agenda - and head groundsman Steve Tingley is already is Paris.
60. With visions of some touchdown-bound player slipping into ignominy, cleanup crews were quickly dispatched to clear the turf.
61. Injuries are more common on artificial turf than on grass.
62. Unfortunately, that turf remains strictly in the middle of the road.
63. And politicians will never yield turf to them. Conspiracy theorists blame internal rivalries between municipal-bond and corporate-finance folk.
64. One eye's cut from the flowered turf: a horse skull, whispering secrets with wind-sighs like tapping on phone wires.
65. The first turf is lifted out intact, to be replaced later to conceal the dig.
66. Its original turf and timber buildings were eventually replaced by stone ones.
67. I really believe the turf here causes a lot more injuries than grass.
68. Almeida tumbled to the turf and was taken away by ambulance.
69. Four others were scattered motionless on the green turf some thirty yards away.
70. A punishment stake had been embedded in the turf opposite the west door of the church.
71. For Young to wish death on some one, even the creator of the evil artificial turf, is notable.
72. Use a light roller to resettle turf laid during autumn and winter.
73. When the sun fell aright you could see the soft outline of ancient walls beneath the turf.
74. Zeke's big hands cradle the ball on the artificial turf, the laces facing away from the kicker.
75. Perhaps one is safer being a turf accountant than a chartered accountant in this day and age.
76. Ten years ago the city was paralyzed by gang battles over turf.
77. That place was New York state -- home turf,[http:///turf.html] where the Legislature was considering a ban.
78. Ditchburn covered up the extra payments through a hugely inflated figure for the purchase of straw to protect the turf from frost.
