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单词 weight
释义 Word family  noun weight weights weighting adjective overweight ≠ underweight weighted weighty weightless verb weigh outweigh weight  Related topics: Measurement, Other sportsweight1 /weɪt/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  amount SB/STH weighs 某人/某物的重量 [countable, uncountable]HEAVY how heavy something is when you measure it 〔某物的〕重量,分量 The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds. 婴儿的平均出生体重是七磅多一点。in weight fish that are over two kilos in weight 两公斤多重的鱼by weight Fruit and vegetables are sold by weight. 水果和蔬菜是称重出售的。2  how fat 有多胖 [uncountable]FAT how heavy and fat someone is 〔某人的〕体重 You shouldn’t worry about your weight. 你不应该担心自己的体重。 → overweight, underweight3  heaviness 重 [uncountable]HEAVY the fact that something is heavy 重 The weight of her boots made it hard for Sue to run. 沉重的靴子使休跑起来很困难。 I didn’t know if the bridge would support our weight. 我不知道这座桥能否承受住我们的重量。under the weight of something Karen staggered along under the weight of her backpack. 卡伦背着沉重的背包,蹒跚而行。4  heavy thing 重物 [countable]HEAVY something that is heavy 重物 I can’t lift heavy weights because of my bad back. 我因背部有毛病提不了重物。5  worry 担心 [singular]RESPONSIBLE something that causes you a lot of worry because you have to deal with it 重压,心理负担weight of She felt a great weight of responsibility. 她感到责任很重,压力很大。 families who are crumbling under the weight of increasing debt 因债务越来越多而不堪重负的家庭 Selling the house is a weight off my mind (=something that no longer causes a lot of worry). 卖掉房子卸下了我心头的一副重担。6  importance 重要性 [uncountable]IMPORTANT if something has weight, it is important and influences people 重要性 She knew that her opinion carried very little weight. 她知道自己的看法无足轻重。give/add weight to something This scandal adds more weight to their arguments. 这桩丑闻更加证明他们的论点是正确的。7  AMOUNT 数量weight of something a large amount of something 大量的某物 The weight of evidence is that unemployment leads to all sorts of health problems. 大量证据显示失业会导致各种健康问题。 The weight of public opinion is behind the teachers. 公众舆论倒向教师。 They won the battle by sheer weight of numbers (=very large numbers of people). 他们取胜纯粹靠的是人数优势。8. for measuring quantities 用于称重 [countable]TM a piece of metal that weighs an exact amount and is balanced against something else to measure how much the other thing weighs 砝码,秤砣9  for sport 用于体育运动 [countable]DSO a piece of metal that weighs an exact amount and is lifted by people as a sport 杠铃片;哑铃 I’ve been lifting weights since I was 18. 我从18岁起就开始练举重了。 → weightlifting →5 see picture at 见图 gym10. throw your weight about/around informalTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something to use your position of authority to tell people what to do in an unpleasant and unreasonable way 指手画脚;滥用权势11  throw your weight behind somebody/something SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto use all your power and influence to support someone or something 鼎力支持某人/某事 The US has thrown its weight behind the new leader. 美国倾其全力支持这位新领导人。12  pull your weight WORK HARDto do your full share of work 做好分内事,尽责 He accused me of not pulling my weight. 他指责我没有尽责。13  take the weight off your feet informalSIT used to tell someone to sit down 坐下歇歇脚 Come in, take the weight off your feet. 进来歇歇脚吧。 → deadweight COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: how heavy and fat someone is 〔某人的〕体重verbsput on weight (also gain weight formal) 体重增加,变胖He had put on weight since she last saw him. 与她上次见到他相比,他体重增加了。lose/shed weight 体重减轻,变瘦She lost a lot of weight when she was ill. 她生病时体重减轻了许多。watch your weight (=try not to get fatter, by eating the correct foods) 〔通过健康饮食〕控制自己的体重He has to watch his weight because he has a heart condition. 他有心脏病,所以得注意自己的体重。get/keep your weight down (=become thinner or stay thin) 减轻体重,减肥How can I keep my weight down? 我怎样才能减轻体重呢?get/keep the weight off (=become or stay thinner) 减轻体重,减肥nI changed my eating habits so I’d keep the weight off.weight + NOUNa weight problem (=a tendency to be too fat) 超重问题I’ve always had a weight problem. 我的体重一向是个问题。weight gain 体重增加nThe medication can cause rapid weight gain.weight loss 体重减轻nAfter the first month, weight loss slows down.adjectivessomebody’s ideal weight (=what someone should weigh, according to their height and body type) 某人的理想体重She weighs about 10lbs more than her ideal weight. 她比她的理想体重重十磅左右。nsomebody’s target weight (=the weight someone is trying to be)I’ve reached my target weight.excess weight (=the pounds that make you heavier than you should be) 超出的体重You’ll feel better if you lose the excess weight. 如果减掉超出的体重,你会感觉更好。COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘lose your weight’. Say lose weight. Do not use ‘weight’ as a verb, for example by saying ‘I weight 55 kilos’. Say I weigh 55 kilos. 不要把weight用作动词,比如不要说I weight 55 kilos,而要说 I weigh 55 kilos。Examples from the Corpusweight• For women, there was little relationship between weight and early death at all.• Premature babies have a low birth weight.• Twins and triplets are expected to have lower birth weights than single infants.• Whipped butter and flavoured butters are more expensive than butter weight for weight.• Vehicles over a certain weight are not allowed to use the bridge.• It's true, people who stop smoking do tend to gain weight.• My job requires lifting heavy weights such as TVs and refrigerators.• She's always worried about her weight.• Victory was easy for a man of his weight and strength.• He stands with his weight on the right foot, his face lightly turned in that direction.