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单词 Crunch
1, The car drew up with a crunch of gravel.
2, The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel.
3, If it comes to the crunch they'll support us.
4, There was a crunch as he bit the apple.
5, I heard a loud crunch.
6, The crunch came when she returned from America.
7, When it came to the crunch , she couldn't agree to marry him.
8, The crunch is that we can't afford to go abroad this year.
9, He can rely on my support when the crunch comes.
10, The administration's policy seems to crunch the economy in order to combat inflation.
11, It is too much trouble to crunch a file unless you use it often.
12, The crunch came when she was forced to choose between her marriage and her career.
13, The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.
14, The car skidded and we could hear the crunch of metal against metal.
15, The crunch came when my bank asked for my credit card back.
16, If it comes to the crunch, I'll resign over this.
17, The Agriculture Secretary goes into a crunch meeting with senior ministers in Brussels tomorrow.
18, Higher grain prices are putting a crunch on cattle feeders.
19, The woods were silent apart from the crunch of our feet in the snow.
20, The Prime Minister is expected to call a crunch meeting on Monday.
21, If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up,[http:///crunch.html] you can always stay with us.
22, She heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway.
23, At crunch time the team really pulled together.
24, Acknowledging the time crunch, Rep.
25, In the stillness footsteps crunch on snow.
26, She could almost hear the crunch they made.
27, Cost cutting had enabled the organization to survive a previous cash crunch.
28, Three new teachers were hired to help ease the crunch.
29, His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.
30, He always says he'll help, but when it comes to the crunch, he does nothing.
1, The car drew up with a crunch of gravel.
2, The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel.
3, I heard a loud crunch.
4, His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.
31, They crunch those numbers with their calculators and spreadsheets.
32, Suddenly, from behind, I heard the crunch of rubble.
33, That would cause a severe credit crunch.
34, Observing Mulvoy during a recent Sunday afternoon crunch time, as the magazine approached bedtime, was a lesson in decisiveness.
35, I heard the crunch of footsteps on gravel road outside.
36, He heard a crunch or two and saw the headlights where he knew there wasn't a road.
37, Savoy Crunch peanuts are coated in a crispy shell in smoked bacon or sweet and sour flavours.
38, A terrible grinding crunch struck at us like a solid barrier.
39, When it comes to the crunch, you won't have time to start thinking about what to do next.
40, The tower is fully let, leading to speculation that funds were diverted to deal with its liquidity crunch.
41, In the short term, next week's budget crunch is more like a toy train crash rather than the real thing.
42, They pack a high volume crunch and are just oily enough to tempt finger licking.
43, This week she has devised the Oblique Crunch, to strengthen abdominal muscles.
44, Millions of otherwise serviceable computers today are suffering from space crunch.
45, The crunch has come, however, when the period of subsidy ends, or when the economy has moved into recession.
46, Using exceptionally sharp teeth, the hippos can crunch up both dugout canoes and their occupants.
47, Sprinkle with sugar for extra crunch or drizzle with burnt brandy as described in the introduction to this recipe, and serve.
48, When it comes to crunch time, Bill Clinton digs in to defend the status quo.Sentence dictionary
49, The barest crunch from the charred exterior gives way to juicy pink flesh.
50, The crunch came when my bank asked for my credit card back and demanded I pay off the overdraft at once.
51, You can add some Oriental crunch to the entree with a crisp fresh salad enlivened with tangerines or oranges.
52, The week's snow has become crusty and it yields underfoot, with a crunch like breakfast cereal.
53, The fact Pears could be ruled out of the crunch game at Molineux is a cruel blow after his superb season.
54, There's one league match in January, but the crunch comes in April.
55, First though it's rugby and crunch time in the Courage League tomorrow.
56, Typically, a credit crunch happens when banks start to worry about the creditworthiness of their borrowers.
57, I am having a blast, as I crunch on crab cakes with jicama slaw and lemon chive aioli.
58, Many families face a time crunch, but experts disagree on the extent to which average working hours have increased.
59, Why is Moochie Norris some one the Rockets are looking to go to for a big basket at crunch time?
60, Lifestreams would find your bills, and a plug-in application could crunch the data to produce a pattern.
61, While that supply crunch has eased, prices are still benefiting to some extent, traders say.
62, Actually, the intended space was for insulation, so it also contains sheets of styrofoam that they crunch on incessantly.
63, However, when it comes to the crunch you will probably find yourself writing round to agencies asking for an interview.
64, As a single woman officer the crunch would come if she wished to marry some one who was not also an officer.
65, Switching to the Normal channel I would say that using the crunch option for rock solo work is a matter of taste.
66, This was the crunch match they really had to win to stand a chance of staying up.
67, The consequences for severely indebted countries are dire: higher interest rates for many, and a credit crunch.
68, Then there's that chocolate mocha and peanut crunch mousse that manages to find its way to my nearly-full stomach.
69, And it came to the crunch in April, I was on a death wish.
70, A credit crunch is the name economists give to a sudden reluctance among banks to lend money.
71, But it is also a story of brute resolve and drive, and courage at a crunch.