79. Springy, sheep-cropped turf, crisscrossed with dry stone walls, ran down to the back yards of the houses.
80. As the two firms expanded they inevitably found themselves close to each other's turf.
81. Or, on that minuscule patch of the planet covered by artificial turf.
82. They watched silently as the car was driven at speed off the road to brake violently on the turf of the headland.
83. His belief is that development corporations often get bogged down in turf wars with local councils.
84. Call one of the men advertising turf for sale in the local paper.
85. He was so violent that local security forces were said to avoid venturing on to his turf.
86. In his latter years he took little day-to-day interest in racing, but was seen as an elder statesman of the turf.
87. She made him feel safe, home turf, but at the same time she confused him.
88. By day the artificial turf in the Miami stadium looks an unnatural green.
89. McKinsey denied it was engaging in a turf war over branding.
90. The cliff top turf was bright with thrift and sea camp ion.
91. This meeting is sponsored entirely by the Sean Graham organisation and deserves better treatment from the Turf Club.
92. The two horses could give Dollase his biggest day since Itsallgreektome was winning the 1990 turf championship.
93. With the SE-40, Lau has met high-end designers on their own turf.
94. Empty cans and bottles litter the turf and make crunching sounds like oyster shells when they are stepped on.
95. On the artificial turf of the Superdome, Smith raced around him as if he were a lamp post on Bourbon Street.
96. Some local legislatures have begun to demand bigger payments from foreign mining firms working on their turf.
97. It was a godsend for the guerrilla gardeners who found the turf easier to strip back.
98. Extracted from a tough little patch of turf with no small effort.
99. Industrial remains have been bulldozed and buried under newly laid turf.
100. Consequently, two of the greatest moments in Chicago sports history turned into ugly turf battles.
101. My most recent visit produced a sloughed skin threaded through the turf.
102. Being cut in turf, they need to be maintained or they would disappear completely within a generation.
103. Being of very modest means, but having some contacts upon the turf, he attempted to increase his wages by gambling.
104. With the departure of the sun a breeze came, making ripples in the turf and bending the ling to the ground.
105. Where a lawn is involved, cut away the turf and loose topsoil.
106. They are used to cut up turf and consolidate a seed-bed, particularly after ploughing an old sward.
106. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
107. She said the legs of both players tangled, and then both players were on the turf kicking out at each other.
108. The defences are a series of trenches with high stone and turf earthworks in between.
109. Another big question mark: How vigorously will the local phone companies defend their turf?
110. A vastly increased supply of turf and logs was required for the many fires the occasion demanded.
111. This failure is a reason one man who once asked him for advice came to overshadow Robinson on his own turf.
112. This is the finest turf on which I have ever struck a golf ball.
113. As well as scarifying to clear out thatch, we aerate to let air into the turf and release surface water.
114. The ball flew fantastically well in the air of that glen and sat invitingly on its lively turf.
115. Each Assistant tenaciously defends his turf.
116. Rest-harrow and ladies-slipper grow in the turf here.
117. His name is well - known on the turf.
118. Rabbits scud across the turf.
119. Have you any horses on the turf?
120. Tom ruined himself on the turf.
121. He ruined himself on the turf.
122. A turf war erupted between street gangs.
123. The introduction and evaluation test on 15 cultivars and sods of grasses were planted on slope turf.
124. Instead, it was the Oranje and their fans doing the dancing as Brazil's players lay on the turf.
125. Tractors, Excavators, Construction Plants, Agricultural Machinery, Golf Course and Turf Machinery.
126. You summon a goddamn Devourer on my turf, and I just let it go?
127. Phillip Jennings Turf Farms has signed on as the first licensee grower of Platinum TE and the exclusive distributor for international orders.
128. Star lying on the turf, so you can see all the secrets, you will join me in looking forward to?
129. a vicious turf war between rival gangs of drug dealers.
130. Liquid fertilizer sources can be sprayed on the turf or fertigated at label rates.
131. The seed productivity of 6 turf type ryegrass (Lolium perenne) varieties were studied firstly in the irrigation area of Ningxia.
132. And so it pleased me, in a half-laughing way, to leave pieces of money on the turf as I went along, until I had left enough for my night's lodging.
133. Those who have no idea of English are not supposed to visit here, OK ? here in our turf!
134. The best integrated turf quality was recorded in Ram I 、 Midnight 、 America 、 Connie 、 Liberator, which could be adopted in Shanxi.
135. A thin, icy mist was ghosting up from the turf.
136. On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.
137. The method on the turf production with the wastes of Chinese traditional medicine was studied for saving the soil resources.
138. I returned to the turf to make a few, no Memory Stick storage room.
139. Gramineous weeds in turf are obstinate and serious, and difficult to be controlled.
140. You must constantly defend your turf -- your wee , airless kingdom.
141. Over the past few years, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of third-generation artificial turf fields for both training and match play.
142. The turf characters of carpet grass (Axonopus compressus (Sw. ) Beauv) in winter were studied under different irrigation and fertilization treatments.
143. Tall fescue is grown widely in Africa, China and South America as turf and as a forage crop for grazing animals, but soil salinity is becoming increasingly problematic in many areas.
144. I know you find the departmental turf wars as tedious as I do.
145. I didn't expect to see a well-oiled machine, but I did want them to run so hard they turned the turf into mud.
146. Mr Heathcliff advanced and lifted him to lean against a ridge of turf.
147. Turf roots in a bad growth condition. There are overfull non-polar sites on hydrophobic soil particles. Soil was polluted from overusing of pesticides and fertilizers.
148. Unfortunately, this turf was not again sold for bidding price didn't reach floor price after its auction failed on Dec 2 for the lack of bidders.
149. Leaf mould was attacked by Fusarium nival , and had effect on perennial ryegrass's leaves and tillers, leading turf to become sparse.
150. In cool-season turf, the Photosynthesis Rate of Festuca and Poa is high in autumn but low in summer.
151. Earlier this week, Jose Mourinho confirmed that Pipita was back on the turf and that he looked good.
152. The result showed the transgenosis turf grass was obviously better than the compared one.
153. How softly the turf had carpeted the untraveled avenue--he could no longer feel the roadway beneath his feet!
154. In 1998 Wales No. 1 goalkeeper Andy Dibble was hospitalized after suffering chemical burns as a result of diving on the turf.
155. Tell us how it will be transformed, and will, are they going to bring the hardwoods there on the turf?
156. They usually have lots of red tape, turf wars and are risk - averse.
157. Several more arrows and a bow of slim, dark wood lay strewn on the turf beneath his dangling feet.
158. Nature's Green Cleaner Air-dried algae (shown above) from an algal turf scrubber captured most of the nitrogen and phosphorus in the manure.
159. Then instinctively his hand left the stone and rested upon the low mound of turf.
160. Rumour swept through intellectual London that, in fact, the government wanted to turf the Societies out—or to get a full market rent, which would have amounted to much the same thing.
161. The effects of fertilization and sowing rate on the seed productivity of turf type perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were studied using the split plot experiment design.
162. The clan called the Camorra is thought to be made up of rival clans that often clash in turf wars.
163. What kind of allegation would spur a prime minister to call in the Mounties on one of his own cabinet ministers and immediately turf her from caucus?
164. Ammonia volatilization was estimated in the field from perennial ryegrass turf after application of five kinds of N fertilizer.