• Top quality hams range in weight from eight to eighteen pounds.• The average sperm whale is 72 feet long and about 90 tons in weight.• I've been trying to lose weight for over a year now.• metric weight• My height is six feet, and my weight is 173 pounds.• It goes without saying that Quinn lost a good deal of weight during this period.• I think he looks better now that he's put on some weight.• Several branches had been torn from the trees by the weight of the snow.• It was no less than he deserved for carrying the weight of his team on his shoulders all game long.• If you can guess the weight of the cake, you win a prize.• The cost of postage depends on the weight of the package• As a result of the government's programme, the weight of the public enterprise sector was significantly curtailed.• Jim was staggering along under the weight of a huge box of encyclopaedias.• The weight of evidence against her led to her conviction.• The weight of the water makes the tub sink slightly.• Sudden or unexplained weight loss may be an early indication of health problems.under the weight of something• Its sister mission in Tumacacori was built of adobe and has crumbled under the weight of the years.• There it stood, with its lifeless leather seat hanging down under the weight of absolutely nothing.• He felt as if he weren't so much walking now as stumbling forward under the weight of that thought.• Except maybe me under the weight of my blunders.• Pad and pencil were more than Glover could take after a long night under the weight of his thought.• Cameron's brain reeled slightly under the weight of all these alternatives.• Almost at once she was back again staggering under the weight of an enormous round chocolate cake on a china platter.• He stumbled under the weight of the branch and slithered into a hollow, ankle-deep in mud.weight of• Since he was 18, he's had the full weight of raising his younger brothers.• The cable is strong enough to hold the weight of an elephant.give/add weight to something• You can change the center of gravity by adding weight to one part of the object.• Does the tone and content of source C add weight to Snowden's argument? 11.• Perhaps the enormous anti-Gorbachev demonstrations in Moscow do add weight to that particular reaction.• Opposition leaders said the killing added weight to their demands for a change in government.• Three strengths of the study add weight to its conclusions.• The device of a court of five judges was adopted to add weight to the reconsideration of the earlier cases.• The function of the double bassoon is to add weight to the bass.• The role of premises is to throw light on a subject; the role of evidences is to give weight to it.lifting weights• At Old Dominion, it was three hours a day five days a week, and lifting weights and conditioning.• There are other ways of building strength besides lifting weights.• My buddies knew that I was lifting weights with Mr Barraza.• If you see that a member has poor posture when lifting weights, correct it.weight2 verb [transitive]  1  HEAVY (also weight down) to fix a heavy object to something in order to keep it in place 用重物固定;使负重weight something (down) with something The fishing nets are weighted down with lead. 渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。2  to change something slightly so that you give more importance to particular ideas or people 〔经改动〕使倾向于…weight something in favour of somebody/something a temptation to weight the report in favour of the option you want 试图修改报告使其偏向自己所想方案的念头→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusweight• Telmex, the top weighted stock, gained a further 65 centavos at 24.55 pesos.• Basically, by weighting the left rail the board turns to the right and viceversa.• fishing lines weighted with leadweight something (down) with something• But I've always known I could never be a professional jockey because I couldn't make the weight.• John ignored the heat building up under his hands and pressed down with all his weight.• Several studies have shown that the physical stresses of repeatedly gaining and losing weight are linked with earl, deaths.• For example, to make water, burn one weight of hydrogen with eight of oxygen.• To make carbon dioxide, burn three weights of carbon with eight of oxygen.• The annular tank providing the weight was filled with granite chippings, to make a total of 20 tons.• To ensure the liner does not slip, weight it down with stones.• To make methane, burn one weight of hydrogen with three of carbon.From Longman Business Dictionaryweightweight1 /weɪt/ noun [countable, uncountable] how heavy something is, measured using a particular systemThe weight of the new noise reduction kits may limit the aircraft’s capacity by up to 10%. → gross weight → net weightweightweight2 verb [transitive] STATISTICS to allow for the differences between sets of figures that are being compared by increasing or lowering the value of some of them, and so creating a balance between themThe mid-cap index is weighted according to the market values of the stocks.The results of the survey were weighted by age to make sure the poll accurately reflects voters nationwide.→ See Verb tableOrigin weight1 Old English wihtweight1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1weight2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  is something Business heavy you when measure how Corpus




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