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单词 Refusal
1 His refusal to see me was an affront.
2 Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
3 What do you infer from her refusal?
4 I interpret his answer as a refusal.
5 Her refusal to help complicates matters.
6 He persisted in his refusal to admit responsibility.
7 His refusal to pay the fine got him into even more trouble.
8 Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home.
9 They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.
10 Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.
11 Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.
12 The plan was doomed to fail by their refusal to give it any financial support.
13 I interpreted his silence as a refusal.
14 Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.
15 We received a delicately worded refusal of our invitation.
16 Her refusal occasioned a lot of trouble.
17 Our requests were met with a flat refusal.
18 His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.
19 His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him.
20 In fact,[] your ambiguous words amount to a refusal.
21 His failure to reply amounts to a refusal.
22 Her request was met with a flat refusal.
23 His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying.
24 Her refusal only drew her lover on.
25 Your patient answer just adds up to refusal.
26 We were all dismayed at his refusal to co-operate.
27 She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologise.
28 Her refusal crushed all our hopes.
29 She gave him a point - blank refusal.
30 If you decide to sell your car, I hope you'll give me first refusal.
1 His refusal to see me was an affront.
2 What do you infer from her refusal?
3 I interpret his answer as a refusal.
4 He persisted in his refusal to admit responsibility.
5 His refusal to pay the fine got him into even more trouble.
6 If you decide to sell your car, I hope you'll give me first refusal.
7 They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.
8 Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.
9 Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.
10 The plan was doomed to fail by their refusal to give it any financial support.
11 I interpreted his silence as a refusal.
12 Her refusal only drew her lover on.
13 Your patient answer just adds up to refusal.
14 She gave him a point - blank refusal.
15 His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
16 Our offer was met with a firm refusal.
17 His refusal was worded in such a graceful way that we could not be offended.
18 His refusal to agree left him out on a limb.
31 Her sudden refusal took me unawares.
32 His request was met with a blunt refusal.
33 Billy was completely nonplussed by Elliot's refusal.
34 North Korea's refusal had long been a sticking point.
34 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
35 Her refusal to help quite upset the applecart.
36 Their refusal puts us in a difficult position.
37 Your words amount to a refusal.
38 His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
39 The refusal was couched in friendly language.
40 I'll let you have first refusal on the car.
41 I was completely stymied by her refusal to help.
42 His refusal came as no surprise to his boss.
43 I construed his statement as a refusal.
44 Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.
45 Our offer was met with a firm refusal.
46 A further complication was Fred's refusal to travel by air.
47 My sister's selling her car and she's offered me first refusal on it.
48 I couldn't tell if his refusal to talk was simple stubbornness.
49 Helen's refusal to cooperate put me in an impossible position .
50 Will you give me first refusal on the car, if you decide to sell it?
51 Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances.
52 What lay behind his anger was really the hurt he felt at Grace's refusal.
53 His request for time off work was met with a flat refusal.
54 The company is in deep water over their refusal to reduce prices.
55 His angry refusal to agree raised the temperature of the meeting.
56 On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney, he was pronounced contumacious.
57 I was angered by his refusal to come to the party.
58 Progress has been debilitated by a refusal to share ideas.
59 The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum.
60 He was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat.
61 France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing.
62 He made some fairly damning remarks about the government's refusal to deal with the problem.
63 His refusal was worded in such a graceful way that we could not be offended.
64 His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.
64 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
65 The brothers' refusal to work together had brought about this sad state of affairs.
66 The University has docked lecturers' pay/wages by 20% because of their refusal to mark examination papers.
67 Britain's refusal to sell Portugal arms in 1937 still rankled with him.
68 His letter went on to give reasons for his refusal to take part.
69 They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home.
70 They couldn't understand her refusal of a scholarship to Yale.
71 Her refusal to support his campaign was a real stab in the back.
72 His refusal to agree left him out on a limb.
73 I feel utterly disillusioned by his refusal to take any action.
74 The government has reiterated its refusal to compromise with terrorists.
75 He has spoken critically of the government's refusal to support the industry.
76 A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale.
77 A complicating factor is her parents' refusal to cooperate with the police.
78 I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal.
79 Bennett took a poke at the President's refusal to sign the bill.
80 Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.
81 His determination and refusal to back down had won the day.
82 If you ever decide to sell your car, please give me the first refusal of it.
83 Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
84 If you ever decide to sell your car, I hope you'll give me first refusal.
85 Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to the President.