72, None the less, an improved second half performance will bolster their confidence for next week's Division 2 crunch game against Ballymena.
73, Though they crunch the same numbers and speak to the same executives, the agencies' analysts have reached markedly different conclusions.
74, The only sound was the crunch of their feet on the crusted snow.
75, If it comes to the crunch, going in would seem to me the lesser evil.
76, Each piece packs a wallop of crunch, and the meat is juicy and aromatic.
77, The first crunch time for Fergie came after the birth of her daughter Beatrice in August 1988.
78, Linked together, they can crunch numbers as fast as any mainframe, but at a fraction of the cost.
78, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79, Almost at once there was a slight crunch of gravel under wheels as a vehicle came to a halt.
80, The conscientious objectors said they were surprised by the loudness of the crunch.
81, Now come the real crunch figures: the projected plan benefits at maturity.
82, My footsteps made a satisfactory crunch on a gravel path and I was aware at once that the satyr's footsteps had halted.
83, And here we come to the crunch - the core of the paradox.
84, And a small salad of mixed greens adds color and crunch.
85, She lived for the day when she could crunch numbers in the dry air of West Texas.
86, Despite this cash crunch, Simpson may yet find a way to at least postpone payment of his debts to the plaintiffs.
87, The cash crunch also prevented the family from fully stocking its remaining stores.
88, Ramsay and Fraser reckoned that perhaps one-third might desert Dunbar when it came to the crunch.
89, I don't know if I want to marry him, or if I will whenever it comes to the crunch.
90, However, he said crunch time has come to get a farm bill enacted into law.
91, Who knows what extra money you will need to get you through the next crunch?
92, You jam your foot on the brie as you hear a horrible crunch from behind the car.
93, Falafel, on the other hand, is great and sets new standard for falafel crunch.
94, This crunch meeting comes after three years of negotiations on the Kyoto protocol.
95, Actually, the crunch did come, and the liberals never lifted a finger to save us.
96, This demand on the international capital markets raises interest rates, aggravating the problems of debt and credit crunch.
97, Fans will anxiously await a fitness report on ever-present Pears before their crunch game at Wolves on Saturday.
98, So I walk down the uncleared driveway, feeling the cold snow crunch under the feet.
99, Miguel drove into the tall grass with a loud crunch.
100, Megan and Peter crunch together on the settee, both wearing jeans and gulping glasses of wine and saying nothing.
101, There was the crunch of his feet rapidly moving away over the snow and she felt her tense muscles relax.
102, The UN is facing a cash crunch.
103, There was the crunch of footsteps.
104, Tomorrow, though, is the crunch.
105, the crunch of feet on snow.
106, The industry suffered particularly badly in the credit crunch.
107, Squirrels added staccato crunch notes with their arced leaps.
108, The credit crunch may also be having lingering effects.
109, Crunch,[http:///crunch.html] squish . What a great sound!
110, His favourite food is Canine Crunchy Crunch.
111, Part of the explanation is the global credit crunch.
112, However, she warned that the credit crunch still existed.
113, Her favourite food is Canine Crunchy Crunch.
114, Politicians may have to turn to the nascent renewables industry to help ease the crunch.
115, Then, rather unimaginatively, I add "razzle-dazzle-pizzazz musical great antidote to misery-gloom-doom of credit crunch"before, thankfully for the reader, I am diverted by the whisper "Ciao!Plume!"
116, These vehicles often took on large amounts of debt in the lead up to the credit crunch in an attempt to turbo-charge returns.
117, Today, some sources of funding that might help you and your Baby Boomer business through the credit crunch.
118, As turning points go, the next four crunch games in 11 days are crucial to redressing the balance of a season that has dumfounded Anfield.
119, Ah, sure, the chutney is actually made up of a combination of Cap'n Crunch and Pop Tarts, but we chop 'em up really, really fine.
120, But with bank balance sheets stretched by the credit crunch, that's not likely to happen quickly.
121, I could feel the crunch of the snow under my boots.
122, The WSJ reports hedge fund AUM are restored to (and predicted to beat) the record $2 trillion levels set just before the credit crunch three years ago.
123, A shakeout is unavoidable and it is being made worse by the worldwide credit crunch.
124, The credit crunch is not passing by without a trace, however.
125, I had been assisting the department during a crunch period of being very short - handed, and was watching everyone get close to burn-out .
126, The crunch of the crostini, the slitheriness of the penne alla vodka — a question preoccupying philosophers is where these personal experiences fit within a purely physical theory of the mind.
127, This saved them from the worst of the subprime - related credit crunch.
128, The KFC advert was promoting the chain's Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad.
129, At the same time(), the overbuilding binge that glutted America's skylines with vacant buildings has pushed the construction industry into a depression and helped precipitate a general credit crunch.
130, It is difficult to roll over new debt , given the credit crunch.
131, Families already struggling to cope with the effects of the credit crunch.
132, Today, the credit crunch is putting the brakes on outside film financing.
133, You never know when the next job crunch will come.