165. Excessive seeding rates produce turf that is less stress tolerant and more susceptible to damping off.
166. Tyler Rix , who has played for West Ham's Academy,[http://] signed the deal with Universal Music on the turf at Upton Park.
167. Ryegrass (Lolium L. ), a graminaceous crop, is one of the most important grasses for forage and turf, and widely distributes in temperate regions.
168. If a growing San Franciscostarted to rival the power of an old New York, it would help if New York stopped thinking its"turf" extended to the Bay Bridge toll plaza.
169. The growth rate and moving biomass of Kentucky bluegrass turf were affected by the quantity of nitrogen fertilizer.
170. Transgenic technology is the best method to obtained new variety of creeping bentgrass for disease resistance in breeding of turf grass.
171. Possibility of planting Mentha pulegium L. roof herb turf was probed in Shenzhen. The results showed that it was feasible to planting roof herb turf.
172. We were very comfortable in the library but we had to turf out when it closed.
173. European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure.
174. Bio-S is an excellent source of sulfur for turf which is a component of aminophenol and protein. Bio-S is subordination alimentation element.
175. And make no mistake , United really did need a win after last week's Turf Moor torment.
176. The turf fibre cover is provided with the fertilizer, bactericidal agent and dicotyledon herbicide.
177. As a turf type seed base for perennial ryegrass production, the irrigation area of Ningxia Plain was available, because of its rich sunshine and lower rainfall during seed formation.
178. You tee off on the plastic turf whacking your ball against the screen.
179. Turf Battles died the way I excepted - vanishing over night.
180. Anyone who's followed Mourinho's history with the media even before he stepped on our turf would know that his TV acts of bellicose inscrutability are only for media effect.
181. The experiment proves that the hydraulic roughness of the turf revetment ranges from 0.020 to 0.090.
182. In Asheville, N.C., a small Occupy demonstration there was disrupted by some homeless men who resented protesters moving onto their turf, said Asheville police Lt. Wallace Welch.
183. In process of time, the rain washes off all the turf and grass aforesaid.
184. This research was intent to establish a transgenic system of turf grass ' rye grass ' with high efficiency and endow it with stress tolerance ability.
185. The coolie is told to pull up the weeds in your yard, but to spare the precious tufts of grass just beginning to sprout, and in which you see visions of a longed-for turf.
186. Desmodium triflorum and Kummerowia striata are two wild legumes found in Zoysia japonica turf in this research.
187. A method of quantifying irrigation for manilagrass ( Zoysia metrilla ) turf is introduced.
188. Contrast experiment has been made on the turf speed, quality, color, tolerance to stress,() the results are all superior to Qingdao Zoysia grass.
189. I s MiE - Nature turf cause less brush - burn and hay fever?
190. The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals.
191. And he pointed out to her on the turf a shadow cast by the moon, and which did indeed, bear considerable resemblance to the spectre of a man wearing a round hat.
192. Dr. Ron Duncan is a turf researcher at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on seashore paspalum.
193. Spring was time to control white grub and rough area, zoysias turf and Chinese scholar tree forest was the important area.
194. "A successful fight on Apple's high-profit home turf can simultaneously help to revitalise Nokia's margins and help put a check on Apple's surging growth, " said Mawston.
195. The Volt is the U.S. alternative to the Toyota Prius, a petrol-electric hybrid that is spearheading a cultural sea change on its home turf.
196. A few yards away, several Brazilian players lay on the turf, bewildered and beaten.
197. Afterwards, one can go out into the charming grounds. One may sun oneself on the turf of the spacious lawns, or stroll by the lily-pond and then enter the little wood that half surrounds it.
198. The president's resignation was the result of a turf war with the board of directors.
198. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
199. They were in a clearing, completely surrounded by bushes, the turf underfoot was clean and springy.
200. The results showed that coir can significantly promoted shoot growth and increase turf density.
201. But the 25-pound Iberian lynx, icon of Spain and Portugal, is on shaky turf.
202. That last chance left a brave Tim Howard in agony on the turf, having taken Heskey's studs in his ribs.
203. But the scenes of Italians lying on the turf, sobbing for their lost trophy and for themselves, should fool nobody.
204. In the sixteenth century, the clitoris became the object of a famous Renaissance turf war between two preeminent Italian anatomists, Gabriel Fallopius and Renauldus Columbus.
205. Biotechnology has a great application potential in variety improvement of Tall Fescue, which is an important cool-season perennial turf grass in the temperate region.
206. A perennial, sod-forming tropical American grass (Paspalum notatum) grown in warm regions, such as the southern United States, for forage, soil binding, and turf.




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