86 His refusal to accept the honour was seen as highly symbolic.
87 Their myopic refusal to act now will undoubtedly cause problems in the future.
88 She shook her head, and I read this as a refusal.
89 Discussions were effectively stalled by the union's refusal to participate.
90 The refusal to grant extra funding to schools in the poorest areas caused a political storm.
91 His refusal to help us dealt a deathblow to our plans.
92 I could tell that my refusal to allow him to ruffle me infuriated him.
93 Her appeals for funds to support the cause were met with blank refusal.
94 Since we sent out the invitations we've received five acceptances and one refusal.
95 His refusal to cooperate has exasperated his lawyers.
96 The prompter the refusal, the less the disappointment. Publilius Syrus 
97 She had not anticipated a flat refusal.
98 She was mystified by the refusal by councillors.
99 The refusal rate has varied between 5% and 6%.
100 The refusal seems part economic, part philosophic.
101 His refusal to take the easy option is admirable.
102 But he met with an invariable refusal.
103 The moneys were paid over by the plaintiffs to avoid the apprehended consequence of a refusal to submit to the authority.
104 It didn't come back with a refusal and allow us to discuss alternative ways of achieving our objective.
105 Kramer's stubborn refusal to answer any questions infuriated the officers.
106 His blind refusal to break the rules and give us any information was so bloody irritating.
107 Their refusal to obey UN regulations had a major effect on world opinion.
108 Their refusal to curtail spending plans and to increase the burden on poll tax payers is expected.
109 Some people's sensation of disbelief extends into a refusal to think about their illness at all.
110 The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed concern at the refusal of some clergy to accept the vote of the Synod.
111 Certainly, voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results.
112 Other potential trouble spots for Forbes include his refusal to release his personal income tax returns, as Dole has done.
113 All the charges stem from Conoline's refusal to cooperate with an investigation into a botched Dec. 7 drug bust.
114 But Asquith's refusal greatly strengthened the Unionist position. as it left Lloyd George wholly dependent on his allies.
115 At the same time she did not want to appear disappointed by the girls' refusal.
116 An open invitation to Group employees - who have first refusal on the tickets - has been sent out.
117 It indicates her willingness to be the dutiful wife yet refusal to be seen as part of a united couple.
118 This refusal of the activists to reconcile themselves to war testifies to their sincerity, not their naivety.
119 These varied from outright refusal to accept the woman engineer, to a bantering jokiness.
120 Bennet took a poke at the President's recent refusal to sign the bill.
121 Their refusal to acknowledge the hitherto unfair rating of widows, widowers and single people.
122 Recently 771 conscripts publicly announced their refusal to do military service as part of a national defiance campaign by the anti-apartheid community.
123 Bungalow refusal: Plans to build three bungalows at Village Farm, Trimdon, have been refused.
124 Bhutto's relations with the Army deteriorated after her refusal to impose martial law in Sind under Article 245 of the Constitution.
124 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
125 Mitterrand and Lecanuet portrayed the General's refusal to campaign as contempt for the democratic process.
126 The refusal to accept a marriage proposal was often interpreted as a statement of superiority.
127 That measure, though, would not allow prosecutors to use that refusal as evidence of guilt.
128 Workers may also have vital evidence to give about the interpretation of a parent's silence or refusal to give information.
129 Giscard's position has been weakened by his refusal to declare his candidacy and the animosity between him and Mitterrand.
130 Behind these arrears is evidence of a collective refusal to pay, which the bishop's officers could not overcome.
131 This attitude is linked to their refusal to accept that the prohibition of inhumane weapons applies to nuclear weapons.
132 What none of the trio could get used to was Evelyn's continued refusal to make a move to clarify her situation.
133 The gifts had become a pressure, an embarrassment, and her refusal to accept them had made him manipulative.
134 It was held that the refusal was unreasonable because the employers had agreed to pay the extra travelling costs.
135 The company's refusal to hire him was a blatant act of discrimination.
136 He and the mayor asked Marriott to grant the city the right of first refusal.
137 There is, however, a refusal of the Romantic notion of an ultimate resolution of culture.
138 Mrs Moon says prosecutors have consistently refused to listen to her adamant refusal to pursue the case.
139 With Thornton's final refusal the comrades could not fudge the Chair issue any longer.
140 The Tribunal hears appeals by prospective residential home owners against local authorities' refusal to register.
141 The authority has no duty to implement any proposals for redress but clearly refusal to do so may lead to unwelcome publicity.
142 Besides, a refusal would seem as if she placed too much importance on an accepted practice.
143 Their refusal owes something to a distaste for addiction in itself.
144 ONCE again, we had been let down by the refusal of human beings to conform to expected patterns.
145 Margaret was in complete agreement with her husband's refusal to accept the bribe of a bishopric.
146 It follows the film star's refusal to sign an agreement covering his twice-weekly meetings with the boy.
147 Isaac loved the Comet dearly and it would have been pointless to hold this refusal against him.
148 At that point failure to do so would have the same consequences as any other refusal to work without just cause.
149 The blank and sometimes insolent refusal to allow a quicker group through is another malpractice becoming more prevalent.