134, The gathering was the latest multi-national effort to contain fallout from a credit crunch that has sparked market meltdowns and threatened worldwide economic growth.
135, When this year's M.B.A. applicants graduate, they will enter a dramatically different Wall Street and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the ripple effects of the credit crunch.
136, Debt Management: Recessions mean crunch time for debtors, and them're certain to command some guidance.
137, The credit crunch and the strong dollar have cut foreign sales.
138, As one of the Observer's interviewees (William Cran) observed, when we spoke about the impact of the credit crunch: "It feels as though I am getting back to normal."
138, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
139, The airline business floundered as fuel prices surged the credit crunch hit and world - wide travel plunged.
140, They're against our plan now but when it comes to the crunch they'll support us.
141, Crunch climate change talks may be doomed to failure in Copenhagen next month, with a legally binding deal on emissions now decreasingly likely, admitted leaders from across the Asia Pacific region.
142, The ongoing, made-in-America credit crunch and the global slump that has followed point to Bush as all-time biggest bungler.
143, In this light, the credit crunch seems like old news.
144, Will the 13 - month - old credit crunch get even worse and drag down the entire global economy?
145, Nicholas Colas, director of research at the financial technology firm BNY Convergex, says the credit crunch exposed the sheer precariousness of the global economy.
146, When international borrowing seized up last month, the region found itself stuck in its own credit crunch.
147, A full - blown dollar crisis top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening.
148, A latecomer to the credit crunch, Berlin's challenge is to keep German banks lending.
149, Many in Germany saw the modest 74 - year - old as a hapless victim of the credit crunch.
150, Cutting corners is generally not good practice, but in an impossible crunch, the half-cup speedster might be the person for the job.
151, EVERY episode in the credit crunch has had its dramatic flourish.
152, The credit crunch is in part the consequence a flawed regulatory system.
153, Italy's financial crunch has prompted Rome to consider selling stakes in major state-owned companies such as power utility Enel or oil and gas supplier Eni, according to news reports.
154, I love the crispy crunch bits on the outside and the soft pillowy inside slathered in lots of butter.
155, The backlog has caused a cash crunch for some dealers(), but the crowded showrooms were a welcome change from the gloominess that has characterized most of this year.
156, Professors Wilkinson and Pickett crunch the numbers and show that the same relationship holds true for a range of social problems.
157, The credit crunch is a swathe through the US financial sector.
158, As the retailer moved out of the buying crunch, the workload demands fell below the threshold level so instances of the resources in the cloud that were created were freed up.
159, There was a grinding crunch of metal as the front of the car telescoped.
160, Long an unexciting province within asset management, money funds have played a big role the crunch.
161, Together they draw in information and crunch it into a useful form.
162, Certainly historians know that Sulla became dictator of the Roman republic after the credit crunch, but Kay said the two events were unrelated.
163, A full-blown dollar crisis on top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening.
164, Yet many in Germany are increasingly concerned that a looming credit crunch will squeeze lending to the country's middle-sized firms, throttling any hope of a rebound in growth next year.
165, "With the buttery crunch of a sophisticated shortbread, these are dangerously addictive, " says Apartment Therapy.
166, In part at least because of recessionary conditions created by the earlier credit crunch.
167, There is a grace period so as not to a massive credit crunch.
168, What became known , with irresistible alliteration, as the credit crunch had begun.
169, In one sense, the research crunch is not entirely Big Pharma's fault.
170, Some mid - market houses say they are well - positioned for the credit crunch.
171, The credit crunch is a very big issue that we are all going to have to deal with, certainly in the middle term, even with a benefactor like Roman Abramovich.
172, Nevertheless, a full-blown dollar crisis, coming on top of the credit crunch and a weakening US economy, would be disastrous for the global economy.
173, While that may be true in the current financial crisis, the credit crunch has made it tough for the survivors to make hay out of such failures.
174, According to Dr. Richard Guyer, president of the Texas Back Institute, crunches and sit-ups put an unhealthy strain on your back due to the flex movement of the crunch or sit-up.
175, China avoided a hard landing during the global credit crunch but faces a downturn after 2013 as it will struggle to keep increasing fixed investments, Roubini said.
176, The credit crunch has speeded up the pace of reform.
177, Plunging housing markets and the credit crunch have put paid to all that.
178, A shrinking debt market, a credit crunch, can affect stock markets.
179, With loan losses unlikely to peak until well into 2010 and banks likely to keep failing until at least 2011, the real credit crunch may still lie ahead.
180, When it comes to the crunch they will support us.
181, However, scientists are already thinking about so-called exascale machines which would be able to crunch through one quintillion (one million trillion) calculations per second.
182, The credit crunch and gyrating oil prices have chill through many segments of the oil industry.
183, Some short-term notes come due. That has caused a temporary cash flow crunch for our firm.
184, The credit crunch will thus hurt not only companies but also households.
185, Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors: the Brazilian real and Turkish lira.
186, People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying.
187, Yet the credit crunch has again pushed the UN to the sidelines.
188, How much will the credit crunch hurt the world economy?




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:52:21