150 The shock move follows his refusal to speak at a trial on the fate of the banned Communist Party.
151 The adviser will have to complete the relevant documentation based on the reasons given for the refusal of the application.
152 Henry was infamous for his impatience and his refusal to put up with nonsense.
153 At that time the refusal rate by the coroners in our region was effectively zero.
154 Major's attachment to free market doctrine has been loosened by the public's refusal to let short-termism shut Britain's pits.
154 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
155 The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
156 His refusal to forswear moonshine, however, mocked her with the most painful failure of all.
157 Her refusal was against the law, so she was arrested.
158 His refusal to talk to the media is but the latest example of his disinterest in assuming any leadership responsibilities.
159 Sound-particularly music-comes to stand for a regional refusal to acquiesce to imperial or metropolitan power.
160 I remember his refusal of anesthesia when he had an operation on his leg and again a seri-ous abscess on his jaw.
161 The great imperial Zanuck was not amused at Boyo Burton's refusal and tried to force his hand.
162 Refusal to sit is often associated with constipation and soiling and may have to be taught before bowel movements can be encouraged.
163 Investment houses decline to strip out renewal fees from the annual management charge, a refusal that exasperates fee-based advisers.
164 But the fact is Abdul-Rauf tried very hard not to offend anyone by his refusal to go along with the crowd.
165 But Mr Museveni's most dangerous failure is destined to be his refusal to allow opposition groups to organise.
166 In the world's most litigious society the refusal to admit liability is culturally ingrained.
167 The appeal by the Atomic Energy Authority against the Mullwharchar refusal was dismissed.
168 However, this is more surely an argument for adequate preparation than for a refusal to appear.
169 Powerful traditions call for its refusal; but nationalist pride may incite people to accept what they would instinctively reject.
170 Yet this refusal to intervene virtually guarantees that core group behavior will continue to be encouraged by profit-minded entrepreneurs.
171 The first reason is that the apparent consent or refusal was given as a result of undue influence.
172 The effect is to mitigate the speaker's refusal of a reasonable request.
173 He afterwards thought this refusal very foolish and regretted that he did not go.
174 She nodded her head slowly, as if she went along with his refusal to let her read it.
175 He maintained his refusal to comment on the polls, and remained adamant he would never do deals on proportional representation.
176 The judgment reflected a refusal by the court to limit punitive damage awards.
177 Iago's refusal to answer that question puts him outside human society for ever.
178 One could survive only by silence and a strict refusal of complicity.
179 The refusal also makes the Government incapable of carrying conviction in its overall economic policy.
180 They agreed that from now on Noreen would have first refusal on anything Henry found.
181 The tenor of the 1976 Act is permissive: a licence should be granted unless good cause is shown justifying refusal.
182 Not that, standing square in front of her, his expression brooking no refusal, he was giving her much choice.
183 He was seeking advice with regard to the Council's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation.
184 And apologists for Labour's refusal to organise in Northern Ireland can not in all conscience describe themselves as democrats.
185 With a little grunt, he returned to his cooking and she regretted her abrupt refusal.
186 Results show that interviewers who have worked for over five years have lower refusal rates than more recent recruits.
187 Second, the doctor has aided and abetted the patient only in his refusal to undergo further treatment.
188 Lord penning said: The Attorney-General tells us that when he refuses his consent, his refusal is final.
189 Remember that it is not only a refusal to perform your normal duties which can amount to gross misconduct.
190 Could her refusal be part of a prolonged grief reaction to her sister's death and to her miserable marriage?
191 His dogged refusal to countenance devaluation ensures the economic failure of a future Labour government.
192 Ballater sensed obstinate refusal rather than a willingness to bargain.
193 I guaranteed a starting price so long as I got last refusal - he was auctioning the piece.
194 So a blind obstinate energy kept her constant in her refusal to allow any eventuality to mar her Love Affair.
195 Would his refusal to pay hurt him in further business dealings?
196 In many cases where a request has been made, it has met with a flat refusal.
197 The refusal did include policy reasons, but the fundamental aspect was those other problems which were given very considerable investigation.
198 Eisenhower had his greatest difficulties with the Army, for it suffered most from his refusal to increase the Defense Department budget.
199 Mr Blanc resigned in protest at the refusal to privatise the airline.
200 A right of first refusal was granted to former land and home owners when their expropriated property came on the market.
201 There'd been a chorus of objection then and a flat refusal from Becky to stay with the younger children.
202 The difference was exacerbated by Parliament's refusal to pay off the army's arrears of pay.
203 His refusal to compromise and his deeply suspicious nature was spoiling the pleasure of actually being part of the group.
204 Many of the people who try to file similar papers are driven by their refusal to pay taxes, Martin said.
205 Our concern is not the actual refusal rate but to ensure that families have choice on the basis of informed consent.
206 Thereafter a refusal will lead to the individual being expelled from the footplate line of promotion.
207 Lord Lane accepted that the refusal to allow Alladice a lawyer was quite improper and a clear breach of section 58.
208 Next term there will be a student campaign of refusal to pay tuition fees.
209 The refusal to see it, to be touched by it, which was so infinitely better than either sympathy or enthusiasm.
210 This is because it is possible to dismiss fairly for a refusal to accept change.
211 One evening at supper he told a story illustrating his refusal to tolerate the insolence of the lower classes.
212 A developer could go ahead without applying for planning permission, or could even ignore a refusal of permission.
213 The next question is whether such action is taken in relation to the grant or refusal to grant a further loan.
214 School officials treated his response as a refusal to teach and hired another teacher to replace him.
214 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
215 You must have been surprised by her refusal to budge.
216 Few people would dare to refuse them out of a morbid fear of them and the curse a refusal may incur.
217 The obstinate refusal of many males to support gun control is not chiefly a product of conditioning by the weapons industry.
218 His educational problems were aggravated by his refusal to wear glasses, without which his eyesight was very poor.
219 A defendant can combat an obstinate refusal even to consider compromise by a shrewd payment into court, or a Calderbank offer.
220 The word unbelief is usually used of a wilful refusal to believe or of a deliberate decision to disobey.
221 What if the refusal becomes contagious and other students also refuse to salute the flag?
222 A refusal to answer questions for example, could, in the absence of reasonable excuse, amount to contempt of court.
223 My Member of Parliament responded to my appeal by pointing out that their refusal is in line with the law.
224 Rock bottom: Ex-con strips off in protest at benefit refusal.
225 There was something mad about her refusal to rest, and she felt it as she tottered about getting Clarice dressed.
226 He hasn't properly spoken to me since our refusal to carry drugs.
227 The question has arisen whether a refusal on general grounds constitutes a valid exercise of discretion.
228 His argument seemed to be based fearlessly on the refusal to recognise what is already public knowledge about our plans.
229 Thereafter, the government's refusal to heed criticism in the press and in the Duma became increasingly intransigent.
230 Fundamentalism is radically anti - catholic in its refusal to accept any form of priestly mediation.
231 Hoddle's refusal to deny that he's about leave has only heightened the suspicion that he is.
232 Much of the time she could only be ridden towards her dinner bucket; any other direction except backwards produced complete refusal.
233 An appeal against refusal to demolish was also rejected after evidence given by members of the society.
234 Whatever the reason for a refusal, the church musician has to abide by the publisher's decision.
235 Perhaps it was her stubborn refusal to see her family broken up that made Mrs Breen appealing to Farnham.
236 City of London magistrates fined him for the refusal but ruled he could keep his licence.
237 This second refusal was considered by the Chamber in a heated session on the first of June.
238 If we refuse to ratify, some governments will use our refusal as an excuse to keep their chemical weapons.
239 Bonds irritates many writers because of his rudeness, and he turns off some fans with his refusal to sign autographs.
240 Can a teacher refuse to follow the curriculum if the refusal is based on religious objections?
241 A BEER festival is back on after the council overturned an arts centre's refusal to hold it.
242 Tax rebels offer numerous arguments to explain their refusal to file 1040 returns or pay taxes.
243 A considerable inducement was offered, but the refusal rate was high.
244 Inappropriate medical management of these cases can cause food refusal later because of inappropriate feeding experiences during early life.
245 Ginsberg was infuriated by Voznesensky's refusal to appear on stage.
246 Specialist, separate services for dementia sufferers v Negative segregation, that is, the refusal to accept dementing people into a service.
247 The appeal follows the refusal of planning permission by this Council.
248 It is less a question of efficiency or cleanliness than a refusal to let past and present blur together.
249 But a blind refusal to consider alternatives is negatively based on fear, ignorance, deeply embedded convictions or insularity.
250 Refusal to work or enroll leads to permanent dismissal from welfare.
251 The Bill's central feature was the creation of a new right of appeal against a refusal of asylum.
252 Christou now appeals by leave of the full court after refusal by the single judge and we have granted leave to Wright.
253 The lack of expense involved complies fully with their famous refusal to produce promo videos.
254 That decision will be made without an oral hearing, and there will be no appeal against refusal.
255 He was adamant in his refusal.
256 The Shanghai collector was uncompromisingly firm in his refusal.
257 If you have a good rapport with a dealer(/refusal.html), they will always let you have first refusal on anything interesting.
258 Some of the residents sought judicial review of that refusal.
259 The issue is bedevilled by Smith's refusal to cooperate with us.




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